Health And Prosperity Coach

Health And Prosperity Coach

Health and Prosperity Coach offers health, life, financial and spiritual coaching. We help you achieve specific goals and become the best version of YOU.


Guess what? I’m honored to be speaking at a truly necessary and needed summit. This summit is a must for any woman who is ready to feel like she did when she was younger. Miss your old energy and annoyed with your physical health? Tired of dealing with brain fog and low libido? Anxious about all your anxiety? You need this! I’m one of 18 guest expert speakers at the Reducing F.L.A.B.B Summit. It's all about dealing with the big four: Fatigue, Low Libido, Brain Fog, and Belly Fat. We’ll be sharing strategies only experts share to help you feel better without unnecessary medications.

Will you join me and be my guest? Click here to claim your complimentary ticket! 👇

Timeline photos 02/04/2021

"If you look at the world, you'll be distressed. If you look within, you'll be depressed. If you look at God, you'll be at rest." - Corrie Ten Boom

Timeline photos 01/04/2021

Stress and loud noise aren't the only causes for headaches. Many foods can be a trigger for people. Things like chocolate, bananas, and alcohol can lead to headaches. Try keeping a log of things you've ingested before getting a headache and you might narrow down a cause.

Timeline photos 31/03/2021

Your body is made up of vitamins and minerals, and having too little or too much of any can cause issues. Here are a few essentials and how they help you.

- B12: For proper function and development of multiple parts of the body, including the brain, nerves, and blood cells.
- Vitamin D: Helps fight disease and depression. Plus useful for weight loss
- Magnesium: Can help with heart health, migraines, depression, and PMS symptoms.
- Biotin: Not only good for hair, nails, and skin, but also for metabolic, nerve, digestive, and cardiovascular functions.

Timeline photos 30/03/2021

"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." - Psalm 73:26

Timeline photos 29/03/2021

If you're looking to lose weight, here are a few foods that may help. And remember, moderation is key.

- Grapefruit: Helps with insulin resistance and may make you feel fuller on less
- Chia seeds: High in fiber, which helps to you to feel fuller
- Nuts: High in protein, fiber, and healthy fats and could help improve metabolic health

Timeline photos 26/03/2021

"By choosing healthy over skinny, you are choosing self-love over self-judgment." - Steve Maraboli

Timeline photos 25/03/2021

Basic meditation is a a great way to relax. For a quick de-stresser, sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Breathe in for 5 counts, hold for one, and then slowly release.

Timeline photos 24/03/2021

With spring comes the spike in outdoor allergens like pollen. And also the opportunity to rid yourself of indoor allergens.

Spring cleaning like vacuuming rugs and carpets, and deep clean dusting will help minimize indoor irritants.


Timeline photos 23/03/2021

As we move into warmer months and people start spending more time outdoors, it's important to protect your skin from sun damage.

Go for purchasing a higher SPF sunscreen than usual, as they tend to get diluted. Remember to use enough and reapply.

Timeline photos 22/03/2021

"They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the LORD." - Psalm 112:7

Timeline photos 19/03/2021

“She was powerful not because she wasn’t scared, but because she went on so strongly, despite the fear.” – Atticus

Timeline photos 18/03/2021

You've been told to avoid tech before sleep, but why?

Your body doesn't begin creating melatonin until it receives the cue that it's time to sleep. Melatonin is the chemical compound that helps you fall asleep and stay asleep. Bright lights and blue lights hinder that process.

Looking for better sleep? Avoid lights before bed and let your body make the melatonin you need.

Timeline photos 17/03/2021

Having trouble staying asleep at night? Or even falling asleep?

Your body might need help with making melatonin, the chemical that helps you sleep. Many factors - such as age, stress, and seasonal change - can alter your body's melatonin creation. Adding melatonin to your nightly routine can help you sleep. It comes in tablet, patch, v**e, and liquid form.

Try this for 1-2 months to help regulate your sleep cycle again. Comment how your experience is!


Timeline photos 16/03/2021

“Happiness is a choice — a choice to be joyful, no matter what the circumstance.” - Sadie Robertson

Timeline photos 15/03/2021

"Be on your guard, stand firm in the faith, be courageous, be strong." - 1 Corinthians 16:13

Timeline photos 12/03/2021

If I was EATING RIGHT and even EXERCISING, then WHY couldn’t I lose weight? And WHY I was still LACKING ENERGY? I didn’t understand that my body was affected by everything around me.

A combination of stress, toxins, chemicals, the foods I was eating and even emotional issues.

That’s when I put into action all I had ever learned about health and wellness, and in my coaching certifications. I also worked with a coach and I invited the Holy Spirit for guidance. It’s now been about 2 years and I’m still following a lifestyle that is sustainable and fun, focusing on what I CAN have and HOW to maintain high energy so I can be there for my family, spouse, and ministry.

And guess what? I’m helping other women do the same!

"Marcela motivated me to reach my goals: increasing energy, physical activity, lower stress level, but she also provided me the tools to overcome personal issues I was going through at the time. I now feel energized and knowledgeable about my nutrition and handling my stress levels” Victoria G.

If you are ready to take charge of your health and want to overcome burnout, release stress, and increase your energy exponentially, then join me for my FREE 4 Day Workshop coming up on March 15th.

Register at:

Timeline photos 11/03/2021

I was so excited when I had the courage to finally resign from my corporate job and follow God’s calling to coach Christian women full time.

