Scott McBride Photography

Scott McBride Photography

Fine Art, Landscape, Cityscape, Portrait, and Freelance Photography
[email protected]


The American Bald Eagle builds the largest nest of any North America bird. The largest Bald Eagle nest on record, in St. Petersburg, Florida, was 2.9 meters in diameter and 6.1 meters tall.



The Clarence Strait in Alaska


Typically a momma bear will keep her cubs away from the falls until the dominant males have had their fill. This momma had one of her cubs killed by "Chunk" #32, the day before I arrived and I saw it slowly dying right near the trail.


The first 13 shots had this male partially out of frame as I caught him out of the corner of my eye and panned to the left, at his peak he was nearly completely out of the water.
There are several theories why Humpback whales breach, the most common is to clean their skin of barnacles, but other theories are communication/social behavior, navigation, attracting a mate, and even natural instinct/playfulness.


Brown bears and Grizzly bears are the same species, the main difference is where they live and their diet. Brown bears live near coastal areas and a large portion of their diet consists of fish, brown bears can get considerably larger than grizzlies, weighing more than 1,000 pounds during the fall months. The bear I photographed here I believe to be #27 (Diver Bear) based on my limited knowledge.


Just got back from an extended vacation in Alaska. One of the side trips I did was an excursion with @ (Deadliest Catch, Aleutian Ballard)

Captain/Owner Dave & Crew were awesome!

I took over 1,000 photos of eagles and I'm still trying to choose a favorite!


The "Avenue of the Oaks" - The first oak tree was planted in 1743, with the final tree being planted in 1843. 88 of the original 90 still stand with one being lost to a lighting strike and another to a hurricane.

Photos from Scott McBride Photography's post 20/07/2024

Pineapple Fountain opened in 1990 following the aftermath of hurricane Hugo. The fountain turned on about 35 minutes later than I had hoped for. Which photo do you like better?


Nothing beats nature therapy.


We can always earn more money but unfortunately we'll never be able to earn more time.


A reflection pool just above "The Wave". I was lucky enough to draw a permit last year to this incredible place, now it appears permit prices are on the rise.


I hope everyone is enjoying the first day of summer.


A throwback to my first milky way shot taken in June of 2021.


It's not always when you see it, but how you feel it.


Red Rock Canyon is 17 miles west of the Las Vegas Strip, if you want to take a break from the norm go enjoy the scenic drive around the canyon or one of the many trails to hike. A timed entry permit is needed between Oct 1st and May 31st 8am to 5pm at


Travel is the only thing you can buy that makes you richer.


You can't see it from this angle but there's a young osprey in that nest who isn't quite ready to fly yet.


Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there, have a wonderful day!


Found some time to do a morning shoot with my daughter while I was visiting. I hope you like it.

Shelby McBride


Angels Window as seen on the morning of June 6, 2023. f/13, 1/10 sec, ISO 400, 35mm.


Often times taking the road less traveled leads to the best rewards.


People often see animals or shapes in rock formations, this is known as Pareidolia.
What do you see?


Nature's been doing it better than us for millions of years, we should learn from this.


Scott McBride Landscape and Cityscape Photography and Wall Art


Enjoying the view at just over 11,000 feet of elevation in Rocky Mountain National Park.
15mm f/14, 1/400 sec, ISO 640.


Not my normal subject matter for a photo but it is spring time, what do y'all think?


The only trip you'll regret is the one you don't take. Where do you want to go next?


There are signs we are getting close to spring . The Daffodils and Tulips are in full bloom.


Newspaper Rock - This rock panel contains one of the largest known collections of petroglyphs. The older carvings are roughly 2000 years old. In Navajo, the rock is called "Tse' Hone'" which translates "A rock that tells a story".