Mat's weight loss journey

Mat's weight loss journey

Hi my name is Mat.

I'm inspiring and helping save the lives of obese people aged 35+, by inviting them to join me on my journey as I lose at least 60kg (132lbs) in the next 12 months... without going to the gym!


I know it is a couple of hours late, but yesterday (12th October), I weighed in at 127.7kg (281.5lbs). The lowest weight I've been since May 2017 (just before my Dad passed away.) Almost 5 1/2 years ago.


Happy New Year Everyone!
Like you, I'm looking forward to a wonderful 2022.

This year, I'm challenging myself to take off 51.5kg (113.5lbs) in 12 month and boy I'm going to do it!

Join along with me and lets support each other. Let's get healthy and lose our excess weight once and for all!

All the best,


Water fast update: Final

Well that's it! I did my 3 days water fast.

Surprisingly, it was a lot easier and more manageable than I thought it was going to be.

Last night's sleep was good and much easier to fall asleep. After 3 days, it was surprising how much easier I was able to wake up in the morning. Which is great, because it has been something that has challenged me for quite a while.

Food cravings: Well apart from the first night, where I had to lock myself away, it actually has been smooth sailing. I haven't missed it at all. Maybe in my mind I knew it was only going to be 3 days. So a defined end point made it easier.

The nasty stuff! Bowel movements. Obviously they where significantly less (which in a way was great - have Crohn's and Colitis). I did notice that as each day progressed, the odour became stronger and stronger. (I pity those that went in after I finished! lol)
Colour was as it should be, so that was fine.

I probably could have drunk more water each day, but instead of forcing it too much, I stayed intuitive to my bodies wants/needs. I'm glad I chose this approach.

I finished the fast by eating a very small amount of fresh fruit pieces. Pineapple, strawberry, watermelon and cantelope. Ohh my goodness where these so tasty. My taste buds where fired up and could really experience the goodness and taste. Something I haven't experienced in a very long time.

Would I do this again? Absolutely.

Weight at the end: 132kg (290.4lbs) loss of 0.8kg (1.76lbs)
Total loss over 3 days: 3.5kg (7.7lbs)


Water fast update:
48 hours complete. It has been much easier than thought it would.

A little bit of emotions brewed to the surface, but nothing unmanageable.

Because my sleeping times can be so erratic, going to bed early last night (for me) didn't work as planned. I was lying in bed awake for just over 2 hours before I eventually went off to sleep. Ended up sleeping approximately 9 hours.

53 hours later: I haven't had an afternoon sleep/nap, but I am starting to feel tired.

The smell of dinner has reached my nose... I think I better get a glass of water and move into a different room. Mind you, the pull to eat isn't as strong as it was compared to this time last night.

I am certain I'll get through the 3 day water fast comfortably. Especially as sleep takes will take care of a large amount of the remaining 19 hours.

Today, I was supposed to post about why I'm doing this (as it can seem extreme to some that aren't aware of the benefits of water fasting), but I'll try to do that in the next day or so.

Weight: 132.9kg (292.38lbs)
Down another 0.8kg (1.76lbs)


Water fast update:
I started at 1pm yesterday. The first 24 hours was relatively easy. Less frequent visits to the bathroom has been good in a way.

Being chronically unwell, I still slept/napped today. (You don't heal years of damage overnight right!) But I did notice I wasn't as drowsy.

I did feel a little down in the late afternoon, but things like these are to be expected and I was prepared for it.

Tonight was a little challenging. Having to face the sight and smells of my Wife's wonderful cooking. I went and locked myself away to get my mind off food.

It is around 10:30 now. So I'll focus on getting an early-ish night.

Let's see how tomorrow goes.

Weight drop of 1.9kg (4.18lbs).


Today I started a water fast.

I've been going 3hrs. While I'm at the easiest stage, I didn't realise how much snacking I normally do. So I've probably consumed more water than needed in that time. Just to combat bingeing.


Find a way to make exercise fun. A great example is to walk at the beach.


Big weightloss this week. Weigh in for August 29th. How much did i lose?


Another week of weight loss. This video is the weigh in for August 22nd. It is also the end of the first half of my journey.


Late weigh in for the 15th of August. Why did i put on weight this week? I ended up taking my weight on the 18th instead of the 15th.


How do you manage your exercise time during isolation? Here is what I've changed and will stick to for now.


Weigh In update for August 8th, 2020.
This video has my weigh in details, how much i've lost, how much i have to go and on average how much I need to lose per week from here on in. Go get your vitamin D!


Icy cold Melbourne morning. In stage 4 isolation. The weight-loss journey must go on!
Just over 28 weeks and just over 47kg to lose. Approximately 1.7kg a week. It is a real challenge now!

Is it doable, yes! Is it going to be easy... No. Is that going to stop me trying? NO!


Very cold Melbourne morning. In stage 4 isolation. The weightloss journey must go on. Like and join in the journey.


I know this can be an emotional roller coaster, but you have to bust through it for your OWN sake. Remember why you started your weight-loss journey and why you want to be a slimmer, healthier, energetic, happier you.

Credit: Unknown/Anonymous


Excited by day today, just a short while ago I reached one if my walking goals. Find out what that was in my short video.


Take the opportunity when it presents itself to get out there and take the easier win with your daily exercise/walk.
I did and hit the 1 hour of (continuous) exercise mark for the day. 💪👍🎉


I did it! I just posted about how unmotivated I was to go for my 3km-4km walk, but I decided to put my runners on, step outside and take those first 50 steps. I feel better for it.
Guess what happened at the end? I ended up walking...


Motivation blues... just one of those days where I just don't feel like doing what I have to do. What are your tips when you feel like this? Let us know by posting a comment.


How I got started with basic exercise... walking in circles. Listen to my video to find out why.


I know i just uploaded a video a few moments ago, about going for a walk, and just getting started... but then I had a quick exchange with a fellow walker... what they said is so true. Have a listen. Do you agree?


Just finished a walk outside in the cold and wet. Get started by aiming for 50 steps... Now that you HAVE started, see how many you can do.
Oh... please forgive the sudden looking to the left and right. Just a bit nervous making this video and being a little overly self conscious. I'm sure you can relate.


12 Week Weight Loss Update.

First weekend with eased restrictions.

Go for a walk they said.
In nature they said.
Let’s have a picnic they said.
It’ll be fun they said.
OMG I barely made it... haha things we do for our kids.


My Journey to a healthy weight!


Just move and be consistent about it.
My first public video for my weight loss journey. I'm quite nervous, but quietly excited.

Videos (show all)

Just over 28 weeks to go. 47.3kg to go
Excited to have reached another milestone.
I did it! You won't believe how far I ended up walking!
