Muscles With Mary

Muscles With Mary

From basic nutritional advice to intensive bodybuilding prep plans we can work through it all! Extra convenient for your busy lives!

Workout programs from 10 minutes to an hour a day. Let's find what works for you and get you the healthiest you can be!


I have reached 100 followers! Thank you for your continued support. I could not have done it without each of you. 🙏🤗🎉


I'm still recovering from all 3 wrecks this year... the change in weather does cause things to hurt differently. I hate cardio. I know it's good for me. And since today was Day 2 of my new program and it was cardio day.
I did my best today and that meant doing the modified movement for part of it. Guess what? That makes me a bad***! Why? Because I didn't stop when I wanted to. I pushed past my own limiting beliefs. And this was my favorite move of the day!
You are capable of this too! If you want to join me for 15-60 minutes a day (the program I'm doing is 30-45 minutes) in the comfort of your own home, let's do it! I would love more people to come along side me and grow mentally, emotionally, and train physically to be your best!
I'm a a and a . I'm ready to be at my next level . It will take because fails.


I normally buy myself flowers every year for my birthday. This year, I didn't... because, well, bills. But I saw this picture of some i bought 4 years ago and it stood as a reminder to bring beauty into my day. I buy them:
-To remind myself I'm worth it
-To take joy in small things
-To stop and smell the "roses" (that year, they were!)
-To surround myself with beauty
Celebrate yourself and the accomplishments you've done! Thank God for another year! This year, even with 3 wrecks, I'm still working on my health and happiness and would love to help you find that for yourself! We will be doing Fitmas soon and I would love for you to join! (At most is 15 minutes on the longest day!)


To the person that is feeling left out, lonely, or abandoned today-please remember that every season of blessing is preceded by one of despair. Your time is coming. Keep the faith.
Every thing I have to give thanks is preceded by a season of emptiness and desperation of longing for that thing.
• For the friendships I saw other men and women with, years of loneliness and self doubt
• For broken relationships I longed to be restored
•For financial hardships I knew God would make a way but didn’t see at the time
•For injury after injury where I would wonder if I would ever recover
•For the brokenness inside to not be overwhelming
He sees you. You are loved. And your blessings are being lined up even if you don’t see it yet.
Jesus loves you and so do I. If you ever need some prayers or a person to talk to, please reach out.


Do it for you! Do it for others!
Every year my friend, Kayla Parker has inspired doing birthday burpees. This was my 5th year! And this one was probably the most challenging mentally and somewhat physically. But I'm sooo proud of myself for finishing! They might be slow and some modified, BUT I DID IT!
One burpee for every year I've had around the sun. :) and one extra to bring hope for the new year! I've survived 3 wrecks in a year, I could survive burpees! ;)
For my birthday, I'd love to have you encourage someone else by writing them a card, text, message, or phone call and sending it to them. :) let me know that you did and I'll put you in a drawing for a small gift. :)


Two years ago, I was sitting in the glow of two candles, drinking tea, living the 2020 adventure of no power following an ice storm, when the little tag of my tea reminded me that every beat of my heart is a gift.
I'm making music in my life: singing and dancing in the rain. It's not easy, but neither is being disheartened and I get to choose which way I respond. This includes physical, emotional, spiritual, and financial struggles this year. But I will focus on the good I'm given every day.
Would you dance with me?

Photos from Muscles With Mary's post 13/10/2022

Just because you're broken doesn't mean you're not perfect.
Yes, this beautiful name tag was made for me by one of my coworkers on set. It makes me laugh that this nickname is so accurate! The first few weeks I couldn't laugh without crying because my ribs hurt so badly... which made it all the more funny. :)
However, there were moments when I was frustrated and thought I was ruined and a waste when I couldn't help move things. Being able to lift heavy is what I'm known for and I couldn't do it? That's not what I was hired to do, though. I was hired to keep track of spending, receipts, and budgets... and for Mary the Broken...
Sometimes, life may bump you around, crack, or break you. You may feel out of place or useless because of your past or present. I'm here to tell you that you are perfect for whatever your future holds. You just need to find where you fit.
It may require extra work (regularly shifting my mindset) to fully fit, and that is up to you to do. If you're called to be a writer, actor, dancer, machinist, farmer, coach, engineer, doctor, dentist, etc.... you probably have some work to do to get there. But I know you can do it!
What should you be working toward for your perfect fit?


