Marta Hobbs

Marta Hobbs

Life Coach. Business Mentor. Author. SoulCare šŸ¦‹ Luxury retreats for women in Paris w/ Dior & Four Seasons George V šŸ¦‹ ā€œUnravelingā€ šŸ“˜


You wouldnā€™t think that going to a Dior fashion show during the super hectic Paris Fashion Week would be a deeply spiritual eventā€¦. I would guess that for most people, it probably isnā€™t. But for me, it touched something so deep within me, that I am still processing it. šŸŒŸ

It is interesting that after spending several years integrating pain and trauma, that I find myself now expanding into holding more joy, pleasure, delight and wonder-like awe. Both ends of the spectrum of human emotions are inviting me to stretch and expand - holding both darkness and light within the sacred temple of the human body. I am not here to transcend anything but to fully embody, to experience and then to express it in whatever I choose to create. šŸŒŸ

Since I came back home from being hosted and spoiled by the Dior team at 30 Avenue Montaigne, I keep spilling things. I spilled coffee all over my light gray couch, after spilling tea on it first. My cup overflows - that is what it feels like. My heart is so full of the magic of life, the love for its beauty, the depth of connection to people and their stories - it is spilling over. And hereā€™s the wonderful thing - when you are filled to the rim with this abundant energy - what spills over and into others is love, kindness and gratitude. When you are trying to pour out from an empty cup - what spills out is tainted with the pain and wounds of your unresolved hurts entangled with the love you intend to giveā€¦ thereā€™s an attachment and an expectation of getting something back - because your own needs arenā€™t met from withinā€¦

This week I am reflecting on my capacity to receive in all ways always - opening my heart, my palms, my energy field - to hold more. And the more I hold, in full awareness of it, the more life seems to want to gift me with. Leaving behind the need to do something in return, to pay back, to reciprocate - I simply receive what is here and I give thanks. šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™

What if life could be better than your wildest, biggest dreams? What if the only thing limiting this is what you choose to believe is possible for you - the mind and the words it says to you. The heart already knows you are worthy - listen from there. šŸŒŸšŸ¦‹šŸŒŸ


On letting goā€¦ šŸ–¤

Sometimes I still do it. I cling too tightly. I get too attached. I get so passionate, so excited about a thing, a person, a place or a project - I become obsessed by it. I merge with it. It takes me over.
Good and bad thing because this usually ends up manifesting the thing somehow. I become successful in bringing it to my life. It actually becomes my reality. But I lose myself in it. I look to it to be ā€œthe thingā€ forgetting that it is merely a mirror, an extension, an expression of the Divine source. Just like I am.

I need to pause. Pause and reflect. Come back to what Iā€™m doing and why I am doing it. You will find me with my journal, reflecting and contemplating, asking questions of self-inquiry, seeking meaning in the experience after I ā€œcatch myself in it.ā€ Who am I? Am I using it to define me? Is the success of the thing somehow what gives me validation and meaning? If so - it will always end up disappearing - to remind meā€¦ to remind me of who I truly am when I stand alone on my own and not leaning on a thing, a person, a place or a project.

I, by myself, am sacred, complete and whole. The need of something ā€œout thereā€ is a reminder that I am forgetting.

This is the work I keep coming back to. This is the work I do with other successful women. The remembering - that we are so much more than what we do. The beautiful things we are here to co-create arenā€™t ours to grasp and cling to - we get to tend to them and release them with love. They stay as long as they wish and not a moment longer. Everything is temporary and understanding that, accepting it, means freedom.

The lightness found underneath this is a profound space of peace. I breathe deeply again. I relax the tension and pressure. I let go of expectations and I move gracefully into the next expression of who I am becoming - in awe of the process and in deep gratitude for this life and the people in it. This is a dance - the forgetting and the remembering.

