

Our mission here at PawsCity&Co. is to make your life as a dog owner just that little bit easier.

That's why we only have a small, but incredibly useful range of products. They all serve an important purpose, and that's to make you and your dog's life the


When’s the last time you’ve treated your furry friend?

PawsCity™ Pet Calming Bed 21/05/2021

Have you seen our PAWSCITY™ PET CALMING BED? Great for both dogs and cats!

PawsCity™ Pet Calming Bed Did You Know? There are roughly 900 million dogs around the world. Of those 900 million dogs 70% will suffer anxiety at some stage in their life. A lack of comfortable sleep can lead to all kinds of physical and mental health problems for dogs. Your Dog's Anxiety Solution Most of the time, anxiety o...


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