First day inner 200 lbs since this time of year 2019! Granted, I may pop back up over it, but I'm pretty proud of the progress I've made this year! My peak weight was 226 lbs after the wreck in February. This morning I weighed 199.8 lbs! Woohoo!
I'm just making sure I get at least 10 minutes of movement, more water, and more food of various types. My calorie intake is still over 2000/ day but the types of foods I'm eating are more varied.
If you are ready to make big changes in your life or just small ones to feel better. Let's get after it together!


It’s National Love People Day 🥰
If you're anything like me, loving others is easy but loving yourself...well, it's an afterthought or feels like an impossibility. For most of my life...I thought I was unlovable. It was easy to love other people and treat them well, but when it came to taking care of myself I would say things like, "I'll sleep when I'm dead" or "Don't worry about me".
It wasn't until a few years ago that I realized that loving myself and taking care of myself let me better help those I loved-all of you. When I take care of myself-I can think more clearly, have more energy, be more capable, and be more efficient.
Mark 12:31 NIV "The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”" finally makes sense. If I take care of myself-physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually I am at my best to love others. This includes the negative self talk (I still struggle with this...I'm still a work in progress in all areas).
Last week was National Women's Health and Fitness day and I think these two national days go hand in hand 🙌🙌 as I think of all the wonderful women who have inspired my life and how they're examples of real HEALTH!
When we take care of our health and fitness we feel good about how we look AND it’s true we FEEL great!! We have more energy and 😀
And when we’re happy, we’re more likely to love people ❤️
Tomorrow we officially enter the last quarter of 2020🎉 Do you want to join me and my group to look AND feel great?? Because we know that means we’ll have more love for people during these next few crazy months and we all need that😀
P.S. Getting good pics taken of yourself is a great way to feel better about yourself. Thank you to Southern Belles Bo***ir VIP for this awesome pic!


Today was the first day I did an arm workout since the wreck a month ago. I did shoulders and stuck with 2.5 lb weights. I'm thoroughly tired and shaky from it.
We often compare ourselves to where we used to be or where someone else is and get discouraged. When looking at someone else, you have no idea how long they've been working on their journey. When looking at yourself, if you've just started or if you've had an injury, you have to give yourself grace to heal first and build back up second.
I'm taking things one day at a time and starting out small and slow. This is a new beginning and I'm learning my new limits. I'm not doing to push myself too hard or wish I was where I used to be. I'm going to celebrate how much I'm healing now and that I can still move.
This is your call. If you are truly ready to put in the work and level up. Let's get this done together!


There are 100 days left in this year! 🔥🔥
Does that excite you? Or bum you out?
My experience would tell me that your answer to those questions depends on HOW you’ve shown up for yourself the last six months as we’ve battled through this insane year.
I challenge you to GET EXCITED 😁 with me! It’s not 100 days of more struggle (it's 2021). It’s 100 days to END THIS YEAR STRONG 💪! It’s 100 days to take CONTROL of our fitness - nutrition - accountability - commitments - dreams - life - overall wellness! 🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♀️ 🏆 🏆
What if you went ALL IN for the next 100 days while working toward a goal you have for your life? {any goal, seriously!}
Can you IMAGINE how magical 🦄 that would feel to shift the trajectory of your life in a moment! And be proud and fulfilled when you look back at your efforts >> regardless of what happened to this point!
This is your MULLIGAN ⛳️- DO OVER - WHITE FLAG 🏳
I mean - even if you ғᴀɪʟᴇᴅ, you’ll still be version 2.0 of the person you are today.
You’d be able to zoom out and find magic in your PROGRESS! That’s a gift 🎁 you deserve!
Learn about my at-home fitness and nutrition with personal coaching and accountability and an AMAZING community of like minded souls I know you’ll love as much as I do!
This is the perfect opportunity to get all your questions answered and learn all about how this could be {{ will be }} the ONE YES that’ll change the rest of your life!
Picture courtesy of Southern Belles Bo***ir VIP!


