Mary Ellen- Music and Poetry

Mary Ellen- Music and Poetry

Music and Poetry steeped in my Faith in God- seeking joy, hope, transformation


Merry Christmas!

And Mary said:

My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant.

From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me—

Holy is his name!

His mercy extends to those who fear him, from generation to generation.

He has performed mighty deeds with his arm; he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts.

He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble.

He has filled the hungry with good things but has sent the rich away empty.

He has helped his servant Israel, remembering to be merciful to Abraham and his descendants forever, just as he promised our ancestors.

Mary stayed with Elizabeth for about three months and then returned home.

Luke 1:46-56


What’s your favorite Christmas Carol?

Here’s one of mine:

Merry Christmas Eve!


My grandma made this display a few years ago. Isn’t it beautiful?
When Simeon‘s wife, Elizabeth saw Mary the baby within her, John, leapt for joy, and that’s how she knew- unto us a Savior is given, and his name will be Jesus Christ, the Lord!


Really we don’t need much
Just strength to believe
There’s honey in the rock,
There’s more than we see
In these patches of joy
These stretches of sorrow
There’s enough for today
There will be enough tomorrow
-Sara Groves


Do you see the tiny stump?

Isaiah 11
And there shall come forth a Rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots.

You were whispered in the pages long before you came to earth
as a tiny babe
You are all the hope I need
when my life feels dead
I am alive indeed!
because my life is hidden in you
because you're always making me new!

Lynn Brower painted this beautiful sign,

And my father in law made this intricate lantern!



Here's a little Christmas ditty that I hope makes you smile on this, the longest night of the year.
May you find moments to dance and sing and choose joy even if it feels extravagant and you've got things to do.
Merry Christmas!

Photos from Mary Ellen- Music and Poetry's post 21/12/2023

Our cat Snickers adores attention, affection
seeking someone to curl up next to
purring spontaneously
following you on your way upstairs
blocking your path
to receive generous pets

Sunny, on the other hand,
likes her own space
coming round occasionally to smell peculiar scents
rather like a teenager
you must wait till she comes round
to nuzzle you before the sun has risen

Some people are easy to love
open and ready to receive
let their guard down
to let you into their world

others have a border
and you must wait until they're ready
to open the door


When peace in this world is nowhere to be found, I remember that Jesus gives peace that passes understanding.

Philippians 4

4 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! 5 Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 9 Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.


Portage in December

I hear the wind a- howlin'
or is that a lone wolf in the snow?
I see the trees a blowin'
rocking fast then slow
winter on the mountain
it chills you to the bone,
but the white powder dusting
casts such a magical glow



the frost welcomes me
on this frigid morn

come and wonder

listen in silence and stillness

see how I adorn the glass?
crystal beauty
frozen here
until the sun's warm hand
releases my droplets

don't forget the magic
when I disappear
from your view

when your toes and nose are aching with cold,
I will re-appear
in my crystal-lace adorned skirt

and remind you
there is beauty
only if you
slow down
be still
take a look


Christmas with Easter in Mind

we wrap up presents
Mary wrapped Him up in swaddling clothes

we light candles
the Christmas star lighted the way to Jesus

we tie red bows
He bled and died for us all

we put up signs
"Merry Christmas"
they nailed
"King of the Jews"
to His cross

we wrap evergreen branches
in a wreath of green
He brought us life
in a never-ending circle

we sing "Joy to the World"
He rose from the dead!


Lo, how a Rose e’er blooming
From tender stem hath sprung!
Of Jesse’s lineage coming,
As men of old have sung.

It came, a flow’ret bright,
Amid the cold of winter,
When half spent was the night.

Isaiah ’twas foretold it,
The Rose I have in mind;
With Mary we behold it,
The virgin mother kind.

To show God’s love aright,
She bore to men a Savior,
When half spent was the night.

This Flow’r, whose fragrance tender
With sweetness fills the air,
Dispels with glorious splendor
The darkness everywhere.

