

Weekly Podcasts, Funny Skits / Sketches, and Viral Food / Random Challenges! Daniel and Angela are reporting for Duty 🙌 Join Us and Subscribe ❤️🥰❤️

Photos from sushi_for_2's post 02/03/2022

💕 Last Wedding Photo, we promise! 💕 It’s almost our 3 month WEDDING ANNIVERSARY 🥰 but before I go off rails here, I wanted to share with you all a few behind the scenes details that relates to these pictures!!!

Daniel and I have two left feet 😅 It’s the truth and we learned to accept this horrible condition of ours. Well, let me rephrase, I have 3 left feet and Daniel has one cause he can bust some moves out when he really wants to 😂 BUT! We were so nervous because our family expected a hugeeeeee performance for our first dance and wouldn’t accept the typical “walking back and forth and hoping the song ends soon” approach 😅 Damnit… plan is ruined! Off to plan B.

So what did we do? We went on Groupon and booked a dancing lesson 💃!!! I was so nervous but it was just what we needed! We learned the basics in those 45 minutes and that’s all we needed to make sure we didn’t trip off of each other on our big day 😂 Daniel was also trying to get the most out of the lesson because when he saw how much dancing lessons are after the first “consultation” he said, “I should become a dancing instructor cause that’s where the money is” 😅 The dance went AMAZING after we practiced a few nights at home to our first dance song. Oh… before I forget… since Daniel KNEW people wanted a performance, of course he requested a DANCING CLOUD 😂😍!!!

On top of that, Daniel also had another surprise up his sleeves and oh boy was this a surprise 😅!!! Daniel hired Samba Dancers and came out with them dressed as a KING! We have some photos from that moment, but we will share more wedding photos down the line because it’s time to show some Honeymoon photos 😍!!! Let us know in the comments if you want to see more photos of the wedding and Daniel dressed as a king 🤴!!!

Photos from sushi_for_2's post 24/02/2022

💕 The moment we were officially married! 💕 This picture speaks so much to us because not only was this the moment we tied the knot and officially became a family 😻, but it was also beyond - special because of our officiant 🤗!!!

We wanted a small wedding; close family and friends; no groomsmen or bridesmaids. Just a moment to ourselves; something so personal and divine ❤️ And despite not having any bridal party, we knew the only way to take this wedding to a level we couldn’t even fathom, we had to ask our very close friend to officiate the wedding!

Josh, our friend, was cornered by us and was blown away about the proposition of getting us married 💕 Not only did he get himself licensed, him and his wife became the honorary Maid of Honor and Best Man as we couldn’t have pulled anything off without their help and support. They were both one of the critical pillars of our foundation and we cannot love them more for everything they have done, then we do right now 💕

Photos from sushi_for_2's post 23/02/2022

Can’t believe it’s been 2 months since we’ve been married 🤯! Time flies and we still have SO MUCH to show you all from not only our special day, but also from our honeymoon, holidays, and so forth. I am making a promise, until we get to show everything I mentioned above, no more mobster pictures of myself 😂

Photos from sushi_for_2's post 14/02/2022

💕 Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone! 💕 Most importantly, Happy Valentine’s Day to my best friend, my partner in crime, my bride, my wife, and my soul mate 🥰 This is officially our FIRST Valentine’s Day MARRIED and it feels SURREAL!

There has been a lot of hardship in our lives, but when we’re both at each other’s side, things just feel better automatically… they feel better, they flow better, they are just easier and even just plain outright funnier when we have each other’s back ❤️ The sun shines a bit brighter and the wind blows with us, not against us. Just these little things made me want to be your husband and for you to be my wife and valentine for many Millenia to come 💕!

Photos from sushi_for_2's post 07/02/2022

😻 More Wedding Cake!!! 😻 Last week we posted a photo of us with the cake, and if you haven’t taken a look at it yet, what are you still doing reading this caption 😂!!!