Today is National Dog Day! So I want to introduce you to mine!
My beautiful furbaby was brought into my life over 13 years ago. I was riding with a lease operator (pumper) when a white ball of fluff scurried across the road in front of us. I asked (okay, maybe told him to stop) and found a tiny, 4.8 lb, tick-covered furball in the ditch. Now, mind you, it was in my first couple weeks of work and living with Mike and Maureen Nelson.
I swore I didn't need a dog. I didn't want a dog (the Nelson's already had 10 puppies in their home and had offered me one). I'd had a friend offer me their dog and I'd said no....and then this one, helpless creature came into my lap and I couldn't say no. They do say the third times the charm.
She's over 13 now and not as energetic as she once was and her face is more white than the full mask she used to wear. But you wouldn't know she's ancient when she gets to the farm and runs laps for hours or disappears to go swim in the pond.
I don't know what I'd do without her and I'm so very thankful for her. Tell me about your dog(s)!

Photos from Muscles With Mary's post 22/08/2022

I finished week 1 of my 3 week program. I'm down 2.6 lbs, .3% bf, and around 5" total inches lost. But I've gained much better sleep, energy, and already starting to feel my strength return. Yes, I'm still following the modifier and keeping my weights low. A year ago I was using 15-35 lb dumbells and the highest I've used is a 12 lb so far. My form and doing it safely is way more important than just lifting heavy.
If you're ready for a change, this is your wake up call! Come join me!


Anxiety Plan
You can imagine how many people need to hear this right now- YOU ARE ENOUGH.
We are all dealing with various stressors in our lives. Every single person I've talked with in the post 3 months has something going on. Their usual outlets and coping strategies either can't happen (you know why) or aren't working.
To clarify a few things:
1-Most of us have insecurities or stress
2-Most of us are exposed to comments that set off those insecurities at some point
3-When this happens, we can't control the immediate rush of emotion
4-We can, as soon as we identify that emotion, choose what our response is
5-We are not responsible for others, just ourselves
6-IT IS FREAKING HARD to control your spiral of emotional insecurities, but the more you practice changing your perspective the easier it gets
A few tips I have learned in my years of dealing with insecurities.
First, you need to see if there is a reason you are more likely to fell off balance. I use the acronym H.A.L.T. as a quick check. If you are Hungry, Angry, Lazy, or Tired, you are instantly at a disadvantage emotionally.
A quick check for me usually identities one of these four things as an underlying issue (and recently I learned dehydration can cause emotional wackiness but don't know how to add it to the acronym yet. ;) ).
Second, once you've identified an underlying issue, address it if possible.
Third, focus on truth. If you know that what your saying to yourself is negative, born from emotion, or feels draining, write out the opposing view and repeat it to yourself at least 10 times. As a Christian, I also have some scriptures I reread for reinforcement. (If you'd like a copy of a few, let me know).
Fourth, reach out for help. You may not want to reach out, but you need others to help you see the truth in your life. I used to think asking for help was weakness but I now know it takes great strength to ask for help!
Fifth, get your body moving! Seriously. The endorphin rush, the increased oxygenation, the release of stress and emotions is HUGE! If you need something you can do at home, let me know! I'll send you a few.
That's all I have right now! By following these steps, I am usually back on a positive track within an hour. Do you have any additional tips or comments? Please share them! I'm always happy to learn!


Today I'm preparing to do some painting. I shook and shook the paint. But even with the shaking, I still needed to stir the paint to get it ready for use. It struck me as I stirred that this paint is a lot like life. We are each made to do something specific and amazing. When we get comfortable in life, we tend to separate into the parts of our life that we fit into.
Once we have separated, it takes our world being shaken and our essence stirred to become who we need to be. It's hard, it's uncomfortable, and sometimes it just plain sucks.
However, if we look at what we have become by going through the hard, we have new opportunities that we couldn't possibly do in our comfort zone. My life has changed a lot the last decade. There have been things I would never wish on anyone but by going through them, I'm stronger in character, faith, and physically than I was before.
What shaking and stirring is going on in your world?

