Solar Fraud of Florida

Solar Fraud of Florida

This group is for the advocacy of victimization of corrupt illegal practices within the solar industry in Florida.


Tell us if you have had any illegal fraudulent practices to sell you solar


3 companies that are having horrible consequences for many are
Dividend Financial
Please list any others that you might know of


This group is for gathering support and information to stop the illegal and corrupt business tactics of scamming solar companies that are victimizing innocent people that is running amuck in the state of Florida. If you have legitimate complaints then please post your complaints. If you are a senior citizen that has been taken advantage of, by these corrupt companies please post. There are strength in numbers and our complaints need to be heard by the lawmakers that have not held these corrupt abusive companies accountable for their lying tactics. If you would rather send a email with all legitimate complaints please send it to solarfraudofflorida .com