Okay, you’re back! Back to the story 🤗!!! Last week we talked about having the night of our lives and having the best cake EVER!!! Today, we want to detail a few fun facts about the cake that we didn’t talk about before 🥰 First of all, no one taught us or told us what to do when it came to cake cutting. We were SOOO NERVOUS with everyone watching us cause we were so confused on how much to cut, where to cut, and which of the 3 cake cutters do we use 😂!!! It was a mess BUT we just couldn’t stop laughing; definitely one of our highlights for the entire day. These photos also show PROOF that we did at least get to try our cake before it was eaten down to the crumb 😅 Moral of the story, have fun in any situation you’re in and maybe google how to do cake cutting before you’re thrown onto a stage with 70 guests watching you 😂 HAPPY MONDAY 😍


Good morning everyone!!! 💕 Happy Thursday! We’re almost done with the work week, so stay strong and think of the amazing weather this weekend and the plans you can have 🥰 I wanted to do something different with this picture… Let’s do a POLL! 😍

POLL: Does Daniel look like: A) Groom OR B) Someone off the set of God Father 😅😂!! I said he forgot he was a groom and enjoyed modeling a bit too much 😂 What do you think?!

Photos from sushi_for_2's post 02/02/2022

These photos are some of my FAVORITE ones 😻 because they tell a bigger story than just the wedding. These photos show all the hard work Daniel and I put into this wedding ourselves: the planning, timing, scheduling, vendor hiring, decorating, etc! We were so stressed the last week prior to the wedding because there was just so much to do for two people 😭 But when it finally came to the wedding day, all we did was smile and laugh; literally!!! In almost every photo of me in the bridal suite, You can see me laughing with a smile from ear to ear 🥰 All the anxiety finally fell off our shoulders during the wedding day and it was literally the most amazing day with pure happiness 💕 everywhere! I probably should have stopped laughing for a little bit for the sake of the photos 😅 but they ended up being my favorite 🤩


🎂 This cake was EVERYTHING!!! 🎂 Well, that’s what we were told 😅 Because of all the phone we were having from dancing and talking with our guests, we totally forgot to eat our own wedding cake 😂 Outside of trying a small piece from each other, we didn’t get to eat a slice of a cake we spent weeks customizing and ironing out the details of, haha! But in the end, everyone said it was the best cake they ever had and we had the best day we ever had, so we can’t complain 💕 Well… I guess we can complain a little bit cause I really wanted a slice… 😂


BLAST to the Past!! Can’t believe this just a little over a month ago.. 😭 If you didn’t think I felt like a model in the previous photo, look at me in THIS ONE 😂🤩!

Can you catch the “behind the scenes” going on in this photo?? 😂

Photos from sushi_for_2's post 20/01/2022

🤗 THAT’S MY WIFE!!! 🤗 Seeing these pictures bring me so much happiness!!! Believe it or not, I was on the other side of the wall taking shots with my dad, brother, and close friend / officiant, and my now wife was right there getting ready for our best day ever ❤️! Little did I know, the wedding dress is actually VERY HEAVY and I have no idea how Angela was able to wear the dress all night long 😱

If you are ready to see pictures on Angela in her 👗, let’s get some 😍 emojis in the comments down below 💕!!!


🍰 IT’S CAKE SEASON!!! 🍰 Before I jump into this, I want to say that we are not liable for any hunger or drooling that this may cause 😂

This was the BEST CAKE EVER!!! 🤤 This wedding cake was three tiers; amaretto with guava and amaretto with pineapple 🤩! This cake was so delicious that by the time Angela and I were ready to have a slice, our guests devoured it up and wanted more 😂

Drop a 🍰 emoji if you want a slice 😍!

