Bikertabby & Oceanbunny

Bikertabby & Oceanbunny

Look out for our posts and positive quotes. We hope to lighten up your spirit

We are not doing any business but wish to share and create awareness on Mental Health which had affected a lot of people these days not only in Singapore but also in the world.


We all failed to be who we are supposed to be.. But that's alright.. We learned.. That makes us human.. One thing about life lessons.. they bring you to where u are going and push you to growth.. Which is important.. Soon you will know that having $3000 in your wallet and having a $3000 wallet is different.. Use your life lessons.. As a stepping stone.. To go up.. And up.. And up.. And up...

- BikerTabby & OceanBunny


Music is a good therapy for many.. When ur happy and successful, you celebrate it with music.. When ur sad and u failed.. Music warms your heart.. There's not one day u don't come across any form of music.. It's part of our lives.. So.. Turn up those music and dance.. Regardless u won or lost...

- Bikertabby & Oceanbunny


In this route call Life, there are a mixture of bumps and smooth.. Take all the bumps as a stepping stone to your coming success.. Life is never a bed of roses, even if it is.. Roses have thorns.. Happiness is a gift.. It's a self creation.. Sadness will be there too.. There are there not to bring you down but to let you understand the balance of Life.. Focus on being happy and bring it forward... leave the sadness where it was.. Time.. Shall heal..

- Bikertabby and Oceanbunny


In the amidst of the pandemic, there is a need to keep yourself positive and upkeep your good habits.. Not habits like not brushing teeth, farting in front of others.. (Ooops... 😁).. It's good habits of how to make yourself happy...


We saw something meaningful and thought that we would like to share.. It says..

It doesn't matter how many times or how badly you fall.. It's how many times you managed to get back up!


The first step to start believing is believe in yourself. When you start on your own step, it will be guided along.. And We Believe In You..
