Excited Gals Wellness Club Videos

Videos by Excited Gals Wellness Club. This is a landing pad for growing inspiration and love for YOU just as you are and who you want to be! We'll do it together through information on mindset, healthy eating, and exercise. Can't wait to see you inside! Welcome to the Club!

12 Days of Fitmas #11
You have made so many gains during the last 12 days! So don't lose steam now... keep going!

Today we're going to do two moves (30s each):
1. High Knees
2. Squat Tap

These are both exercises that have foundations in other exercises that we've done before.

1. Keep your form
2. If high knees have too much impact, step it out without the impact, but keep the pace up
3. Get into the squat as deep as you can; if you need to modify by not going as low into the squat, be sure you listen to your body!
4. Use weights only if you can; don't use weights if it's too much.

Exercises thus far (1 minute each):
1. Jumping Jacks
2. Plank
3. Mini squats with/without a hop
4. Push ups
5. Burpees
6. Upper Body - Dead lift, shoulder press, bicep curl and Tricep Kickback
7. Core - Crunches and C-curve Pass
8. Upper Body - Chest Press and Fly
9. Mountain Climbers and Cross Climbers
10.Yoga - Chair and Bird Dog poses
11. Today - High knees and Squat taps

Tomorrow is Day 12!
See you tomorrow for the last day!

Other Excited Gals Wellness Club videos

12 Days of Fitmas #11 You have made so many gains during the last 12 days! So don't lose steam now... keep going! Today we're going to do two moves (30s each): 1. High Knees 2. Squat Tap These are both exercises that have foundations in other exercises that we've done before. Considerations: 1. Keep your form 2. If high knees have too much impact, step it out without the impact, but keep the pace up 3. Get into the squat as deep as you can; if you need to modify by not going as low into the squat, be sure you listen to your body! 4. Use weights only if you can; don't use weights if it's too much. Exercises thus far (1 minute each): 1. Jumping Jacks 2. Plank 3. Mini squats with/without a hop 4. Push ups 5. Burpees 6. Upper Body - Dead lift, shoulder press, bicep curl and Tricep Kickback 7. Core - Crunches and C-curve Pass 8. Upper Body - Chest Press and Fly 9. Mountain Climbers and Cross Climbers 10.Yoga - Chair and Bird Dog poses 11. Today - High knees and Squat taps Tomorrow is Day 12! See you tomorrow for the last day!

12 Days of Fitmas #10 As of today, you are up to 10 minutes of continuous activity! Congratulations and sticking with this! Today we are going to introduce another exercise that will keep your mind and body stretching, but will reduce your heart rate! We will be doing 2 yoga poses... 1. Chair Pose 2. Bird Dog Pose Both of these will require concentration and continued good form. YOU CAN DO IT! I believe in you! Take a look at the video for the how-tos. Considerations: 1. Continue to keep in mind that form is key! 2. When doing chair, keep your knees behind or in line with your toes to reduce excess tension on your knees. 3. To be successful, keep in mind you may need to modify the movements... that's ok... those modifications are keeping you active and making progress! 4. Breathe! Yoga is all about mind-body connection, so keep breathing! Exercises thus far (1 minute each): 1. Jumping Jacks 2. Plank 3. Mini squats with/without a hop 4. Push ups 5. Burpees 6. Upper Body - Dead lift, shoulder press, bicep curl and Tricep Kickback 7. Core - Crunches and C-curve Pass 8. Upper Body - Chest Press and Fly 9. Mountain Climbers and Cross Climbers 10. Today - Yoga... Chair and Bird Dog poses Enjoy your YOU time! See you tomorrow for Day 11!

