Chelsea Turner Wellness

Chelsea Turner Wellness

Chelsea Turner Wellness is dedicated to helping women uncover the root cause of their symptoms so they can take back their power and HEAL!

Hello, I'm Chelsea Turner! I'm a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP), wellness enthusiast, and autoimmune warrior, who is deeply passionate about living life to the fullest, and empowering others to do the same. With nearly a decade of personal experience overcoming health challenges such as anxiety, autoimmune disease, heavy metals, Lyme, mold, parasites, SIBO, and more…

I have made it my mis

Photos from Chelsea Turner Wellness's post 05/09/2024

With September being PCOS Awareness Month, I wanted to shed some light on PCOS & hormone health 🩸

📲 Swipe through this post for some surprising insights you may not realize about Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Including 👇🏻

–What PCOS is

–Signs & symptoms of PCOS

–What areas of the body & mind PCOS impacts

–The good news about PCOS 🕊️

👀 Stay tuned for upcoming posts on what is really at the root cause of PCOS, Endometriosis, infertility, period symptoms & hormone imbalance

🤯 Hint: It’s not just about hormones!

I’ll also be sharing how to restore hormone harmony 💫

For now 👉🏻 Have you been diagnosed with PCOS, Endometriosis or infertility…or have you experienced symptoms of hormonal imbalance?!

🙋‍♀️You are NOT alone!! I myself was not diagnosed with PCOS, but I previously struggled with painful & VERY heavy periods, have had multiple cysts on my ovaries (I even experienced a ruptured cyst & WOW was it excruciatingly painful 😖) & was diagnosed with Endometriosis years ago…

🥰 I have also had the honor of guiding many women on their healing journeys who were diagnosed with PCOS & other hormone & metabolic disorders/imbalances.

😩 I know first hand how these symptoms & conditions can impact your health & life in so many ways…

❤️‍🩹 & I also know that healing is possible 🙌🏻 once we address the root causes of why you are experiencing these symptoms & conditions in the first place

💬 I would love to hear your story + any questions you have about hormones in the comments! 👇🏻

Photos from Chelsea Turner Wellness's post 31/08/2024

When I say The Collective has transformed my health & life…I mean it 😍🙏🏻

Just some of what I personally have healed with the step-by-step method I teach you inside The Collective ↴

– My relationship with my body 👉🏻 I no longer view her as something I “hate” or “dislike.” I love her with all my heart & I know she’s always working hard for me
– I no longer am debilitated by chronic symptoms like  👉🏻 fatigue, anxiety, panic attacks, gut & digestion issues, or painful periods
– I no longer view symptoms as “bad” 👉🏻 I view them as loving messages guiding me into deeper alignment with myself & my needs
– I no longer fear symptoms when they arise 👉🏻 Bc I know how to cultivate safety within myself
– I no longer fear every toxin & pathogen 👉🏻 Bc I have built a strong foundation within my nervous & imm-un3 system
– I no longer bypass my emotions 👉🏻 I FEEL them & move through them because I now know emotional healing is the missing piece to physical healing
– I have released sooo many limiting beliefs 👉🏻 that I can’t heal, that I’m not worthy, that I’m not good enough, that good things aren’t possible for me, that my body is broken
– My body’s drainage pathways are operating smoothly 👉🏻 So I can efficiently detox toxins, pathogens & parasites ✌🏻
– My business, my family life & my relationships have all blossomed 👉🏻 Bc I am now the highest version of myself. Fully EMBODYING healing 💫

THIS is why I am so passionate about the method I teach you inside of The Embodied Healing Collective…

Because it has truly transformed my health & life 🕊️

…& the health & lives of the women I have had the honor of guiding inside 🙏🏻

❤️‍🔥The Collective is so much more than a program or protocol…

It’s a life changing healing experience….

Unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before.

I cannot wait to begin the next round of this sacred healing container September 1st 💫

⏰Enrollment doors CLOSE TODAY!

🔗Join us with the link in my bio or in my stories ✨



I’m so excited to host a FREE LIVE Training & Healing Experience right here on Instagram!

📲SIGN UP FOR FREE BELOW & join me on Thursday, August 22nd at 12pm PST / 3pm EST

🙏🏻If you’re craving a different way to heal…

One that doesn’t feel so strict, rigid & “hard” & that doesn’t make you feel “broken” or like you need to be “fixed”
🔥This is the type of healing that lights my soul on fire!!
🙋‍♀️Because I get it…

🎠I’ve been on the healing merry-go-round myself!

