

• Personal trainer • Masseuse • Injury Rehab & Prehab Therapist • Nutrition Consultant • Self Love Advocator • Fitness Enthusiast • Swimmer •


Super-set of unilateral & bilateral training is my thing 👌🏼🙌🏼. And here is why I’m doing this:

Most of us naturally have one side of the body stronger than the other. During bilateral exercises, the dominant side can overcompensate, thus do more work, than the weaker side. This consequently cause gap in strength between the sides and increase muscle imbalance. Unilateral exercises helps to isolate and correct muscle imbalance by avoiding overtraining or overusing the dominant side.

A study by European Journal of Applied Physiology found that unilateral exercises activate the deep core and hip stabiliser muscles more effectively than bilateral exercises. This means, we train our stability, improve balance 🤸🏼

Btw, in TRX suspended split squat there is even more serious stabilising muscle recruitment happening, cuz the suspended leg is tangling so it king of gives unstable stability 🤯

With bilateral exercises we are increasing our strength due to being able to lift heavier, which means more muscle activation, thus more motor neurons fire up to perform the movement.
More motor neurons firing = more horse power under under your engine 💪🏼

Bilateral exercises requires serious core strength & activity. Due to heavier weight lifted, core must be strong and braced to avoid injuries in back, knees and to successfully perform the movement with correct technique. 🏋🏼‍♀️

This as well imply to upper body training, for example, 1.a. Press-ups > 1.b. Single arm row.

Try this super-set out for few weeks and see the magic happen 🤗💪🏼


Caught a gorgeous Sunday sunset when walking 🌅 🧡💛

So blessed to have a gorgeous seafront next to me. I find walking super calming (unless I’m rushing) which helps to unwind after a busy and overwhelming week. Best way to finish the week and recharge for the next one! 🥰💪🏼

Numerous research have proved that walking in nature can:

• Improve your health by reducing the risk of cardiac and chronic diseases (bc you are exercising your body and heart)💪🏼

• Alleviates depression and fatigue (bc you are giving time for yourself in nature, breathing in more oxygen, opening up the free flow of ideas) 😌

• Boost your mood and self-confidence (exercising, specially in nature, helps to release endorphins- the happy hormones, that literally makes you happier and creates a general sense of well-being)☺️

So if you feeling overwhelmed, fatigued or just been sat all day - put those shoes on, grab earphones or a friend and get outside for at least 20min walk. You’ll feel so much better during and after walk, than you’ve been beforehand 🥰

Can thank me later 🤍


Is your Swiss ball collecting dust?? Grab it, wipe it, and let’s put it in use!
❗️But before read the benefits of this unsung piece of equipment:

⚫️Swiss ball is such versatile equipment that can be used for a beginner to help learn basic co-ordination & balance and for an experience exercisers to add that extra/new level of instability and therefore create more challenging workouts💪🏼🤸🏼‍♀️

⚫️That instability requires your stabiliser muscles engage more, while usually they play second role when training big muscle groups.

⚫️Exercising stabilisers regularly for bodyweight moves builds functional strength all over your body that can reduce the risk of sporting injury, increase awareness of the position and movement of own body, thus improve posture and support the muscles responsible for taking the strain of heavier compound lifts like squats, deadlifts, overhead press and many more 🏋🏼‍♂️💯

Here is my couple fave Swiss ball exercises:
• Mountain climbers (arms elevated)
• Elevated Press-ups
• Pikes
• Single leg knee tucks
• Hamstring curls
• Double/Single leg Bridges
• Dead bug
• V-sit swiss ball pass
These exercises can be combined as super-set with strengthening exercises. For example:
1a. Romanian DL > 1b. Swiss ball SL hamstring curls
2a. Bench press > 2b. Swiss ball hand elevated press-ups

Have fun! ☺️💪🏼


Unique benefits of Fibre

➖Soluble fibre improves digestion, reduce cholesterol and modules sugars in blood blood
So fibre can reduce the spike from eating simple/added sugars
Soluble fibre examples: Oats 🥣 , peas , beans 🫘 , apples 🍎 , citrus fruits 🍊, carrots 🥕

➖Insoluble fibre promotes bowel health & regularity
Insoluble fibre examples: Whole wheat flour (thus bread, pasta) 🍞, wheat bran, nuts 🥜, beans 🫘

❗️You don’t want to have super high fibre meal too close to high intensity exercise, bc it (especially soluble fibre) takes time to digest, which can cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

✅It is recommended to consume around 30g of fibre per day for an average person. Of course, the amount will slightly differ depending on our sizes, activity levels and etc.


