Spider EYES.

Spider EYES.

I am a solo artist, guitar player, and vocalist. This is where I'll be posting my events, and songs, albums, and covers. Come be part of my experience. Enjoy.

Genre: Rock. I'm a solo musician/singer/songwriter/guitar player. I'm still in the middle of making my own originals. Feel free to see my newest acapella cover music video, "HEAVEN." on YouTube, and those who are new to SPIDER EYES. Watch my original,, acapella music video and original song. "Wanna Be A Superhero." The official version, and music video. Is still in production.


Spider Eyes album is coming out soon. Later this year looking forward. To entertain you all and making you all part of my experience.


My official Spider Eyes album is still in the works hopefully coming out Sometime. This year… In the mean time. Please follow my acapello music video.


Spider Eyes album still in the middle of production.
