Metaphysics Unleashed

Metaphysics Unleashed

Please feel free to participate and comment about metaphysics and related topics here.This page was





Yin and Yang are mutually-arising, interdependent, and continuously transforming, one into the other. One could not exist without the other, for each contains the essence of the other. Night becomes day, and day becomes night. Birth becomes death, and death becomes birth. Friends become enemies, and enemies become friends. As Taoism teaches, such is the nature of everything in the relative world.


Karma and why you are where you're at, at anytime.🧞‍♀️🧞🧞‍♂️


The Chrysanthemum is a spiritual technology developed to focus consciousness through a single strand of awareness to create subjective realities.

The Veil of the Chrysanthemum is the basis of the illusion of separation.

The Chrysanthemum generates a veil by blocking out memories from before beings were born and neutralizing the extra dimensions they inhabit.

The Chrysanthemum is the extra-sensory deprivation chamber that calibrates awareness to a 3-dimensional state from which human experiences arise.

It is the hermetic seal that maintains the subjective sense of being and the illusion of separation.

The Chrysanthemum produces a field of consciousness that is known by many more names:

The veil
The void
The seventh Jhana
The base of Nothingness

By blocking extra dimensions, the Chrysanthemum field allows awareness to be fully submerged inside a variety of carbon based life forms and projected in 3D space.

Past life memories are suppressed in order to further enhance the sense of immersion.

Chrysanthemum fields are a common feature of most modern Merkaba vehicles and are optimized for diamond bodies to absorb the most wisdom from each life experience.

11L: Eleven Lives

Entry: The Chrysanthemum

Etymology: from Latin, from Greek khrusanthemon, from khrusos ‘gold’ + anthemon ‘flower’

"Around this time you may feel the veil of your chrysanthemum field weakening and extra dimensions may appear in your awareness. Breathe deeply and don't panic, this is part of routine frequency upgrades."


Why Is Christmas Celebrated on December 25?

Church officials wanted the date to coincide with existing pagan festivals.
Most Christians today probably can’t imagine Christmas on any other day than December 25, but it wasn’t always that way. In fact, for the first three centuries of Christianity’s existence, Jesus Christ’s birth wasn’t celebrated at all. The religion’s most significant holidays were Epiphany on January 6, which commemorated the arrival of the Magi after Jesus’ birth, and Easter, which celebrated Jesus’ resurrection. The first official mention of December 25 as a holiday honoring Jesus’ birthday appears in an early Roman calendar from AD 336.

But was Jesus really born on December 25 in the first place? Probably not. The Bible doesn’t mention his exact birthday, and the Nativity story contains conflicting clues. For instance, the presence of shepherds and their sheep suggest a spring birth. When church officials settled on December 25 at the end of the third century, they likely wanted the date to coincide with existing pagan festivals honoring Saturn (the Roman god of agriculture) and Mithra (the Persian god of light). That way, it became easier to convince Rome’s pagan subjects to accept Christianity as the empire’s official religion. The celebration of Christmas spread throughout the Western world over the next several centuries, but many Christians continued to view Epiphany and Easter as more important.

Some, including the Puritans of colonial New England, even banned its observance because they viewed its traditions—the offering of gifts and decorating trees, for example—as linked to paganism. In the early days of the United States, celebrating Christmas was considered a British custom and fell out of style following the American Revolution. It wasn’t until 1870 that Christmas became a federal holiday.



We often think the only way to create happiness is to try to control the outer circumstances of our lives, to try to fix what seems wrong or to get rid of everything that bothers us. But the real problem lies in our reaction to those circumstances. What we have to change is the mind and the way it experiences reality.
~Kenneth Thornton


Zen Camping 😉😊😮⛩🪬🎎


The Power to find Peace, Joy and Love comes from within.


Be THANKFUL for everything. Gratitude is an Attitude.💗💗💗

"I'm A Time Traveler From The Year 2345, I'm So Sorry For What's Coming" 11/12/2023

"I'm A Time Traveler From The Year 2345, I'm So Sorry For What's Coming" The question of whether time travel is feasible has been around ever since the publication of H.G. Wells' novel, “The Time Machine”. The novel tells the stor...


Have you joined? Are you ready?