12 Days of Fitmas #9 Welcome back again! You are moving right through all these exercises and should be proud of all your efforts! If you are just starting or are on Day 9, showing up is all that matters! Today's exercise is: 1. Mountain Climbers (traditional) 2. Mountain Climbers with a twist Feel free to do 30s of each or any other way you want to divide them in order to keep form and get them done! They will work core, upper/lower body and cardio, so get ready to STRETCH your mind to complete the task! Take a look at the video for how-tos Considerations: 1. Keep your form 2. Go at your own pace 3. If you get tired, stop and hold the plank or drop to your knees for a few seconds and start again 4. DON'T GIVE UP! Exercises thus far (1 minute each): 1. Jumping Jacks 2. Plank 3. Mini squats with/without hop 4. Push-ups 5. Burpee 6. Upper Body: dead weight, shoulder press, bicep curl and tricep kickback 7. Core: Crunches and C-curve pass with/without weight 8. Upper Body: Asymmetrical Chest press and chest fly 9. Mountain Climbers Remember, YOU GET OUT what you PUT IN! See you tomorrow for Day 10!

12 Days of Fitmas #8 Can you believe it! You have made SO far! So let's keep going! Today we'll be doing upper body to bring your heart rate down. So our exercises are: 1. Asymmetrical Chest Press (one side at a time) 2. Asymmetrical Chest Fly (one side at a time) Don't have weights? Don't worry! You can use your own muscle tension or cans of vegetables! Watch the video for how-tos! Considerations: 1. Choose weights that are appropriate for you, you may be able to lift more weight for chest press and require less for chest flies. 2. If you need to decrease weight for chest flies, use two different weights and exchange during the exercise 3. Keep the small of your back on the floor with your belly button pulled in tight 4. Take your time! Rest when you need to! DON'T FORGO FORM FOR REPS!! Exercises through today (1 min each): 1. Jumping Jacks 2. Plank 3. Mini squats with /without hop 4. Push ups 5. Burpees 6. Upper Body - dead lift, shoulder press, bicep curl, and Tricep kickbacks (in sequence) 7. Abdominal Crunches and C-curve Pass 8. Today - Asymmetrical Chest Press and Fly You've got this and are doing AMAZING! Keep up the great work! See you tomorrow!

12 Days of Fitmas #6! Ladies, we are half way! So, over the past 5 sessions we have worked legs, core, with arms involved... but today we are solely work on arms using weights. Never fear, if you don't have weights, don't worry... grab a couple of 1# soup cans or use your own body tension. If you do have weights, lift what you believe you can sustain for 1 minute. There will be many reps, so you can start with a heavieer weight and have another set handy to use if you find your form is being compromised. NEVER SACRIFICE YOUR FORM and be sure to BREATHE! Considerations: 1. In the first segment of the exercise, be sure to hinge at the hips and as you bend with your weights keep your back flat - no back humps or belly sages allowed. Modify wen you need to KEEP YOUR BACK SAFE! 2. Go at YOUR pace 3. If you cant find weights, grab some canned goods; you'll find these may be challenging. Past Exercises (each a minute) 1. Jumping jacks 2. Plank 3. mint squat with a hop (if you can) 4. Push ups 5. Burpees 6. Hip hinges with row, bicep curl and tricep weight or a can of weights. Be creative! See you back here tomorrow for Day #7! Be careful and have FUN!! Take as many breaks as you want, but remember, " to keep breathing throughout the session. Clensing breaths So glad to stopped by for Part 6! Hope you are staying well!

12 Days of Fitmas #5 Glad you stopped by again! Today we are going to do Burpees! Yes, the ol' Burpee... Get excited, it's gonna be great! Considerations: 1. Go at your own pace 2. Modify if you need to for reducing impact and helping with reduced range of motion 3. Keep your form 4. When you raise into a stand, clench your glutes for increased tension Take a look at the video for demonstration and modification. 12 Days thus far (each for a minute): 1. Jumping Jacks 2. Plank 3. Mini Squat with/without a hop 4. Push ups 5. Burpee (today) HAVE FUN! Go at YOUR pace! You deserve this time! See you tomorrow for Day 6!

