Mason Strong

Mason Strong

Mason is a 11 year old boy who has battled epilepsy his entire life.


The power is out but we hooked up the generator so Mason can play games and be entertained. We have one happy little boy today!


A dog is a boys best friend! These two have became so attached to each other!
We hope everyone has had a great start to the new year!


Good morning! Mason is ready for the day! He struggled last week with strep throat but has started this week off doing great!
This morning we finalized his Christmas wish list and he has decided Fire Trucks are out (he has only collected fire toys for 10 years) and Police toys are in!
We are hoping everyone has an amazing month of December!


Mason absolutely loves this time of year. He loves when we put up the tree and will sit and look at it for hours. We haven’t decorated it or even really fluffed it yet but Mason is happy and that’s all that matters!


It’s been a bit since we updated but Mason has been living life. This weekend we went to two fall festivals where he played non stop running around with other kids.
Mason loved trick or treating but was definitely struggling some.
Mason acted “off” most of the evening which caused us to have to help him constantly. He especially struggled up and down front porch stairs, to the point we had to end up skipping some homes because it was too much for him.
(I beg of you, if you have a large staircases for kids to walk up and down please leave the candy at the bottom. I know people think kids have to “work” for the candy but for those with special needs kids or even toddlers [in my case we had both] it’s almost impossible.)
Mason ended up having two seizures and we had to finish the night off watching movies.
Thank you all for the continue prayers. I’ll try to continue to update more!

Photos from Mason Strong's post 26/09/2023

Mason participated in the Big feet special
Olympics today with his school! He had so much fun and came home talking about it non stop! ❤️


It’s been a minute since we have posted. Mason is starting to have regular seizures again. We are talking with his doctors to see what medicines we need to increase or try.
Mason has been loving school this year and has come a long way! He has learned to write his name, pop popcorn, and take care of his regular hygiene (brushing teeth, combing hair, putting deodorant on etc.).
Mason has been enjoying swimming almost every evening, trying to soak up that last bit of summer weather.
Like always, we appreciate all of your prayers! Mason is a true miracle that only God could give.


Claire Morris Mason loves his surprise. He hasn’t set down the superhero since he got it in the mail!


Mason and Mommy movie date! We let Mason skip school today since he was struggling with being seen in his EEG and we decided take him to the movies! Mason loves watching movies and eating popcorn! He was so excited to find out Spider-Man was playing in the theatre!


Mason has been having daily evening seizures. These seizures are absent seizures and you can barely notice he is having them. Yesterday we received a phone call from UVA asking us to come into the office today. They set Mason up with a take home EEG and checked his VNS.

Mason sat really well while they applied the eeg. The nurse gave him a mirror and he got to watch her apply all the little “dots” as he calls them. He would laugh and say it tickled.

If you see Mason wearing his eeg hat and book-bag make sure you let him know how cool it looks. He told me through tears that all his friends are going to laugh at him for it.

Mason is such a special child and I’m so thankful we have been shown so much support through this page!


Mason learned how to use chopsticks! This is one of his favorite restaurants ever, if you’re in the area definitely check it out!
Every time he would pick something up with his chopsticks he would say, look I did it!


Mason was so excited to receive his end of year award at school today! He wants to hang it up in his room! He was even more excited that Mom checked him out early and he got McDonalds to celebrate!


Mason rocking his new haircut!


Mason was so happy to be able to celebrate his birthday with a pool party today!

Keep Mason in your prayers as he has started to have absent seizures. We are marking the all down and will be contacting his neurologist this upcoming week.


Thank you all who sent cards for Masons birthday! It truly meant the world to him! He loved opening every single one of them! Since his birthday our household has battled strep throat, colds, and seizures. I think we are all finally up and feeling better! We even have gotten a handle on his seizures again!
I am reminded once again how unpredictable epilepsy is. Over a year seizure free was gone in a flash of an eye. This terrible disease will affect Mason and other kids like Mason for the rest of their lives.
Here is to being 5 days seizure free after an increase in medicine!
Continue prayers for Mason is always appreciated!


Happy Birthday Mason Tyler! 11 years has came so quickly. The love that you have for your baby sister is a so sweet, you two share such a strong bond that will last a lifetime.
You have had such a hard difficult life but thankfully you always try to find the joy in things.
We love you so much and we hope you have a wonderful birthday!


Masons 11th birthday is coming up on April 30th! He loves receiving cards in the mail, he literally checks the mail daily! If you would like to send Mason a birthday card (no gifts or money is necessary) I know it would brighten his day! Send a pm to this account and we will send the address over!