Let’s talk protein 🥚🍗

Protein is a building block of our tissue (skin 💆🏼‍♀️ hair 💁🏼‍♀️ muscles💪🏼), enzymes, hormones and antibodies 🧬
It’s critical for recovery and development of muscles

You’ve probably heard loads of ‘have protein shake’, ‘protein powder will help you to grow muscles’ and stuff like that…

Thing is we can easily get our all recommended protein intake from whole foods
Whole food protein from egg, poultry, beef, pork and vegetable sources are superior to powders 🙌🏼

I’m always up for whole foods rather than artificial things that are not naturally produced.

Tips to increase your protein intake:
* Add protein source to every meal
* Have protein-based snacks

Drop a comment if you have any questions, agree/disagree - love to discuss it!
📍As well save and share with someone who would benefit 🤍


Full body TRX workout that you can do anywhere - home, gym, garage or outdoors 💪🏼

Focus on maintaining active plank throughout all exercises for the best form and effective workout 🙌🏼

• Bum to heel squat to high row x 12
• Split fly (or as I like to call it - crocodiles 😁) x 12
• Oblique pull x 10
• Split squat x 10 > add jump x 8
• Press-ups x 12
• Mountain climbers x 20
• Front squat x 10 > add jump x 10 (quads will 🔥)
• Plank knee tuck to pike x 8

Repeat this 2-3 times ☺️💛

Photos from movewitheva's post 22/12/2021

There are no perfect coach. However we you can identify how good your coach is 🧐👇🏼

Good coach will be positive, enthusiastic, supportive, trusted, patient, goal-orientated, knowledgeable, reasonable and a clear communicator when helping with your journey.

Good coach have to encourage you to train, tho can’t force you, especially on the days you are not ‘feeling it’.

You could be sore and tired - you might benefit more from a very good stretch/mobility session.

You are stressed - let’s beast it out or relax with some stretches and breathing exercises?

Something is niggling - let’s see how we can fix it.

Don’t like this exercise, don’t feel muscle that should work - let’s fix your technique or change the exercise that would suit you.

Most importantly coach should educate you to reassure that it’s okay and why we are doing ‘this’ instead of ‘that’.

If your coach isn’t listening to you, leaving aching for days, full of unanswered questions and feeling going to train as a burden - it’s time to consider is there someone else that could train me better?

I’m now talking clients on board training with me 💗 DM or message me to discuss our options - let me help you achieve your goals and feel good about yourself💪🏼


Hungry before bed, or had a late shift and not sure what to eat?? 😴

I am often the owl when it comes to dinner🦉 Usually because I have late shifts (personal trainer will understand too) or simply hunger will kick in late in the evening 😑

I’ve really noticed that my sleep quality and how I feel the next day will depend on the night snack or the dinner I had. Usually high in carbs, especially dense in sugar, will increase blood sugar level, thus spikes up the energy levels. Those high levels of sugar/energy normally drops in 3 hours. Which means the quality of your sleep can be affected by having less deep sleep, higher heart rate than normal and your stomach is still working to digest that heavy meal.

There when choosing a night snack, I would suggest pairing fibre-rich carbohydrates with protein sources. This combination will help to restore glycogen and support the muscle building and repair throughout the night. If you are someone who trains or works in the morning and cannot get a full meal, a quality night snack can help to prepare you for training/work. 💪🏼

If you tend to overdo on snacking at night, make sure you choose a snack that satisfy your hunger. For example, a combination of dark chocolate 🍫, berries 🍓🫐🍒 and nuts 🥜 might be a great option for someone who has a sweet tooth after dinner. Truly satisfying your hunger will prevent from overeating later.

Foods containing magnesium, melatonin and tryptophan may benefit the quality and duration of the sleep, so it can be advantageous to include these snacks in your nights snack.
* Melatonin = berries, egg, fish, nuts.
* Magnesium = almonds, pumpkin seeds, cashews, peanut butter, avocado, banana, dark chocolate.
* Tryptophan rich-protein = eggs, pumpkin seeds, peanuts, chicken, dairy.

Try it and share with someone who may find this helpful! 💙


Best single leg hip thrust mechanical drop set by
Ugh the glutes were on 🔥🔥

1. 10 x full range
2. 10 x top range pulses
3. 10 x bottom range pulses
4. 10 x eccentric (2 up/1 down)
5. 10 x b-stance

I always admire and trust people with academic background and teaching experience over influencers that trying to make look exercises cool and over complicated.
No judge, you do you, however science for me is very important as it was questioned, researched, tested and explained why and how it work to the point that ‘oh yeaaah that makes sense and it’s so simple’. 💡

Education is not the filling of a bucket. But the lightning of a fire.

