Fitness Coaching by Bekah S

Fitness Coaching by Bekah S

Partner with me, Bekah S., to reach your health and fitness goals! • B.S. in Excs Sci, DPT ( May ‘22)

Photos from Fitness Coaching by Bekah S's post 08/01/2023

First hike of the new year with many more to come.

Fun fact: we came 40ft from a bear that was on the trail in front of us and thank goodness for Tristan for yanking my backpack or I would’ve ran right into it 😅

Photos from Fitness Coaching by Bekah S's post 04/11/2022


Get a free consult and a month long exercise program fit to your needs for only ✨25$ ✨

This is the perfect opportunity to get started on prioritizing your health for beginners as well as anyone looking to switch up their current fitness routine where they may not be getting the results they are looking for!

get started by filling out this form:

Message me with any questions you may have! ☺️



Save $15 this weekend by signing up for the 1 month intro program for only $30!!

Fill out this QUICK form to get started on your FREE initial consult!

Feel free to message me with any questions! I’d love to chat and help you out! 😊


Go fill out this form to get the new you started!


Who am I...?

My name is Bekah and I have a Bachelors in Exercise Science and a Doctorate in Physical Therapy. I am a big fitness enthusiast that LOVES to workout! Hiking, kayaking and lifting are my 3 favorites!

I am educated and so excited to be working with people who are trying their best to transition to a more active and healthy lifestyle. I have struggled with my weight for my whole life and it is still very much a work in progress.

Follow me in my journey to creating a new healthier me and join me by letting me help you discover the new, healthier you!

Go fill out this form to get the new you started!


Here are just a few of the exciting perks of working with me to reach your fitness goals! For those of your looking to get started in a healthier lifestyle, I know how hard it is to get started when you just aren't sure where to start. I help you find time in your week to add activity. I create workouts for you based on if you plan on doing it at home, in the community, or at a gym. I focus on your goals, preferences and motivations to get you closer to where you are headed in your journey to becoming the new and improved you!

Go fill out this form to get the new you started!

Photos from Fitness Coaching by Bekah S's post 06/07/2022

Sorry I’ve been a little MIA for a while! Some big life events have been happening. So here’s a mini update!!

1. Graduated with my doctorate of physical therapy 👩🏻‍🎓🎉
2. Lots of studying to take my li sensing exam 📚📖
3. Got engaged 💍💖
4. I’ve also been reading up on some research 🔬 more on this later!

But don’t you worry! I’ve still been stating super consistent going to the gym!! 🏋🏻‍♀️ Just not so much on posting about it

Also here’s a bonus pic of my cat in his cool new shirt 😎

Photos from Fitness Coaching by Bekah S's post 24/06/2022

‼️it is SO EASY to let the NEGATIVES distract you from the POSITIVES‼️

Recently I’ve been really dwelling on the fact that I’m starting to get some loser, jiggly (insert jello emoji😅) skin. I’ve also been really stuck on the fact that the scale hasn’t changed in so long….

It truly takes serious conscious effort to remind myself that these are small wins in a sense. The looser skin is from the fact that I am LOSING weight/fat! And the scale isn’t changing because I’m gaining muscle at the same time I’m losing weight which really effects what I see on the scale.

Just here to remind you to not dwell on the negatives and celebrate the positives. And of course keep pushing towards your goals! 🤩

Watch this reel by fitness_builtbybekah on Instagram 19/05/2022

Giving you guys a little sneak peak at what it takes to really calculate ONE persons true, sustainable calorie and macros goals!! Check out the caption and stay tuned for more info!! 😁

Watch this reel by fitness_builtbybekah on Instagram

Watch this reel by fitness_builtbybekah on Instagram 09/05/2022

Educated and ready to help you reach your goals!! 🌟

Watch this reel by fitness_builtbybekah on Instagram Miley Cyrus • Malibu


Starting a new training cycle focusing in on building up a lot of strength and muscle mass.

I’ve also really slipped up on nutrition recently so the goal is to hyper focus again on my diet bc you can’t lose weight without being in a calorie deficit or eating healthy.

I’ve been a little too relaxed with my goals here recently and even though I still make it to the gym 6 days a week I’m not seeing the greatest results so time to focus in and hope for some good changes to follow!

I also have a lot of school and life goals that I need to follow through on as well. So getting on a good schedule with myself for the next few months is much needed.

New intentions and focus is here this month and I’m ready to see those new results! Wish me luck 💕

Photos from Fitness Coaching by Bekah S's post 27/03/2022

4 ingredient - Cheesy Chicken and rice
• Chicken breasts seasoned how you like
• broccoli
• rice, we used seasoned yellow rice
• pre-made broccoli cheddar soup, we bought Panera at the store

That’s it!! Suuuuper yummy and you can adjust it to fit your macros!