You are not your job nor your business.
Your performance doesnā€™t equal your value.
Spend this Sunday simply being, breathing, knowing that you are worth just as much as on your ā€œproductiveā€ days. Feel it in your heartšŸ–¤


If my words, my message and my energy resonate with you and touch your heart - I want you to come closer. I have so much more Iā€™d like to share with youā€¦

Building a community takes time but mostly it takes intention and love, which I have an overwhelming abundance of. I am committed to finding, amongst the many, the few who are longing for the belonging and connection we can give each other in intimate spaces as women. I want to gather us in a soul-led sisterhood where we can share, dream, give and receive, love and grieve, laugh and cry - and come with all of lifeā€™s complexities without filtering, holding back or repressing any parts of who we are. I want to be this Sacred Space for you.

My work is deeply sacred and spiritual and I lead my life from my soul and live with an open heart. I honor the natural rhythm, seasons of life and our connection to the Divine. I believe we are here to create - birth not only beautiful babies but ideas and our realities - to give life to everything in every way. I believe being a woman is a sacred gift and most of us live disconnected from the immense power we each have. I want you to access this space within you - the boundless, limitless, wild and free you. I want to help you find her and remind you of who you are at your core and the magic that can happen when you remember your true identityā€¦ who you ARE. not what you DO. šŸ–¤

In order for your life to be everything you dream of it being- you need to show up. You need to show up, make yourself visible and open your heart too. You need to take back your power and become fully responsible for your life experience. The fastest way to do this is surrounding yourself with others a few steps ahead. Not to judge and compare - but allowing yourself to be in the energy of what you truly desire - and softening into it. Allowing it to fully seep into every cell of your being.

This is what we do here. And my Dior SoulCare event is the first of these gatherings. It starts on Monday but you need to sign up by Sunday. Only you know if this invitation is for you. But if you do, and you feel it, I would ask that you trust it. Trust yourself. Show up. šŸ–¤
DM for details.


Join me for my first online event next week! Live from Paris during Paris Fashion Week - starting on Monday. šŸ–¤

I have planned something really extraordinary for us and if youā€™ve been waiting and inquiring about my online gatherings - this is the first. A chance for soul-led like-minded sisters to come together and embody our power, our sacredness our true essence of abundance. I will weave together spirituality and wealth in a luxurious, intimate setting - just for you, for me, for us - leaving you with a deep knowing of ā€œanything is possible.ā€ This event is a reminder of who you truly are. Come to remember. šŸ–¤

Over two days, you will have exclusive access to what itā€™s like to attend Paris Haute Couture Week as a VIP. You will come with me behind the scenes of Dior, learning the secrets only known to insiders. I will share over two days via private IG stories many of the magical moments and surprises of being hosted by the extraordinary team at 30 Avenue Montaigne - the flagship Dior store and the biggest in the world. You get to see it all.

On the third day, Wednesday January 24th, we will gather at 2pm Paris time (8am EST) on zoom for a 90 minute session of storytelling and SoulCare. I will bring you even deeper into the energy and experience of this exquisite adventure - one I had been manifesting. Iā€™ll take your questions. And we will finish with my signature SoulCare meditation in order to connect with our hearts and our deepest desires, anchoring in the abundance, awe and luxury, spending time in community and expanding our ideas and beliefs about whatā€™s possibleā€¦šŸ–¤

Donā€™t underestimate what being in an environment like this can do for you. My in-person gatherings have been life-changing for many, so much so, that I have been inspired to bring them to a wider audience by offering them online. Iā€™m so excited to meet you, share this journey with you and welcome you into my world, my community, my sacred space. šŸ–¤

Link to register in comments. $333 gets you three day access as well as the replay, if you canā€™t attend live. Only 5 days left to book your spot - spaces are limited in order to maintain an intimate setting. It will be an epic adventure. šŸ–¤


Come inside the House of Dior with me. Get exclusive access to Paris Fashion Week during Haute Couture Week in the City of Light! All from the comfort of your own home. šŸ–¤

For the next five days only - secure your spot to join me ONLINE for an adventure of a lifetime. Dior plans the magical journey - we get to enjoy the exclusive experience together. The fun begins on Monday January 22nd. Pre-registration ends the day before.