Bret has numerous conducted research and published articles and >25 years of personal training and many more amazing stuff he did and does. I was following for few years, and applying his methods to my training plans ever since I followed this guy. Myself and my clients see the results and progress after the individualised programs 💪🏼

Can’t thank enough to Bret 🙌🏼



Words I needed to hear today 🙌🏼

Truth is

Don’t take anything personally.
Nothing others do is because of you. What other say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream.
When you are immune to the opinions of others, you won’t be a victim of needless suffering 💙


Killer upper body set you MUST TRY 🔥🔥💪🏼

• Fingers out press-ups x 10
• Bicep curl to press x 12
• TRX underhand grip rows x 20

3-4 sets, 2 mins rest 🥴

Save 📍Try 💪🏼 Let me know how it goes 🔥

Photos from movewitheva's post 09/11/2021


💁🏼‍♀️ Macronutrients are nutrients needed for your body in larger amounts in order to function properly. These are carbohydrates, protein and fats.
Vitamins and minerals are micronutrients found in all whole foods.

⚡️All of these nutrients provide your body with energy measured in the form of calories or kcals.

💪🏼 Along with energy, all of these macronutrients have specific roles in your body that allows you to function properly.

👉🏼 Poster suggested precentages are considered healthy, but different combinations can help you achieve different goals or help manage different disease states. Each individual may thrive at different percentages of macro’s intake, so what works for one person may not work for all.


💙Happy November! 🍂

Another new day of no matter where you’ve been… The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide you’re not going to stay where you are 🙌🏼

Keep moving and stay strong with a smile on your face 😎☺️


👆🏼Another level of TRX side plank 👆🏼

Max stability challenge for whole body!
Here is why:

➖ TRX suspended side plank challenges your body in conditions of instability. This forces you to constantly engage your core and stabilising muscles to perform the movement. Instead of a basic side plank on the floor, you are suspended at the feet and supporting the rest of your body weight on your hand or forearm.

➖ Additional movement such as abduction and knee tuck as shown in the video, teaches you dynamic whole body stability to maintain proper body position throughout the movement.

➖ Upside down kettlebell creates more instability causes forces recruit more additional muscle fibres and motor units to control the unstable load.

Save it, try it and tag me to your post with your attempt!

TRX Training
TRX Training UK


Hey, I’m Eva and welcome to my page! 💗

My passion is to:
💪🏼 Improve one’s health & fitness
💪🏼Teach & educate how to optimally exercise in a flexible approach which you’ll fall in love with
💪🏼 Make your training enjoyable no matter what your goals are
💪🏼 Guide and advice on nutrition
💪🏼 Injury rehab & prehab using exercise and massage

My passion of sports were since I remember myself….
I have competed internationally in both swimming and modern pentathlon for over 10 years 🏊🏼‍♀️🤺🏇🏃🏼‍♀️🔫
This experience development a deep understanding on what it takes to stay motivated, goal-oriented, as well as physically & mentally strong.
However, multiple injuries due to overtraining lead me to stop my career as athlete and seek higher education.
I graduated BSc in Sports Science with 1st class honours and just finished MSc in S&C and rehabilitation.
Along these 4 years I’ve completed multiple courses in fitness training, sports massage therapy and nutrition, that was constantly practicing.

I love what I do and love sharing my knowledge with others 💗

I’m here to be your coach, nutritionist, massage therapist and friend to help in your journey of improving wellbeing, fitness and hitting your goals 🙌🏼✨


The goal is to create a space where your body was once stuck.
To unveil your layers of protection and you’ve built around your heart.
To appreciate your body and become aware of the mind and noise it creates.
To make a peace with who you are.
✨ The goal is YOU ✨

Videos (show all)

Spine health (strong and mobile) is important because:                            - Quality life with no/less pains and ...
Super-set for leg/glute day 🙌🏼
Swiss Ball workout 💪🏼💣
Full body TRX workout 💪🏼
Best single leg hip thrust mechanical drop set by @bretcontreras1 Ugh the glutes were on 🔥🔥1. 10 x full range2. 10 x top...
Killer upper body set you MUST TRY 🔥🔥💪🏼 • Fingers out press-ups x 10 • Bicep curl to press x 12 • TRX underhand grip row...
👆🏼Another level of TRX side plank 👆🏼Max stability challenge for whole body! Here is why:➖ TRX suspended side plank chall...
