Pure Health Shift

Pure Health Shift

Board Certified Holistic Nutritionist and Certified Holistic Cancer Practitioner - coaching individuals or groups.

Work with us and manage & improve your health and thrive! Our Specialty - Women health, and Cancer support.


Have a blessed day!


Why do I do what I do?

I love seeing people feel great again! What is your story? What do you like to do to make a difference?


If you have some or any of these symptoms then you might have Hormonal Imblance.
Contact us and find out how we might be able to help you.


Are YOU aware of what Hormone Imbalance is?


Know what food does to your body, then choose!


Stay safe and strengthen your immune system. Download our free eBook and learn how to protect yourself and your family from this Pandemic.


Timeline photos 28/06/2020

"Where there is space, there is movement...

Where there is movement, there is energy...

& where there's energy, disease cannot exist."


Join us in keeping ourselves healthy

Timeline photos 04/06/2020

Take care of your health so you can take care of your family.


What do you think?


Do you think you are getting old after you hit 40? But life is just beginning! Hang around with us and we will show you how to take full advantage of your health!


DO YOU FEEL LIKE A STUFFED TURKEY AFTER EATING? Download our free eBook and help yourself to feel great!



Why am I not getting pregnant?

It seems like more and more women are asking this question. It took me four years to get pregnant. Although I wasn’t too concerned about it, I see others who come to me for answers are not so ‘OK’ with it. They tend to have a lot of pressure from families, friends, and sometimes their own mindset. And they all tend to blame themselves for it. Some of them have gone through all the necessary artificial procedures to get pregnant, with very disappointing results that put them through a downward spiral toward depression.

Is it their fault?

Several factors play a significant role when it comes to conceiving. Of course, there are the usual factors like need an egg and s***m, age of the woman, cycle, etc. But what most people do not bring into consideration is their environment, mindset, and food. Yes, nutrition plays a major role in conceiving. Your body has to have proper nutrition needed to host the growing embryo. A woman might get pregnant even if she is on an unhealthy, junk food diet, obese, and living in a polluted city, but what that baby is getting into his system might not be known until he is born or later in his life. Childhood cancer is on the rise, and these children have not lived long enough to be exposed to cancer-causing factors.
Yes, some cases might be due to physical problems obstructing the process of getting pregnant, but several women might have other factors that are stopping them from getting pregnant.
So, what I tell these women is not to lose hope. Clean out your act and prepare yourself to host the baby. It’s not that difficult; you just need to put your mind to it!


Those who are chronically ill with diseases like heart disease, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, cancer, etc. must be more vigilant and take care of your immune system. Be safe, isolate, and boost your immunity!


Did you know that sugar slows down the immune system? Boost your immune system and stay off sugar and junk food!

Stressful Facts 04/03/2020

If it's hard for you to lose weight then you want to think about looking into your stressors. Check this out.....


Stressful Facts Parent, boss, employee, business owner, president of the United States, or janitor at the local elementary school, regardless of who you are we all have one thing in common: stress. And boy, do we have stress! There are essentially two types of stress: acute and chronic.


Don't Stop Loving Your Heart!


There are lots of things that affect our weight gain and we don't even realize it. Every little thing counts!


Give your body what will make it Thrive!


These simple little dates and oats balls are great for your heart. These are loaded with Magnesium, Potassium, Vitamin B6, antioxidants, fibers, etc., which are all that your heart needs.
Simple ingredients, date paste, oat flour, coconut oil (optional), pea protein powder (optional), cinnamon powder, cardamom powder, and walnuts. Mix them up, roll them into balls and you are done!


Healthy Eating is not just about eating organic, but it is also about pots & pans and the utensils you use, the plates you eat in, the containers you store your food in. All these will affect what goes into your food.
The best type of pots and pans to use are cast iron, stainless steel, and ceramic. Anything coated with Teflon is a big NO-NO!

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00