Choose To Be Free

Choose To Be Free

Choose to be free is a place where you can come to be uplifted. In the times that we are in we see n


Never be afraid to let go.


When you stop pouring into others and start pouring into your self that's when you grow. Sometimes we put to much energy in lifting and motivating others that it takes away from us. Especially when no one is pouring into you. *t


The greatest love is when you love your self. ,


Do not let your past be the reason why you can't. Let your past be the reason why you can.


No matter how hard it gets never give up. It's not where you at its where you going.


Manifest healing and strength all 2021


Choose to make the best out of today because tomorrow is not promise


Never stop letting your light shine even in dark places


You hold the power, speak, manifest and believe it's already done‼‼‼‼ Our God gave that power to us. Start realizing the power you hold.


The world is deeper than religion. God is bigger than religion most people would let this go over their heads.


A woman would fix another woman crown without telling the world it was crooked.


2020 has been a year. We lost love ones, school closed, online teaching and people lost their jobs. It also push people to start their own business, hustle like they never hustle before but the biggest lesson was it made people realize they can do whatever they put their mind to. Even though this storm has been heavy on us just remember it's always an rainbow at the end.


Woke up this morning feeling amazing.


Never give up on your dream. That very moment you want to throw in the towel remember the reason why you start doing it.


Set your goal, focus and go all in. Never doubt what you can do.


You are in control of your destiny. Never allow others to control your thoughts. Be the best version of you and forget about what people think. CHOOSE TO BE FREE!!!


The power is in you and everything you think about will come to past. Don't look at the glass half empty if you step back you will see that its half full.


Affirmation: I am a wealthy


Its never to late to change your life its up to you which way it will turn out. Manifest, pray, and believe in the power of your mind. Choose to be free


Its up to you how you finish. Remember the turtle still won the race. So no matter how late you start, how slow you going at the end you going


Law of Attraction is the most powerful thing you can learn. What you think and feel reflects on how your life will be.


Affirmation: I have the power to create a wonderful life


It took me a while to realize what was holding me back and it was me. I couldn't see that the hurt from people was still hurting me. Constantly trying to prove that I was worthy or capable of succeeding in this game called life I kept falling. To busy worrying about what people think of me. I live my life base on other people feelings that I was losing my self. The hardest thing is when you lose your self who is there to help you find that person again no one. Instead of waiting on people to see me I see me. I choose me and I choose to be set free.


Sometimes we hold on to things not knowing that event has been affecting our world. People ask why you the way you are and you say that is just who I am or a certain situation made me this way. You choose what your life going to be do not let the past hurt be your future. Choose To Be Set Free


Do any one struggle with getting over the past hurts and disappointments that life brings? Drop a comment and lets help one other to be set free and start moving forward.


Affirmation:You are powerful