$333 gets you three days of exclusive content via private stories on IG - the prep, the show, the behind the scenes of 30 Avenue Montaigne, the after-party on Day 1. Day 2 includes surprises and secrets only revealed to those invited inside the Maison. Weā€™ll finish on Day 3 with a live zoom call together (Jan 24th at 2pm Paris time with replay available if you canā€™t attend live) - me sharing all the details, you asking all the questions, us meditating together in a special SoulCare session which allows us to embody abundance and calibrate to the magical energy and vibration of this luxurious VIP experience.

Iā€™m only taking along a small intimate group - if you want the front row seats - donā€™t wait. Payment link by DM. šŸ–¤ Hope to see you next week! šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜


If you love Paris - this is for you.
If you love Dior - this is for you.
If youā€™ve been dreaming of attending Paris Fashion Week, coming to one of my luxury retreats, or spending time together discovering the secret spots and most luxurious places the City of Light has to offer - this is for you.šŸ–¤

Join me next week, starting January 22nd for three days of access to the biggest event in the fashion industry - Paris Fashion Week - Haute Couture style - at the most famous fashion house in the world - DIOR.šŸ–¤ ALL ONLINE! šŸ–¤

I am taking along a small circle of like-minded souls to share this extraordinary experience virtually with me in private. Starting with prep by the Dior glam team, the photo shoot inside of 30 Avenue Montaigne, to the show itself and even the after party. Join me for special events and surprises only accessible to those with the most coveted ā€œticketā€ the next day. Weā€™ll finish up on day 3 with a special live zoom call - re-living all the details with me where you get to ask questions and then closing with a beautiful SoulCare meditation where we get to anchor in and embody the abundance of it all. šŸ–¤

If you are manifesting something big, if youā€™re calling in something spectacular, if youā€™re ready to hold the energy of your wildest dreams becoming reality - this expansive experience will safely calibrate you to the vibration of ā€œMORE.ā€
This is an exquisite experience is a dream I myself manifested and Iā€™m so excited not just to share it with you but to celebrate the moment and be the evidence for you of ā€œANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!ā€šŸ–¤

$333 gets you in - link for payment in comments. We begin next Monday on my private IG stories. Zoom gathering on Wednesday Jan 24th at 2pm Paris time (8am EST). Hope to see you there!!! šŸ–¤šŸ–¤šŸ–¤


Let me remind you on this Monday, one week into the New Year, what is possible for youā€¦

But thereā€™s a catch. You have to be willing to choose it for yourself. You have to truly believe it, feel it and embody it. You back to become it.

Why can I say this with full confidence? Because of my own life experience.
At 13 I was a foreigner arriving in the USA for the first time - not speaking English, not understanding the culture, not knowing anyone in my new homeland.
At 39 I retired a multimillionaire thanks to the American business my husband and I built together. A business which generated $2.5 billion in revenue at the time we sold it. A business which continues to generate even more a decade later.

Why am I ā€œbragging?ā€ Because I donā€™t believe I am special. I donā€™t believe I posses some kind of skill or knowledge that led me to this level of success. I think this amazing adventure is available to us all - if we can stop putting limits on whatā€™s possible, what we are capable of, what isnā€™t ā€œtoo muchā€ to ask for or to have.

Itā€™s your life. You get to decide how you live it and who you are in it. And, in my humble opinion, the game shifts completely when you understand WHO you are. When you remember.

Not the human self, which is a part of it. Not the roles you play and the jobs you perform. Not the mind, constantly distracting you with its chatter. But the deep essence what you embody in this lifetime - your sacred and divine core. Your light, your spirit, your soul. That part of you is limitless, boundless and eternal. And that part of you gets to be expressed in who you are and what you do - the being and the doing - this beautiful dance between the two.

