Echo Medic Alert Dog

Echo Medic Alert Dog

I was bred by Raaybeam Smoothies, funded by Steve Waugh Foundation and trained by CSTDA - formerly Dogs For Life


I was feeling lazy so I dragged my bean bag over to my food so I could eat lying down :D

Photos from Echo Medic Alert Dog's post 30/10/2021

Not my bed! That's my bed :-) My bad :D



Christmas Wish 2020 17/12/2020

Echo is working on being a reindeer this year. Merry Christmas to everyone from Echo and Jack.

Edit by Kelly Clark


Echo has now gotten so used to seeing people wearing masks outside the house that when she sees a kid without one it kind of throws her :-)
Now that restrictions have eased starting to get her out and about again (other than walking through the park and streets which she's been doing right through) to get her skills back up to par. She hasn't slipped much so it won't take long.

TRANSPORT FOR JACK organized by Christine Ottens 20/08/2020

TRANSPORT FOR JACK organized by Christine Ottens We are raising money for a vehicle (5-10 years old at the most) and for the cost to convert it wit… Christine Ottens needs your support for TRANSPORT FOR JACK


Iso has been soooo boring and I couldn't even find a blanket to sleep on, having to make do with a sock I found.


Collie humour

🐑 👨‍🌾

Photos from Echo Medic Alert Dog's post 13/03/2020

Hanging with my new friend Mr Walker who is the canine ambassador at the Park Hyatt Hotel in Melbourne. I tried it on for size and I reckon I could do his job ;-)

And with Michael Cormick who is such an incredibly beautiful singer and has starred in Cats, The Phantom of the Opera, Les Miserables, Time, Into the Woods, Joseph and His Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat, Falsettos, Tivoli, Grease and The Beast in Beauty and the Beast.

We were there for a carers lunch with Brainlink Services and Michael was singing with Silvie Paladino who has also starred in many a stage production. Such a pretty voice!


I'm alerting. I know what's going to happen but the humans are going to have to wait and see. At least they know something is coming but I sure wish they knew what I do. I keep trying to tell them but they are just not as smart as me!

Banning Emotional Support Animals From Airplanes 27/02/2020

There's some foul language but that's really because of the frustration in regards to the situation of ESAs and fake SDs.

Banning Emotional Support Animals From Airplanes Banning Emotional Support Animals From Airplanes Dog Vlog is back, y'all. TICKETS: MERCH:

Feds Cracking Down On Broad Use Of Emotional Support Animals On Planes 27/02/2020

Something has to be done in the US and I hope that it will be now. Not as big a problem in Aus though there are a number of fake Assistance Dogs out there. It's so easy to tell the difference!

Feds Cracking Down On Broad Use Of Emotional Support Animals On Planes Ken Molestina spoke to a North Texas nonprofit that trains service dogs and says it's about time new regulations are put in place.

Photos from Echo Medic Alert Dog's post 17/02/2020

I got a new toy from Monash Children's Hospital so I have something to play with while I'm waiting for Jack to finish with his doctor/s. We are in there A LOT!!
So nice of all the people from all the different organisations who make teddies and doll hats for the kids who are in and out of the hospital. It gives them a nice memory of what is not always a nice time.

Photos from Echo Medic Alert Dog's post 02/02/2020

A busy day ahead tomorrow. Jack is having surgery to have botox injections into his left leg and foot so we have to be at the hospital early. He's going to be put to sleep so I'll just lie there and wait til he wakes up. After he has that he'll have a brace for his leg and foot and lots of exercises to do so he can walk better. Jack has been hurting for months and hasn't been able to walk far. The last month he sometimes has to use a wheelchair. While the rest of the family have kept me healthy by exercising me when he can't, it just isn't the same. Jack and I have lots of work ahead but I'm sooo excited!!!!


Woof! Woof! Woof! Merry Christmas!
I hope Santa brought you something nice.
I must have been a good girl because I got cooling mats that I can lie on when the day is hot. Activated by my weight, light enough to go wherever I go, and reusable so no impact on the environment.🎅

Photos from Echo Medic Alert Dog's post 16/12/2019

We didn't make it to the Melbourne Stars Family Day but we did go to the basketball to see South East Melbourne Phoenix play...and they WON! I watched a bit of the game because we had a really good view and then snuck out a little bit to have a snooze. When I got caught I got moved though lol. Everybody there said I was a very good girl and were surprised at how calm and well-behaved I was :-) Nobody bothered me and I didn't bother anybody. When we were leaving one lady did try to talk to me but I was working so I politely ignored her and apparently she took it well when she understood I was on the job and how important that job is.

