The W O R D
Inspiring your INNER SERIAL KILLER to kill the programming on your mind. Truth will set you free.
The only sēx position recognized by God is a man on top of his wife, the rest styles you will explain it on judgement day. 🤡
Don’t forget who you’re mourning for.
You can’t cure cancer with cancer. 🤡
What a genius business model. 🤡
Inflation is one of the biggest taxes levied by the government against its people. 🤡
We’ve been lied to our whole lives about everything that matters. This civilization is the set of the Truman Show, and we are all True Man.
Ignorance is strength.
You are not responsible for the programming you received as a child but you ARE responsible for fixing it.
People do all sorts of evil because they love the pleasure too much.
It’s only a conspiracy theory if you don’t understand what’s happening.
These coadjutors are hybrid of organized crime. The Unseen Hand is bringing all these agencies together to create a One World Government. 🤡