The problem is, we sometimes canā€™t see it. We sometimes forget. We believe the lies we hear from others and our own inner critic. The solution is surrounding yourself with people who can remind you, reflect to you, give you new eyes to seeā€¦ this is the gift of coaching or mentorship - to help you in the returning into your own power.

When youā€™re ready for the ride, the adventure, the change, the magic - let me know. Invest in someone whoā€™s lived this story. Invest in your future self. šŸ–¤


Beauty has become such a sacred doorway to the Divine for me. But it wasnā€™t until I learned how to slow down and notice it, that I begun to appreciate it. I was too busy racing, chasing and achieving - doing life by running from one appointment in my calendar to the next - existing in survival mode and on autopilot and calling it ā€œsuccessā€. My life was filled with stress and managing and controlling it was the only way of being that I knew - almost like a warrior fighting a battle not a woman living her life.

It took a crisis and a total breakdown of how my life functioned for things to change. Initially, of course, I fought it and just wanted to ā€œget back to normal.ā€ But how exactly was the old ā€œnormalā€ serving me? It wasnā€™t.
I was exhausted, resentful and felt alone with the weight of it all.

Eventually I gave in - I stopped trying to solve the problem I myself created - the me I became in the life I myself created. In the search for healing, one of the many things I discovered was beauty. Once I started looking for it, I saw it everywhere. In simple things like the way sunlight hit the orchids in my home, the songs the birds sang on the walk with my dog, the way fresh flowers lit up my kitchen, the way babies smiled at their mothers or older couples held hands or puppies ran up to their owners. It was all so beautiful. How had I missed all this before?

It was like a magical potion and so I started to choose it for myself intentionally - stopping for coffee in beautiful spots, vacationing in the most scenic places, living in places that made my heart sing, staying in hotel rooms I loved. And the feeling of beauty amplified how beautiful I found my own life. I softened. My heart opened. Love flowed in.

In reality, the places, the things, the external beautiful things - they were only a reflection of the beauty within me. The beauty I found ā€œout thereā€ was simply mirroring my inner beauty - the eternal beauty of the soul.

Now I spend my time teaching this - the slowing down, letting old ways of being go, and creating truly beautiful lives that we love. If this speaks to you - Iā€™d love to help you get there. ā™„ļøšŸ˜˜ DM me for details.


šŸŒŸ Work with me in 2024 šŸŒŸ

I have decided this will be a year of even more magic - not just for me, but for you too, if youā€™re ready.

This is for the one whoā€™s been waiting for the right moment to begin her own transformation - the inner journey into a deep connection with her soul AND the outer journey of aligning with abundance and manifesting her dreams. This is your sacred invitation to walk this path - with me along your side. šŸŒŸ

I donā€™t do long sales pitches or calls to convince you that you need me - you donā€™t. I fully believe that you have all the power within you and Iā€™m just coming along at the right time to help you see, help you tune in and listen to your own inner wisdom and the whispers of your soul. If you feel a deep YES in your heart or your gut - DM me and letā€™s get started.

I am opening 3 new spots for a three-month long 1:1 mentorship with me at a third of the price. If this is the sign youā€™ve been waiting for - donā€™t miss it.

šŸŒŸ Happy New Year. šŸŒŸ


May it be a year filled with magic, awe and wonder. May it bring you MORE - more love, more health, more joy, more laughter, more adventures, more abundance, more wealth and a deeper connection to yourself and your soul. šŸŒŸ


Who you are, is a necessary step to being who you will be. Just like who you were in the past was a necessary step to being who you are now.
Once you grasp this concept, you will finally accept all of it - the entirety of who you are and all thatā€™s happened in your life before today. It all got you here. The moment you make peace with this truth, is the first step towards freedom - this sacred acceptance.