True man, yet very God,
From sin and death He saves us,
And lightens every load.


"The chorus (refrain) of this song popped into my head this morning. Helen Lemmel was an amazing woman.

Born 1863, died 1961 (the year I was born). Mid-life, she became fully blind. Her husband left her, not being able to deal with her blindness.

She continued to write (over 500 songs/hymns).

What a great reminder, to focus continually on Jesus, and the things of this earth (temporary) will fade away; become less important."

-Joe Speno


Stop, vain obsession!
over whether someone loathes or delights in me

friendship gone stale or sour
sitting in a mystery

what did I do
or fail to do
that brought on this cold shoulder?

can't read minds
been wrong before
can't go back
tip toe, seeking more
people pleasing
avoiding offending

honesty has a price

but deception is more costly


awoke before the dawn
drew back the curtains
to find
freshly fallen snow!

smoky grey sky
hints the day's
impending arrival

hot cup of tea
blanket over my shoulders

I light a match,
sit beside
this candle burning bright

I am hidden in the night
soon it will be day

all is still,
sleeping homes
smooth blanket of snow
covers us all

no green grass
no pale sidewalk to be seen

all’s quiet, all serene

January, 2022


Glimpses of Heaven

You give me glimpses into heavenly hope,
even when sorrow fills my heart
I see a blanket of snow
covering everything

there's the sun, it blinds me if I stare
I look away, but I'm happy knowing it's there
covering the world with light
each morning replacing night

there is joy greater than my pain
joy that has a name

He has come!
He has come!

The sunlight covers me
as if, your love
reaching me below
showing me, you want me to know
your unfailing love is always here

"Be Still and know that I am God"



hours after snow and waking sun
feeling like an ice queen
stepped across
this carpet of frozen snowdrops.
morning of crystals and jewels
floating down into my hair

I saw a kingdom
silv'ry on the pavement
glistening in the trees

I breathed crisp peppermint air

I gingerly stepped
as if wearing expensive shoes

tiny pearls rained on my shoulders
glimmering in the light of day

written in 2007
college days, no car, sleep shift job at the arc and trekking back to my apartment by bike or foot in the ice cold winter....


It's a Wonderful Life! Part 5

(Spoilers! Don't read this until you've watched the movie)

Part 5

Isn't this image beautiful?
People need people.
We were made to care for each other,
help each other,
give each other hope when we just can't see it for ourselves!

This movie is about the struggle between chasing our own dream and serving the needs of others- Individual vs. Community.

It is very alluring to become consumed with chasing your own dream- with viewing yourself as a hero- destined to become more.

When we become hyper-focused on this- we fall into the trap of seeking self-reliance, without recognizing our need for each other.

When a "self-reliant" person faces conflict- she realizes her limits. Every failure becomes a personal failure. I believe this lie is what compels us to build up walls to hide the truth we want to escape (that we are not the hero we set out to become). The walls are isolating and dangerous (as we see in George's night of despair).

Also, on this heroic journey there is no room for selflessness, kindness, or compassion towards others which are seen as weakness.

The opposite is truth-
We find true meaning in helping others, sacrificing for others.

We have the ultimate example of this through the life and death and resurrection of Jesus. He sacrificed his life for us- suffered and died on the cross.

He forgives our sins, not because we've earned it, but it is a free gift to all who will believe in him.

Christmas is one of the best times to understand true generosity, as modeled by the birthday boy.


It's a Wonderful Life! Part 4

(Spoilers! Don't read this until you've watched the movie)

Another scene that makes me *joyfully* cry!

4. "I wanna live again!"
And George is back to reality- and he can see all of his blessings again in spite of the money and work troubles!

As he kisses all his kids and wife's faces, friends come pouring in with money when they find out about the debt.

"No man is a failure who has friends"

Frank Capra - producer and director
"Its a Wonderful Life epitomizes everything I tried to say in all the other films in one package"

What do you think the main theme/ message of this movie is?



