Writer's Theory

Writer's Theory

We help people from all skillsets to write novels.

Forgiving Yourself When You Can't Write 03/04/2024

We've all been there. We write and write and feel great about our routine. Then we get busy and can't get in front of the keyboard. But it's okay.
Check out our latest blog post.

Forgiving Yourself When You Can't Write When you can't get in front of the keyboard, it's okay. Forgive yourself and start writing when you can.

Genre Adventure Quiz 18/02/2024

Discover what genre of novel you're destined to write.
Take the quiz now.

Genre Adventure Quiz Take our quiz to discover the type of novel you are destined to write.


What Challenge is Best for You? Dialogue? Character Development? Try them all in the Fiction Forge! It's Free!


Writers are sharpening their skills in the Fiction Forge.


Download 10 Challenges to strengthen your writing skills. The Fiction Forge is waiting for you. Get it now for free!


Looking for a writing challenge? Flex your skills in the Fiction Forge.
And It's Free!

On Writing a Novel in a Month 28/11/2023

Did you write a novel this November?
Check out our latest blog post.

On Writing a Novel in a Month Hey Writer! Have you ever considered the thrilling yet daunting challenge of writing a novel in just one month? It's a trend that has gained momentum among writers, from seasoned authors to enthusiastic novices. The idea is simple yet ambitious: draft a 50,000-word novel in 30 days. That's right, an...


I asked ChatGPT if it knew us at Writer's Theory. Here's what it said. 🙂

On Crafting Natural Dialogue 10/11/2023

How can writers create natural dialogue? Check out our latest blog post.

On Crafting Natural Dialogue  Hey Writer! One of the challenges you may face as you embark on your writing journey is crafting dialogue that breathes life into your characters and story. It's a common hurdle, especially for new writers, but fear not! The key to mastering this art lies closer than you think — in your voice. L...

On Bridging Narrative Gaps 22/10/2023

Using well-known structure can bridge the gaps when your story runs out of road.
Check out our latest blog post.

On Bridging Narrative Gaps Hey, Writer! Do you ever find yourself stranded in the wasteland of Writer's Block, your characters awaiting your divine intervention like lost pilgrims? We've all been there, staring at that blinking cursor on a blank page, wondering what on Earth should happen next. But what if I told you that the...

On Embracing Tropes and Cliche 15/10/2023

Can using tropes benefit you as a writer? Check out our latest blog post.

On Embracing Tropes and Cliche Hey, writer! We all struggle with the enigmatic balance between the trite and the inventive—where does one draw the line? When you're just starting out as a novelist or a storyteller, the world of writing can feel like an intimidating maze. Today, we'll navigate this conundrum: How can familiar tr...


Which challenge will you master first?
World Building?
Enter the Fiction Forge and flex your writing skills.
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On Reversal and Recognition 09/10/2023

Check out our latest blog post!

On Reversal and Recognition Hey, Writer! The ending of a story holds a certain gravity. It's the destination, the grand reveal—the thing readers have been building up to throughout the narrative. Wrapping up a story in a fulfilling manner is no easy task. But what if I told you that a formula has been around for thousands of...

On Understanding Metaphor 01/10/2023

Check out our latest blog post!

On Understanding Metaphor Hey Writer! If you’ve been in any English comp class, you’ve probably had the metaphor/simile lesson. For many students, that may be the end of learning about metaphors. You may know that metaphors are plenty and all the stories we consume are rich with them. Let’s take a moment to discover a ...


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On Artificial Inspiration 23/09/2023

Check out our latest blog post!

On Artificial Inspiration Writing a novel is akin to a grand adventure, filled with twists, turns, and uncharted territories. And just like every adventure, having the right tools can make the journey smoother. Enter the realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI) – the newest tool in the writer's toolkit. Let’s examine how AI...

Tips for Beginning Writers 16/09/2023

Check out our latest blog post!

Tips for Beginning Writers The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Similarly, the journey of crafting a novel starts with a solitary word. Writing your first novel can seem like a daunting task. I remember the time I put pen to paper, sharing my experiences in "The Writer’s Theory", and I can tell you thi...

On Pacing and Engaging Readers 09/09/2023

Check out our latest blog post.

On Pacing and Engaging Readers Every writer embarks on a journey when they set pen to paper or fingers to keys. It's not just about telling a story; it's about crafting a voyage for your readers. One element that determines the success of this expedition? Pacing. Today, let's dive deep into the rhythmic beat of storytelling, and....

On Story Structure 31/08/2023

Check out our latest blog post.

On Story Structure  In the vast expanse of literary creation, writing a novel is akin to constructing a grand edifice. The bricks and mortar of storytelling, while potentially varied, are grounded in a foundation known as story structure. As we journey through the process of writing our tales, understanding this fram...

On Finding Time to Write 24/08/2023

Check out our latest blog post!

On Finding Time to Write Good morning, writers! As dawn ushers in a new day, many of us find ourselves caught in the age-old struggle of balancing our passions with our daily responsibilities. For writers, one of the most pervasive challenges is finding uninterrupted time to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard). Let's....

On the Benefits and Pitfalls of Prompt-Based Writing 17/08/2023

Checkout our latest blog post.

On the Benefits and Pitfalls of Prompt-Based Writing The canvas of a writer's mind is expansive, stretching to horizons often unexplored. Sometimes, this vastness requires a focal point, a guiding star. Enter prescriptive or prompt-based writing—a technique where a writer begins their narrative journey based on a given theme, phrase, or scenario. Th...

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N90 Novel Roadmap is now live! Learn how the secret to writing a novel in 90 days!https://www.writerstheory.com/N90Novel...