I know what it’s like to try ALL of the things (supplements, protocols, different types of “root cause” cleanses, diets, biohacking gadgets, etc.)...

…but to still feel like you’re missing something…

& to feel so burnt out & broken in the process.
❤️‍🔥Which is why I speak so passionately about what it means to EMBODY healing!

➡️It’s why I created my signature step-by-step method to show you how…
So you can step off the healing merry-go-round & step into a NEW way of being…
A new way of healing 🕊️

🗓️In just a few days, join me for this special healing experience learn ↴

–What it means to embody healing
– The step-by-step method I used to take myself (& the 100s of women I’ve now had the honor of working with) from dreaming of healing to embodying healing
– Tangible tips you can start at home to feel better right NOW

🥳THE BEST PART: When you follow the steps to sign up below, you will have the opportunity to ask me any questions you have about being on a healing journey in an exclusive Instagram private chat portal for 2 days!! Think of this as free live coaching with me 🙌🏻


1️⃣Comment FREE to sign up for the live event + the private chat portal! You will receive an email from me with all the details on how to join!!

2️⃣Click the reminder button on this post to be notified once I’m live so you don’t miss it!


Photos from Chelsea Turner Wellness's post 09/08/2024

Day in & day out, my DMs fill with messages like this…

“I want to start my healing journey but XYZ is holding me back. I feel so stuck!”

Sound familiar?! 🙋‍♀️

📲If so, you NEED to swipe through & read this post 🫶🏻

➡️You also need to know that you are not alone…

I see you. I feel you. I was you, Babe.

👟I’ve walked thousands of miles in your shoes.

🎶💃🏻I used to do this same dance with myself too.

I “desperately” wanted to heal, yet with every opportunity I had to heal, I had 1 million excuses why I couldn’t.

They certainly didn’t feel like excuses to me at the time. They felt like VERY real roadblocks.

🤯But, I’ve learned a thing or two on my own healing journey & after walking hundreds of women through theirs…

➡️If you truly desire something, YOU need to stop allowing these excuses & limiting beliefs to hold you back.

Ready to FINALLY learn HOW to step out of your own way & step into embodying healing?!

We’re showing you how inside The Embodied Healing Collective 💫

Our 12 week community healing experience where we guide you through our step-by-step process combining physical, emotional & energetic healing modalities…

So you can step out of excuses & limiting beliefs…

& step into the innate healer within you!!

🙅‍♀️Without the fear, overwhelm or big investment…

💕With so much love, support & guidance each step of the way…

🥳Doors open MONDAY!!

Who’s ready to embody & claim the healing you desire?!

Comment COLLECTIVE to see what’s waiting for you inside, how it works, pricing & the healing transformations our past graduates have experienced!


Photos from Chelsea Turner Wellness's post 02/08/2024

Feeling sick & stuck on your healing journey?

You’re likely feeling like this 📸☝🏻😆

In all seriousness…

At we see so many people bypass the physical & emotional foundations that are required in order to heal 👎🏻

What do we mean by “foundations?”

✔️Nurturing your nervous system
✔️Supporting foundations of wellness like your nutrition, blood sugar, hydration, minerals, sleep, movement & more
✔️Opening your body’s drainage & detox pathways

So many people either skip these all together or rush through them too quickly 😮‍💨

Or we see people who think they are supporting these foundations, but they really aren’t & not in the way that matches their body’s unique needs 🤪

This is a BIG reason why we see so many people struggling with their health & feeling sick & stuck!

🙅‍♀️Don’t let this be you!!

These foundations are REQUIRED if you want to truly restore balance within your body & mind 🕊️

If you want to learn how to…

✔️Break free from your autoimmune, gut, hormone & anxiety symptoms
✔️Cultivate safety within yourself
✔️Believe in your body’s ability to heal
✔️Release the emotions & limiting beliefs that are holding you back

…these foundations MUST be properly supported BEFORE beginning your healing journey & diving deeper into pathogen rebalancing protocols (like addressing parasites, metals, mold, Lyme, etc)!

➡️We teach you our step-by-step method to build the physical & emotional foundation for your healing journey inside The Embodied Healing Collective

💫Our 12 week community healing experience opens for enrollment exclusively to our waitlist next week on August 8th!!

We cannot wait to see who steps into this transformational healing experience with everything you need to get started!

💬Comment COLLECTIVE to join the waitlist & learn what makes The Collective so special!


Photos from Chelsea Turner Wellness's post 17/07/2024

Do you know what time it is?!

