Jones Chapel

Jones Chapel

Jones Chapel


I hope you are continuing to listen for the ways Jesus is calling you to come and follow Him. Maybe He is calling you to become a part of a small group. (It’s not too late to join a small group. See the church website for more information). Maybe he is calling you to serve in a new way. Maybe he is calling you to invite a specific friend or neighbor to worship, Bible study, or a Family Fun Night or Women’s Event. Spend a few moments in quiet or listening to a favorite worship song/hymn as you listen for Jesus’ call to come and follow Him. - Pastor Michele


Please pray for Wesley Chandler as he is currently in a period of recovery following a recent surgery. Please offer prayers for his swift and complete recovery. Please also pray his family and the medical staff as they aid him during his journey back to health.

Photos from Jones Chapel's post 20/01/2024

| Compassion |

A wonderful time was had by many today as burp cloths and blankets were made; love was found in every stitch. 💕

“Don’t forget to do good and to share what you have because God is pleased with these
kinds of sacrifices.”

Hebrews 13:16


When were you recently reminded of your need for God? Think about the specific events surrounding your need and how God was a source of strength and help. Take some moments to give thanks and rest in God’s presence. If you would, consider leaving your reminder of God's strength in the comments. We'd love to see your thoughts!


Please pray for Linda Moon, a friend of Ernestine Cochran. After returning home following several days in the hospital, she is now back in the hospital with further issues after having to visit the emergency room. Please also pray for the medical staff as they work to improve her health.

Note from Ernestine:
Linda had been home for several days but started feeling unwell again. She is a praying woman and she wants our prayers on her behalf.


| A New Year |

Father, I abandon myself into your hands. Do with me whatever you will. Whatever you may do, I thank you.

I am ready for all, I accept all. Let only your will be done in me, and in all your creatures. Into your hands I commend my spirit. I offer it to you with all the love that is in my heart.

For I love you, Lord, and so want to give myself, to surrender myself into your hands, without reserve and with boundless confidence, for you are my Father.


(Charles de Foucauld)


“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

Isaiah 9:6


| Emmanuel, God with Us |

God dwells with His people- never leaving us alone. ❤️


🎄Christmas Memories! 🕯️🎁 "Memories of singing special Christmas songs, of hearing the Christmas story as told in Scripture, and of lighting candles while we sang Silent Night, Holy Night. Memories of laughter and love shared. Memories of those who are no longer with us but who brought much joy and love to our lives. Memories of the most precious gift in Jesus Christ and of the joy of giving. Memories of special gifts and sacrifices that were made. I hope you take some time this week to remember. I hope your memories bring gratitude and joy to your heart." - Pastor Michele 🙏✨

Photos from Jones Chapel's post 16/12/2023

Thank you to all who donated items to feed students in need of meals over the Christmas break! We had a great turn out and you have helped to make sure that Madison County students in need will have access to food items over the Christmas Break!


| He is the Light |

Join us TOMORROW evening at 5:30pm in the Sanctuary building for the worship presentation of “Advent by Candlelight”. Following the worship service, we will have fellowship and refreshments; feel free to bring your favorite snack/ finger food.


"God longs for us to experience His presence, peace, and provision in all circumstances in life. Although God is always with us, we may not always sense God’s presence. Even in those times, we can pray as we cry out to God.

We can read Scripture, worship, and rely on others who are journeying alongside us, waiting for the time when we will move from pain and suffering to an experience of God’s restoring grace and peace. In this Advent season, no matter what you are going through, may you experience the peace of God." - Pastor Michele


Ramona Lily, Pastor Michele's first grandchild is here! She was born yesterday evening at 5:30 PM and she is beautiful and doing well! Please keep Cait, Thomas and the entire May family in your prayers during such a special time.


🎄 Hey ladies! Don't forget to join us tomorrow at 10:00 AM at the Family Life Center for our annual Women in Christ Ornament Exchange! 🎁 Don't miss out on this wonderful (and often hilarious) Christmas celebration filled with fellowship, an inspiring message from Mary Rathbone of "Moms Adopting Moms", and a fun-filled ornament exchange!