Photos from sushi_for_2's post 12/01/2022

🎊 IT’S WEDDING SEASON! 🎊 As promised, let the onslaught of wedding photos begin! To kick things off, let’s talk about the moment where I truly felt like a freakin model 😅 Our photographer first came into the Groom’s Suite and pulled me to the side, asking me “Are you ready?!” A few cringey jokes later mentioning if he could use photoshop to fix a few things 😂 the photo shoot began and I started to feel it!! It was such an amazing experience and such a perfect way to get our wedding started (photos happened around 5 pm and wedding started at 6!) There’s more photos where I came from BUT if you truly want to be mesmerized, you GOTTA see the photos of Angela in the Bride’s suite… OMG 😱! Those are coming around the corner 😇


✨ WE’RE BACK!!! ✨ One wedding, one mini-moon, and a few holidays later, we’re back to sharing our favorite moments and living through your pictures 💕!!! Get ready for a BUNCH of pictures from our wedding and our adventures over the last month 😍!!! Sending love to all of our friends ❤️


It’s official, we are husband and wife 🥰!!! More photos to come!!! We can’t wait to share the biggest story of our lives with all of you 💕 Thank you to , , , , for making our dream a reality 🥰😍🥰!!!

Photos from sushi_for_2's post 11/12/2021

😻 IT’S OFFICIALLY 1 WEEK UNTIL THE WEDDING!!! 😻 omg… 1 week = 7 DAYS!!!! Aghhhh!!!! We started this countdown at 95 days and have posted the last 23 days… and the fact that there’s only 7 to go is CRAZY!!! 🤯 With 7 days left, we officially picked up all of the photos and signs that will be placed around the entire venue AND took our very first DANCE CLASS! We were so nervous but the way the instructor made everything seem so easy, made us not only have fun, but also believe that we can put on a show for our wedding 😍 45 minutes and some hustle / rumba / and waltz dances later, we feel more confident and ready to tackle the dance floor! Ty to 😻

Now for this lovely picture!!! ❤️ This picture was taken right outside one of our favorite museums in St. Augustine 🤩!!! One of the most fascinating and interesting locations EVER!!! Not only was it the home to several wild artifacts, but it was also HAUNTED 👻! We will go into the details in a future post but it’s AMAZING!!! But, right after Daniel proposed, we did a engagement - moon to St. Augustine and just had to get a beautiful shot with our favorite holiday’s decor right outside our favorite museum 💕 Truly magical 🎉!!!

We HAVE TO KNOW, if you had to pick a dream destination for a honeymoon, where would it be 🥰💕🥰?!! Let us know!

Photos from sushi_for_2's post 10/12/2021

💕 8 DAYS UNTIL THE WEDDING!!! 💕 You can’t have a wedding countdown without posting at least one or two posts of pictures following the proposal itself 😻!!! No proposal, no wedding, right? Truth be told, today was so exhausting 😴 The last 5 hours we had to reform our entire seating chart, signature drink sign, and so forth… it’s a whole story, but we finally finished with some time to spare to continue the countdown 🥰

Let’s get a few 💍 💍 💍’s in the comments!!! 😍 Until tomorrow friends!!!

Photos from sushi_for_2's post 09/12/2021

🥰 9 DAYS UNTIL THE WEDDING!!! 🥰 Wedding news ALERT! We are swamped 🥶! Who knew printing posters and buying the little things like card holders, etc. would be so DIFFICULT?! 😅 I didn’t see that anywhere in the Wedding Survival Guide 🤣 Outside of getting a few things like the card box, table number holders, and a few other things, we are working rapidly in printing our welcome, bar, seating, and gift posters… time is ticking and we are starting to panic 😱 All we ask is to believe in us cause we got this!

Now for the picture! Why is this picture so important? Well, there’s two stories to tell here. This was our first trip together to St. Augustine, the haunted capital of the USA 👻 Beautiful scenery, gorgeous waterfronts, and too much spooktacular history 🤩 Not only did we have an amazing time trying new foods and going on nightly ghost tours, this was actually where we hit a very large milestone we were working on for MONTHS! Right as we took this first picture, I was alerted on my phone that we hit 1,000 subscribers! WOW! 🎉 After months of making 3 videos a week, we finally hit 1,000 subscribers and boy did We feel like rockstars at that moment. I (Daniel) was ready to start signing autographs cause that moment was surreal! And what did we do to celebrate? We ate more delicious food, duh!!!