How telling time can tell you what your body needs 👇🏻

⏰The Chinese Body Clock is a 24 hour body clock built on the concept of Qi

Qi = energy ⚡️AKA your body’s life force 💫

In Chinese Medicine, it is believed that Qi moves in 2 hour intervals throughout each organ system of your body

It is also believed that to make the most of your body’s energy, specific organs are used when they are at their peak

Which means that the time of day (or night) that you are experiencing symptoms can indicate which organ(s) need your loving care & support!

For example, if you are waking between 1-3am (which is the most common timeframe we see our clients waking when they first start working with our team)...

This can indicate that your liver is working really hard for you 💪🏻which is why it’s waking you up (because you’re feeling the effects)!

PS: Your liver performs over 500 functions within your body including removing waste, toxins & excess hormones, producing bile to aid in digestion & detoxification, supporting your blood sugar & so much more! 

So this can be a sign from your body that your liver may need some extra love & support 🫶🏻

🎧When you listen to the language of your body…

You awaken the innate healer within you & can provide your body with what it needs to restore balance within ✨

Do you often wake up at the same time each night? Do you experience symptoms during a certain time each day?

Let me know in the comments & I’ll reply with some tips to support this organ!


Photos from Chelsea Turner Wellness's post 09/07/2024

This rant deserved a permanent spot here.

It’s time we stop demonizing, inducing fear & following blindly.

It’s time we start educating, empowering & practicing discernment.

It’s time we all DO BETTER.

With love,

A very concerned practitioner 🤍


Photos from Chelsea Turner Wellness's post 08/07/2024

If you found your way here ⤵️

This message was meant for you to receive it 🕊️

Save for the next time you need this & share for someone else to find it too 🤍

Which part did you need to hear the most today?

We have a beautiful community here & you are welcome to share what you’re struggling with in the comments if you would like to receive love & support 🫶🏻


Photos from Chelsea Turner Wellness's post 12/06/2024

Every day I receive DMs asking “how can I heal?”

Here is my honest truth ⤵️

If you TRULY want to heal, you MUST anchor in & do the inner work.

How can you prioritize your inner peace? How can you put yourself & your needs first? How can you unlearn & relearn the language of your body?

These are the questions you should be asking yourself…

& this is where you should be prioritizing your energy…

…if you want to heal.

I’m not talking about feeling “a little bit better”…

…I’m talking about embodying healing 🕊️

The type of healing where you shift into a different way of being ✨

The type of healing where you feel deeply restored, revitalized & renewed.

The type of healing where you believe with every ounce of your being that you are worthy, healthy, whole & healed.

When you’re ready, we’re here to show you the way 🫶🏻

Comment EMBODY on this post to learn more about our carefully curated options to get started on your healing journey 💫

💬 Does this post hit home for you? I invite you to share your thoughts & your healing journey in the comments 👇🏻

Photos from Chelsea Turner Wellness's post 03/06/2024

This message has been weighing on my heart for some time now & it needs to be said.

🙏🏻Thankfully, a convo with a past 1:1 client of ours (we are so proud of you, my dear!!) inspired me to speak this truth.

Exceptional healing outcomes are 1000% possible for YOU.

IF you are ready to anchor into trust, to allow us to guide you & to really do the work (both physically & emotionally)…

😍THIS is the type of outcome you can expect upon graduating our 1:1 program

📲Scroll through above to see what our client was experiencing when she first came to us & what her life is like now at the end of our time together (2 years for reference)

IT’S TIME FOR A TRUTH 💣(always said with so much love) 🫶🏻

One 30 day protocol is not going to get you where you want to be.

Heck, even a few protocols over 3 or 6 months may not get you where you want to be.

👏🏻Now, that doesn’t mean there won’t be progress along the way (we see many of our clients experience both BIG & subtle shifts in multiple areas of their health & lives, as long as they are open to see & receive them)...

⏰BUT it does mean that healing takes time & commitment.

🤷‍♀️I know that’s not what most people want to hear. But it’s the truth.

🌎And no, we don’t tell you that to keep you in our world.

👯‍♀️We tell you that because we’ve experienced our own healing journeys, because we’ve walked alongside 100s of clients through theirs, & because it’s true.

➡️If you want to truly heal…

—It’s time to put your big girl panties on.
—It’s time to settle in.
—It’s time to get out of your own way.
—Stop expecting it to be quick. Stop expecting someone else to do it for you.
—And start doing the beautiful work that’s required to heal.

So you can experience THIS!!

