The Unity Improver

The Unity Improver

Creating tools that make Unity a better game engine

Titan Voxel System released! (alpha version) | Titan-Assets 26/03/2024

Titan Voxel System released! (alpha version) | Titan-Assets Get more from Titan-Assets on Patreon

NanoTech for Patreon users, make it possible! | Titan-Assets 08/03/2024

NanoTech for Patreon users, make it possible! | Titan-Assets Get more from Titan-Assets on Patreon

Unity - Nano Tech - VR Test 22/07/2022

Nano Tech (which is similar to Nanite) running in VR!

Unity - Nano Tech - VR Test video shows that Nano Tech, which is similar to Nanite, also works with VR in Unity. It still needs more optimizations and pe...


Minimum Goal ➜ Full-Time Work

If the minimum goal of 50k is reached, I can work on this fulltime for a year, if not I have to get a freelancer job and the development will be slower! In that case, I can't fulfill the promised timeline. It will take four times longer than I planned. So if you want to have this tech this year, you should not hesitate supporting it.
I chose a higher main goal, because I want to make a team project out of it!
I think, there are still people that don't know that I'm working alone on this and need a budget to make this a team project.

The Unity Improver - Nano Tech - 07/07/2022

NANO TECH goes live! Get the best price now!

The Unity Improver - Nano Tech - A fast rendering system for highly detailed meshes, made for Unity. Supports HDRP / URP / Built-in! | Check out 'The Unity Improver - Nano Tech -' on Indiegogo.

The Unity Improver - Nano Tech - Crowdfunding (Indiegogo) 07/07/2022

The Unity Improver - Nano Tech - Crowdfunding (Indiegogo) video shows the new Unity tool "Nano Tech", which will help you to create highly detailed scenes with Unity, similar to Nanit...