YouTube was a big deal (still continues to be) and hitting that goal was the best feeling ever! With that in mind, what goals do you have your eyes set on coming up in the new year? Let us know ❤️

Photos from sushi_for_2's post 08/12/2021

😍 10 DAYS UNTIL THE WEDDING!!! 😍 This photo holds such a dear spot in our hearts 🥲 It was our FIRST Christmas / Hanukkah together!! Our first year living together, our first holidays spent together, our first Christmas tree / Hanukkah bush decoration extravaganza together 🥰!!! Of course Daniel likes to take it over the top and bought an inflatable llama for the house… he’s lucky that’s my favorite animal in the WHOLE WORLD!!! 😍 Despite is visiting family for the holidays, we always make sure to have a sole day to ourselves! We recently put up our third tree last week and will be posting that video soon if you want to see the new and IMPROVED Sushi For 2 decor ❤️

Do you have your tree up yet?! 😍 What are your traditions for December? 💕

Photos from sushi_for_2's post 07/12/2021

🙌 11 DAYS UNTIL THE WEDDING!!! 🙌 Daniel reporting for duty! Angela has been having too much fun with these captions so it’s time I jump in 😂 So how does she do this… oh! Today was a lot of planning! I kid you not, I called like 20 restaurants to book our Rehearsal Dinner and FINALLY found the place everyone agreed to go to 🎉 Phew… that was exhausting but that finally finishes all of our to-do list items!!! Now to get to the wedding SOONER!

In the words of Angela, “Let’s jump into the story of the picture!” 😂 What’s really interesting about this photo is that it’s deceiving. It truly looks like we’re on a tropical vacation BUT we’re actually at 😍 What’s Busch Gardens?! One of the best Roller Coaster Theme Parks that is! We LOVE roller coasters! Thing is, age has caught up to me and riding more than two of them now causes nausea 😔 BUT! If there’s anything I learned from Pharmacy School, it’s that trusty ol’ Meclizine is your best friend in that situation 😂

Do you like Roller Coasters?! 🎉 What’s your favorite theme park?! Let us know in the comments below!


💋 12 DAYS UNTIL THE WEDDING!!! 💋 Okay, so before I got into this picture, I just wanted everyone to know that we didn’t miss “Day 13” 😂 I’m very superstitious and anything where the number 13 is involved, I fly the other away 😅!!! Despite not posting yesterday, it was another slow day in the wedding department BUT we got to visit family for my grandma’s 70th birthday 🥰 and I got a much needed break before the three final exams I have on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday! 😔

On the bright side of things, we both took this picture when we visited Casino (our first time ever gambling!!) and believe it or not, beginners luck is real!!! ☺️ I spent 20 dollars and left with 40, while Daniel spent 10 dollars and left with over 30!! We didn’t want to push our push our luck so we cashed out and RAN!

Have you ever went to play at a casino?! 🥰 What’s the biggest amount you won? Let us know down below!!


💐 TWO WEEKS TIL’ THE WEDDING! 💐 It’s officially 14 days until the wedding… someone get 911 on the phone cause I’m not feeling good 😭😱😭!!! Too much happiness and excitement is not healthy at these levels 😅 We are 2 weeks away with A LOT OF THINGS to do… but my finals exams are this week so they are draining me COMPLETELY 🤢!! Next Thursday, we are going to have to put in some headbands and power through all the printing, planning, and everything cause the wedding is almost here!!! 💕!!!

Now for our picture!!! 😻 For our new friends on here, we wanted to share a piece of history between us, so you all could get to know us a bit better 💕 Prior to us doing our long distance relationship, we actually went to elementary, middle, high school, and college together 🥰!!! This photo was taken right after graduation, where we had to give back our gowns post ceremony. It was a surreal experience since we both graduated from the same college, with the same degree, and the SAME GPA!!! You can’t make that up… Daniel beat me by 0.01 GPA but that’s the same in my book 😂!!! Truth be told, we weren’t even dating at the time of the picture, but it was another step closer to when Daniel asked me out on 09/26/17 ❤️!!!

Did you go to college?! What did you study?! 😻🎉!!! Let us know!