Photos from Echo Medic Alert Dog's post 14/12/2019

If the weather and Jack are up to it because he needs to get out of the house and into the community, I'll be heading to the Melbourne Stars Family Day (cricket) and then off to watch SE Melbourne Phoenix play basketball with Starlight Foundation. We're going to skip watching his big brother play cricket with Moorabbin because it would be too much for Jack and Sam can't run anyway as he is coming off a sprained ankle. I'm told he will just have to hit boudaries, whatever that means?
Here are some photos from last year's Melbourne Stars Family Day. Adam Zampa was really, really nice. I like him :-) They've met Marcus Stoinis a few times over the years and I'm told he always looks at the cherries on Jack's brother Sam's bat, Sam has done some training with Richard Clifton, one of Glenn Maxwell's old coaches and Sam is now playing Premier cricket in the 4's with Richmond Cricket Club (Monash Tigers), hence all the cricket stuff we do.

Photos from Echo Medic Alert Dog's post 13/12/2019

I never know quite where the day is going to take us.
Monash Childrens' Hospital -
A spare room in the hospital school so Jack could do a session with the Visiting Teacher.
Photo shoot with The Heart Project.
Zouki Cafe (at the main hospital)
Starlilght Express Room
Ronald McDonald Family Room
And then I had a snooze while Jack headed down for an MRI.
Finally got to head home after 8 hours at the hospital that day.


Echo is finally starting to pick up now that she has started on a different brand. Hopefully things stay that way and she continues to improve. Tummy issues have settled, she's getting a bit of play back in her though at a reduced level, should today start walks again and will soon resume training. It has been a few months of illness with each subsequent episode being worse than the one before. The cause has only recently having been figured out. Three periods of illness off one bag, Black Hawk sent a new one but unfortunately she went down again. Whether there was also something wrong with this second bag or the other incidents have now created a food sensitivity is anyone's guess.


Black Hawk dog food...if your dog has had repeated episodes of vomiting and diarrhea following starting a new bag of their food (particularly if it was the same product) Black Hawk would like to hear from you. They would like some further details to be able to investigate the issue. It doesn't matter if you still have any of the product as there is still information you can pass on that would be helpful. Disclaimer - I have no relationship with any dog food company and make no representation about any products.

This post is simply to help a company investigate an issue that is making some dogs unwell so that the issue can be addressed. The contact details I have and have been corresponding with are as follows. Email: [email protected]

My contact: Eliza

Phone: 1300-654-279


Photo albums being uploaded need to be cut back, comments made and other stuff so just ignore those posts for now until I'm done.


I didn't really want to go to bed last night so I ate my dinner one piece at a time, kept re-positioning myself around the bowl and made sure to individually find and eat every single piece I had knocked out of my bowl, one by one. Twenty minutes later when I was finally finished stalling they made me go to bed :-( Oh well, at least I could get back to trying to eat the spots off my pillow pet.

Meet Italy's Lifeguard Dogs 01/11/2019

Dogs doing amazing things. Lifeguard dogs in Italy. More links in comments.

Meet Italy's Lifeguard Dogs In the midst of Italy’s hot summers—when the beaches are full of swimmers—the lifeguards keeping everyone safe bring in some much-needed, four-legged assista...

Photos from Echo Medic Alert Dog's post 28/10/2019

Brother from another Mother or Sister from another Mister? I'm confused... This was actually a test to see if this fella scared me as they freak out a lot of dogs. I was all good though. Just interested in my twinsie :-) This was a couple of years ago btw.


I turned 3 years old exactly a week ago! The 20th of October.

HOME | donotdistract 17/10/2019

This will give you a good insight into the work I and my fellow working dogs are doing (remembering that we are each individuals with tasks set specific to our handler's needs), how to respect us and our handlers in public and information in regards to the laws applicable in Australia that allow me to go wherever my owner goes but within reason, ie. sterile operating theatres I'm not going, though be assured I carry less germs than you, movie theatres are too loud for me, days or places over a certain temperature are not good for me and the law states that I am not to work when it is above a certain temperature though my owner wouldn't allow it anyway.
My welfare is prioritised over everything because he loves me very much, trusts me and relies on me. If I'm not well and happy then I won't do my job properly. We are a team.

HOME | donotdistract I was inspired to create this website after hearing so many questions about Assistance Dogs being asked time and time again. So I thought I would create a place to hold information, resources, blog posts, interesting articles, fun facts, and so much more!


My siblings and I before we would go on to our destinies. Mine would be as a Medic Alert dog (Assistance Dog).

Puppy pics 15/10/2019

With thanks to Raaybeam Smooths and Sharon Hill for providing these images.


I got in trouble today :-( I was so interested in watching some birds that I decided to ignore commands. I got put in time out in my bean bag. First time ever! Who puts a dog in time out?!?!