Mason’s seizure clock started over on Wednesday March 15th while on vacation. Thankfully it was only one seizure that didn’t last long.
Mason didn’t let anything stop him from doing EVERYTHING all other little boys his age has done their entire life. Mason went swimming, played at the water park, went down water slides, walked around an ENTIRE amusement park two days in a row, and rode every roller coaster ride! Mason got to enjoy time riding a golf cart and hanging out in the sun! These are all things in the past that have scared us and have had to be limited due to his illness but, this past week we let Mason LIVE!
Despite the fact he has a seizure he didn’t let anything stop him. He told me he wants to move to Florida he had so much fun!


Mason has been over a year seizure free and hospital free to celebrate LIFE we decided to take Mason on a vacation for the first time in years. This week is going to be packed with swimming, water parks, Lego Land, and Peppa Pig theme park! I never thought we would be able to do this again with Mason but God is good!

Photos from Mason Strong's post 01/03/2023

March is Cerebral Palsy awareness month. Although Masons case of cerebral palsy is mild it still affects him in many ways. This month we encourage you to wear GREEN to spread awareness! Tag Mason Strong in your GREEN pictures so we can spread awareness too!

Photos from Mason Strong's post 23/02/2023

Mason is loving this warm weather!


100 buttons for 100 days of school. Last week Masons school sent home a paper encouraging students to wear 100 items in a shirt. Here’s to hoping half these buttons last the day.


As the year comes to an end and a new year begins I can’t help but to think how blessed we are. This is the first calendar year EVER Mason has remained seizure free. This is the first calendar year EVER Mason has remained out of the hospital.
Thank you everyone for the prayers, donations, and gifts for the past years. The Lord has truly blessed us with Mason and we pray He continues to do so.


Merry Christmas from Mason! Mason asked Santa for a robot dog and he got it! He spent all day playing with it!
We hope everyone had a great Christmas!

Photos from Mason Strong's post 22/11/2022

Mason did so well in his Thanksgiving parade at school! He absolutely loves his medal from Roanoke Police as well! ❤️❤️ and of course Mason was a firefighter for the parade!


I haven’t give a Mason update in a while, why? Because he is doing remarkable! He has not had a seizure since about January! He is learning more everyday and we couldn’t be more proud of him! We haven’t gone this long without a hospital stay his entire life and we are taking advantage of helping Mason live a normal life! Life without fear which has never been a way of life for him before.

Mason has wore a Halloween shirt everyday this week! He loves Halloween and dressing up! Yes, he is in shorts and rain boots. It was all he wanted to wear this morning. I’m sure he will spend the entire day complaining his legs are cold, so I sent a blanket with him to school. His fireman rain boots will always be his favorite. He struggles keeping balance in them because of the weight but he loves wearing them. I don’t know what we are going to do when his foot outgrows the sizes they make these in. So far We have been able to find them in his size for 5 years straight!

This year Mason was able to sit down with me and help create his Amazon wishlist for Christmas. In the past he has only been able to say he wanted 1-2 things max. This year he went through the entire Christmas catalog and was able to circle and point to items he wanted! We can’t wait to be able to get him gifts and toys of items he actually loves and wants to have this year for Christmas!

Mason loves his baby sister and helps out so much with her. They play ball together and he looks at books with her. It truly amazes me to see the love between the two of them!

Thank you to everyone who has continued praying for Mason. He has been truly blessed!


Mason had an eye appointment today. Looks like he is getting a new prescription and new glasses soon! He did so well during his appointment! We have to go back in 4 months to see how well his eyes are doing with his new prescription.


Mason’s school is hosting its annual golf tournament!

They are asking for each student to get gift card donations to use as prizes or gifts to the volunteers! If you would like to donate a gift card let us know in the comments below and I will contact you with details!

If you or your business would like to play in the tournament or sponsor the tournament Please let me know. I’ll post the details brochure to the tournament in the comments section below.

Thanks again for all of your support for Mason and our entire family!

Photos from Mason Strong's post 08/08/2022

If you’re looking for a sign that God is real look no further than this miracle child right here.

Masons first day of 5th grade! Yesterday he got to pick out new shoes and this morning (at 5am) he got a new haircut! He loves to spike his hair and now that he no longer needs a helmet we decided to clean him up for the first day!


Mason learned something new today! He impresses me everyday!

Videos (show all)

Mason learned something new today! He impresses me everyday!
Climbing mountains.
Who would have ever thought ten months ago Mason would be able to do this again? Prayer works.
Mason and I had a good trip to UVA for one of his appointments. He watched his tablet the entire ride, colored a picture...
We have been trying to teach Mason some small task to make him more independent. We have been working on walking to the ...
Mason went a little too fast down the slide. Don’t worry he was fine!! At first he thought I was taking a picture thats ...
Mason is saying “You’re ok, you’re okay. Me your brother. Right Mom? Me a nice brother?”I love this so much!
Day 47:Mason is getting stronger and stronger everyday! He is set to come home on Saturday! I am so overwhelmed by all t...
This melts my heart. For those of you who can’t understand what Mason is saying, he said, “Me glad me your son” I’m glad...
Mason could ride this all day long.
