The Virginia Militia

The Virginia Militia

The Virginia Militia exists to support the unorganized militia.

We provide news, commentary, and resources for those involved or wishing to be involved in the Virginia militia.


Man files lawsuit claiming Gov.'s stay at home order interferes with right to go to church

I wonder how it is that this is only happening now and that it is only one man. RUSSELL Co. , Va. (WSET) -- A Russell County man has filed a lawsuit challenging the Executive Order issued by Governor Ralph Northam ordering people to stay at home during the coronavirus pandemic. The lawsuit alleges violations of theVirginia Constitution.


A ‘Liberty’ Rebellion in Idaho Threatens to Undermine Coronavirus Orders

There is a strong undercurrent of discontent. Even those who do not fully understand the principals of freedom are subject to the fear and anxiety of a quiet despotism.

Men are born free. We are not meant to rats in a lab.

Join your local militia. Support the movement. Even some public officials have challenged social-distancing requirements, calling them assaults on the Constitution. One group wants to gather up to 1,000 people for Easter.


Chicago Mayor Urges Citizens To ‘Stay Home, Save Lives’ — Until She Needs A Haircut

Rules for thee but not for me...

“I’m the public face of this city and you know, I’m a person who [takes] personal hygiene very seriously and I felt like I needed to have a haircut. So I got a haircut.” Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot defended her decision to get a haircut despite urging citizens to stay at home in accordance with the state order.


Does it make sense that a husband and wife should have to stand 6 feet apart in public only to go back to the same house, in the same vehicle?

Of course not, but this is the effect of tyrannical government. Rules that make no sense, that are depravedly enforced by unthinking and uncritical men.

This is why eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.


WALSH: We Have Become A Police State, And None Of Us Should Be Okay With That

-Breaking up a parade

-Arresting a man for paddleboarding alone

-Getting a ticket for visiting your storage unit

This is what daily life looks like in a police state and is exactly the kind of thing that the people of the Soviet Union resigned themselves to.

Is it any consequence that none of these acts posed a risk of spreading disease? No. In a police state the rules are arbitrary and enforced cruelly and thoughtlessly.

Join us as we build our movement to fight back. On Saturday, police in Kansas City “intervened” to shut down a parade of elementary school teachers. The staff of John Fiske Elementary School decided to organize the parade as a way to boost the morale of their students and encourage them in their new distance learning adventure. All of the tea...


Soon all business owners will feel the urge to defy unconstitutional edicts.


Why Gov. Noem won't order a shelter-in-place for South Dakotans

"Our constitution ensures that the citizen's right is protected," Noem said. "I agree with the role of our government as set forth in our state and in our national constitution."

People are 'primarily responsible' for their own safety "The people themselves are primarily responsible for their safety," Gov. Kristi Noem said.


Local Militias are Serving Their Communities in a Time of Need – The Virginia Militia

"While Militias need to continue to prepare to protect all Constitutional Rights for all citizens, we can also take the opportunity to prove our value to the communities we desire to protect." Local Militias are Serving Their Communities in a Time of Need April 5, 2020/0 Comments/in Uncategorized, volunteer /by va-militia Interesting how the current Covid-19 crisis has increased the awareness in our communities of the need for supportive manpower to get things done. Essential services are...


Virginia: A State Full of “Sunshine Patriots” – The Virginia Militia Virginia: A State Full of “Sunshine Patriots” March 20, 2020/1 Comment/in Courage, Muster, Uncategorized /by va-militia “THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by...


Do these people have no shame?


When the government and media tell you NOT to do something, you should probably do that thing.


Turning people against each other has long been a tactic of tyrannical governments.

Karen is the new brownshirt.

SOCIAL DISTANCING ORDER: To report a violation of the Social Distancing Order, residents should call the non-emergency line for the respective jurisdiction in which the violation occurred. Violations must be reported in real-time for law enforcement to observe and issue a warning or citation.

