

Artistic works in between (video-)installation, performance and sculpture. Chasing lights since 2003

Exploring different modes of presence and absence of bodies and the connections to each other.

Photos from Je.Jesch's post 25/05/2024

Little throwback to my solo exhibition at Atlas Bar & Gallery in March. Some of the pictures will be shown in the upcoming group exhibition „we want magic“ at Cafe J. Hornig. Hope to see you at the Opening on wednesday!


Hi, it’s me, elet. Usually I am not looking as fierce as I do in this picture, but it was a pleasure and relief to not constantly smile during a photoshooting 😸

This picture is from the FRAGILE resistance Accessoires Series which I built picturing an armoury against sexual (and racist) assaults.

A part of the series will be shown at the exhibition “Pirate Cultures” curated by .geri.scheicher from at the big Waschküche in from wednesday May 8th for a week. Come by and say hi!

by the way, I rarely had such a great time getting my pictures taken (most of the time I am awfully stiff in front of a lens as long as I am not allowed to move/dance) but Vikii made me feel safe and tickled exactly the right feelings out of me for this project.
So if you are looking to get new portrait pics, I definitely recommend to work with

FRAGILE resistance Accessoires Series (2024)
Concept, design & model: Je. Jesch
Photography by

Photos from Je.Jesch's post 15/04/2024

How to react, if you don’t get what you want?
WomXn often get slt shamed when they (even gently) turn down men. What a paradox! What were your weirdest experiences when you turned down an offer?

All prints for sale - A3+ Hahnemühle Paper,
333€ each - from every sale 33€ will be donated to

Today I took down the exhibition “FRAGILE? Resistance!” .wien
Oh what a pleasure it has been to show these works at this cosy space! Thanks to and the whole Atlas Team for having me.

If you didn’t get a chance to see it, make sure to save the date from 8.-16. May - that is where these will be shown next at the exhibition “Pirate Cultures” by at the Waschküche of - stay tuned!


What do you think: Is the taboo around naked female bodies part of the problem?

Last chance TODAY to see my solo exhibition .wien from 4-10pm

Let’s see if Insta approves this pic since the vital part of indecence is covered.. I think that precisely those taboos around where womxn are allowed to show skin and where they are judged for it, are also part of this overwhelming presence of s3xual abuse in our lives.

To regain sovereignty over our bodies I created a fashion accessoire series: to protect our bodies while still being able to wear sexy clothing. And to talk about those topics apparently too hot to handle for some…

Concept & Model:


FRAGILE? Resistance! is an Accessoire series made as a tool against unwanted touch. If you dress sexy and dance like nobody’s watching, very often there are assaults happening - especially in clubs or bars. They might not seem as big sexual assaults, but if one is dressed little, some people read it as an invitation to touch them and that is not okay! That’s how the idea of creating this accessories came in mind. To protect the wearer and give them the freedom to be as sexy as they want without the fear that it is very often connected to.

The photography series was shot with the amazing and I modelled myself to show the several pieces in action.

The show is running until saturday you can still watch the original accessoires alongside the photo series at .wien - they are open Mon-Sat from 4-10pm without admission

Photos from Je.Jesch's post 24/03/2024

Last year’s stage design for .operntheater “Miameide” was a special task: all objects had to emit light. There was a huge projection with animations by Julia Libiseller & Germano Milite so the overall use of stage light in the room had to be very limited.
I had a great time creating the lettering for the flower shop and anyways always enjoy working with LEDs.

Pictures by Barbara Pállfy

1 Flowershop “Sprache der Blumen”
Performer: Johanna Krokovay and Johann Leutgeb

2 on their way to work with illuminated umbrellas
Performer: Romana Amerling and Benjamin Boresch

3 the AMS (Arbeitsmarktservice) service
Performer: Benjamin Boresch, Romana Amerling and Johann Leutgeb

4 the Gardeners “ewiger Frühling”
Performer: Ingrid Haselberger, Johanna Krokovay and Vladimir Cabak

Story by Kristine Tornquist
Music by Julia Purgina
Stage design: Markus Liszt, Michael Liszt and Je. Jesch
Location: Jugendstiltheater, Otto Wagner Areal Vienna

Photos from Das LOT's post 04/08/2023

Here is a little sneakpeek into the start of our residency. Check out our daily stories over on Instagram for more... Hope to see you next friday for the show! Ex Machinis Musicae Residency .LOT

Photos from Sandkasten Syndikat's post 28/10/2022

The Live Video from our last Klub.Møntage x VLAN Radio Session in Oktober airs today on Youtube! Check over to VLAN Radio to watch our free improvised Music & Visual Jam from Oktober.

