Videos by Ultra. Ultra Med Tech 奧創醫科結合科技與醫療,為客戶、消費者、員工、股東創造價值
新的龍 / 隆年即將到來,
奧創醫科 全體同仁 祝各位~~
Wish you good luck in the Dragon Year.😍
😍炮聲龍龍新年到,生意興龍好預兆, 新的龍 / 隆年即將到來, 奧創醫科 全體同仁 祝各位~~ 事事龍有春, 日日龍有錢, 出入龍順利, 好運龍總來。 Wish you good luck in the Dragon Year.😍
Introducing the most innovative surgical reflective loupe in the market, The Loupe, All in ONE. 1.Ultra HD - Obtaining clear and high brightness of visions thanks to the innovative optical design and finest glasses material 2.ADJUSTABLE WORKING DISTANCE - For working posture changes and saving on maintenance costs from Rx changes 3.INTERCHANGABLE OBJECTIVE LENS - The world's first reflective loupe by replacing objective lens to obtain different magnifications 4.IP65 ANTI WATER and DUST - The world's first reflective loupe prevents water and dust from damaging the optic and maintains the sanitation 5.DUAL COATED INNER LENS - Not only anti-reflective but also anti-bluelight coatings in the inner lens for clear and healthier visions 6.NATURAL NECK INCLINATION - Reflective technolofy assumes a natural neck inclination and achieving a less stressed posture for a longer working life
May the warmest wishes, happy thoughts and friendly greetings come at Christmas and stay with you all the year through.
<<奧創醫科 Aurora 無線頭燈 >> 😀~新版"5500K色溫 自然光"~即將柔和上市😀 😋客製夾具適配世界各大廠牌Loupe(Univet、Examvision、Pentax、Zeiss、蝴蝶、Surgitel、Orascoptic、Heine、Hoya等,詳影片)。 😁星空黑, 時尚銀 雙色可選。 😄上一波沒把握到的醫師朋友,請趕快把握呦。 😘產品特色: 1.輕量簡約30克。 2.3檔亮度調節。3.3顆磁吸鋰電池。4.簡易觸控設計。5.低電量自動提醒。6.恆流恆壓科技。7.正圓清晰光斑。8.可調整燈頭角度。9.上掀式橘色濾片。10.電池保護設計。 😁不囉嗦,看影片。