Sharing ASL at Eagan Hills

Sharing ASL at Eagan Hills

Several members of Eagan Hills Church were interested in learning American Sign Language (ASL). We decided to get together once a week to practice together.

A few of us have been through interpreting programs and wanted to brush up our signing skills.


So Anika, Avalon, Maria, and I met this past Thursday, which was fun. We reviewed introducing ourselves, some fingerspelling, family members, and same vs. different. Neither Anika nor I can be there this week. I'm not saying the rest of you cannot meet; however, someone else would have to lead. If someone feels they can take that on, let me know.


Good morning everyone! Let’s talking about time(s) we can meet. I can’t do it during standard business day hours, so other than that, what works for you?


Cassie is a born storyteller. Even if you can't understand everything she is signing, watch her expressions and use of classifiers. I love watching her tell stories of her antics growing up.