Nondualism (Oneness)
Nondualism includes a number of philosophical and spiritual traditions that emphasize the absence of fundamental duality or separation in existence. This viewpoint questions the boundaries conventionally imposed between self and other, mind and body, observer and observed, and other dichotomies that shape our perception of reality. As a field of study, nondualism delves into the concept of nonduality and the state of nondual awareness, encompassing a diverse array of interpretations across traditions, not limited to a particular cultural or religious context; instead, nondualism emerges as a central teaching across various traditions, inviting individuals to examine reality beyond the confines of dualistic thinking. What sets nondualism apart is its inclination towards direct experience as a path to understanding. While intellectual comprehension has its place, nondual traditions emphasize the transformative power of firsthand encounters with the underlying unity of existence.
By personally “living in non-duality” for an extended period of time, I can honestly say that it’s a beautiful place to call home. Indeed, when every moment is full of love and peace, non-duality can feel like taking a euphoric drug that never wears off. Having said this, I also discovered that non-duality has a hidden downside that no one ever talks about, and, in fact, this downside can result in unforeseen consequences.
Although I don’t profess to have all the answers, it’s safe to say that we’re having the human experience for a reason (even if that reason is merely experience itself), and since we’re probably going to return to Oneness upon our final exit, why not engage in the full human experience while we’re here?
As for me, I discovered that rather than being the ultimate destination, non-dualism was simply a bridge (albeit one with a grand view). So, even though non-duality (aka Oneness) is a place I often visit, I no longer call it home. Instead, I have chosen to embrace the full human experience with total consciousness.
You see, by integrating the best teachings of non-dualism into the human experience, I’ve learned to consciously participate in life with absolute presence every day, and because I now have the power to observe circumstances without judgment, I’m able to witness divine beauty in everyone and everything. And, as a surprise bonus, I also discovered that whenever I am fully present in any experience, I am always greeted with bliss. Who would have thought that the secret to feeling bliss is simply being present?
The Dance of Duality
As non-dualistic practitioners practice presence without participation, most of the world lives in dualism without presence, but what might happen if we brought presence to duality? Imagine living in duality with full presence, and while making conscious choices and taking conscious actions, the difference we could make by participating in world change.
Everything that appears will one day disappear.
There is no permanence in the world of forms.
But that unchangeable consciousness in which all forms appear can never be diminished,
destroyed or altered in any way.
If you learn to be that consciousness you come to understand that nothing can touch or destroy you. …
Ignorance causes us to worry about the possible destruction of the body.
If you make your well-being dependent on the well-being of the body,
you will always be worrying and suffering.
When you know, from direct experience, that you are the Self,
you realize that there is no birth and death.
You realize that you are deathless and immortal.
Self-realization is sometimes called the immortal state because it never ends and because it is never destroyed or even altered.
If you keep your attention on the Self you can attain this immortality.
If you attain it,
in that ultimate state of being you will find that there is no birth, no death, no desires, no fears, no worries, no mind and no world.
- Living by the Words of Bhagavan, p. 294


The Emerald Tablet
of Hermes Trismegistus

This is the truth with no shadow of untruth,
of this there is no doubt:
As it is above, so it is below.
As it is below, so it is above.
Above and below are One.

Herein lies the key to all miracles.
As above, so below. As within, so without.
As with the universe, so with the soul.
All that exists is One.
By the primal Will of the One,
a Creator emanates, causing separate things
to appear, each evolving and reproducing
while remaining one Unity.

Its father is the Sun.
Its mother is the Moon.
It was born of the womb of Sky,
and nursed at the breast of Earth.
It is the Source of all works of wonder,
and the Cause of perfection
throughout the Universe.

Its Power on Earth is absolute.
It is the fire of undivided spirit.
Separate the fire of spirit from the earth,
the subtle from the gross, prudently,
with artful discernment and wisdom.

Ascend with shrewd genius from earth to heaven,
then descend again, newborn to earth.
Receive unto yourself the power and efficacy
of heaven and earth united.

In this way, you shall be imbued
with the illumination of the whole universe.
Darkness shall flee before your light.
This is the Power of all powers.
It masters all that is fine and subtle.
It overcomes all that is crude and hard.
This is how the world came to be.

By this same process,
marvelous operations can be carried out,
and splendid works achieved.
Because I embody the trinity of aspects
comprising all universal wisdom,
I am called Hermes Trismegistus—
The Thrice-Born Sage.

Thus ends the revelation of the Work of the Sun.


I think Osho is trying to become George Carlin. Here's the latest with the Guru on the magic word F**K.


Quantum entanglement 'connection' is the phenomenon that occurs when a group of particles 'people' are generated, interact, or share spatial proximity in such a way that the quantum state of each particle 'person' of the group cannot be described independently of the state of the others, including when the particles 'people' are separated by a large distance.


