

In 4 days find 4 ways (Social, Intellectual, Spiritual, and Physical) to find/share the Light of Ch


We have amazing Young Women like Rebekah out their doing family history to further the work of gathering Isreal.

Photos from 4wayz4dayz's post 13/07/2020

Thank you to all who attended to Zoom Fireside in honor of the spiritual aspect of . It was amazing to see all of your faces!! This is the last post, but that does not mean you should stop sharing your light with those around you.
Love you all!!!

Pic 1:
"Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil, for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself." 2 Nephi 2:27

This summer, along with one of my missionary sons, I worked on memorizing Doctrinal Mastery scriptures from the Book of Mormon. It is a powerful thing to memorize scripture! Each word is more clear of its importance as I worked on these scriptures. There have been times when I am out walking or driving when I can recite them in my mind. I want to memorize all 25 of them before the end of the year. I have about 6 of them done. I have a testimony of the Book of Mormon! I know that it is the word of God and that it was written and preserved for our day. I love the prophets and the inspiring stories from this book and it has blessed my life and the life of my family. I know that Heavenly Father loves each one of us and knows us by name. Just as Joseph knelt and found God in prayer, we too can come to know Him and his Son. A testimony of this wonderful book of scripture can grow your testimony of the truthfulness of this Church. I know that this is the Church of Jesus Christ. He stands at its head and will SOON come to reign in His glory upon this earth.
Prepare to meet Him and come out of darkness into His marvelous light. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

-Sister Manning

Pic 2:
Matthew 5:16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven


Here are some of the Videos made for for Physical! Way to go for their amazingness!!

Photos from 4wayz4dayz's post 11/07/2020

We are getting lots of submissions!! Yay!! So excited to see what the girls and leaders in our stake are up to!

Picture #2 from Jovie says the following: "For the 4th of July my family and I drove up to Durango, CO. We hiked, explored and had so much fun. These pictures show us at the base of the first waterfall as you hike up Cascade Falls in Ouray CO. This would fall under physical and Spiritual. During our hikes we stopped and did some goal setting in our journals."

Picture #3 has an caption:" Hello to our fellow virtual "campers"! How I wish we could all meet together as one! For my physical goal, I want to share a picture of my garden. I actually was not going to grow one this year because last year I had such trouble with squash bugs and with aphids! As we came into a new life of COVID-19 and our stay at home life, I was concerned about how empty the grocery store shelves were in such a short amount of time!

I have a storage of seeds and the Lord has said, "If ye are prepared, ye shall not fear." I decided to plant and grow a garden, fight off the bugs and enjoy healthy food for my family and even have excess to share with others in case we were in a situation that maybe, just maybe, it would be hard to get fresh veggies.

I am SO GLAD that I planted! I have been home more this summer to control the bugs and we are having a wonderful, healthy harvest! I am not as dependent on the grocery store, but I can rely on the Lord for the food from our garden! LOVE YOU! -Sister Manning"


Happy Physical Day!

Photos from 4wayz4dayz's post 11/07/2020

The lovely ladies of The ABQ East Stake have been busy with their art for 4wayz4dayz. These two pieces were not done by the same person, but are both just as amazing!!!!


Kyndal was amazing enough to share her testimony about today's area of personal development: Social!


is here!!! The next four days will be dedicated to a different aspect of personal development!! Today we would like to highlight all the Intellectual goals and accomplishments! Thank you for those who have sent in Intellectual entries.
Gaining knowledge in this life is so important and can be so enriching to us and the people around us. D&C 130:19 says, "And if a person gains more knowledge and intelligence in this life through his diligence and obedience than another, he will have so much the advantage in the world to come."
Just because 4wayz4dayz is coming to a close within the next few days does not mean you should stop documenting your success and striving to be more like Christ.
Love you all,
The Camp Council



Sister Manning made bread for :
"Hi Young Woman, parents and leaders,

I want to share a picture and link on how I learned how to made sourdough bread this last couple of months! This is in the Intellectual category and it was so much fun! My married daughter, Britni, shared some sourdough starter for Mother's Day. It was a lot easier than I thought it would be and it tastes GREAT! The tips I would pass on is: Do not use bleached flour. It will kill your starter. The starter is what makes the bread rise, not yeast. Use spring water, not tap water. It might have a small amount of bleach too.

Easy Bake Episode 1 - Whole Wheat Sourdough - YouTube

I LOVE learning new things! This was worth the effort!

Lots of love to you, Sister Manning"


Megan from the Camp Council took up the challenge of and this is what she did! "I made a card for ech of the young women in my ward and included a spiritual message. "

Photos from 4wayz4dayz's post 29/06/2020

Sister Barger Has been up to some good!
"I have been baking cakes for the seniors members of my ward.

I have made 2 birthdays cakes and have brought over to their homes so they know they are not forgotten. A little sprinkle of light to bring them joy on their special day!"


The Camp Council has been starting the and wanted to invite you to join us! Stinky Toes, aka Sister Thompson, has been working on her intellectual goal: "I've been learning Spanish by reading El Libro de Mormon and doing Duolingo. I just got a 200 day streak!"


We invite you to join us!


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