You are standing at a doorway, a threshold, a crossroads. Everything you have lived through, everything you have become was needed to arrive at this very point. Take a deep breath inā€¦. Slowly exhale it outā€¦ Be fully here now - in this moment, in this body, in this place - without analyzing, trying to understand, asking why - exit the mind, enter the body. Breathe. This present moment holds all the magic - your very own sacred pause.

Here you are - beautiful, incredible, beloved you. Who will you become next? Whatā€™s possible and available to you once you release stories of your past and attachment to the way you have been being until now? What are your dreams, wishes, desires and passions? What do you long to experience next?

You are both the creator and the creation. In your choices lies your freedom and your power to design a life you absolutely love, to become a person you completely adore. Itā€™s all in your hands if you are willing to take the responsibility for it.

The more I am willing to be - to learn, to experience, to expand, to grow - the more I can become. My life has been a constant shifting, changing, evolving and I just love this. ā€œHow do you do so much?ā€ people ask. Itā€™s my willingness to let go when something feels finished, and try a new thing. Itā€™s the knowing that in the discomfort of shedding old skin, lies the promise of the next version of myself. I am constantly transforming - unbecoming to become again. What will she do next? Whatā€™s the adventure she will embark upon? Nothing is off limits. Nothing is too big, too much, too crazy for me. I allow myself to dream.

This is how Iā€™m leaving 2023 - in awe and wonder - excited at what unfolds for me next. Grateful for the journey so far.

I wish the same for you, beloved.šŸŒŸ


As the year comes to a close, and the celebration of Christmas wears off, we find ourselves with a few days of ā€œin between time.ā€ After the presents and family gatherings have passed but the celebration of New Yearā€™s Eve is not yet here. Donā€™t rush through this important time. Donā€™t miss it. šŸ¤šŸ•Šļø

It can feel heavy, dark and sad and so, very often, we get busy cleaning up the old or planning for the next, new adventure. But life invites us into sitting still and being fully in the present moment. Take a moment and notice what is here for you - feelings, emotions, sensations.

This liminal space, time in-between time, can be such a sacred space before the year comes to a completion. Allow yourself to slow down and be with your own self - to listen to the heart, the body, the soul speaking to youā€¦ what needs to be held and loved? What needs to be validated and acknowledged? What needs to be tended to within you? And - what needs to be released before the New Year comes?

Take the time for yourself in these next couple of days and tend to your heart, nourish your soul, care for the holy vessel that is your body. Before you start visioning and setting goals or resolutions - just be present with what is here, now. Sit in the well of your own love for yourself and allow it to wash over you until you feel so full of it that tears come. Just how amazing are you? How wonderful? How precious? Can you feel it? Give thanks for whatā€™s here - you, in this life, with these people - what a gift! Open your heart wide and take the time to receive all this, to hold it, to experience it, to feel it, to be grateful for it.

Let all of 2023 integrate and complete before you rush to celebrate 2024 and all of its promises and potential. Finish well before you rush to the next thing. Reflect on the year this has been and the person you were in itā€¦ you might learn and notice something unexpected. šŸ¤šŸ•Šļø This is always the case for me. šŸ¤šŸ•Šļø

Iā€™d love to hear your insights.

Photos from Marta Hobbs's post 25/12/2023


GRATITUDE ā™„ļø I am feeling so grateful... Having our whole family together doesnā€™t happen as often as it used to, now that our kids are adults. This makes our times together so much more special and meaningful. Especially since we donā€™t all live close to one another.

When we come together, my world is somehow complete - like all pieces of my heart are reunited and I can feel fully present. I am whole. Even though each time we then separate - it hurts. I allow my heart to fully overflow with love on days like these, knowing that it will be hard to say goodbye soon. Thatā€™s the risk we all take when we choose to love deeply - allowing love fully in opens us up to heartbreak at the same time. But I am here to live life with my heart wide open, so I will feel the pain fully so that I can love more deeply - expanding my capacity on both ends - learning to hold both experiences at the same time.

