PUPR Inventions LAB

PUPR Inventions LAB

The Inventions Lab is a student-run makerspace open to all Polytechnic University students.


Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico

Si buscas un lugar donde puedas desarrollarte y crecer no sólo como estudiante si no como persona, te invitamos a que te nos unas y conozcas nuestras facilidades este 5 de febrero en nuestro Campus Tour 2016. Te esperamos.

Jay Fonseca te invita al Campus Tour este próximo 5 de febrero de 2016. ¡Tenemos a los mejores estudiantes y egresados! Conviértete en el futuro de La Politécnica.

Imagina qué saldría de ti. Regístrate: http://campustour2016.pupr.edu


Discutirán el futuro de la impresión en tres dimensiones en Puerto Rico

elnuevodia.com La creación de nuevos materiales y el desarrollo de programación se vislumbran como áreas de gran demanda


Buenos días inventores,

Desafortunadamente hoy no habrá taller debido a situaciones imprevistas.

Estamos buscando voluntarios para apoyarnos en el área de creación de talleres y coordinación de eventos. Interesados nos pueden escribir a [email protected]


Due to request of many students, the workshop has been postponed to next Friday. For those of you who want to pass by the Lab to chat with us about your projects, we will be open until 5pm today. Sorry for any inconveniences this may have caused.

Good luck in Finals!

- Inventions Lab


Stressed for finals? Take a break and join us this Friday in our Ultrasonic Sensor Workshop. No experience required. Bring your laptop with the Arduino software installed. If you don't have an arduino, no problem! The first 15 to register can borrow one from the Inventions Lab. Register here: http://bit.ly/iLab-ultrasonic

This workshop is open to everyone. Help us out by sharing our page. We look forward to seeing everyone on Friday!


PUPR Inventions LAB's cover photo


Getting with Arduino

We're kicking off with our first workshop next Friday, September 11th, 10am @ The Inventions Lab (P-107).

Learn how to use the Arduino microcontroller to get started on making your own projects! No previous experience required. We have a limited amount of Arduino boards so sign up soon!

Register here: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/getting-with-arduino-tickets-18404435161

eventbrite.com Learn how to use the Arduino microcontroller to get started on making your own projects! No previous experience required, but basic programming knowledge (such as loops, if statements, variable declaration, and function declaration) would make understanding the C-based Arduino language a lot easier.…


PUPR Inventions LAB