As I was transitioning, I realized that my health had taken a toll from working long hours, not eating healthy, forgetting to drink water, and sometimes skipping meals!

At that point, I realized that if I’m going to coach Christian women on optimizing their health, I needed to figure this out!

I’d love to share with you my approach to stop burnout, get rid of frustration, and say goodbye to low energy. And to help you balance your life, optimize your health, practice self-care, and increase your energy so you can give to others from a filled heart, and thrive to follow God’s calling for your life.

Want to learn more?

Join me for my FREE 4 Day workshop coming up on March 15th.

Register at

Timeline photos 10/03/2021

Before you take pills to treat a symptom, ask yourself what your body could be telling you. What is the underlying cause of this symptom? How am I feeling? How often is this happening?

Muscle aches and fatigue? You could be low on vitamin D. Instead of masking the issue, try figuring out the source. Consult with you doctor combat the root of your health problems.


🌸 Tea Time Tuesday

👉 Can you relate to this? An example of burnout...

👉 Free 4 Day Workshop to Increase your Energy

👉 What God says about taking care of our bodies

🌿 If you want to increase your energy, register for this workshop!
Link in comments

Blessings! 😍

Timeline photos 09/03/2021

"Your crown has been bought and paid for. Put it on your head and wear it." - Maya Angelou


Timeline photos 08/03/2021

Can you relate to feeling burnout, you are frustrated, you have no energy, and… you are super busy?

If you answer yes to any of this, then it’s time to have consistent energy to shine and be your best at home, at work, in relationships, and in serving Jesus!

I invite you to join my FREE 4 Day workshop on March 15th and learn how to overcome burnout, release stress, and increase your energy exponentially!

Register now at

Timeline photos 05/03/2021

“Let your compassion fuel your passion.” — Achea Redd

Timeline photos 04/03/2021

If I was EATING RIGHT and even EXERCISING, then WHY couldn’t I lose weight? And WHY I was still LACKING ENERGY? I didn’t understand that my body was affected by everything around me.

A combination of stress, toxins, chemicals, the foods I was eating, and even emotional issues.

That’s when I put into action all I had ever learned about health and wellness and in my coaching certifications. I also worked with a coach and I invited the Holy Spirit for guidance. It’s now been about 2 years and I’m still following a lifestyle that is sustainable and fun, focusing on what I CAN have and HOW to maintain high energy so I can be there for my family, spouse, and ministry.

And guess what? I’m helping other women do the same!

"Marcela motivated me to reach my goals: increasing energy, physical activity, lower stress level, but she also provided me the tools to overcome personal issues I was going through at the time. I now feel energized and knowledgeable about my nutrition and handling my stress levels” Victoria G.

If you are ready to take charge of your health and want to overcome burnout, release stress, and increase your energy exponentially, then join me for my FREE 4 Day Workshop coming up on March 15th.

Register at

Timeline photos 03/03/2021

Remember, there will always be more of your favorite food. You don't have to overeat now to enjoy it.

Moderation is an important part of losing or maintaining weight. So, eat that delicious food you love, but don't treat it like it will never exist again. There will always be more.


🌸 Tea Time Tuesday

🖐 Devotional and increase your energy workshop!

👉 What you want in life is not happening! Listen to today's devotional to hear what God says about that!

👉 If you are experiencing low energy and burnout, register for my Total Energy Transformation Workshop where we will talk about:

🌿 Overcoming burnout
🌿 Releasing stress
🌿 Increasing energy

😍 Hope to see you there! Link in comments

Timeline photos 27/02/2021

“One of the most courageous things you can do is identify yourself, know who you are, what you believe in, and where you want to go.”– Sheila Murray Bethel

Timeline photos 25/02/2021

Christian Women Wellness Series: Episode 17

"God took me from relying on my own strengths all the time to saying: 'Nope, you don’t need to do any of that, just rely on Me.'" - Rhiannon Bernardin

Health And Prosperity Coach


Hello! I’m Marcela Owen and I’m a Health and Prosperity Coach. I love connecting with people, living naturally and maintaining an active lifestyle. My passion is to support busy women of faith who want to increase energy, live a healthier lifestyle and accomplish any specific goal. I provide guidance, encouragement, accountability and prayer for women to find God’s purpose and become the best version of themselves.

I understand the dynamics of a busy woman working in the corporate world as well as a busy stay-at-home working mom. I have always been an advocate for healthy living with a passion to lift, encourage and stretch others for personal growth. When I made a decision to become a coach, I realized that I have been coaching countless people already throughout different outlets of my life.

Today, I take my passion to help others and my coaching knowledge, and use it to change women’s lives. ​My purpose is to support as many women as I can to find their God given purpose, thrive and embark on their own unique journey to become the best version of themselves. My goal is to connect personally with every single person that I come across and build a strong relationship of trust, compassion and a safe place for women to open up and explore options to their best life as well as start a journey of transformation. ​

Videos (show all)

Tea Time Tuesday - Can you relate to this?
Tea Time Tuesday
Tea Time Tuesday - Balance
Tea Time Tuesday - Faith, Trust and Goal Setting
Tea Time Tuesday - Increasing Energy
Tea Time Tuesday - Joy
Healthy Through The Holidays!DM me if you want to learn more! 🤩
Gratitude Message #2
Gratitude Message#1
Body and Mind Reset Tip #8
Body and Mind Reset Tip #6
Body and Mind Reset Tip #5