God a Minute

God a Minute

Encouraging Lives One Minute At A Time.


God a minute? In times of division, remember that unity is our greatest strength. Let us come together, setting aside our differences, to seek peace and understanding.

Pray for wisdom to prevail over violence. Together, under God's guidance, we can heal & build a brighter, united nation.

Ephesians 4:1-6 says, “Therefore I, the prisoner in the Lord, urge you to walk worthy of the calling you have received, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, making every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit — just as you were called to one hope at your calling — one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all.”


Receive your free daily message with the link in our bio [www.godamin.com] 💛


God a minute? It's easy to waste time, gossiping, complaining, and being negative. A negative mind will never give you a positive life.

Lamentations 3:25 says, “The LORD is good to those who wait for him, to the person who seeks him.”

Every day is another chance to make a positive change. Be happy on purpose.


John 17:3 🙏 If you haven’t yet started your journey of knowing God and Jesus Christ, now is a perfect time. Open your heart, seek Him through prayer, read the Bible, and connect with a community of believers. Eternal life is about knowing and experiencing the fullness of God’s love and grace in your life, both now and forever.

May you be encouraged and strengthened as you walk in this truth, knowing that the true and living God loves you deeply and desires a personal relationship with you through Jesus Christ.


What gets you moving forward?

Receive your free daily text messages at www.godamin.com 💛


God a minute? Are you facing some fearsome obstacles, and wondering how much more can you endure?

God promised to help you continue forward even when you see no end in sight. We must rely on Him and He will help us overcome our challenges as we journey toward Him.

Something Great is coming your way!


Start your walk back today. 💛

Sign up for our free daily text messages at www.godamin.com to begin each day with encouragement that brings you a step closer in your faith journey.


God a minute? Show His love, grace, and compassion in everything you do. As you give up your own will to follow His, you become a tool for His purpose, bringing hope and light to those around you.


How can we pray for you today?


Galatians 6:9 “Let us not get tired of doing good, for we will reap at the proper time if we don’t give up.”


God a minute? Concentrate on your strengths and block out negative junk.


God a minute?

What goes in our mouth determines the shape of our body. What comes out of our mouth reveals the attitude of our heart. Negativity is a sign we are not at peace with God. Become sensitive to the Holy Spirit & he will become the light of joy & love in your life.


Thank you to each one of you who helped us grow the number of people we reach through our God A Minute texts. Your support means the world to us, and we can’t thank you enough for being part of our Share and Care event!

Congratulations to our winners of the God A Minute t-shirt! 🎉

Richard Flowers
Mary Smith
Hannah Hightower
Krista Goguen
Danny Dancy
Andrew Wright
Mike Hamby
Tonya Weeks
Anna Richardson
Angela Greer
Reid Hughes

Keep shining your light! 💛


IT’S SHARE AND CARE DAY! Today, we’re asking for your help in sharing the names and phone numbers of friends and family who would like to receive our free, encouraging daily texts.

For every person you sign up, you’ll be entered into a drawing to win a free God A Minute t-shirt! There will be 10 TOTAL WINNERS!

Sign up with the link here: https://widget.smsinfo.io/v2/c14ea0fafd92b5c939bc16f42082faab?st-lid=13961794

Or text (833-322-0872)

*You can opt out of the text at any time.*

Thank you and good luck!!! 🙏


Share and Care is tomorrow. Please help us spread the good news


God a minute? 2 DAYS until Share and Care!

The best way to multiply your happiness is to share it with others. Life is all about sharing and passing on the love. The more friends you add to our God a Minute family Wednesday, May 15th the more times you will be entered into the drawing for a beautiful God a Minute t-shirt!


4 DAYS until Share and Care! We can’t wait!!

5 DAYS UNTIL SHARE AND CARE!!! Join us in spreading the love of God far and wide. At God A Minute, our mission is to encourage as many people as possible to spend at least 1 minute a day with God and ultimately lead them to salvation. And that’s exactly what this day is all about – reaching more hearts and souls.

On May 15th, we’re asking for your help in sharing the names and phone numbers of friends and family who would benefit from our free, encouraging daily texts. **Text (833) 322-0872 to share**

For every person you sign up who says ‘Yes’ to receiving our texts, you’ll be entered into a drawing to win a free God A Minute t-shirt! There will be 10 total winners.

We can’t wait to see you all WEDNESDAY, MAY 15th. 🙏


5 DAYS UNTIL SHARE AND CARE!!! Join us in spreading the love of God far and wide. At God A Minute, our mission is to encourage as many people as possible to spend at least 1 minute a day with God and ultimately lead them to salvation. And that’s exactly what this day is all about – reaching more hearts and souls.

On May 15th, we’re asking for your help in sharing the names and phone numbers of friends and family who would benefit from our free, encouraging daily texts. **Text (833) 322-0872 to share**

For every person you sign up who says ‘Yes’ to receiving our texts, you’ll be entered into a drawing to win a free God A Minute t-shirt! There will be 10 total winners.

We can’t wait to see you all WEDNESDAY, MAY 15th. 🙏


Receive the daily God A Minute text message here: https://widget.smsinfo.io/v2/c14ea0fafd92b5c939bc16f42082faab?st-lid=13961794 🙏

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His timeline for you is never delayed. “When the time is right, I, the Lord will make it happen.” Isaiah 60:22


A life lived in close connection with God is a life filled with purpose, peace, and fulfillment. Today, have confidence that He is working all things together for your good.


When everything around us feels chaotic or uncertain - it’s so important to hold on to the promise of John 14:27. 🙏


1 Peter: 15-16 🕊️

• follow for more daily encouragement


Let us know how you see God in the comments below!



Let us surrender our worries and uncertainties to Him, for He is ever faithful to fulfill His promises and help us every step of the way.


God A Minute? Our daily messages are here to set the tone for your day as we draw closer to God through these moments of reflection and connection.

Receive your free, daily motivational texts here: https://widget.smsinfo.io/v2/c14ea0fafd92b5c939bc16f42082faab?st-lid=13961794


When you trust in God with unwavering faith, fear and doubt lose their power over you, and you find strength and peace in His promises. 


Tag them below and let them know ⬇️⬇️⬇️

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Join us in spreading the love of God far and wide. At God A Minute, our mission is to encourage people to spend at least...
Receive the daily God A Minute text message here: https://widget.smsinfo.io/v2/c14ea0fafd92b5c939bc16f42082faab?st-lid=1...
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