When you’re ready, we’re here to show you the way 🫶🏻

Take a peek at our “Client 🖤” story highlights (we have several!) for what our clients experience when they follow our lead 🕊️

💬Explore options with the link in our bio or comment EMBODY for options sent straight to your inbox 💌

Photos from Chelsea Turner Wellness's post 09/05/2024

Let’s do a little transformation Thursday…shall we ⤵️

🙋‍♀️When I say I deeply understand what it’s like to feel like your body has turned against you & to experience chronic symptoms…

Trust me, I mean it.

The first photo is of me in the hospital after having a tonsillectomy.

–I had done rounds & rounds of 💊 for a tonsil inf€ction that just wouldn’t heal.
–I was inflamed, all over.
–My body ached.
–I couldn’t sleep.
–I couldn’t eat because of all the digestive issues I was experiencing.
–My skin was breaking out like crazy.
–I was dizzy, experiencing chronic migraines, heart palpitations & histamine reactions.
–I cried almost daily.
–My hormones were going haywire.
–I had extremely painful cysts all over my ovaries (including one that burst & led me again to the ER)

–I have been where you are.
–I have felt the overwhelm.
–I spent thousands of dollars trying to figure things out on my own.
–Then I worked with countless conventional & holistic practitioners.
–I tried ALL the things (restrictive diets, all sorts of supplements & fancy biohacking gadgets)...

None of them worked.

But I held tight to believing that healing was possible…

It wasn’t until I learned that in order to truly transform my health, I needed to take a root cause approach (focused on the physical & emotional aspects of healing) to restore balance within…

…& that’s when everything changed for me.

The second photo is me now.

–I trust my body is always working for me.
–I embody healing with every ounce of my being!

& I now have the honor of teaching hundreds of women how to do the same thing 🙏🏻🕊️

Don’t give up.

There is purpose in your pain. I promise 🫶🏻

💬Are you on a healing journey? I would love to hear what you’ve been experiencing & offer you hope. Let’s connect in the comments 👇🏻


Photos from Chelsea Turner Wellness's post 06/05/2024

What does it mean to embody healing?

Embodying healing is a core concept here at 💫

If you’re new here, welcome 🫶🏻 I’m Chelsea, a Holistic Health Practitioner leading our team of experts who specialize in helping you overcome your gut, hormone, skin & anxiety issues 🙌🏻

👯‍♀️Our mission is to help you reclaim your power & restore balance within your body & mind, without the overwhelm 💪🏻✌🏻

👀You may notice we have a variety of offers with the term “embodied healing” in their titles & we speak about embodying healing often here on the ‘Gram & over on TikTok…

🤔But why is this & what does this really mean?

➡️SWIPE through this post to learn how & why we do things differently here!

❓What are YOUR beliefs around healing?

Is it something you think isn’t possible for you? Is it something that has to be hard/scary/overwhelming? Is it something you think you have to force & control?

Or, is it something you view as a gift? As a beautiful journey that gets to be experienced? As something that’s possible for you & that you are worthy of?

💬We started the convo in the comments 👇🏻


Nervous System | Holistic Healing | Health and Wellness | Chronic Illness | Detoxification | Hormone Health | Gut Health | Acne

Photos from Chelsea Turner Wellness's post 04/05/2024

Experience the magic waiting for you inside The Collective 💫

…through the eyes of our graduates 😍

Imagine if you could…

💫Have everything you need to restore balance within your body both physically AND emotionally…

💫Have a safe space to begin your healing journey with our team supporting & guiding you each step of the way for 12 full weeks…

💫Break free from your symptoms (like bloating, painful periods, brain fog, fatigue, acne/eczema, constipation, anxiety/depression, food sensitivities & more)...

💫Stop guessing & know exactly what YOUR unique body needs to restore balance within (that’s right, 1:1 personalized care & functional testing is included!)…

💫Believe in your body’s ability to heal, overcome your fears & let go of limiting beliefs holding you back from healing…

💫With a supportive community of like minded women walking alongside you…

🙅‍♀️Without all the fear & overwhelm, the cookie cutter protocols & rigid “roadmaps” that aren’t personalized to YOUR needs, or the BIG investment…

👯‍♀️If this is what our graduates of The Collective have experienced…

😍Imagine what’s possible for YOU?!

✨THIS is the healing experience you’ve been waiting for!!

🔥As our graduate said above: Just do it, because it will change your life!

⏰Doors close TOMORROW, Sunday 5/5!

💬Comment COLLECTIVE to learn more & join us 🔗 or visit the link in our bio!