I have been thinking how lucky I am, how lucky we are, and letting the feeling move me to tears. This is sitting in gratitude for me - crying in the morning because I love so much, because I am loved so much, because love is everywhere in my life. Itā€™s incredible. ā€œLuckyā€ seems like the only word but itā€™s not quite right - thereā€™s a sacredness and awe to this gift, this blessing, that is my life. I feel overwhelmed by it all and so as I cry these tears of love and gratitude, somehow they water the seeds they plant at the same time - love and gratitude multiplies within me. Itā€™s this beautiful and holy cycle inside of me - my own experience of giving and receiving love - which then overflows to others. It is so precious and it is so pure.

I wanted to share this with you on Christmas and wish for you a love like this in your own life. ā™„ļøšŸ˜˜ Happy Holidays, dear friends. šŸŽ„šŸŽ„


This is the energy I am bringing into 2024 šŸ–¤ The words ā€œPray and Playā€ sum up my theme for the next year.

I donā€™t do resolutions - they make me feel like thereā€™s something broken or wrong about me that needs fixing. I donā€™t set goals or targets - they feel restrictive, create pressure and they cut off my connection to the natural flow of life. My process is more a result of contemplation and journaling - a word or a phrase comes into my mind, and I just know thatā€™s the theme for the New Year.

PRAY is about staying connected to myself, my soul, the essence of who I truly am. Itā€™s about tuning in first and remembering who I am at my core - sacred, whole, divinely designed and connected to all of life. Itā€™s knowing that I am love and reminding others by loving them well. šŸ–¤ PRAY is about soul care first and foremost.

PLAY is about connecting to the little girl within me, to the energy of fun, silliness, joy, pleasure, beauty, adventure and delight. Itā€™s about not living by ā€œshouldā€ and ā€œneedā€ and ā€œhave toā€ but about doing life the way which feels good to me. Itā€™s about living a life filled with magic, the feeling of awe and enchantment. Itā€™s about freedom and allowing myself to be authentically, wildly and truly ME. šŸ–¤ PLAY is about abundance.

Quite fitting that with this phrase as my motto I am launching my luxury retreats for women in Paris. We get to embody all this while experiencing the best in unmatched service levels of luxury hospitality and designer brands - in what I believe is the most beautiful city in the world - Paris.

So, come to pray and play with me starting next month. These transformative journeys are available as one-to-one retreats or in small groups. Link below to learn more. šŸ–¤šŸ–¤šŸ–¤ See you in Paris!


I have been contemplating wealth and spirituality quite a bit lately.

For a long time I told myself the two were in complete conflict; that I had to choose one or the other. And that the path of the soul was the noble and the correct path to take - the one respected by others, the one valued, the one that truly mattered.

Until this past March I didnā€™t allow myself to shop at places like Dior and was uncomfortable even walking into those stores. I repressed this part of myself - the woman who loves and values beauty, elegance and luxury. I resisted my own humanityā€¦

Why? Because I am deeply connected to my soul and live kind of a spiritual hermitā€™s life some of the time - when Iā€™m not hanging out at Four Seasons and Dior. And I have labeled this way of living as right and sacred. Judging the other half of my experience - the materialistic ā€œunspiritualā€ part.
Rich people are shallow, rude and ungrateful - was the belief, one for which I had plenty of proof. ā€œI donā€™t want to become thatā€ - was the fear. ā€œI donā€™t want to be perceived as thatā€ - was the even bigger fear.

Lately, I am starting to see that I am here to bridge this very gap - to be the evidence for others and to interweave and integrate both parts of myself. I am here to bridge the gap between wealth and spirituality, telling and living a new story of money in the hands of awakened and powerful women.

Reconnecting successful and wealthy women with their inner selves, their essence, their soul. AND - helping those who are deeply connected spiritually to embody the vibration, energy and physical reality of wealth. I can hold both in a very powerful and authentic way. This is my mission, actually.

