Defeat Kurt Schrader in 2022

Defeat Kurt Schrader in 2022

Kurt Schrader has been a consistent enemy of policies for the people. He must be defeated in the Democratic primary in 2022

Universal Health Care - ACTION ALERT - Be Heard! — Health Care for All Oregon 13/02/2023

It is NOT TOO LATE to submit a statement of support for universal healthcare in Oregon! Please do this! The hearing is at 1pm.

Universal Health Care - ACTION ALERT - Be Heard! — Health Care for All Oregon You can make a difference! Tell your story about why universal health care is important to YOU. Be heard! This is a big deal. Tell state senators live or in writing. Senate bill 704 is the next huge step toward single payer in Oregon, let's get it passed!

Democrats suffer blow on drug pricing as 3 moderates buck party 15/09/2021

Kurt Schrader voted with Big Pharma to screw not only every working person in his district but every working person in the country.

Democrats suffer blow on drug pricing as 3 moderates buck party Democrats' signature legislation to lower drug prices was defeated in a House committee on Wednesday as three moderate Democrats voted against their party.

Moderate House Democrats threaten drug pricing bill in House panel 14/09/2021

This scar is now one of 3 "moderate" Democrats who want everyone of YOU to continue to pay high drug prices. They aren't "moderates"--they are corporate shills doing the business of big money donors.

Moderate House Democrats threaten drug pricing bill in House panel Three moderate House Democrats announced that they would vote against their party's legislation to lower drug prices in committee on Tuesday, threatening a defeat for one of Democrats' signature measures.

Bourdeaux, Case, Schrader Lead Letter Calling For Fiscal Responsibility 19/06/2021

He's at it again. Schrader is a leading voice to **DEFEAT** the kinds of programs and spending that every working person needs, not just in his district but in every community in the nation. He's making false economic arguments you would hear from Republicans and Wall Street--and his corporate donors. He will cost people their lives and bankrupt workers who need support. It's immoral.

Bourdeaux, Case, Schrader Lead Letter Calling For Fiscal Responsibility WASHINGTON — In a letter today to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, United States Congresswoman Carolyn Bourdeaux (GA-07), Congressman Ed Case (HI-01), and Congressman Kurt Schrader (OR-05) called for increased fiscal responsibility in order to preserve the long-term economic stability of th

Timeline photos 30/03/2021

Do any of you make memes?! We need some good ones for this page.


Can everyone on this page commit to recruiting ONE NEW PERSON TO OUR LIKE LIST? And share the page to your page? Thanks!


Let's make another observation about the destructive nature of Kurt Schrader--as we write this, Republicans in Congress are making Schrader's vote against the desperately needed relief bill (and his immoral opposition to raising the federal minimum wage to $15-an-hour) a talking point against passing the bill, citing the "bi-partisan opposition" in the House to the $1.9 trillion bill. "Bi-partisan" meaning Schrader and one other "Democrat".

Of course, WE, politically engaged activist/voters/people, know that making that sound "bi-partisan" is a farce. But, when Mitch McConnell says this on the floor of the Senate (which he did), most people hearing that don't know the details.

Schrader is a blight on the party and on the needs of average people.

Oregon AFL-CIO on Twitter 01/03/2021

By the way, our sisters and brothers at the Oregon AFL-CIO skewered the Schrader vote against relief for the people (note the AFL-CIO's use of "another"...):

Oregon AFL-CIO on Twitter “Another extremely disappointing vote from .”


Hey, friends: open "contest"--post here pictures that might work well for the banner picture for this page or the smaller "profile" picture. Keep it clean and high-minded (evoking progressive values perhaps) 🤓!


Please help NATIONALIZE this election. Schrader should be a target for every progressive group and every progressive donor in the country--this is not his first vote siding with corporate interests against the people.



Please help share this page!!! Invite your friends. We have to gather like minds and build the coalition that will be needed to defeat Kurt Schrader in 2022.

House Passes $1.9 Trillion Stimulus as Democrats Work to Salvage Wage Raise 27/02/2021

Kurt Schrader was one of only TWO Democrats to vote AGAINST relief to workers, relief for communities and support to end the pandemic--all because he opposed giving every Oregonian minimum wage earner extra money.


House Passes $1.9 Trillion Stimulus as Democrats Work to Salvage Wage Raise Even as the House passed President Biden’s pandemic aid plan with a minimum wage increase included, Democrats were searching for a Plan B for the wage hike, which was ruled out in the Senate.


While people throughout our state are barely making ends meet, Kurt Schrader is declaring that he opposes raising the federal minimum wage to $15-an-hour. He stands against the interests of every working person in the state--no matter what party.

He must be defeated.

This is from an article from today in The Hill:

One potential defector is Rep. Kurt Schrader (Ore.), who is the only remaining Democrat who voted against a 2019 bill to increase the minimum wage to $15. The other five five Democrats who voted against the minimum wage hike at the time lost reelection in November.

Schrader told The Hill on Friday afternoon that he might vote against the COVID-19 relief package in part because of the minimum wage hike. He prefers a regionally adjusted minimum wage rather than changing the federal statutory level.

“The one-size-fits-all is what really would cripple small businesses in my district and lead to massive unemployment,” Schrader said.

He further added that the House version is “going nowhere” and “a messaging bill that serves no purpose.”

“It'll be up to the Senate hopefully to use some common sense and tailor it down, target it to those that need it,” Schrader said.