Nervous System | Holistic Healing | Health and Wellness | Chronic Illness | Detoxification

Photos from Chelsea Turner Wellness's post 01/05/2024

I see you, Babe 👀

Sitting on the sidelines.

Deeply wanting to heal.

But something’s holding you back.

Maybe you think that healing has to be hard?

& that belief is in turn leading to feelings of fear & overwhelm?

I say this from my own personal experience 🙋‍♀️

When I was first starting out on my healing journey, I felt overwhelmed AF.

😩My guess is that you do too?

I felt like because my health & life felt so incredibly challenging 👉🏻 that my healing had to be equally (if not more) challenging

I felt like my because my body felt so broken 👉🏻 that my healing journey would feel equally broken & unfixable

I felt like it HAD to be hard.

& to be honest 👉🏻 I wanted it to be hard so that I would feel validated in my suffering 🤷‍♀️

Ooof that’s tough to admit, but we’re all about keeping it real over here!

😕Maybe you can relate?

➡️Here’s what I’ve learned after walking through my own healing journey & guiding hundreds of women through theirs…

Healing doesn’t have to be as hard & as complicated as you are making it.

& it’s certainly not as complicated as these practitioners who use clickbait tactics to lure you in want you to believe 🙄

🙅‍♀️There is so much fear mongering in the health & wellness space – which is so not the vibe over here at

📲 SWIPE through this post to bust some myths about healing & how we do things differently in my world!

➡️ If this is resonating with you & you’re ready to heal differently (where it doesn’t have to feel so hard)...

We’re showing you how inside The Embodied Healing Collective 💫

This is healing like you’ve never experienced it before.

Join us inside before doors close on Sunday 5/5!

💬 Comment COLLECTIVE or visit the link in our bio for all the details!

Photos from Chelsea Turner Wellness's post 28/04/2024

What are you READY to heal?! 💕

💬 Tell us in the comments…

Then claim it by sharing to your stories 💫


It all comes down to perception ⤵️

Believing you can’t do something is FALSE.

➡️Struggle with believing you can’t?! 💬Comment STUCK below & I’ll send you my FREE training on what’s holding you back from healing & what to do instead!

Whether you think you can’t…

❤️‍🩹Heal your body & mind
💸Invest in yourself
💫Get the new job that lights you up
🤰Have the family you’ve always wanted
💍Find the partner of your dreams
🏔️Hike that mountain or run that race

It all comes down to YOUR beliefs & perception

Believing you CAN’T do something is a limiting belief & it’s coming up as an opportunity for you to rewire your belief system.

➡️How to move through ANY belief that you can’t do something ⤵️

1️⃣Start observing where this belief comes from // Does it come from within you or was it projected onto you by someone else (maybe a partner, a friend, a family member)? Is it there because you feel you aren’t worthy & deserving of good things? Just lovingly observe & start to make note of where this belief comes from.

2️⃣Make the conscious choice to detach yourself from this belief // Can you instead just observe the thought without giving it any meaning? Can you tell yourself the thought isn’t true & it isn’t part of your reality or identity?

3️⃣Start finding ways to believe you are worthy // So often the belief that you can’t do something comes from a deep self loathing, a sense of unworthiness, &/or of not feeling good enough. But you ARE worthy & you are enough, Babe.

✍️It’s up to you to rewrite your story & rewrite whoever told you that you can’t (especially if that someone is you).

💪🏻THIS is how we can reclaim our power & take responsibility for our lives!

Bottom line ⤵️

If you believe something to be true, it will be true.

But if you CHOOSE to shift your perspective here & believe otherwise…

Your ENTIRE belief system will shift ✨

💬Let me know what belief you are choosing to rewrite in the comments so I can cheer you on!!

PS: Comment STUCK below & I’ll send you my FREE training on what’s holding you back from healing & what to do instead!

Photos from Chelsea Turner Wellness's post 23/04/2024

Full moon got ya down? ⤵️

😩Do you feel like once a month your symptoms get worse?

🌕Have you ever looked to see if they get worse during the full moon?!

➡️SWIPE through to find out why this happens & what to do to heal!

🫣If you feel an increase in symptoms every full moon…

🩹It’s time to stop bandaiding symptoms & start addressing the root cause of why they’re happening in the first place!

📢PSA: Jumping right into a detox IS NOT the answer!!

💫If you want to truly experience a transformation in your health & life…

☝🏻You MUST prep your body both physically & emotionally FIRST!

➡️If you are ready to restore balance within so you can reclaim your power & heal (& stop feeling sick & stuck), this is for you!!