Because, if we are sacred and whole at our core - filled with Divine essence which is limitless by nature - why wouldnā€™t abundance be our natural state of being??? šŸ¦‹ IT IS. šŸ¦‹

I am curious to see what unfolds when I go all in on this belief and try it on as my truth.

My luxury retreats for women in Paris start in 2024 - in partnership with Dior and Four Seasons George V. Come and experience all this and more - come and see MY Paris and leave forever changed.

Details coming soonā€¦

Photos from Marta Hobbs's post 13/12/2023

Hereā€™s the rest of my interview with which I really enjoyed. šŸ©µ We talked about trauma, healing, immigration, resilience, transformation, and the spiritual awakening that often comes in form of a crisis or a breakdown in life. We also talked about my move to Paris and the soul work and mission that came out of that move.šŸ¦‹

My path was that of achieving big things early on in my adult life, despite (or maybe thanks to) the difficulties I encountered as a child. You could say, I became an expert manifestor - a loving marriage, amazing children, successful career, financial abundanceā€¦ However, because I was living life on the physical plane only (external reality) I believe, it all had to crumble. It had to break down so that I could begin to understand that there is more to life: our internal reality and a soul-experience of this human existence.

I had to learn this the hard way so that I could then teach it to others. Those who are successful, accomplished with lives that look ā€œperfectā€ from the outside. But sometimes, the heart desires more - fulfillment, purpose, inner peace, passion, deeper love, and a connection to life (our own selves and others) that can only come from understanding that we are mind, body AND spirit. Anything less is simply incomplete,easing to a fragmented experience.

From my pain came wisdom and insight which I started sharing with others. Those already in the midst of their own personal crisis and others who understood the need for this work to prevent the breakdown from happening at all. It is by tending to our souls, our hearts, our own inner wellbeing that we begin to live lives of alignment, balance and harmony; Lives of our own unique paths, full self-expression and total freedom; Lives that reflect the deeper truth of who we are - sacred and whole at our core; Lives led by our souls and lived from the heartā€¦ šŸ©µ

This is the invitationā€¦ šŸ™

Photos from Marta Hobbs's post 11/12/2023

Here is a snippet from my in depth interview with LIGHT UP MAG. Iā€™m so grateful for the opportunity to share my story as well as my work. I just loved our soul-nourishing conversation. šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™ Thank you for shining the light on leaders who are making a difference in the world. Iā€™m honored to have been featured. šŸ¤šŸ•Šļø

Videos (show all)

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When Dior throws a dinner party - it is always a stunning, exquisite and elegant work of art. šŸ„‚ Merci pour cette belle s...
Last yearā€¦. My first Dior show. It was incredible! šŸ–¤This yearā€¦ you get to come along!And you get to see inside and behin...
šŸ¦‹ Come with me to Dior in ParisšŸ¦‹ Only 4 days left to register for my first ONLINE event!Where else would it be but Paris...
Gratitude. Awareness. Living with an open heart. Receiving. These are the things that make life magical. When you slow d...
Thank you GOSS Magazine for this beautiful feature. So fun seeing myself in print!!! And even more fun to be in an issue...
Welcoming the New Year in the gorgeous Parisian Suite at the Four Seasons George V - what a way to celebrate the old and...
It is hard to share the magic of this extraordinary evening in words or in what I captured of it on my phoneā€¦ it was unf...
Three years from start to finishā€¦ šŸ–¤This labor of love of finishing a book and becoming a published author. It was possib...
Traveling with 50 roses?! Why not!Iā€™ve been feeling sick for most of the last month. So when my husband sent me the most...
I am loving all the butterflies in this yearā€™s Christmas displays at Dior - this one is from New York City. šŸ¦‹ā€™s always r...
Gratitudeā€¦ ā­ļøGratitude is the gateway. Notice whatā€™s already here - how much you have to give thanks for, how much beaut...