Photos from sushi_for_2's post 03/12/2021

🤗 15 DAYS UNTIL THE WEDDING!!! 🤗 I am terribly running out of emojis for all of these posts… 😂!! So before our lovely friends get on our case for the quality of this photo, let me just say, “I CAN EXPLAIN” 😅

This photo was taken about 5 years ago 🥰!! At this time, we weren’t even dating yet; we were just best friends competing at a Halloween Costume Contest hosted by our mutual friend 👻 Of course Daniel ended up winning with his “Gym Rat” costume with a fake beard, aviators, and a jug of beer 🍺 that was supposed to be “pre-workout.” Truth be told, it was a work of art but it was ahead of its time for me 😂 Despite the costume of his beating mine, that night was one of our most memorable moments; one of which brought us even closer than we were before 💕!!!

Thank you all for sticking with our countdown and instead of posing a question like we normally do, we just wanted to say we appreciate your support and can’t believe we have such amazing friends here on the platform 😭!!!

Photos from sushi_for_2's post 02/12/2021

🥰 16 DAYS TO THE WEDDING!! 🥰 The wedding countdown continues with full steam ahead 🤗!!! Typically I jump into any wedding updates but we need to talk about the significance of these pictures… like now! 😅

What may look like ordinary selfies, aren’t really JUST ordinary selfies 👻 These pictures were taken during this past Thanksgiving, or of the most specialist one’s any of our family’s ever celebrated ❤️ Why? This was the first Thanksgiving both of our families sat down together for dinner 😱 Typically, we would celebrate separately every year; the first half of the day with one family and the other half with another. This year, in light of the wedding, we all thought to celebrate Thanksgiving together as a unit and it was AMAZING 😻 It was the opposite of what you see in the comedy movies; everyone was talking, laughing, and just having a great time 💕 Don’t tell anyone, but while everyone was talking, laughing, and having a good time, we quietly ate all of the good stuff 😂 Shhh 🤫

Can we get some 🙌🙌🙌 in the comments for the holidays? 😍!!!

Photos from sushi_for_2's post 01/12/2021

💕 17 DAYS UNTIL THE WEDDING!!! 💕 Somebody hold my hand because it’s ALMOST 2 WEEKS AWAY!!! 😱😱😱😍😍😍!!! Omggg… where do I begin! Today we decided to sign up for dance classes and can’t wait to experience that embarrassment (we both have two left feet that don’t come off the ground 😂) together in order to have the perfect first dance ❤️!!! Stay tuned for that 😂 We also tweaked our catering menu and have officially paid all of our vendors so IT’S HAPPENING 🥰!!

Now for the photos!!! We took these photos (except the last one which I’ll get to in a second 😂) at during our trip to visit my family in Ohio ❤️ The weather was perfect, my hair was not frizzy AT ALL, and the nature walks were just EVERYTHING!! The fun fact of the day is that we drove here from Orlando to Ohio which was a STRAIGHT 22 hours of driving (with some stops of course) 😱 Was it worth it? Eh… we couldn’t feel our legs for two days BUT we got more time to spend with family and listened to EVERY song to have ever been released 💕 Daniel didn’t quite enjoy it and hasn’t forgiven me for it yet 😂 BUT I’ll make him a swiftie sooner or later!!!

To switch things up, I added a random photo from the trip and instead of asking a question, wanted you guys to caption that photo 😂!! No holding back, go! 💕


🤩 18 DAYS UNTIL THE WEDDING!!! 🤩 No wedding news for today (Daniel’s still sore from carrying all of the wedding alcohol from last night 😅), BUT, there’s a lot to talk about with this picture 😍

We made many new friends over the last few months and we never truly shared one important aspect of our lives; YouTube 💕!!! When we were in the middle of our Long Distance Relationship, we needed something to keep us together, a project we can both work on together to keep us talking and building during our time apart. As a result, our blog (SimplyBeautyBlog) and our YouTube Channel (Sushi_For_2) was BORN! 😍!!! Since the beginning, we posted almost 300 videos on our channel (last few hundred were shorts to be fair), ranging from vlogs, pranks, and CHALLENGES 🤩!! If there’s any photo to describe how much fun and the love we have for making videos, it would be this one - literally a still in one of our videos 💕 plays a big role in our lives and is a factor that helped us stay together and conquer long distance!! If you ever have a second and want to laugh at our older videos, click on the link in our bio and come get to know us better outside of Instagram 😻

Do you have a YT channel?! ☺️ What videos do you make and how long have you been making content?