Photos from Muscles With Mary's post 15/08/2022

Yep, this is my starting point this morning! I'm technically obese but the thing is, I'm really strong. I'm still getting back to where I was before my wreck in February. I'll get there eventually.
I'm starting a 3 week workout program I've done before. More importantly, I'm focusing on what I eat and drink. 80% of weight loss or gain is eating the right foods for your goals. This doesn't mean cutting out carbs or eating crazy foods. Carbs are energy! Energy I desperately need to do the work I have to do.
I have a coupon right now and would love 5 people to join me! (Honestly, I'd love everyone!) The program I'm doing is just 30 minutes 5 days a week. If you've been thinking about being healthy this is your call. :)


I haven't posted much the past few days. It's been long hours of hard work trying to get things done and Friday I didn't feel well at all.
This memory popped up today from 3 years ago and it's even truer now and I needed the reminder myself.
"I have been on vacation with some of my family in Kentucky and other than checking in on my challengers and making sure things are running smooth, I have been mostly internet-free. Why? Because, time is priceless. Especially when it's being spend with people who mean the world to us!!

This is a picture of my niece and I. We only get to see each other a few times a year but getting to spend 5 days together, along with her mom, her four other siblings, and my mom on a vacation exploring The Ark Experience, The Creation Museum, Victorian Mansions, The Troll Pub, Mary Todd Lincoln's Home, Ashland, etc. meant that I wanted to live in the moment and make the most memories I could with them!

I am not going to lie, 4 days getting up early, going to bed late with lots of personalities meant some frustrations at different points, but I wouldn't trade it for anything at all!! I haven't worked out for 2 days, but again, I don't feel stressed about it because it was a conscientious choice. I'll get caught up and life will move forward!

I workout so I can do trips like this and be with the people I love without feeling like I'm holding them back. I'm so thankful that I am a coach and help others live their best lives!"
This is your reminder to LIVE life because you are not guaranteed tomorrow. And if you want to have more strength, energy, and be able to dance and move through life... you may need a little help and I'm here for you.


I am stupid.
I am a failure.
I am broken.
I am incapable.
I am unlovable.
I am worthless
I am ugly.
These were all things I have told myself. Over and over. Every day. And I believed them. Why? Because they had been said about me. Or even if they hadn't been said about me directly, I had perceived myself that way. I would start and end my day with defeat...AND THEY WERE LIES.
Have I done something stupid, yes. I AM NOT STUPID.
Have I failed. Every day-I AM NOT A FAILURE.
And so on...the things you say to yourself embed themselves DEEPLY into your soul.
The last few years I have been surrounded by people who speak life into me. That doesn't mean are sugar without truth. It means helping me cut out the BS. Yes, I can slip back into the old mindset sometimes but the habits of starting my day with affirmations and Scripture helps me be reminded of who I am.
I am a warrior building my future on the foundation of my past.
I am stronger than any injury or setback could dream of being.
I am priceless-not because of what I own, but simply because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
I am loved because He first loved me.
If you are telling yourself any of these lies or many other ones I didn't take time to list that make you feel less than strong, powerful, dedicated, worthy, loved....let me work with you find the truth in your life.
If you haven't heard it today, I love you. You are amazing. You are legit. You are priceless. You are worthy. You are powerful. You are uniquely you!
"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Ps. 139:14 NIV


