

VBS4ever.com is a unique Bible site w/blog linking God’s Word to music + salvation info and more.

Marriage, Adultery, Divorce 25/02/2024

The sanctity of marriage

Marriage, Adultery, Divorce God established marriage to cement man and woman together for a lifetime. “Joined” means “to join closely together, or unite.” God joined male and female together to become united in ‘one flesh’. Jesus focuses on marriage, not divorce. Read Matthew 19 Matthew 19:4-6 – “And he answere...

Are you a Patriot? 30/06/2023

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Are you a Patriot? As we celebrate the nationhood of our United States these next few days, we must also recognize we are losing our nation to evil at an accelerated pace. There was a time when believers were Patriots and helped lead the charge to win freedom for our new nation. NOW it is time for believers to lead th...

Still One Nation Under God 11/06/2023

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Still One Nation Under God I worked in the fields this morning; I traveled your highways today. I used a creek and a rainbow for a roadmap, and a tree for a chapel to pray. It’s all because of You, Lord. I'm so proud to sing Your praises and to live in this land of the free. We are a nation born out of faith in God and we s...

Gone Fishin' 15/05/2023

In Loving Memory of Raymond "Pete" Miller

Gone Fishin' There are sayings in life we hear so often that at some point we stop thinking about their meaning. For instance, how often have you heard, “Life is short” or simply “John 3:16” or hear a Pastor ask, “If you were to die today, where would you spend eternity?” Yet all of those sayings do ...


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Abra-ham 29/03/2023


Abra-ham There are many fascinating people in the Bible to study. One of the most blessed is Abraham (which means 'father of a great multitude') because of his faithful life. The feminine form of the name is simply Abra. As a result of Abraham's faithfulness, Christians are considered his spiritual son and h...

If Ye Believe Not 20/03/2023


If Ye Believe Not John 8:24 – “I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins." This is a powerful verse that explains not only our need for salvation but Jesus is telling the Jews Who He is … the Father. (1John 5:7 - “For there are thr...

Who Is King of Your Life? 02/03/2023


Who Is King of Your Life? Today's song and video are a good reminder of Who the KING OF KINGS is and what He has done for us. Isaiah 53:5 - “But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.” Easter/Resurrection Da...

In God We Trust 25/02/2023


In God We Trust The first of each year will oftentimes bring financial hardships for many … taxes, holiday expenses and a slower economy all seem to ‘catch up’ in January and February. Here are some tidbits from a recent sermon regarding financial wisdom: Proverbs 11:28 - “He that trusteth in his riches sha...


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2023 Site Update 13/01/2023

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2023 Site Update This year (Jan. 2023) we will be posting new messages periodically rather than daily. The website remains a constant resource for those seeking inspiration and spiritual guidance on salvation, the Holy Bible ('versions'+reading plan), prayer, biblical roles and more. We have more than 1,000 messages...

Anna the Prophetess 10/01/2023

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Anna the Prophetess Despite being mentioned only once in God’s Word, Anna was an admired woman of faith. She spent her life serving, fasting, praying and growing so close to God that she became known as a “prophetess,” proclaiming God's Word (Old Testament) and helping others understand His will. Luke 2:36-38 –...

Step Out in Faith and Pray 09/01/2023

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Step Out in Faith and Pray Look around you. People are hurting, broken, beaten down and feeling hopeless. Who will speak up for them and show some Love? What if all Christ-followers would lift our eyes to Heaven and pray as one before the King? Psalms 5:2 - “Hearken unto the voice of my cry, my King, and my God: for unto th...


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Revival Starts How? 07/01/2023

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Revival Starts How? So you want to leave a legacy? Speak with authority? Believe beyond what you see? If you want to know the plans God has for you, it all starts where we all belong … kneeling in prayer to our Maker. Psalms 95:6 - “O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD our maker.” Joh...