• Unincorporated Seminole County, 407-665-6650
• City of Altamonte, 407-339-2441
• City of Casselberry, 407-262-7606
• City of Lake Mary Municipality, 407-585-1365
• City of Longwood, FL, 407-260-3465
• City of Oviedo - City Administration, 407-971-5700
• City of Sanford, FL Government, 407-688-5199
• City of Winter Springs, 407-327-1000

Read the full Social Distancing Order at


Fauci Says Lockdown Will Continue Until There Are No “New Cases” of Coronavirus

Dr. Fauci said yesterday that we can only start relaxing "social distancing" when there are no new deaths and no new cases for a "period of time".

So essentially our government's exit strategy from this lockdown is the same as it is for the Afghanistan War that has been waged for 19 years with no end in sight. That isn't going to be any time soon.


Augusta County Sheriff's Office - Sheriff Donald L. Smith

It was only a matter of time before our "pro 2a" sheriffs fell in line to lick the boot of unjust authority.

I remember these wimpy and whiney sheriffs only a few months ago saying they would defend their people against unconstitutional actions by a tyrannical governor.

When put to the test they immediately fail.

The Governor has issued a STAY AT HOME order. If the activity that you are trying to do is NOT essential, please remain at home. The Governor’s orders are clear and you can be charged with a Class 1 misdemeanor for not obeying these orders. I know this time is hard on our community so I wanted to give you clear direction by showing you what the law is:

Executive Order 53


1) It is a violation of EO 53 to participate in a public or private in-person gathering of 10 or more individuals.

2) It is a violation of EO 53 to fail to close public access to a recreational or entertainment business.

3) It is a violation of EO 53 to fail to close a dining or congregation area in a restaurant, dining establishment, food court, brewery, microbrewery, distillery, tasting room, or farmers market.

4) It is a violation of EO 53 to fail to limit all in-person shopping at a brick and mortar retail business to no more than 10 patrons per establishment.

Executive Order 55


1) Institutions of higher education violate EO 55 by failing to cease all in-person classes and instruction or failing to cancel all gatherings of more than ten individuals.

2) One violates EO 55 by failing to cease a reservation for overnight stays of less than 14 nights at a privately-owned campgrounds, as defined in 35.1-1 of the Code of Virginia.

3) One violates EO 55 at a public beach as defined in 10.1-705 of the Code of VA, by engaging in any activity other than fishing an exercise. Fishing and exercise still require the same social distancing precautions. All other activities on public beaches are prohibited. ​

Please take these orders seriously and know that we need everyone’s help during this difficult time to keep you, your families, and our community safe. I hope showing you the law will help you better understand the law and ease your fears.


No Emergency is Worth Our Liberties – The Virginia Militia

"Do not think for one moment that the Founders of this great experiment, our Representative Republic, didn't have emergencies." No Emergency is Worth Our Liberties March 31, 2020/0 Comments/in Courage, covid 19, Tyranny, Uncategorized /by vamilitiaadmin “The liberties of our country, the freedoms of our civil Constitution are worth defending at all hazards; it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have receive...


FL megachurch pastor arrested for hosting packed worship service

A blatant violation of the First Amendment rights to assemble and of religion.

You would think that a moral police officer would refuse to arrest this man, and I have been assured by many government agents that no officer would carry out these orders. A Florida pastor has been arrested on charges of unlawful assembly and health violations after he held a packed megachurch worship service in defiance of local social distancing laws.


Gun Owners of Virginia

ALL, we know that with everything going on that politics, work, the economy, and more have been shut down. This has significantly curtailed the movement of freedom-loving patriots. KNOW THIS! Virginia will get through this. While we sit patiently waiting, the agents of tyranny are not idle. They are working tirelessly to strip you of your liberty, livelihood, and lives. You should be working in this time off work and turmoil to prepare for when we come out of this. You should be meeting with your county muster forming committees(digitally or face to face) and planning for when this is over. We are in for very hard times. You have a chance right now to plan, train in small groups, get your comms up, study for ham radio test, And a LOT more. We can help. If you want to know more send us a message!