✨The Embodied Healing Collective is our 12 week healing experience where we teach you our step-by-step method to restore balance within & build the foundation for your physical & emotional healing journey.

So you can go from…

❌Experiencing uncomfortable symptoms & the fear that comes with them
❌Trying to piece together how to heal on your own & feeling so overwhelmed in the process
❌Spending your precious time & money on protocols that don’t actually work


✔️Having support & guidance each step of the way on your healing journey
✔️Knowing exactly what YOUR body needs to restore balance within & break free from your symptoms
✔️Building the solid foundation that’s required for deeper detoxification so you can parasite cleanse with ease!

The Embodied Healing Collective Enrollment Portal is NOW OPEN! We start this healing experience on May 6th 💫

Will we see you inside?!

💬Comment COLLECTIVE to see what’s waiting for you inside, what past clients have experienced & to claim your spot! The 🔗 is also in our bio for you 😘

⁉️Do you feel an increase in symptoms during the full moon?!


TRAINING REPLAY: What is holding you back from healing and what to do instead!

We are diving so deep in this training and uncovering what is keeping you sick and stuck + how to get unstuck so you can heal 💫

This training is in honor of our 12 week healing experience The Embodied Healing Collective NOW OPEN for enrollment! We start May 6th 🥰

Comment COLLECTIVE for details and to claim your spot inside!

To access our Free Guide to Spring Cleansing Challenge where you can experience what it’s like to work with our team for 5 days, comment SPRING & we’ll send you the link!


LOOK 😍 at this magic 💫

Something truly magical happens when you have safe space to receive healing guidance & support + the opportunity to be within community…

Last week, we wrapped up our FREE Spring Cleansing Challenge 👯‍♀️

As I sit here & reflect over the days inside our Challenge Community Chat…

🥰I am in awe at the beauty that unfolded before me

I know this sounds deep and a bit sappy 😅 but it truly was such a mind, body & soul healing experience for you (& for our team) inside of this Challenge

I created this challenge because I knew in my soul just how many of you are craving the opportunity to feel seen, heard, loved & supported

You are wanting a safe space to…

💕Share what’s on your hearts
💕Connect with others who are walking in your shoes

And you are wanting the opportunity to receive guidance from our team on how to…

💫Experience shifts in your physical & emotional body
💫Release and let go of limiting beliefs that are holding you back from healing
💫Believe in your body’s ability to heal
💫Claim & embody all you desire and deserve!

The Team & I were so honored to hold this safe & nurturing space for you 🙏🏻

➡️This is exactly why we created our 12 week Healing Experience – The Embodied Healing Collective ✨

📢We have heard you loud & clear!!

You have a desire to experience ALL that I shared above (safe space, connection, community, & transformational healing)...

💸AND you’ve been wanting to get inside our world, but finances have been holding you back….

Which is why we have carefully curated this healing container to include SO MUCH VALUE for you, all wrapped up into one transformational healing experience, for a fraction of the investment!

➡️Inside you will have everything you need to build the physical & emotional foundation for your healing journey!

🕊️We cannot wait to see who steps into this healing container…

Doors are NOW OPEN!

💬Comment COLLECTIVE to learn more & join us or visit the link in our bio!

➡️If you have already joined us inside The Collective 😍 let us know what you’re most excited about in the comments!!

Videos (show all)

Kianna’s story of healing inside The Collective 💫PS: If you feel called to join us inside this opportunity to embody hea...
Why my clients experience the biggest shifts ↴🎥: Behind the scenes footage of me guiding my community through how to get...
I could have stayed sick & stuck ↴But I didn’t.And you shouldn’t either!👋🏻If you’re new to @chelseaturnerwellness, welco...
This won’t be your forever ↴So many of you are feeling sick, stuck & overwhelmed right now, right?!By your lives, your w...
TRAINING REPLAY: What it means to embody healing & how to experience it!In this training, I am diving deep into ↴–What i...
NEW Podcast Episode IS LIVE! 🎙️📲On Episode 5 of The Embodied Healing Podcast, I’m sharing a topic near & dear to my hear...
I’m often asked what makes working with our team unique ✨At @chelseaturnerwellness, our mission is to empower you with t...
Do you ever ask yourself…—Why is this so hard?!—How am I ever going to feel better?!—Why am I still walking through all ...
NEW Podcast Episode & it’s JUICY one 🔥🎙️On Episode 4 of The Embodied Healing Podcast, we’re diving deep into a topic I f...