It's a Wonderful Life! Part 3

Does this movie break your heart too?

(Spoilers! Don't read this until you've watched the movie)

This scene of desperation always hits me hard-

#3 When Mr. Potter spews his poisonous attacks at George- who is begging him for a loan to place the 8,000$ that was lost (a terrible mistake).

There are spiteful people who care nothing for the ones who are desperate for help- and instead, heap accusations over us.

Cruelty can strip a person bare without hope
and ready to end it all,
just to escape the hopelessness...

Oh, that each one of us would hold our own tongue instead of cutting others with our words!

Oh that God would teach us how to be merciful instead of judgmental and vindictive...

George lost himself, stumbled and drank into oblivion, seeing no way out, stood staring at the icy water below the bridge.

But God heard his prayer!
He sent Clarence- someone for George to save- and in rescuing Clarence, George discovered his life has and has always had a purpose!

"Each man's life touches so many other lives. When he isn't around, he leaves an awful hole doesn't he?"

If you are wondering,
Does my life matter?
YES! and only God knows the intricacies of how each one of us affects the loved ones around us.
He cares for you and sees you.
Cry out to Him in your desperation, and He will hear you and show up!



It's a Wonderful Life! - Part 2

What's your favorite scene?

(Spoilers! Don't read this until you've watched the movie)

Here's another scene that made me cry:

2. Finally, George and Mary are ready to go on their honeymoon, and travel- a dream George has always had, but gave up over and over to work at the old building and loan to the people of Bedford Falls.

But mean old Mr. Potter ordered the Building and Loan to pay back the funds the bank had loaned them- so they ran out of cash.

Mary courageously held up the honeymoon cash- and they gave it all up to protect the townspeople from the schemes of Mr. Potter so they wouldn't lose their homes.

What a beautiful sacrifice this is- demonstrating that sometimes, serving and loving others instead of going after our own dreams brings lasting joy.


It's a Wonderful Life!- Part 1

(Spoilers! Don't read this until you've watched the movie)

I'm counting all the scenes that made me cry this year.

1. When Mr. Gower was stricken with grief and tried to drink his heartbreak away-

George discovered he filled a prescription with poison by accident and got in trouble when he didn't deliver it.

Mr. Gower kept hitting his ear- the one that was damaged when he rescued his brother from drowning underneath the ice.

Doing the right thing sometimes leads to heartbreak, but it's ultimately worth the cost.

When you love, you lose many things, but you gain lasting joy and contentment with those you share that love with.


Justin and I had fun at his company Christmas party!

I dusted off my jewelry and heels to celebrate 🎄

I boxed tiny treasures
into long-lost drawers
hidden from dust and display
forgotten they were

silver and gold
gemstone and pearl
ancient relics
of decades past

collected with celebration
birthdays, Christmas
wedding parties


sapphire-crystal earrings
pearlite-enamelled rose bracelet
golden-sparkling tear-drop necklace
amethyst ring

reminding me of younger years

was it so long ago
I danced?
clinking champagne glasses
velvet, silk, heels

forsaking practicality
inviting decadence in for a visit

one vivacious evening of
glittering fun


Just finished watching “I heard the bells” - my new favorite Christmas movie!

I heard the bells on Christmas day
Their old familiar carols play;
In music sweet the tones repeat,
“There’s peace on earth, good will to men.”

I thought how, as the day had come,
The belfries of all Christendom
Had rolled along th’ unbroken song
Of peace on earth, good will to men.

And in despair I bowed my head:
“There is no peace on earth,” I said,
“For hate is strong, and mocks the song
Of peace on earth, good will to men.”

Then pealed the bells more loud and deep:
“God is not dead, nor does He sleep,
For Christ is here; His Spirit near
Brings peace on earth, good will to men.”

When men repent and turn from sin
The Prince of Peace then enters in,
And grace imparts within their hearts
His peace on earth, good will to men.

