藥師健生活Phargoods MY

藥師健生活Phargoods MY


Photos from 藥師健生活Phargoods MY's post 29/05/2022

【Rice Dumplings Calories ranking】

🚣🏻Dragon Boat Festival is coming🚣🏻
What kind of rice dumplings do you want to eat?
Check out this post to decide which one you’d like

There’s the calorie of rice dumplings below, Let's see how much time it takes to burn those calories🔥

It is recommended to choose rice dumplings in three ways
1️⃣Tip for fitness lover: Don't afraid of getting fat, just do more exercise 💪🏻
2️⃣Tips for couch potato:Choose the rice dumpling with lower calories
3️⃣Give it to your friends if it have higher calories

…Don’t tell them what we said , we only teach you to keep a healthy life. 🙌🏽

【端午熱量排行榜 你敢放「粽」吃嗎?】

藥師整理了粽子的 #熱量和 #運動 消耗表

#端午節 #粽子

Photos from 藥師健生活Phargoods MY's post 27/05/2022

【Common Vitamins|Water-Soluble】​
Vitamins are very important nutrients for body​
It is an indispensable role in maintaining health and good physiological function 💪🏻​
Most vitamins cannot be synthesized by the human body, so they must be supplemented by diet or health products​.

The food source and function of vitamins are different, and it divided into water-soluble and fat-soluble​
Let Phr.Tsai take you to decipher !

是維持健康與良好生理機能不可或缺的角色 💪🏻​

就讓蔡藥師先帶大家解密一下 #水溶性維生素 吧!


【Should the desiccant of the supplement be kept?】
Many people left desiccant and anti-collision plastic in the container after opening it, and thought this would keep it dry, but is this right? Let Phar. Tsai tell you the true 🧐​

To protect supplement from moisture damage before opening
Anti-collision plastic👇
Prevent collision and maintain product quality during transportation

Desiccant and anti-collision plastic may absorb moisture in the air after opening, If it contact with supplement, it will easily deteriorate the product and affect the effect.​
So remember to take out the desiccant and filler after opening!


就讓蔡藥師來告訴你 🧐​

乾燥劑 👉 吸濕防潮,保持未開封前罐中完整乾燥的狀態​
塑膠袋 👉 預防碰撞,在運送過程能維持產品品質​


【Vitamin D👉Protection needed for growth】
Many children grow up without enough vitamin D, ​Dr.蒼藍鴿 create high-standard vitamin D for this. ✨
The form of drops is not only easy to absorb, but also makes it easy for children to supplement!

Four feature of PHARGOODS VITAMIN D3
◼Top-quality sourced
Quali-D® Vitamin D from DSM Nutritional Products, which is better absorbed than chemical synthesis​.
◼ A drop a day helps children grow
Each drop contains 400IU, one drop meets the daily growth needs of children​.
◼ No artificial flavors added
No artificial flavors, juices, colors, sweeteners, preservatives and other additives are added​.
◼ Third-party certified products
Each batch of products is third-party certified (DEHP, Phthalates, Chemicals)

【 成長所需保護力】​
蒼藍鴿醫師對此高規格打造維生素D ✨​

維生素D #四大特點​
◼ 大廠頂級原料​
◼ 每日一滴幫助成長​
◼ 無色無味無添加​
◼ 第三方檢驗​



【Vitamin D3 for the whole family】
Launched by Pediatrician and pharmacist, Choose "Quali®-D Lanolin Raw Material" non-chemically synthesize, one drop is enough for children's daily growth. Suitable for babies to adults, one can for the whole family!​

👉🏼Vitamin D3 400 IU per drop
👶🏻One drop for child👦🏻two drop for adult
A child eats one drop a day, it can be eaten more than 3years
👨‍👧Adults and children eat together, it can be eaten more than 1 year

👉🏼Drops are convenient for replenishment and better absorption​
It can be replenished by dripping in the mouth, so that babies and seniors who are not good at swallowing can also easily replenish!

蒼藍鴿和蔡藥師聯手打造高規格維生素D,除了選擇「 Quali®-D 羊毛脂原料」非化學合成,打造為滴劑一滴就能滿足成長所需。全年齡,嬰兒至成人皆適用,一罐可以全家一起補充!​

如果小朋友一天吃一滴,可以吃 #超過3年
如果大人小孩一起吃,可以吃 #超過1年 的時間




Provides a good way to supplement vitamin D on cloudy days ☔️
BUTTER KAYA TOAST level up💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼

#無色無味無添加 #成人兩滴 #兒童一滴 #滿足一日所需


🐟Who is suitable for fish oil supplementation?
Adults, seniors, night owls, out-eater, sports and fitness lovers, and students are all suitable for supplementing fish oil.
⚠️Those who are taking drugs for serious diseases, dysfunction of blood coagulation, or planning to have surgery, or pregnant, please consult a physician or medical professional before taking this product.

🐟 什麼人適合補充魚油?

Photos from 藥師健生活Phargoods MY's post 20/05/2022

🐟Is fish oil same as cod liver oil?
People often confuse fish oil with cod liver oil. Although both are health supplements extracted from fish, the source and nutrition are completely different!
Came from several species of fatty fish, rich in Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (EPA, DHA).
The natural food source of its nutrients is only found in fatty fish such as salmon and sardines, and it is an important nutrient for maintaining physiological function.
Extracted from fish liver, containing vitamin A and vitamin D.
It should be noted that when supplementing cod liver oil, it should be careful that excessive intake of vitamin A and vitamin D will not be automatically excreted from the body, and it will accumulate in the liver, which may lead to poisoning in the long run.

🐟 魚油跟魚肝油一樣嗎?
要注意的是,補充魚肝油時要注意維生素A及維生素D攝取過多並不會自動排出體外, 會累積在肝臟,長期下來就有可能引發中毒的狀況。

Photos from 藥師健生活Phargoods MY's post 20/05/2022

🐟What is fish oil? And what’s the benefit of it?

Fish oil is the oil extracted from several species of fatty fish, and fish oil contains Omega-3 fatty acids, which are good fats that the human body needs.
However, Omega-3 is usually difficult to get in our daily food, and most of the intake in the daily diet is Omega-6, and it will out of balance in the long run. In addition to consuming more Omega-3, you should take care of your health by supplementing with fish oil!

🐟 魚油是什麼?有什麼好處?


Videos (show all)

Provides a good way to supplement vitamin D on cloudy days ☔️BUTTER KAYA TOAST level up💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼提供陰天補充維生素D的好方法讓咖椰吐司不只是咖椰吐司😎...