Photos from sushi_for_2's post 29/11/2021

😘 19 DAYS UNTIL THE WEDDING!!! 😘 And BOY do we have some news for you! Today was “adult beverage” buying day!! 😂 With the wedding around the corner, we have to tie a few loose ends and that ended us at ‘s door step 😍 Let me tell you, we have NEVER spent this much at a store before… we were scared the card wouldn’t even clear 😅 It took about 1.5 hours to work with the most amazing employee in creating our list and handpicking ever bottle and case; from the spirits, to the wines, and beers, and etc! 😍 Let’s just say the total was a even number and had a comma with a few zeroes… 🤯 Every penny was worth it at the end because all the recommendations are amazing and we know our guests will love it!!!

Now for the picture!!! ☺️! If there’s anything you need to know about us, it’s that we LOVEEEE (each other, duh) mini golf!!! 😍 If mini golf was in the Olympics, we would win platinum, not gold 😂 We take it very seriously and play very competitive with each other and have a BLAST doing so ☺️ Here at , we had the time of our lives and fell in LOVE with the amazing scenery around us! We are both suckers for pirates and when that’s mixed with some mini golf, it’s game over folks - you’ll see us there 24/7 😂 We highly recommend stopped by, taking some awesome pictures, and playing some mini golf at one of our favorite spots in Orlando 🥰

Photos from sushi_for_2's post 28/11/2021

❤️ 20 DAYS UNTIL THE WEDDING!!! ❤️ It has been 10 days of posting pictures leading to our wedding and we HAVEN’T mentioned the most important part of our lives… RAMBO 💕!!! Rambo is our little boy; a silky wired haired dachshund (wiener dog) that has completely changed our lives for the best ever since we got him back in May of 2020 🥰!

When it comes to this first picture I just cannot… 😭😭😭!!! We were sitting in the car with Rambo on my lap while Daniel was driving and he fell asleep 😴 While sleeping, he turned around and placed his hand on our hand!!! 🥰🥰🥰!!! This picture legit melts my heart and brings tears to my eyes 😭 Our amazing little man!

Do you have a pet?! 🥰 What’s their name?! Let us know down below!

Photos from sushi_for_2's post 27/11/2021

😻 3 WEEKS UNTIL THE WEDDING!!! 😻 Yes… it’s officially 21 days and I have lost all sensation in my body cause I CAN’T BELIEVE IT 💕!!! No wedding news today! Just spending time with each other during the holidays and letting the moment sink in BUT! Let’s go to the meaning behind the photo ❤️

This may look like an ordinary photo, but it’s so much more than what meets the eye 🥰 During the summer, we both decided to fully commit to social media (more than we ever did since we were so busy!) across YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and even Clapper. We were filming 3 YouTube videos and editing a week, 6-10 short videos a day, and so forth!!! It was exhausting and believe it or not, our day started at 5 am to fit everything in (since I - Angela - still had school while Daniel was off) which is when this photo was taken 😱!!! Now, with wedding planning, graduate school, and work, we can’t uphold those promises to our friends but we still continue to post these pictures, stories, and awesome YouTube Challenged when we can!!! 🥰

How is your Friday going?! 😇 What are your plans for the weekend? ❤️

Photos from sushi_for_2's post 25/11/2021

💕 22 DAYS UNTIL THE WEDDING!!! 💕 Before I go into the significance of this picture , we have to address the elephant (turkey) in the room 🥰 HAPPY THANKSGIVING 🦃 to all of our friends on here!!! We will see you all on the other side of food coma later on tonight 😅

Back to the picture!! 🤗 If you haven’t caught our story from a few weeks ago, Daniel and I went to the County Office and DEMANDED (politely asked and paid for 😂) to get our wedding license!!!! 💕 We thought it was going to be complicated, frustrating, and borderline crazy but it was truly the easiest process next to breathing air 🥰!!! Who would we be to not take some photos to remember the day the state allowed us to get married 😂!!! *That was Daniel’s joke so if it was cringey, let him know 😂* We don’t know what happened to the pictures afterwards, but we ate some delicious chocolate cake and enjoyed the rest of the day with some love - story movies 🥰!!! Ugh… that day was just perfect!!!!