Save the date: Next klubMONtage November 7th at Sandkasten Syndikat

Photos from Je.Jesch's post 10/03/2022

analog selves
behind glaring screens
connected Isolation
within private walls

Exhibition opening Thursday March 10th 4pm
MiniMidiMontage with .montage from 6-10pm

" touch" public intervention
by Je. Jesch
10.3. - 31.03.2022 Jörgerstraße 56-58, 1170 Vienna

Photos from Je.Jesch's post 17/10/2021

Last days to see my little solo exhibition "about absence" in Klagenfurt... Since there was a lot going on at the opening during the "Lange Nacht der Museen" I am happy to be able to announce that there will be a Finissage on Wednesday October 20th. I will be there too and hope to share a glass or two with you. I am happy how well everything was received so far and thx to the team for making it happen!


about absence - my first solo show will be on display from Saturday October 2nd Hafenstadt Urban Area] in Klagenfurt, Austria. I will show the full Triangle Series and a brand-new video installation named "inTouch". This is a first screenshot of one of the three videos that are about loneliness and nature of touch through digital media.⁠

Ab Samstag 2. Oktober 18h ist meine erste Solo-Ausstellung "about absence" in der Hafenstadt Urban Area] in Klagenfurt, Österreich zu sehen. Mit dabei ist die Triangle Serie und eine ganz neue Video Arbeit, von der hier ein erster Screenshot zu sehen ist. Die dreiteilige Video Installation "inTouch" thematisiert die Einsamkeit hinter dem Display und die haptischen Berührungspunkte digitaler Medien.⁠


The structure of our bodies is a miraculous thing. How come everything holds together, though consisting mostly of water? Within this body we find systems to live by, structuring our lives and cope with the only constant that is: change.

Reflecting ourselves within us and in our environment, we keep moving without knowing much. How can we overcome fear of the unknown? Can we cultivate a state of curiosity and non-egoistic centeredness within this fast paced world? What remains after we dissolve into nothingness again? What is your essence?


Performance excerpt from "System, Structure & de.fragmentation" by , .bubblebliss and Markus Liszt from

Premiered 2020 at "The system" exhibition in vienna by

CHECK out the AR version of this performance on

A massive thanks to .litto for inviting us to this huge project. Your vision and focus is larger than I would have ever imagined. I am humbled and honored to be part of it.

And thanks to and for making it possible!

Mobile uploads 25/11/2020 is online! AR exhibition based on an exhibition that took place at Yppenplatz this summer. Works best in Chrome on your phone. Huge thanks to Litto Daniela and Jascha Ehrenreich for putting this masterpiece together! Find an adapted version of the artworks from our performance "System, structure & de.fragmentation" and come dance with me : )

Ab heute sind die Werke, die im Rahmen von Littos "TheSystem" entstanden sind, via Augmented Reality von zuhause aus erfahrbar! Besucht und seht es euch an! (Tipp: Mit Chrome hat man die beste AR-Erfahrung!)

System, Struktur & Defragmentierung 13/09/2020

Herzlichen Dank an Ms. Litto für die Einladung zu am Yppenplatz und dieses tolle Video! Weitere Performances und Kollektive folgen dort in den nächsten Wochen vor Ort und am Youtube Kanal - rein schauen lohnt sich.
Für uns heißt es: Next stop Wiener Rauschen - Audio/Visual Festival - wer die Performance verpasst hat, kann sie dort am 26. September noch mal live erleben!

System, Struktur & Defragmentierung System // Markus Liszt Struktur // Miss Bubblebliss aka Stephanie Krawinkler DeFragmentierung // elet aka. Je.Jesch Video editing: Litto // Daniela Weiss ...


Thanks to Tausend Rosen for making this happen!
You can catch them live on August 29th at Lichterloo Festival

Musik: Tausend Rosen - Geist
Skulpturen und Konzept: Irrlicht Elet
Performance: Lena Kienzer und Irrlicht Elet

find the whole video here:

Photos from Je.Jesch's post 22/07/2020

ever changing lights and worn surfaces are one of my major inspirations for my artworks⁠
these pictures were taken in an abandoned almost 150 yr old mansion (see last pic) that I was able to rent as my studio and where I was organising art events. you can find more impressions from the house and events that took place here: Mezzanin Wien⁠

@ Mezzanin Wien

Photos from Je.Jesch's post 09/07/2020

Mirror Totem: Blizzard, 2019⁠
Plexiglass, translucent mirror foil coated ⁠
Je.Jesch | Irrlicht Elet
In contrast to the soft sculptures I was working on a series of very edgy and crystalline hanging sculptures from my "mirror Totem" series.⁠

These objects are made from plexiglass and covered in a mirror foil that is partly transparent but at the same time highly reflective.⁠

The kinetic sculptures serve as reflective objects and work best in a natural environment like a forest where the contrast between the hard and glossy surface and its environment is the biggest. Displayed in a white cube gallery space the reflections can be observed clearly.