What good are constitutional rights if they are violated when Americans get sick? You want to bring the family to visit grandma? You want to go to work? You want to celebrate Mass? These are all now prohibited in one-third of the United States.


Taking a look at today's illegal "executive action" proclaimed by the Tyrant Northam, we can see that a person is graciously allowed to:

Leave their home in order to shop,


Engage in recreation,

Visit people,

Go to church or school or a medical professional.

In practice, this seems to make no real change to the existing illegal orders, so what is the point in this "executive action"?

The point is to switch the framing from things the government has banned, to things the government allows. Now Northam need only alter one or two words of this edict in order to ban churches, to ban familial visits, to ban work, to lock us all in our homes.

This is a preparatory step in order to move his dictatorial power drastically forward.


DHS Says Fi****ms Retailers, Manufacturers ARE ‘Essential Businesses’: BREAKING NEWS

The DHS has announced that fi****ms manufacturers and retailers are "essential" while many states and localities have said not.

This fight about what is and is not essential is completely asinine.

THE PEOPLE decide what is and is not essential when they spend their scarce dollars. At this time gun shops have lines going around the block and ammo has doubled in price. Clearly, THE PEOPLE have determined self-defense to be essential.

Politicians do not want THE PEOPLE to decide what is and is not essential in our society because we may decide that it is they who are not.****ms-retailers-manufacturers-are-essential-businesses/?fbclid=IwAR1zxT-faq1CXR0gRQYr1pdx2iqB08IzsKdkL5P06PwtKTA11yao84LwI28 The Department of Homeland Security has declared fi****ms manufacturers & gun retailers “essential businesses,” driving a spike through the heart of various state & local “emergency" lockdowns.


The tyrant Northam thinks we are naive enough to believe that the National Guard can shoot the virus to death.

What could they possibly be used for? To hand out food? We have that. To man the hospitals? I don't think so.

To keep people locked in their homes? Perhaps.

Be vigilant.

U.S. Secretary of Defense Mark Esper just authorized Virginia's request to fund the Virginia National Guard to help save lives and protect public health. We are grateful for this support from the federal government and our representatives in Washington—together we will defeat .


Sonoma Sheriff

Would a free society have police helicopters patrolling hiking trails searching for dissidents?

While on routine air patrol today, Henry 1 spotted a hiker in Annadel, which is closed. Even though the hiker tried to hide under a tree, we still saw him. It’s hard to hide from Henry 1.

This is a reminder that all parks and open spaces within Sonoma County remain closed. We know it’s a bummer. We all have a role in flattening the curve and keeping everyone healthy. Hang in there.


Howard County bans sale of nonessential goods from stores allowed to stay open

Is this still about the virus?

These are the sorts of things that happen under communism. KOKOMO, Ind. (WISH) -- The Howard County commissioners on Friday approved a ban on the sale of nonessential goods from stores remaining open because they were deemed essential during the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. The commissioners’ order says the sale of nonessential goods at essential stores w...


Richmond Police: Call if you see groups of people or businesses not complying with social distancing

The latest development in our totalitarian dictatorship.

Keep in mind, there has not even been an executive edict enforcing "social distancing" in public. Yet the police are going to enforce this behaviour anyway?

There is no law, there is no Constitution, there are no rights, only power. Richmond Police are urging anyone who sees a business or groups of people not complying with social-distancing mandates to call the police.


The coronavirus crisis shows it's time to abolish the family

Here is George Soros' solution to the virus. What does the pandemic tell us about the nuclear family and private household?


Is the Coronavirus as Deadly as They Say?

Be skeptical. Use reason over fear. Be vigilant. Current estimates about the Covid-19 fatality rate may be too high by orders of magnitude, Stanford Health Policy's Eran Bendavid and Jay Bhattacharya write in this editorial published in the Wall Street Journal.


Yes, Virginia's Governor Has Made It a Crime for More Than 10 People to Attend a Church Service

Virginia had the first secular government in the world, acknowledging the freedom of religion as written by Thomas Jefferson himself.