O souls amid earth’s busy strife,
The Word of God is light and life;
Oh, hear His voice, make Him your choice,
Hail peace on earth, good will to men.

Then happy, singing on your way,
Your world will change from night to day;
Your heart will feel the message real,
Of peace on earth, good will to men.


from above
a broad sweeping
brushstroke of geese
proclaim their passing

an odd formation of wings
flapping, flailing
no graceful V formation here
they are headed South,
or so I think

then all of a sudden
they halt overhead
turn, and go the other way, instead!

the clumsy lolly-gagging ones
stumble in through the air
but, who cares?!

"We follow the pack
and the few bold sky-blazers
We follow the pack!
We follow the pack!"
with a

suddenly it dons on me,
I've been stuck in my own sky-circles
struggling to follow the path I've been given

but maybe the wandering is part of
discovering a sky-dance



One of the stories I most thoroughly enjoy during Christmas-time is A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.
Have you considered the philosophy knitted throughout this dialogue, and does it also compel you to question how to properly view humanity, and life?
Found this article to be helpful as I contemplate this:
Guess whose ideas Charles Dickens put into the mouth of his antagonist Ebenezer Scrooge.
"And the Union workhouses?" demanded Scrooge. "Are they still in operation? … If they would rather die," said Scrooge, "they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population."
Interesting, isn't it? Later in the story, the Ghost of Christmas Present reminds Scrooge of his earlier words and then adds about Tiny Tim:
"What then? If he be like to die, he had better do it, and decrease the surplus population." Scrooge hung his head to hear his own words quoted by the Spirit, and was overcome with penitence and grief.
"Man," said the Ghost, "if man you be in heart, not adamant, forbear that wicked cant until you have discovered What the surplus is, and Where it is. Will you decide what men shall live, what men shall die? It may be, that in the sight of Heaven, you are more worthless and less fit to live than millions like this poor man's child. Oh God! To hear the Insect on the leaf pronouncing on the too much life among his hungry brothers in the dust."

People are not burdens; they are blessings. There are no tiers of humanity based on our own perceptions.


What do roots have to do with Christmas?
Part 3

Things felt pretty hopeless for the Israelite people. In fact, you can see them as a tree completely cut off.

"They were captives of the Roman Empire. Their history reveals a pattern of oppression, exile, and victory over assorted enemies from the very beginning of their timeline."

Jesus is the root of Jesse.

You can read his lineage in Matthew 1.

He is the savior for all people- life springs up from what was dead because of his amazing sacrifice.

That is the peace we have been waiting for!

That is the hope that goes after you when you have no strength to hope yourself.

Photo- (Jesus’s birthday cake from last year )


What do roots have to do with Christmas?

Part 2

The hibiscus bush was crowding the dwarf maple tree so I decided to move it to the front of the house this morning.

The roots were deep and strong and it was a tough job to dig it up.

I had a few extra stems and roots and just couldn't bring myself to throw them in the compost, so I gave them a scrub and put them in this vase to see if they will grow.

It reminded me of this passage:

Isaiah 11:10
10 At that time, here is what the man who is called the Root of Jesse will do. He will be like a banner that brings nations together. They will come to him. And the place where he rules will be glorious.


What do roots have to do with Christmas?
Part 1

When your life gets cut off and you can't see a way through- reach out to God- let your roots search deep into the soil in the winter seasons of your life- search for Him and seek Him and He will provide the hope you need.

His love is steady through all the seasons, like the evergreen.

It's never to late- for anyone.