Photos from Je.Jesch's post 08/07/2020

Mirror Totem: Water, 2017⁠
je.jesch | Irrlicht Elet

This reflective object is also part of the mirror Totem Series and reflects water. It was shown during the LAMES Festival in St. Pölten, Austria in 2017⁠

Plexiglass, Mirror Foil, white threads and a fairy stone⁠
artist: je.jesch Irrlicht Elet 2017⁠

⁠first picture by Thomas Schnabel, other: Irrlicht Elet

Photos from Je.Jesch's post 16/06/2020

The Distance of Intimacy, 2013⁠
Excerpts from a Live Performance⁠
Lena Kienzer & Je. Jesch⁠ | Irrlicht Elet
Mini-Projector (3M) and Small Camera⁠
Performance duration 15mins⁠
costume by amateur
In this performance we each had a camera attached to one hand and a mini-projector attached to the other hand connected by a cable. With one hand we projected directly what was filmed on our other hand. With this setup we made a performance around the topic of self-perception and the perception of the other. The technical equipment on our body was a kind of enhancement but at the same time very limited and limiting. We tried to find ways to communicate with these devices and perceive our environment through it. During our performance we didn’t touch with our bodies in space but found ways to „keep in touch“ through our projections. There is still a distance in this virtual connection that is difficult to overcome. It is like a parallel reality to our physical perception. Almost like a state of dreaming... In this strange time at the moment we oddly find ourselves in a similar situation. We have technical equipment that helps us to stay in touch, but it is lacking the haptic dimension. We keep in touch with our friends and family and might still feel lonely.⁠

Photos from Je.Jesch's post 03/06/2020

Dancing in Salt
Installation view at the exhibition Schmiede in 2019⁠

"what keeps us together"⁠
Video Installation, Salzburg 2019⁠
Dance: je.jesch Irrlicht Elet
Video & Cut: Jan Luis Gottwald

Photos from Je.Jesch's post 31/05/2020

Thats the space where we shot the video "what keeps us toghether" and another video playing around with objects and Video projection. The place is situated in a former salt processing and storage space, so the white substance you see is all salt! The last pictures are an exhibition view in the beautiful industrial space of Schmiede

"what keeps us together"⁠
Video Installation, Salzburg 2019⁠
Dance: je.jesch Irrlicht Elet⁠
Video & edit: Jan Luis Gottwald⁠

Timeline photos 23/05/2020

masked and furious⁠
BTS Shot from our video shoot for Tausend Rosen⁠ "Geist"⁠

Konzept: ⁠
Performance: Lena Kienzer und Irrlicht Elet
Photo: Michael Zoechling

Photos from Je.Jesch's post 17/05/2020

More BTS shots from our music video shoot for Tausend Rosen⁠ "Geist"⁠

Konzept: Irrlicht Elet
Performance: Lena Kienzer und Irrlicht Elet
Photos: Michael Zoechling

Photos from Je.Jesch's post 11/05/2020

Ab heute kann man sich die EP "ZwanzigZwanzig" von Tausend Rosen anhören. Ich hab ihnen das Logo und Album Cover gemacht und mit ihnen das Musik Video für "Geist" gedreht. Schon reingeschaut?

Tausend Rosen - "Geist" auf Youtube:
Tausend Rosen "Zwanzigzwanzig" (EP)
auf Spotify:

Musik: Tausend Rosen
Graphik: Irrlicht Elet
Kunst Installationen: Irrlicht Elet
Performance: Lena Kienzer und Irrlicht Elet
Photos (6,7,8): Michael Zoechling


Ich hab für und mit der Band Tausend Rosen ein Musikvideo konzipiert. Ab morgen könnt ihr euch die ganze EP anhören!

Hier findet ihr das volle Video zu "Geist":

Photos from Je.Jesch's post 06/09/2019

Some pics from the installation setup at the residency in Albrechtsfeld, Austria in 2016. I love how the wooden floor reflects that light from the installation. It was such a lovely place to work! If you look closely you can see, that at that point the rubber bands have hardly been moved after the production of the first video. So the projection is still almost perfectly mapped to the single strands.

Just in case you are wondering, there is nobody behind this triangle! Swipe to see – it's just a video installation ; )
Triangle series: "GATE"
Jeannine Jesch , 2016
wooden frame 2,4x1,8m
rubber bands, eyelets, videoinstallation
original video length ~10min
performance by JeJesch


What keeps us going, even if we know that it leads us nowhere? ∆-GRIND is one sculpture of a three part Series that are all based on the same wooden traingular frame. It is the only one of the three objects where the "performative action" is driven by a stepper motor. The handwoven black and white band that gets turned around in the arrow shaped loop, goes back to a former artwork called "urban msg" (described below) and has an 8-bit message encoded. The loud and grinding noise highlights the absurdity of the aimless repetitive action of turning that band round after round.
Triangle series: "GRIND"
Jeannine Jesch , 2016
wooden frame 2,4x1,8m, 3d-printed gears, stepper motor driven by an arduino and a 3m handwoven band

je. jesch

seeing magic everyday. creating feelings out of nowhere
Freelance Graphic Designer and Media Artist based in Vienna, Austria.

Artistic works in between installation, performance and sculpture. Searching for magic moments and surrealistic experiences.

Graphics & Design specialised in Branding, Print Products and Social Media Content. Focusing on the representation of your unique character and brand.

Videos (show all)