Hymn Untitled 06/01/2023

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Hymn Untitled Today’s song is an oldie but goodie. I remember first hearing it years ago when our kids sang it in a Christmas play at church. The words and music captivated me and I couldn’t get it out of my head. I still love this song! It calls lost souls to Jesus and fills us with Hope. In today’s world,...

Why, Father? 05/01/2023

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Why, Father? Have you ever questioned God? From the ‘small stuff’ like, “Why mosquitos?” to the ‘big stuff’ like, “Why do young ones have to die, long before their time?” God’s instruction manual answers our life questions but have you ever noticed that God is often the first to be blamed when ...

Hear the Invitation 04/01/2023

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Hear the Invitation Have you carried a burden for too long on your own? You weren’t created to bear it alone. Hear the Lord’s invitation to let it all go! Matthew 11:15 - “He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.” Lay it all down at the foot of the Cross! Psalms 55:22 - “Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he ...

All Eyes on Jesus 03/01/2023

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All Eyes on Jesus Lord, this new year You have our full attention; our eyes are fixed on You. We ask You to burn away every distraction and tear down the walls so You can move. We won't hesitate to give you the glory due Your Name. Please open up the gates of heaven; we seek You right here, right now ... 1Chronicles....

Takes A Little Time 02/01/2023

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Takes A Little Time We all suffer trials from time-to-time. God knows what we can bear and provides a way for us to be delivered from trials and harm. To effectively fight temptation we need to turn our hearts to God in order to strengthen our weaknesses, to turn back satan and heal our pain. 1Corinthians 10:13 - “Th...

All Things Are Become New 01/01/2023

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All Things Are Become New Happy New Year! May 2023 be full of God’s love, grace and mercy. May we all grow in Christ and be bold in sharing His gospel message. 2Corinthians 5:14-15 – “For the love of Christ constraineth us; because we thus judge, that if one died for all, then were all dead: 15 And [that] he died for a...

Something New 31/12/2022

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Something New It’s that time of year when many people resolve to make a change, to do something new in the coming new year. Some vow to lose weight or quit smoking, to exercise more … all admirable goals … but all for the physical world. Consider making a spiritual New Year’s resolution … something you ...

If Not Us Then Who 30/12/2022

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If Not Us Then Who Today’s song contemplates the condition of this world … has it always been so full of trouble, or how did we get so far down? How are things going to turn back around? Many turn their eyes toward Heaven and say, "God, why don't You do something? There are people living in poverty, children sold ...

God The Provider 29/12/2022

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God The Provider God provides, so why do we worry about our life? He comes to the rescue every time; all other voices are lies! God provides in ways I can't explain and can't deny; and the little that I have He multiplies! Philippians 4:19 - “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory b...

What About the Least of These? 29/12/2022

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What About the Least of These? After Jesus’ resurrection, He talks to the eleven disciples in Matthew 28:19, commonly referred to as “The Great Commission”, and tells them to “go and teach” what He has taught them. Matthew Chapter 25 describes the last judgment and explains the former parables. We cannot lose sight of t...

Who’s Got This? 27/12/2022

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Who’s Got This? God’s thoughts and His ways are higher than ours, so we sometimes don’t understand when or how He’s working in our lives. Ever been running late and go out to your car to leave and discover a flat tire? As if your day hadn’t started off bad enough, and now this? So you get the tire fixed and...

Heaven's Alleluia 26/12/2022

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Heaven's Alleluia Alleluia! We have Someone and something to celebrate … The King of Kings, our wonderful, merciful Saviour, Who died so that you and I might live and spend eternity with Him in heaven! Pretty cool stuff, that you can know if you’ll be spending eternity with Jesus instead of the lake of fire ... i...

A Little Lamb Mary Had 25/12/2022

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A Little Lamb Mary Had WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS! The little nursery rhyme song, “Mary Had a Little Lamb” has a worldly story behind it. Most of us are familiar with the song and have sung it to our children. Just as all humankind has the option of Christ "in us", Mary, the Mother of Jesus, was literally the first...