Photos from Jones Chapel's post 07/12/2023

🙏 🎄 Merry Christmas Macey! 🎄✝️
What a precious gift from the Lord! You may recall our prayers for little Macey last year as she was struggling with health issues. While her struggles continue, her smile says it all! Teresa and her mom humbly thank all of you for your prayers!


After some improvement yesterday and last night, Mr. TJ is being released today. Please continue praying for TJ and the Berryman family as they aid him during this difficult time.

Note from Melanie:
Pray for he and us as the family, as we travel the process of getting things set up at home for him to adjust as peacefully as possible. Thanks for all the previous and forth coming prayers!


Please continue praying for Mr. TJ Berryman. After expecting to go home today, complications have developed. They have provided medicine to help him sleep, so please pray that he is able to get a good night's rest and return home soon.
Please also pray for the Berryman family as they assist Mr. TJ during this difficult time.

Note from Melanie:
Pray for a good night. Ted had a rough night last night with him, due to delirium as well as I today, Ned is with him tonight.

Photos from Jones Chapel's post 04/12/2023

| Advent Memories |

Tonight Jones Chapel had their annual Kids PJ Party. We had such a wonderful time; from singing, making crafts, playing Jingo, even pretend snow and games! We love our Jones Chapel Children! 💕

“Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’ ”

Matthew 19:14


Update on Mr. TJ:
Your prayers are working! TJ is doing better and better. His doctor said this morning that he will most likely be released to go home tomorrow with home health.


Answered prayer! Spilling grace. Jonathan is home! Still a long way to go and will involve a lot of medical trips, but he will rest better at home. He is staying with Tracey and Skipper, so she will rest better too!
Thank you for all the prayers!


Update on Mr. TJ Berryman from Melanie:
Thank you for your prayers! TJ is showing signs of improvement, although he is still weak. The doctors anticipate TJ continuing to improve over the next few days. Your continued prayers are deeply appreciated.


Mrs. Amy and the Children's Ministry invite your little ones to join us from 4-7 this Sunday at Jones Chapel for fun games, Bible stories, and crafts, all in their favorite PJs! Parents, enjoy yourselves a well-deserved date night while we ensure a fun, memorable and safe pajama party with your little ones!


From Amy Hancock...
Can you add Ms. Jo Leigh Bartlett to our prayer list?
She is a precious lady in my online classes at Emmanuel (almost 70 years old) and she just found out she is facing some major health issues. She has more tests and scans Monday. She is optimistic, but scared. She asked that I add her to our prayer list. She is the most amazing woman.... and so tough. Praying she can overcome this. ❤️🙏


Jonathan is having AFIB episodes. So at this point he is still in ICU until that is regulated. Specific prayer is for the AFIB to stop miraculously or be medically controlled effectively. Tracey is so tired and I'm really concerned for her as well. So please lift her along with Jonathan


Please pray for TJ Berryman who went to the ER tonight and is being admitted for further testing and evaluation.


Yes, God, I’m paying attention. I’m ready to experience Your presence today in whatever ways You choose to reveal Yourself. May that be so for each of us. -Pastor Michele May


Y'all. God is so good! Thank you for all the prayers. Jonathan is sitting in a recliner in his cubicle. Morning update. Doing well. Lots of pain but that can be controlled. Progress!!!! One day at a time.


Update on Jonathan...
Color is good. Responding to commands good. Will take a while to clear the anesthesia because of no kidney function. They will start removing support tubes, late tonight. No more visits today, so Tracey is trying to go rest. Doctor says that tomorrow they will do dialysis in ICU room and try to get him to a chair.
Thank you again for all the prayers


Update on Jonathan Clay. Thank you for your prayers! Jonathan is out of surgery and all went well. It's still a tenuous time because of the other complications.Thank you Jones chapel for continued prayers.

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| Jones Chapel 2023 |“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” ...
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