Are you celebrating thanksgiving 🦃? 💕 What is going to be on your table this holiday? 🎉

Photos from sushi_for_2's post 25/11/2021

😇 23 DAYS UNTIL THE WEDDING!!! 😇 So it’s official… I need some herbal tea, ashwaganda, and who knows what else 😂 the anxiety is CRIPPLING!!! So excited, so nervous, so LITTLE TIME 😭 I am all over the place!

But what is definitely in place is my hair!!! 😂. Now hear me out, this isn’t just a random hair post… I went to do my wedding hair trial!!! 💕 And omg… we’re my dreams made true! I felt like a princess the second it was finished 🥰!! From the beautiful braid to the curls, I am OBSESSED and had to share it with everyone 🎉 Hair stylist, hair salon, hair style - check! ✅

What do you think of the look?! 🤩❤️🤩!! What’s your go to style? Let me know down below!


🎉 24 DAYS UNTIL THE WEDDING!!! 🎉 So today, we did NOTHING wedding related (shocking, I know) and decided to spend time with one another in the sea of craziness 💕

Today we celebrated Thanksgiving together 😍 We know it’s a bit early, but this is our tradition! We celebrate a day or two before just with the two of us and then celebrate with our families (who are celebrating TOGETHER for the first time ❤️) at their houses! To celebrate, while Daniel was at work, I was able to cook up some slow cooked pulled - chicken with a honey mustard dressing and potato skins 💕 Daniel’s favorite! I also baked (since I never have time usually to do so) and made pineapple upside down cakes 🤤!!! It’s been a few hours since we ate and we cannot breathe 😅 but it was all worth it 😍!!!

What are you traditions together?!?🥰 P.S: we also put up our Christmas Tree and we will share that soon!


🥰 25 DAYS TILL THE WEDDING!!! 🥰 Today, we got our official timeline, changed up some wedding songs (specifically for our dance with our parents cause after listening to the lyrics, it just wasn’t appropriate 😂), and started getting all of our Etsy purchases, including place cards, holders, etc! 😍

This is probably one of my favorite pictures of us 😍!!! This was actually taken at the garden; our first stop during our vacation ❤️ It’s just Mesmerizing! The different florals, greenery, atmosphere… wow! Truth be told, I was having such a horrible day because of my hair… but something about the garden just gave me life 😇 Imagine how good it has to be to convince me to take a picture on a bad hair day… it was THAT good 🥰

Have you ever been to a botanical garden? Where?! 💕 Let us know below!


💕 26 DAYS TILL THE WEDDING!!! 💕 Can you guess where this picture was taken? Comment down below from the few choices and scroll down in the caption to see if you were right 🥰!!!

A. Disney Springs / B. Hollywood / C. Our first international trip together in the Islands / D. It must be Colorado, you guys can’t stop talking about it 😅

SPOILER!!! The answer is DISNEY SPRINGS in Orlando, FL. 😍!!! One of our favorite places to go when the weather isn’t too hot to walk around, breathe some fresh air, and try so many delicious foods 🤤 If you haven’t heard of , this area used to be called Downtown Disney until they renamed and remodeled it. They upgraded it from just a few stores to a whole town of shops, food spots, and Disney themed EVERYTHING 🥰 Specifically in this picture, we were at the roof top of the Coca Cola store (Daniel’s favorite drink ) enjoying the amazing view and, you guessed it, drinking never ending amounts of Coke Zero 😅 Daniel swears it tasted better there than anywhere else 😂

The other answers are wrong because: we have never traveled to California or internationally together YET 🥰 and as much as we love Colorado, there is so much more in the world to explore! 🥰

Videos (show all)