The Bogey Gopher

The Bogey Gopher

Offering products to help your golf games. Gifts for any golfer.


In October I completed a 2000 push challenge to Stop Solider Su***de. After completing the challenge, I did 3000 pushups for St Jude. In December I challenged myself to 3500 pushups. I have completed that challenged. For January I am going to set a goal of 3750 push plus add what is labeled as 3/12/30. Each morning the challenge is to walk on the treadmill at 3 miles per hour with an incline of 12 for 30 minutes.


New Year is Near

Christmas day will be here soon. Before we have a chance to catch our breath New Year’s will be here. Hopefully, you will be celebrating this holiday week with friends and family. I plan to spend the time with my friends and family. Also, I hope to find some time to reflect on this past year. Taking a moment to reflect on good and bad. What made me happy, fearful, mad, and sad. Could I have done to made it happier, less fearful, been more claim, and seen the brighter side? In the past years I have made New year’s resolutions that sound great. Only to quit them also most as quickly as I decided what my resolution was for the New Year. So, this year instead of making resolutions that do not have a connection to me, I will resolve to attempt to make good things in my life better and work on making the struggle with things that make me fearful, mad, and sad better. All with help from my friends and family. Hopefully, I can do the same for them. Learning from our past so we do not repeat it and grow from it. So, we all can have a brighter future.



My Daily Thoughts

Start everyday reminding ourselves that we can only live in the present. For we cannot change the past but only learn and grow from it. We should be mindful of it but do not get lost in the present.

Start everyday reminding ourselves that we can only live in the present. For we cannot predict the future. We can help shape it with what we learned in the past and what we can do in the present.

That is why every day is a gift. That is lived in the present. We should always use our past to shape our future today, but we cannot expend our present because we can neither change it nor predict it.


What are you doing to keep your golf swing during the winter months?
