Objetivo 2030

Objetivo 2030

Sensibilizar, Conscientizar e Mobilizar a população e os engenheiros, para os problemas com o ambi


The future we will want to build


Happy !

Youth are leaders at the forefront of the COVID-19 crisis, pushing for equality, justice and dignity for all. For instance, feminist youth and women’s organizations around the world are supporting the design and implementation of response and recovery programmes.

The theme of International Youth Day 2020, “Youth Engagement for Global Action”, highlights all the ways that young people are enriching institutions, contributing solutions and shaping decisions in their communities, countries and globally.

A youth group is pictured here alongside Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, Executive Director of UN Women, at the inauguration of the UN Women liaison office at UNOG Palais des Nations in Geneva.

📸 UN Photo / Elma Okic


Dividindo conhecimento entre países

📌Capacity-building Calendar

Members of the are working tirelessly to advance capacity-building for climate action. You are invited to join and follow these events, all organized virtually, to gain from and add to the discussions:

📣📣🗓🗓This week:

🔷🔶Today, July 15:
✅🌲Open and Transparent: Forest data setting the course for green future under the Paris Agreement, organized by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Find out more: http://newsletters.fao.org/c/155Y7Bac1WZKNhwiwJTeu3E5&sa=D&source=calendar&usd=2&usg=AOvVaw2-sLyvo8VwKBKuWz40XQ24

🔷🔶Today, July 15:
✅📊How may shape the of tomorrow, organized by Climate Ledger Initiative
Find out more: https://innovate4climate.pathable.co/meetings/JyDdnMCCyZ4gdgWot&sa=D&source=calendar&usd=2&usg=AOvVaw3lF2fasGJm1rt1SntzJCeI

📣📣🗓🗓Next week:

🔷🔶Tuesday, July 21:
✅🌲Forest data and transparency, Costa Rica's Experience, organized by FAO
Find out more: http://www.fao.org/redd/news/detail/en/c/1296859/&sa=D&source=calendar&usd=2&usg=AOvVaw1SNzi98v8CUKSFaA-nxagM

🔷🔶Wednesday, July 22:
✅🌏Gender Integration into National Climate Actions in the Asia-Pacific region, organized by
Find out more: https://unfccc.int/topics/gender/events-meetings/workshops-dialogues/virtual-workshops-gender-integration-into-national-climate-actions&sa=D&source=calendar&usd=2&usg=AOvVaw395Zkv9vRsjmYA5JtMQu-h

Interested in following capacity-building events organized by members of the PCCB Network?
Check out the online calendar below and stay tuned for more updates on this page!
https://unfccc.int/pccb-network/members -2

Palestra Sustentabilidade nos Materiais de Construção é dia 9 de julho, às 17h. Inscreva-se! - Instituto de Engenharia 11/07/2020

Palestra Sustentabilidade nos Materiais de Construção é dia 9 de julho, às 17h. Inscreva-se! - Instituto de Engenharia A palestra Sustentabilidade nos materiais de construção será dia 9 de julho, quinta-feira, às 17h. Ministrada por três grandes nomes da área: Lylian Coelho Ferreira, Edna Possan e Mateus De Azevedo Barão. Inscreva-se e não perca!


Building capacity for the integration of considerations into climate actions is a top priority for the and the .

The PCCB Network is honored to be joined by members whose efforts are specifically directed towards this goal🎯🎯:

🔷 WOCAN Women Organizing for Change in Agriculture & NRM
🔷 Women Environment and Youth Development Initiative-WOYODEV
🔷 Global Action Against Gender Inequality
🔷 Global Institute for Women's Empowerment - GIWE
🔷 Journalists for human rights - JHR
🔷 Climate and Development Knowledge Network
🔷 Centre for Human Rights and Climate Change Research

📩📩This is an invitation for all organizations focused on and to take part in an exciting opportunity for and on this topic, led by the UNFCCC Gender Team:

Regional (virtual) workshops on
📍 📍Gender Integration into National Climate Actions📍📍

The first workshop is set to take place on July 22 in the Asia-Pacific region🔖🌏ℹ️🗓.

📌Find out more about the workshops, and how to register here: https://unfccc.int/topics/gender/events-meetings/workshops-dialogues/virtual-workshops-gender-integration-into-national-climate-actions?fbclid=IwAR0vmzp3wa9lZ8-2_dmz5-RlJ8urGWSQXyxnh2cAKexY01OVMt2YEvB8Kc4

📌Find out more about members of the PCCB Network here: https://unfccc.int/pccb-network/members #


Novos projetos devem integrar os conceitos ecologicos, sociais e economicos .
Um projeto sustentavel combina fatores socio-ambientais desde à fase de analise de viabilidade de construções.


A atual pandemia de COVID-19 deve servir para lembrar aos engenheiros civis a importância crucial de cumprir os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável da ONU.
Os engenheiros civis e a engenharia civil estão bem posicionados para intervir e garantir que mesmo nestes tempos de instabilidade os recursos dos projetos sejam investidos nas metas SDG. O conhecimento de novas tecnologias dara a oportunidade aos engenheiros para garantir que os governos de todo o mundo reconstruam melhor, investindo em projetos e o impacto positivo que terão sobre as metas dos 17 SDG

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#COP27AfricanVoice #cop27egypt #COP27 #cop27sharm The future we will want to build