The change is upon us. The All Becomes One. 12/12


Do not love half lovers
Do not entertain half friends
Do not live half a life
and do not die a half death
If you choose silence, then be silent
When you speak, do so until you are finished
Do not silence yourself to say something
And do not speak to be silent
If you accept, then express it bluntly
Do not mask it
If you refuse then be clear about it
for an ambiguous refusal is but a weak acceptance
Do not accept half a solution
Do not believe half truths
Do not dream half a dream
Do not fantasize about half hopes
Half the way will get you no where
Half an idea will bear you no results
Half a life is a life you didn't live,
A word you have not said
A smile you postponed
A love you have not had
A friendship you did not know
The half is a mere moment of inability
but you are able for you are not half a being
You are a whole that exists to live a life
not half a life.
Khalil Gibran 🌿


"The Magus is a king, but his royalty is not of this world. His empire is that of mind and conscience. He is the hierophant of truth, and his word is the law of reason. He has the right to condemn those who do not understand him, and to pity those who oppose him; but he never avenges himself, for he is too wise to take vengeance. He is a sun, whose ray illuminates, but does not consume; he is a priest, whose anointing heals the wounds of the soul, and brings peace to the conscience. He is a philosopher, whose doctrine is the reconciliation of faith and reason, of science and mystery, of religion and liberty. He is a poet, whose language is that of the gods, and whose song echoes through the ages. He is a prophet, whose vision embraces the past, the present, and the future; whose ear hears the voices of the dead, and whose hand traces the outlines of the unborn. They are without fears and without desires, dominated by no falsehood, sharing no error, loving without illusion, suffering without impatience, reposing in the quietude of eternal thought. A Magus cannot be ignorant, for magic implies superiority, mastership, majority, and majority signifies emancipation by knowledge. The Magus welcomes pleasure, accepts wealth, deserves honor, but is never the slave of one of them; he knows how to be poor, to abstain, and to suffer; he endures oblivion willingly because he is lord of his own happiness, and expects or fears nothing from the caprice of fortune. He can love without being beloved; he can create imperishable treasures, and exalt himself above the level of honors or the prizes of the lottery. He possesses that which he seeks, namely, profound peace. He regrets nothing which must end, but remembers with satisfaction that he has met with good in all. His hope is a certitude, for he knows that good is eternal and evil transitory. He enjoys solitude, but does not fly the society of man; he is a child with children, joyous with the young, staid with the old, patient with the foolish, happy with the wise. He smiles with all who smile, and mourns with all who weep; applauding strength, he is yet indulgent to weakness; offending no one, he has himself no need to pardon, for he never thinks himself offended; he pities those who misconceive him, and seeks an opportunity to serve them; by the force of kindness only does he avenge himself on the ungrateful. Never will he sacrifice truth to opinion, or to national, social, or personal interest. Scientific in his demonstrations, he is neither obstinate nor radical; he respects the freedom of conscience of others, and asks for nothing himself but the liberty to see, to know, and to believe. He communicates his knowledge only to those who are capable of receiving it without disturbance of their natural tranquility; he does not speak of God but with profound respect, and avoids every subject which is useless or frivolous. He acts but does not argue, and when his work is accomplished, he stops, considering that the best answer to calumny is obscurity. He never protests his feelings, for it is not by words, but by actions, that we prove ourselves worthy to be initiated into the sanctuary of thought."

-Éliphas Lévi, "Transcendental Magic: Its Doctrine and Ritual"

Thanks to Shawn Picarsic


Amidst the ether's gentle sway,
Where ripples dance in cosmic play,
A symbol born of nature's dance,
In pentacle's elegant, fluid trance.

Five-fold grace in liquid bloom,
A mystic pattern in watery plume,
Nature's canvas, a transient art,
In timeless rhythms, it imparts.

Like stars that circle, ceaseless whirl,
A cosmic dance, a mystic twirl,
Each drop a note in nature's song,
In sacred geometry, we belong.

In this aquatic ballet's grand array,
In pentacle's embrace, we find our way,
A symphony of water's pure delight,
In nature's secrets, we take flight.

Shawn Picarsic
Luminary/Maker at Luna-Well Cymatics and Lead Visionary at The Geometer