12 Days of Fitmas Day #4 Welcome back! Glad to see you stopped by... You are a 1/3 of the way through the program with this exercise! Today we're going to be working our upper bodies by doing push ups. Yep, push ups are tough, but not too tough for YOU! If you have the belief that you CAN, you WILL! Considerations: 1. 4 push up options a. Wall version - use wall to lean against and perform push-ups while upright b. Counter/Table Top Version - more intense than Wall version - this lowers your position and works your upper body more c. Traditional version on balls of feet or dropped knees YOU choose your version and do them at your pace. Count how many you do and see if you can beat it by at least 1 each time to take on the exercise. Form is everything! So, you have a 4-minute work out today... 1. Jumping Jacks 2. Plank 3. Mini squat with or without hop 4. Push-ups **For demonstration and details, see the accompanying video The best way to be successful is to be working to compete with yourself to get better each time you try the task! Drop a note in the comments to share how you are doing! See you tomorrow for Day #5!

12 Days of Fitmas #3 Here we are again Gals! Glad you have been coming along each day and I hope you are trying on these exercises - EVEN IF YOU NEED TO MODIFY! Today's workout... 3 minutes 1. Jumping Jacks (1 minute) 2. Plank (hold for 1 minute) 3. Mini squat with/without hops (1 minute) Today we are going to do Mini Squat Hops. If you haven't done a squat in a while or never done one, never fear! Try and squat...hold the position for as long as you can. If you are adept at doing squats, then add a hop to increase the complexity and intensity. Either way, you're going to feel it in your glutes, quads, and core! Get that heart pumping! Details for Success: 1. Push your butt back when you squat... Stick it out for everyone to see; that's going to get you into the correct position 2. Keep you knees in line with your toes. If you lean too far forward it's going to hurt your knees 3. If you are adding a hop, do it at your own pace; don't rush to get in reps, KEEP YOUR FORM! Alright Ladies! Remember, do this for YOU! Push yourself and see how far you can safely go! Drop a comment on how you did! See you tomorrow for Day 4!

12 Days of Fitmas Day #2 Welcome to day 2! I hope you all gave Jumping Jacks a try yesterday! Now let's add exercise #2. Today's exercise is holding a Plank. Though this exercise is simple, it is a CHALLENGE! It will challenge your core and your mind! 💪💪 Check out the short video below for tips and modifications! But remember, DON'T short yourself! You DESERVE to take care of yourself for you AND your loved ones ❤ 🏋️‍♀️ Today's workout... 🏋️‍♀️ 1. Jumping Jacks (1 minute) 2. Plank (1 minute) Keep the drive alive!

12 Days of Fitmas... Day 1 Video #2 Oops... technical issue; operator error 😉

12 Days of Fitmas is here! Over the next 12 days I am going to pop on and guide you through a different exercise each day. By the end of the 12 days you will have almost a 15 minute workout session you can perform anytime and anywhere. Things to consider... 1. This is supposed to be fun, so if you haven't exercised in a while IT'S OK! Go at your own pace! Rome wasn't bulit in a day. We need time to be able to do new things. 2. Listen to your body. If you feel pain, stop. Pain is VERY different than discomfort, we can work through discomfort, but pain needs to be addressed. 3. If you need to modify or rest do so, but DON'T STOP! You won't gain anything if you give up when things get tough. Today's exercise: JUMPING JACKS. Duration: 1 minute Pace: Your pace Modifications: Up: Go faster; Down: Low impact or slow the pace. Hint: If you wish, do 5 or 10 and then rest. Assignment: Post in the comments how it went and picture if you want... don't be afraid; NO JUDGEMENT HERE! You have to build to get better! Watch this video and #2 for additional details

Welcome to The Club!
Hello! I'm so happy you decided to stop in! This is a landing pad for women who are looking to LOVE themselves, find positive mindset tips, learn about health and eating right, some exercise. Stop in and have a look around! Pardon the dust, we're still under construction! Thanks for the visit!