Howdy i make boxes that make sound, groovy sounds. I also modify other peoples boxes that make sound to make their sound sound groovier.
Chuck me a message if you have pedal mod/custom pedal inquiries
the learning process for pedals and effects has been my main focus recently, prototyping machine made pcbs using CAD, teaching musicians how to make and design pedals using veroboard - as a side note i’m studying! soon to actually know what the heck i’m doing
The boys (uly yuly delay, ramiel v2 flanger, ramiel v3 retail flanger) 🌸🍒🍁🌞🐉🦕
The Ramiel Flanger all assembled and ready for a new home, out of this batch of 2/4 are still available ✨
DM to order
Fresh and gorgeous Ramiels painted by 🌸
The RoyFx Ramiel flanger is an unpredictable source of sitar, oscillation and furious sweeps. (if you’re wondering why the text is rainbow on one its because it’s for god bless)
Available soon, DM to pre order
The one of a kind in action recording the new record 🎙 you want one mate? 😮
bit of a Behringer time machine mod for Dan of Shock Friendly with new bitcrush and warp modes, if you want your time machine modded slide in the royfx dms 🤙 there’s also a little demo on my instagram
Did a signature pedal for Sinbad Yerks from APCO the “Corporate Cockroach”
got ourselves a gorgeous new logo by ✨
2 more lil boxes of sound with gutshots, one Brian (Legend, 34) up and running and a burns buzzaround fuzz type build (layout by )
Very happy with another finished noisebox for Floyd of Ivy Streep and Honey Hunter 🐝 a maestro fuzz and a green ringer in the same box dubbed the “Streep Box”, it was a tight fit but sounds fantastic with its various clipping options and the option to use the octave on other fuzzes independently
Big ‘Nuff, the shock friendly m**f has been modded and refinished for the lads at Shock Friendly