It's Gonna be Okay
These flowers in the sunset were and are the reminder that it's gonna be okay. This year has been really hard so far. 2 wrecks, the first just expensive with minor whiplash (someone rear-ended me but didn't have insurance and couldn't pay for repairs), and the second someone pulled in front of me and stopped on the highway and totaled my car... but because I rear-ended him it was ruled my fault. This one was very physically debilitating and with that emotionally crippling.
Then my mom broke her hip less than a week after I was released to workout again after 5 months of just stretching. It unraveled our plans for the summer. And then heat exhaustion/stroke paired with a virus left me down for the count for a week+ and a few lingering issues.
I'm sure I've missed a few things that weigh on my mind and heart, but that's enough looking at negatives for me.
When I look at and focus on the crappy parts of my life, it's nearly overwhelming. So I evaluate if I can change any of these things and if not, I shift to thinking of positives.
This year I've:
- Been a tranpo captain on a movie
- Met and worked with amazing people
- Got to be an extra cop in the movie too
- Helped my sister's family get started with their chicks
- Been in a short film
- Competed in a fitness competition
- Able to give piggy back rides again
- Can still sing and love to do so
- Went to the DeadCENTER Film Fest and watched amazing movies made by and acted in by people I know!
- Still able to be a health and fitness coach
Yeah, part of my life really sucks. But I don't want to miss out on the amazing parts of it because I'm focusing on the things I can't change. If you're reading this- you are loved. You are priceless. You are worthy.
It's gonna be okay. Love you all! "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." John 16:33 KJV


Buffet of Dreams
The phrase, "you are what you eat" is very common and, as much as I wish that sugar would make me sweeter, it doesn't. ;) I looked at the bees today and every single drop of a nectar comes with a price- hard work. It's the healthy balance- eating and drinking to fuel activity. Today I didn't eat the best (leftover pizza for breakfast, fettuccine Alfredo for lunch, and a snow cone etc.. but I worked really hard yesterday pulling up the deck, and today I got to be "horsey" for the two kids I'm hanging out with and chased them and played twister, etc.
I also work hard every day to help others reach their goals by providing the tools, encouragement, and accountability. I can't give you your motivation, that comes from you. My goals are to be healthy enough to do the physically taxing labor I'm doing for my parents right now and be able to spend time with nieces and nephews.
My dreams are bigger than just being healthy. I want to spend my life helping people. I am writing a book (or three), taking care of my parents and the farm, and acting. You know, the usual things. :)
If your dreams include learning how to eat right, working out, building a business, let me know! I'm also great at editing books if you need a proofreader. :)


You have arrived at the pinnacle of your success!
There are few phrases that should be scarier to hear or, more importantly, tell yourself. You may be asking yourself, "why?". I'll tell you.
If you believe you can never be better than you are, what is going to motivate you to improve? For myself, being told that I would never get better and would have daily migraines, insomnia, and memory loss for the rest of my life by my neurologist was devastating. I told him he had to be wrong. But I didn't fully believe my own words.
This exchange happened 1 week before my 25th birthday after over a year of daily migraines. I had figured out ways of mitigating the effects (wearing sunglasses to do my computer work, closing shades, wearing ear plugs) but they were constant and no meds took them away.
I regrouped and looked at my life. If daily migraines was a permanent feature of my future, I had two choices- stay frozen by the diagnosis or keep searching for other coping mechanisms.
It was not easy in any way, but I knew that of my two options, I had to try something. Through lots of prayer, I chose the second option. I started going dancing, where I met people who invited me to start singing, and through singing met so many friends! I started volunteering.
Then I reconnected with a friend from college and that connection has led to more healing and light and friendships than you can imagine! And I get to keep helping others, too!
I'm always a work in progress, and will always work every day to be a better person and give back! If you're ready to change, connect, inspire, and stop being stuck... we need to talk!


Seven and a half years ago... that's when this picture was taken.
It feels like a lifetime.
My sister and I had just competed in a vocal competition and dressed up for the awards show. I, as usual in those days, was fighting a migraine, exhausted, wanting so much to be fun for my sister and not feel like I was holding her back. I struggled with the energy to keep up.
If you know me, I almost always have a smile on my face. :) life is too short to stay beat down. Thankfully, I was offered a helping hand four years ago. And I was finally worn down enough to take it. These days, I'm rebounding from new physical challenges- but rarely do I have migraines, my energy is good, and I'm ridiculously strong. :) the change is huge!
The biggest challenge now is emotional and spiritual- I've had a LOT on my plate and more keeps piling on. Being able to be active and healthy is a gift that when used, can help me process my emotions and keep me focused on my faith.
I am in prep week for an 8 week program workouts, nutrition, hydration, and for me spiritual improvement. This includes making my bed, doing a gratitude journal, and reading my Bible daily.
- I create success in the 4 aspects of life- physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual
-I keep my team moving forward
-I inspire others to reach their goals
That last one is my favorite, but you all knew that already. :) I don't know what my future holds, but I'm going to do my best to be ready for it! What about you? If you're wanting to start, why not join me on this challenge? I have a new group kicking off August 8th! :)