Here's a song I wrote when I was pretty hopeless, and I needed God to provide the hope I needed to go on- (recording in the comments)

hope is waiting
even when your heart is breaking
even when you cannot see a way through all this pain
he's calling out your name

hope is waiting
even when you feel so empty
even when you're joy's dried up
and your head hangs low

there's one thing I know
he'll never let me go

I hold onto Jesus
the only love that lasts forever
he holds every tear
he knows this sorrow

hope is waiting
even when your heart is breaking
even when you cannot see a way through all this pain
he's calling out your name

just hang on
don't give up

hope is waiting for you

be still
be still and know that You are God
You are breathing life into the dead parts of my life

be still

I see a tree
tall and evergreen
growing up and out of the dead soil
of my life

hope is waiting for you


“Is that a real angel?!”  my son asked gazing up at this man above the stable…

This verse came to mind…

Hebrews 13 :2
Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by doing so, some have entertained angels without even knowing it.

To be honest, I haven’t really considered the reality of the spiritual world manifested here on earth in such a tangible way.

There are angels that walk amongst us and that is a wonderful and amazing thing! 

But the truth is, imagining there are angels among us shouldn’t make us want to care for one another more then we already do.

The life of each and every human being is precious.

We should cherish, care for, and notice the needs of each-other every single day.

Have we forgotten how important it is to “entertain” one another?

What does entertain actually mean?

Hospitality, simple or grand
A kind word, a smile holding the door for one another
Seeing a need and filling it

Is there a better time than any time to do this? But I think Christmas, most of all, inspires great generosity, and for that I am glad.

“I'll keep my Christmas humour to the last. So A Merry Christmas, Uncle!”
Fred - speaking to Scrooge
A Christmas Carol


Life Persists!

She would not let me tackle her full tangled head of curls, stomping off in protest, shouting some cruel thing.

( I locked the bathroom door, and sobbed. )

Her Daddy took her out to run off the steam and just as I finished wiping my eyes...

Here she comes
bounding with joy
holding this twisted, delicate, woven
wreath of hope, fallen from our weeping cherry tree

She cradled it, smiling at me,
"Look Mommy! A bird's nest!"

We stare in wonder,
thankful for this sign of life
here, now, in the dead of winter

Tiny feathered baby birds sheltered here,
raised to fly free
I set it to glow with hope on our table

because whatever hardship comes,
hope of life persists
and God's creation insists this never-ending story



Are you going through a storm right now?

Hope this song inspires hope in your heart.

Just saw this memory from two years ago and I am filled with thankfulness for God's provision about that prayer request we kept praying for months in 2021 into 2022. In His time, he did answer that prayer and through the journey we learned how to depend on him.


can't seem to keep the star on straight...

each time the kitty climbs up the Christmas tree,
it teeters precariously

full sparkle-tilt

or maddening...

sometimes just heartbreaking,
when daily trouble sets in like over-baked Christmas cookies

scorch of misfit happenings

a germ that steals the carols from my voice
a boy, couched
missing friends and fun
puke bucket, beside
thermometer, on call

and finally,
the kids are nestled, all snug in their beds

I can't help but lament, the problems un-fixed

the star, mal-attached
grants permission to let go

this will pass,
like the winter chills the bone

they'll better times ahead

to all the day's sorrow,


the almost over-looked pineapple

a shriveled up pineapple is the backdrop for my
Christmas angel

it's looking a little fuzzy
but I slice it open anyway

the core on one end is getting soft
but sweet, pale yellow flesh surrounds it

I'm glad I didn't discard it

hope is success!

I take a few juicy bites
and store the rest away
because the sweet-sour tangy taste
makes my tongue sore if I eat too much

sometimes good, disguised gifts
are best in small portions
to be saved for later,
gradually appreciated
day by day
enjoyed with contentedness
instead of desire for more



What’s your favorite Christmas movie ?

(Sunny loves curling up under the tree)

Videos (show all)

Shouts of elation, down hills- Oh sleigh ride! Tracks that lead to eternal childhood
Snow, effervescent beauty for one morning only…
letting go… again
Real- Part 2
a small gift
Happy Veteran’s Day!
Let it Be- Part 2
Let It Be- Part 1
Drawings in the Sand
Mom loved fall! My sister and I were just reminiscing about the times she would take us to the woods to collect leaves a...