Only in 2020, after a hundred years of progressivism, could we backtrack on this fundamental human freedom. Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam issued an executive order on Monday that is aimed at stopping the new coronavirus — and, in the process, makes it a criminal offense to hold a church service attended by more than 10 people.


Mayor Garcetti announces water and power will be shut off for nonessential L.A. businesses that don’t close

There is no parsing it. This is tyranny.

Is our governor so different than California's? In a week this could be Virginia, no question. Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti opened his daily briefing Tuesday recognizing what may have been the first teenage COVID-19 death in L.A. County and went on to announce actions against nonessential…


Yet another city refusing to do the one thing it is supposed to do at a time when it is most needed to be done.

Every anti gun argument has been eviscerated in this crises. Every argument to rely on government has imploded.


Federal Reserve to buy unlimited government debt and lend to businesses

This is a recipe for hyperinflation. Bernie Sanders isn't the only path to Venezuela. In its boldest effort to protect the U.S. economy from the coronavirus, the Federal Reserve says it will buy as much government debt as it deems necessary and will also begin lending to small and l…


Congressman Steve Scalise

Ronald Reagan at his best, speaking words that live even today.

"Is life so precious and peace so sweet that it should be bought with chains and slavery? If nothing in life is worth dying for, when did this begin? Should Moses have told the children of Israel to live under the pharohs? Should Christ have refused the cross? Should the men at Concord have thrown down their guns and refused to fire the shot heard round the world?

The martars of history were not fools."

Ronald Reagan’s historic “A Time for Choosing” address aired on this day in 1964. As his words remind us, we must keep fighting to fulfill the promise of equal opportunity for our nation. Take some time to watch these profound words that are just as significant today as they were 51 years ago.


Dem Rep. Told Colleagues Coronavirus Bill Is ‘Tremendous Opportunity to Restructure Things to Fit Our Vision’

In an article, just as things were getting started, I warned that the Government would use this opportunity to seize as much power as possible and to reshape society in its preferred image. Here they are admitting it openly. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) worked to scupper the phase-three coronavirus relief package on Sunday after Majority Whip James Clyburn (D., S.C.) told caucus members last week that the bill was “a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.”Clyburn’s comments came...


California Gun Store Closes Its Doors After Threats Of Prosecution Alameda County gun store Solar Tactical was forced to close on Friday because officials say the business isn't "essential."


Most Virginia localities last year declared themselves Second Amendment sanctuaries. My county, in particular, declared itself a sanctuary for the entire Bill of Rights.

I just sent this email to a supervisor on my County Board. I encourage everyone to copy it and send to your own supervisors to remind them that they swore to defend our liberties only a few short months ago.


Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul tests positive for coronavirus

The greatest champion for liberty in Washington has been diagnosed with Covid 19.

Pray for him. According to Paul's tweet, no staff has had contact with Paul since his D.C. office began working remotely 10 days ago.


Tenth Amendment Center

No power at all.

"The congress of the United States possesses no power to regulate, or interfere with the domestic concerns, or police of any state: it belongs not to them to establish any rules respecting the rights of property; nor will the constitution permit any prohibition of arms to the people; or of peaceable assemblies by them, for any purposes whatsoever, and in any number, whenever they may see occasion."
-St. George Tucker (1803)


A Constitutional Guide to Emergency Powers

Establishment conservatives once again prove they know nothing about the Constitution and care nothing for liberty.

This writer believes that so long as one judge a hundred years ago said you don't have absolute freedom, that means it is so.

It is not so.

Our government has no authority to ban assembly, restrict travel, close businesses, or anything else. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to extraordinary restraints on liberty, from international travel bans to state and local orders that businesses shut down, individuals avoid large assemblies and even stay home, and infected patients remain in quarantine. Depending on the epidemic’s progress, even mo...


Inside the U.S. military's plans to stop 'civil disturbances' amid coronavirus pandemic, something they haven't done for 30 years

Prepare. Join. Defend. With the National Guard now active in 22 states and governors continuing to declare more severe emergency measures daily, the U.S. military is preparing forces to assume a larger role in the coronavirus response.