Sacred Soul Seed

Sacred Soul Seed

Each of us has a unique way of accessing our Higher selves, Inner knowing and Source energy...and we want to help you discover yours!


Be YOU! Let's get off this controlled system of life and step into our authenticity


Sunny Sunday chat...and my birthday gift to you 💛
(And me!)



2023 shall be the year of SELF....I'm declaring it so!


You can start today by filling in the blanks...

Right now, the acts of self love I already practice are ______________!

Right now, the areas I strive to bring MORE self love into practice
are _________________!

Type your self appreciation/intentions below, or, if you prefer to keep it to yourself (after all, it's for YOU!) then I recommend writing it out - there is something magical that occurs when we put pen to paper 🌟 (and if you're feeling creative, make it pretty... creative expression will only add more power to it ❤️)


Ps: the picture below is one I just took as I sit outside grounding my bare feet on the earth 😊


Tonight (Jan. 21st) is the New Moon in Aquarius! If you haven't already felt it, you will likely soon experience A LOT more energy, motivation and drive! Things are speeding up, and you'll want to take advantage of the planetary support ♡

For those of you who are unsure as to how to actively engage with the energy of these cycles, here are some things to remember...

○ New Moons represent the beginning of a new chapter ~ get clear around what you want to create in moving forward
● Full Moons are all about completions ~ what are you ready to release?
☆ When we are talking about the impact of a planet's movement, we most often refer to it as being in either retrograde (the appearance of backwards movement) or going direct (it's motion similar to that of other bodies within its system). Both of these aspects dictate the energy we feel, as humans (and animals!) here on planet Earth 🌏

If you'd like to work with this New Moon but don't have the time today or tonight, all is not lost - the energy is potent for approximately 48 hrs. on either side. Enjoy!



New Oracle deck and I thought I'd pull the very first message for the collective today 💗🥰✨️


Celebrate the divine feminine today all you beautiful souls. Happy Friday the 13th 💗


Shifting gears from post vacation blues to gratitude🙏


Tonight is the night!! It's our First workshop at Sacred Soul Seed who is joining us live???

If you haven't registered yet there is still time and you can do so now by sending the etransfer of $33 to:

[email protected]
...also, please send me your email address so that we can get the zoom link and materials to you!

Love & Light to you ❤️✨️

Ps if you have questions, let me know.
Here are the event details again as well


We are so excited to co-create with you!!!

Our first workshop of 2023 is only days away - perhaps you're curious about why we called it "The Fool's Journey"?

In the Tarot, the first major arcana card is #00, The Fool. It represents many things - the first step onto a new path, adventures, and bringing your dreams to life... to name just a few!
In fact, every story ever told follows the arc of the hero's/fool's journey, which is a path that the Tarot guides us through so beautifully ❤️

What do you want YOUR journey into and through 2023 to look like???
We believe wholeheartedly in living WITH intention and BY our intuition ~ if you do too, please join us in conscious creation! Let this year be the most powerful of your life 🙏

Jessica & Leah

*event link w/registration details pinned in comments
*image below ("The Fool') from The Light Seers Tarot (our favorite!)

New Year's Transmission: Release Emotions and Experience Limitless Love 01/01/2023

2022 was the most difficult year of my life.

I navigated situations that I did not think I could, and in doing so realized my strength. I've come to understand that my growth is the most important thing to me, and that my connection with mySELF - and to my higher self - is the most worthwhile use of my energy. I've realized that how I show up dictates how I handle the hard times, and that how I show up is ultimately up to me. It is a choice....made again and again.

These lessons did not come easy...

2009 was the first NYE I spent alone, in reflection and intention. Since then I've rarely shared the eve of the new year with anyone else. It always looks different, yet feels the same. What I do tonight sets the tone for the year to come. My thoughts, my actions - I do not want to carry anything stagnant into this fresh space. Tonight I leave behind all that no longer serves me.

This is my ritual. It feels right, for me.

2023 is our year to shine. To live wholeheartedly in alignment with our hearts and in our truth! And most importantly, to ensure that every single thing we are, do and say is rooted in LOVE ❤️


With Love, Leah

New Year's Transmission: Release Emotions and Experience Limitless Love As we stand on the threshold of a new year, it's time for reflection and renewal. This is our chance to let go of old patterns and envision a new way of thin...


Are you listening to the messages you are given?

The universe is constantly sending us messages all day long some of them are very subtle but they are always there it's that little flip in the stomach that creates a memory or a thought or an inspiration.