Little girl speaks with wisdom from her heart.
Old soul.❄️❄️❄️


The Ancestors and Predecessors
There is a whole class of conjectures that, like religion, give us a privileged position in the cosmic scheme of things. Call them we-were-meant-to-be-here theories. They imply that we are not an accidental, incidental part of nature; our existence is somehow necessary. Without us, the universe might not exist. One example is the anthropic principle, which dates back to the 1960s. The anthropic principle suggests that the laws of nature must take the form that we observe because otherwise we would not be here to observe them.
The anthropic principle is a tautology masquerading as a truth, but it has proved remarkably resilient. Stephen Hawking took it seriously, as did Weinberg. A major reason for the endurance of the anthropic principle is the proliferation of multiverse theories, which hold that our universe is just one of many. If you buy multiverses (to which I will return below), the anthropic principle can help explain why we find ourselves in this particular universe with these particular laws.
Quantum mechanics has inspired lots of we-were-meant-to-be-here proposals because it suggests that what we observe depends on how we observe it. Look at an electron this way, it behaves like a particle; that way, it resembles a wave. Physicists, notably Eugene Wigner and John Wheeler, have speculated that consciousness, far from being a mere epiphenomenon of matter, is an essential component of reality. Your individual consciousness might not endure, but consciousness of some kind will last for as long as the universe does. I critique these we-were-meant-to-be-here propositions here and here.
A more subtle source of consolation is what Richard Feynman, in The Character of Physical Law, calls “the great conservation principles.” According to these laws, certain features of nature remain constant, no matter how much nature changes. The best-known conservation law involves energy. Energy can take many forms—kinetic, potential, electrical, thermal, gravitational, nuclear—and it can change from one form into another. Matter can become energy, and vice versa, as Einstein revealed with his famous equation E = mc2. But if you add up all the kinds of energy at any given instant, that sum remains constant.
Other conservation laws apply to angular momentum and charge. In what way are these laws consoling? Because to be human is to know loss. When we look at the world—and at our own faces in the mirror—we see the terrible transience of things. What we love will vanish sooner or later. It is reassuring to know that, on some level, things stay the same. According to conservation laws, there are no endings or beginnings, only transformations.
The most consoling conservation law involves information. Physicist Leonard Susskind says conservation of information “underpins everything, including classical physics, thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, energy conservation, that physicists have believed for hundreds of years.” According to the law, everything that happens leaves its imprint, permanently, on the universe. Eons after you die, after the earth and the sun have vanished, every minute detail of your life will endure in some form—supposedly.




" That- instead of the ordinary feeling that I as an individual confront a world that is foreign to me, that is not me - in this kind of experience I find myself to be of one and the same nature or identity as the world outside me. In other words, I suddenly feel no longer a stranger in the world but as if the external world were my own body."
Alan Watts- Mysticism and Morality


Listen, there's something I must tell. I've never, never seen it so clearly. But it doesn't matter a bit if you don't understand, because each one of you is quite perfect as you are, even if you don't know it. Life is basically a gesture, but no one, no thing, is making it. There is no necessity for it to happen, and none for it to go on happening. For it isn't being driven by anything; it just happens freely of itself. It's a gesture of motion, of sound, of color, and just as no one is making it, it isn't happening to anyone. There is simply no problem of life; it is completely purposeless play - exuberance which is its own end. Basically there is the gesture. Time, space, and multiplicity are complications of it. There is no reason whatsoever to explain it, for explanations are just another form of complexity, a new manifestation of life on top of life, of gestures gesturing. Pain and suffering are simply extreme forms of play, and there isn't anything in the whole universe to be afraid of because it doesn't happen to anyone! There isn't any substantial ego at all. The ego is a kind of flip, a knowing of knowing, a fearing of fearing. It's a curlicue, an extra jazz to experience, a sort of double-take or reverberation, a dithering of consciousness which is the same as anxiety.
Alan Watts

Photos from Metaphysics Unleashed's post 15/11/2023

In the Beginning

I was 12 yrs. old in 1962. There were a lot of questions going thru my mind about philosophy, religion and the occult. I began learning about astrology and found some synchronicity in it as I began to watch what the signs and people had in common.

Being a believer in evidence, I took a closer look and realized the significance of math, angles, and vibrations of the planets. Now I had to learn more about astronomy and numerology to check the math involved and how it could influence us. If the moon could affect the tides on earth I wanted to learn more about how the other planets would affect us also.

Now, I had to learn how this came to be by studying the origins of it’s ‘science’. The information was based on a time when people followed the stars and created a correlation to the movement of the planets and the events that took place at those times. They began keeping records and compared them to each others’ across the globe.

So, eventually, I began to make predictions with surprising accuracy and found that when I was wrong it was a matter of translation or a miscalculation in my math or incorrect event times. I began earning money, writing for Dell Horoscope Magazine, and speaking at Astrological Societies in Chicago, Illinois.

There were a few customers that wanted to know when they would die or ask morbidity questions about others. I would only tell them about times they needed to guard their health or safety. After time I gave up the prediction service when finding that telling people about their future could actually affect the outcome negatively and sometimes create undue worries.

Videos (show all)

The Ancestors and Predecessors WE WERE MEANT TO BE HERE There is a whole class of conjectures that, like religion, give ...
I wanted to explain what the group is about and give insight to what our goal is.  This is the 1st of a new series of me...
Paradigm Shifting
Virtual Opioid Create Feelings of Euphoria   Binaural Monaural Fusion
Dark Melody Visual
Sacred Geometry Explained.
Magic Mushrooms and Mental Health
The Pineal Gland
Powers Of The Mind
Thoughts Are Energy.  Use Them Wisley
Gratitude - By:  You Are Creators