Photos from Fitness Coaching by Bekah S's post 25/03/2022

Suuuuper yummy ranch alternative!! Because I love dipping things in ranch but wanted something more nutritious.
• 2 cups of plain Greek yogurt
• 1 packet of ranch seasoning
And voilà! Super yummy/ healthy dip for all the many things!

Photos from Fitness Coaching by Bekah S's post 16/02/2022

Rare sighting of me outside of gym clothes!! Also this is my yay I’m down 25 # post😁

Also I loved getting to dress up and spend some time with my favorite this past weekend 🥰

Photos from Fitness Coaching by Bekah S's post 28/01/2022

No matter what your goal is. Showing up consistently whether it’s physically, mentally, emotionally is so important‼️Fighting off the urge to skip when you just don’t feel like it is really what’s going to define how quickly you meet those goals. Of course it’s still go to have rest days and if you don’t have the capacity to show up 100% try and find a way to show up 75% or 50%. That’s how you build up your routine to turn them more into habits.

Today was rough at work and I really would have loved to just skip the gym today. But I knew my body really needed this workout and my mental health needed the endorphins and the stress relief that comes from exercise! Now I’m feeling good and so glad I went!!

Also have I told you how much I love “pull” day 💪🏼😂

Watch this reel by fitness_builtbybekah on Instagram 23/01/2022

It is so important to strengthen your core when you are weight lifting! 🏋🏻‍♀️

It prevents injury, helps you keep good form throughout the movement, and inevitability allows you to lift heavier!

Your core consists of so many more muscles than just your abs. It is important to strengthen the whole core by doing these unilateral movements that will put your body a little off balance and force your whole core to activate in order to adjust.

To get more workout tips/ advice follow my page and if you are looking for a fitness coach be sure to reach out!! ☺️

Watch this reel by fitness_builtbybekah on Instagram apexzilla • APEXZILLA


Happy New Years everyone!!! Don’t forget you have 1 more week to get the New Years Resolution discount saving you $60 for a whole 6 week personalized program!! Message me or go fill out the form on my page!


You don’t need to wait till the first to get things started!!
Instead of $25/week, who ever signs up from now until January 8th will only spend $15/week for their first 6 weeks! That’s 60$ in savings! Fill out the form that’s linked in the bio or shoot me a message.

Photos from Fitness Coaching by Bekah S's post 15/12/2021

Welcome to the FREE new app that has it all!! 🎉🎉 Get your workouts sent straight to your app where it shows you a demo video, has written instructions, and allows you to input the weight, reps, time, etc. that you performed! 🏋🏻‍♀️ You can rate the workout based on how difficult you found it and leave any comments for me so we can make sure you are getting the most out of each workout. You have the autonomy to rearrange your workouts for the week in case life happens. My favorite is that it tracks your progress and celebrates the little wins 🏅of hitting personal bests and even shows all your progress in easy to read graphs! Also, if diet tracking is in your plan, you can input your nutrition values and stay on track for your nutrition goals!! You have to be partnered with me in order to get the app so fill out the form attached to the page so we can get you started! 💃🏻

Photos from Fitness Coaching by Bekah S's post 13/12/2021

Ok so let’s dive right in where it’s all too real for me at least 😬. Let me tell you about my journey to help you understand how I know it can be the struggle!!

The first picture is back in the summer of 2019 when I really wanted to make a change and start loosing weight. I took pictures to reference in hopes that would keep me motivated. I was inconsistent, didn’t stay on top of my nutrition and it was yet again another failed attempt for me.

The next image (don’t mind the fish 🐠 😅) was in summer 2020 when I was creeping up at the heaviest I’ve been. This picture just really hits on all my insecurities and is still really difficult for me to look at. But I forgive her. Even though I’m smiling I was in a really bad mental state and I’m still trying to work through that even today but I’ve been working on improving my outlook on things, shifted my focus on why I work out and why I choose to eat healthy and not give so much hate towards myself when I do lose that healthy focus or slip up for a bit.

The third picture is of me currently. Looking pretty similar to where I thought I needed to really start losing weight back in summer 2019. Almost 2.5 years later. But that’s ok. I feel better and better about myself for working so hard and shifting my mentality.

That last photo is of me really sucking it in and posing as hard as I can to look extra good. It’s so silly that we can do the absolute most just to feel just the tiniest better. But tbh it’s ok. It’s nice to feel real good about yourself as long as you also feel good about yourself without all the goofy posing.

And to wrap all this up to make somewhat of a point. I understand how hard it can be to stay motivated and on track. Not only with the exercise but also with the nutrition. I’ve done all the wrong things before and want to help you avoid doing things that aren’t going to be long term solutions for you. Let’s work together and keep each other motivated, accountable and finally reach our goals!
Fill out this form for free to get started!


Check out all the plans I’m starting out with!! Message me if you have any questions or want to get started 😊💙