Robert J. Matthews

Robert J. Matthews

started in memory and in honor of my father, Robert J.Matthews. He was a wonderful father, husband, grandfather, friend and church leader..

Photos from Robert J. Matthews's post 19/06/2022

Happy Father's Dad. You were the ultimate father. The kind of dad a girl looks up too, adores, listens too..laughs with..and cries with.
You always had the perfect advice, and you were always there for me in every occasion throughout life. You taught us all so many great things. Ethics, believing in God and church, having faith, prayer, loving family, working the land, a love of animals, traveling the world with you and learning from you with BYU and CES, learning respect, watching how much you loved our mom- your sweetheart and knowing that ,that was how love was supposed to be.
Thanking you forever for starting me so young in music and then the arts. I will be forever grateful to you and mom for that and the many teachers who taught me and the chances I was awarded because of this.
I remember daddy daughter dates, I remember being sick and you checking on me, I remember you wanting to hear about my dates..of course that was usually after my dating life in my opinion had been ruined when you played pranks. The guys at school were very cool and actually played first I didn't understand and I was so humiliated..
I remember you telling my dates that I could go out with them IF: They knew the Ten Commandments, three books you'd written , and the articles of faith ( frontwards & backwards) ...there went my dating life!
The first guy you said this too, was on the football team at high school and was a date I had for a formal. You told him since he didn't know the rules, he could take me anyway that night, however these were the rules for further dates! Ahhhh....most kids just had curfews! Oh this would insure a curfew..along with several other things I was sure. You had that smile, the beautiful twinkle in you're eye, and I wanted to hide in my room. He took my arm, grinned, was very respectful and polite to you, and said understood sir. Thank you. I was 16 and I was going to die of anyway the night went fine, we had a great time. A few days later this young man showed up at our house. My dad asked if we had another date when he saw his car pull up. "No, I didn't know he was coming over" I said.
The young man came to the door. My father answered.
Bro. Matthews?
"yes" he He pulled out typewritten work he had done of: The Ten Commandments, The Articles of Faith ( frontwards and backwards) then he paused..I had to look for your books..but here they are. I didn't know you wrote so many?.
My dad had a grin on his face, a twinkle in his eye again and was IMPRESSED! Thank is a can date my daughter whenever you like...
Now they were joking..but in my mind it was saying , again I'm humiliated and don't I get a say? Lol
Oh to be would let us go check out other churches with friends, but if we did, he had usually played some kind of prank. I remember going with Barbara to the Catholic church ..she's here on she'll remember this. My Dad told us you needed to dress up really nice and where black. Cool we thought! Shopping for a new dress! We both went shopping, got new black suits,black nylons, and black dad that morning didn't give a peep..I should have known by the twinkle in his eye and his smile when he said you look very pretty. Have fun.
We were off! When we got to the Cathedral the father looked at us confused....then grinned..Mormons right?
We were taken back looked at him and said well did you know? Oh well the Mormon church really dresses up on Sunday's..we then looked confused..we are a little more casual here you'll see, but feel welcome. I told him my father had said this was the appropriate wear for the catholic church,. He laughed...and he said not for many years except for a couple of old ladies who still dress that way..
Come on in he said enjoy church. had got me again..that's alright, after church I was going to get him
We went home after church and Barbara dropped me off. I went in and Dad said so how did you like their church?
Without hesitation, I told him: " I loved it, I'm joining, I think I'll become a nun! Hmm he said I never would have taken you for giving up dating..but ok works for me! He wasnt upset, and he came back with a comeback to me! He won every time. He was good!
Saturday Mornings in the garden playing music and singing along while mom made breakfast. I remember the advice before I went to college or got married..
You were always fun and always right!
You weren't only a terrific father, you were a fantastic grandfather to my kids and Dan's, Robs, & Tricia's kids.
They all loved you so much and were in such awe of you! I miss you Dad. Your advice, your hugs, just being there as a family for dinner or on holidays.
I remember your jokes with Uncle Les and I'm betting you both are playing pranks on each other even Heaven. You made my life the very best. You taught us the Golden rule, how to respect others and the Lord, to get an education but always find the positive and humor in life. After that the right people would gravitate towards me. I'm grateful for you dad and I truly love and miss you. Happy Father's Day in Heaven