Photos from Muscles With Mary's post 03/08/2022

The Crossroads
Be careful who you surround yourself with.
We all have doubts and people who won't support us in life. I've been called a selfish-B, a disappointment, a failure, butch, unattractive, and had my attire of leggings, suspenders, and combat boots compared to a man wearing a muumuu. All from people I love and care about.
To say these comments didn't hurt deep would be asinine and an utter lie. However, I have a choice. I can let that hurt put up walls or I can use that hurt to keep building foundation and stairs to my new life. One of strength, hope, and love.
I know my attire is unique-I am one of the few women I know who loves suspenders. Let me tell you why-they are a reminder there is always hope and another way. My friend, Megan Cotton, has lupus. She was a coworker who with her diagnoses needed to find a new line of work. She found it by making her own shop(s)-suspenders and bowties and now trailblazers and socks (check out Dapper Xpressions VIP and use code MCB )! She has no idea how amazing she is and how much her story has given me hope and inspiration!
I now have a whole team of people who not just accept me, but inspire and support me to be the warrior I am meant to be. They are excited to see what I can accomplish by helping others and pursuing my dreams.
They don't just give me surface level compliments and feel good conversations but call me out on my self-sabotage and the BS I tell myself. They challenge and support me and keep me focused on the lifestyle changes and we will all do the same for you!
So if you're actually ready for change to be healthy-physically, mentally, emotionally...and want a team that supports you, now is the time to join us!


You know, I can do both kinds of iron but this one is more fun for me. Plus, it helps me do fun things like playing Marco Polo outside with my nephews and niece, carrying 80-120 lbs of feed bags at a time, and throwing the youngest nieces and nephews (and friends kids) in the air playing rocket ship!
I want all my nieces and nephews to recognize that being healthy can be fun for everyone and any form of exercise helps with emotions too. I like getting to be a positive example!
Which kind of ironing do you like better?


4 years I started my crazy health journey. I don't have pics of when I started, but these top pictures are from when I started a simple, easy to follow nutrition program.
I knew I wanted to focus on health and not just losing weight. I started 2018 at 205.8 lbs, and after a few months doing whole 30 I had lost right at 10 lbs. In May 2018, I started Beachbody's 2B Mindset and lost 15.8 lbs in those two months with no workouts! All through nutrition and of course, the encouragement and accountability of everyone else doing it with me!
I would love to help you make small changes that make a big impact!

Videos (show all)

I'm still recovering from all 3 wrecks this year... the change in weather does cause things to hurt differently. I hate ...
Do it for you!  Do it for others! .Every year my friend, Kayla Parker  has inspired doing birthday burpees. This was my ...
The Right Tool For The Job  Memories from 4 years ago. "For those of you watching my stories faithfully, you saw some of...
I'm not doing much, but just trying to slowly build back up. I can't just jump back in. I'm still in a lot of pain but f...
Tonight was total body power. I'm seeing the changes in my body and mind. Even when I don't want to do my workout it hel...
Days 22 of 25- yes, I am tired. It's been a long week. No, I won't stop. Why? Because I love you and want to show you th...
Day 16 of 25- when you are not strong enough on your own. Reach out and get strength from others. They will hold you up ...
Day 15 of 25- Don't take criticism from someone you wouldn't ask advice from. Find healthy ways to shake off frustration...
Day 13 of 25- You are enough. Say it with me. I am enough! Do your best every day and you can't regret your path! Push u...
Day 10 of 25- The promises you make to yourself are the ones that blossom into self confidence when you complete them! P...
Day 2 of 25- long day cutting trees and moving things in the shop. Got it done because just like depression, anxiety, an...