When we don't act on these moments of inspiration and inspired thoughts and take action to make shifts or changes for our highest good the messages get louder and sometimes they become painful or very hard lessons to endure.

This week I had a fall that resulted in painful bruised ribs that forced me to slow down. I had been given messages multiple times throughout the 2 weeks prior that I needed to slow down and really connect with my intuition and what my soul's calling was but I didn't listen I continued to go go go.

So now I am moving very slow I am honoring my physical body the best way I know how and taking my time throughout my day to really listen 🥰

The moral of this story is to not wait until you have to experience the painful lesson but to act on the more subtle messages we are given to stay on our path. Sending love to you all for an amazing rest of your week 💗


Full disclosure - I was only able to ground for around 90 feet were freezing!!!
But, I will persevere 😊

I've also started ending my showers with a cold finish, which feels "easier" for me right now, and VERY energizing.

Baby steps are still steps ❤️

The Fool's Journey into 2023 06/12/2022

Ok beautiful souls......we present you with our very first Sacred Soul Seed Online event. Check out the link for all the details in the comments below. So exciting!!

The Fool's Journey into 2023


My biggest fear used to be swimming in Coldwater! 🥶🥶🥶 I was introduced to the health benefits of cold water last year around this time but my mind told me there was no way I would ever be able to do it, let alone enjoy it 😂

Our minds are definitely powerful but the same power that restricted me from doing this in the past is the same power that now allows me to do it consistently with joy and ease and it has become one of my favourite ways to start the day in the winter months.

It is an act of self-love, I know that it helps my body in many ways and it makes for an energizing start to my day. Plus it also makes me realize that I can do anything I put my mind to! 💪🏼

I invite you to think of a way that you could add a little extra love to yourself today, even something as small as taking a moment to sit and be present with your morning coffee ☕️ or maybe you want to push yourself a bit more and try something out of your comfort zone 😁

Whatever you do know that You are worthy of self-love ❤️ and you are so much more powerful that you mind tells you 💥

And if you feel like sharing a photo or a comment below of what you chose to do for yourself today that would be amazing 🥰

Sacred Soul Seed Intro 01/12/2022

Welcome to Sacred Soul Seed! Watch this short video to learn more about who we are and what our intention is with this page.

Sacred Soul Seed Intro


We are moving through a collective shift...can YOU feel it?

This shift is being birthed by the balancing of feminine/masculine energies - our ability to come into alignment between the two within ourselves, and WITH each other. Each of us is a container for both the masculine and feminine, and when we allow that energy to flow in the way that it is meant to our external worlds reflect an expansion so powerful it brings us to our knees in gratitude. We just know that it is right.

We feel the truth of it

The divine feminine is stepping into her power...

For decades now
Women have recklessly fought
To be acknowledged, seen and heard
In the trenches of a man's war

She thought the solution
Was to become more like a man
So she became...

And controlling

This has not worked...

This has only served to create relentless battles of the sexes
In a world where male physical strength
Will always intimidate and dominate the smaller female vessel

What she didn't understand
Is that the aforementioned traits are in fact
Masculine weaknesses...

Weaknesses which only serve
To promote dysfunction and disharmony
In a society already programed to run on fear

A society which conditions us
To view ourselves as separate entities
Each trying to survive in a dog eat dog world
Controlled by masculine force

This year the new female is being rebirthed...

She is no longer seeing her strengths
As being purely masculine traits
She understands her true power
Comes from stepping into her feminine qualities

Knowing she has strength in her softness
She has power in her surrender
She has wisdom in her intuition
And she has love in her heart centred approach

She is embodying her feminine strengths...


Balancing them with the her masculine strengths...


She is strong without being controlling
She is powerful without being aggressive
And she is an undeniable force of nature
Determined to change the world
Through her love

Meanwhile our beautiful divine masculines
Are also adjusting to the new energetic balance...

He is no longer seeing the softer female as a threat
Or a creature to be feared
Now he too is able to embody more of his feminine energies
Creating a truly formidable balance of power
Within himself as a whole

The time has come for him to lay down his defences
And relate to the feminine with renewed
And appreciation

Offering her protection and a sanctuary of safety
While the world on a grander scale
Also adjusts to the new energetic harmonies
Of unity and peace

Understanding that the balance
Of masculine and feminine strengths
Is in fact the ultimate divine power...

Within each individual
Within every relationship
And on a global scale

Balance is the key
The journey is human
The mission is love

~Gemma Star ❤
