

Sleep Practitioner for Infants, Toddlers and Young Children

15" Introductory Call - Silvia Simms - Sleep Practitioner 21/03/2022

Book an introductory call so we can discuss your circumstances and see if we are a good fit to work together bringing restful sleep to you and your little one!

15" Introductory Call - Silvia Simms - Sleep Practitioner


Did you know...? That lack of sleep can result in your child misbehaving and playing up? The truth is they are not doing it intentionally. Common signs that kids are sleep deprived are:

Bad temper
Crying often
Withdrawn and unusually quiet
Overly sensitive with sudden changes in moods
Defiant attitude and resistance to suggestions
Sleepy in the day

Not all children will display all these signs, but often a combination of them. If you have a toddler or a young child misbehaving, perhaps would be a good idea to analyze their sleep routine and patterns and see if the root cause might be lack of sleep.


Are meltdowns and tantrums commonplace in your toddler's life?
Particularly at bedtime and mealtime, these seem to be the occasions when toddlers often try to test boundaries and check if you follow through.

5 tips to help a parent handle a tantrum or meltdown are:

πŸ‘‰Understand the situation from both perspectives. Don't expect your toddler to reason like an adult, but you can reason like a child. This in turn will help you (2)πŸ‘‡
πŸ‘‰Keep calm and do not give the incident more attention than necessary (this will only amplify the drama). Pass your calm onto your little one by (3)πŸ‘‡
πŸ‘‰Holding your child. Give him a big, tight, yet gentle hug. This will be soothing to him and will prevent him from wrestling with you in his frustration. Keep them safe, offer reassurance that you understand how they feel, but (4)πŸ‘‡
πŸ‘‰Hold your ground. As they figure out more about their own feelings and how to handle them, they also become aware of your feelings. If you give in, they will sense a weakness here and will tap on this weakness every time they insist on something. Their inquisitive spirit leads to explore and test boundaries, but with (5)πŸ‘‡
πŸ‘‰Patience, you will succeed in making meltdowns and tantrums disappear altogether.

Children need more than caregivers. They are like little trees 🌳 that need a stake to give them growth support - you are this stake. See this as an opportunity to guide, correct, instruct and discipline. There is no better time to teach and instil in them good values and the rewards will not fail to come.


Do you feel like your toddler is like a little monrach🀴surrounded by serving grown-ups? Two of the most common challenges toddlers years bring is their resistance to sleeping πŸ’€ and 🍽 . Why is that?

Toddler years can come quite difficult for some parents. Understanding toddler behaviour can help us cope with the challenge and make sound decisions when providing the adequate care they need.

Baby cries, mama responds promptly feeding, changing, holding the little munchkin- an appropriate and healthy pampering. They are the centre of our universes and parents are here to execute whatever they demand - this is baby reality!

However, when the bubble is burst and parents add onto their role as caregivers the role of instructors, children are faced with a new reality: the baby monarchy has been overthrown and a new regime is instated.

How do you think they will respond? πŸ‘ΌπŸ‘ΌπŸ‘ΌNext post will discuss tantrums and offer some tips on how to cope with these.


Hello Mums & Dads

Welcome to SLEEPZZ.


These guidelines are to give you an idea of the amount of sleep we need at different ages. I am sure you know this already, but when it comes to babies and toddlers, there are many things that can interfere with sleep. Developmental leaps and growth can cause changes in their sleep patterns. That is why you will notice this chart showing some broad times and ages.

If your baby isn't quite within these segments, do not panic! If you have questions do not hesitate to ask in your comments.


I hope these tips will help:

* put the little one down in cot only once or twice, without leaving the impression that this might be an up-down game.
* sit down on the floor and tap/point to the mattress showing him what he is expected to do. If you are on the floor he will try to
lower himself at your level while if you are standing he will reach out to you.
* if he is upset, offer reassurance that you are there
if needed hold his hand, pat his bum or hold your hand on his back or tummy.

Your little one might get upset for a little while and I know it is tempting to pick him up, but if you keep reassuring him, he will overcome that peak of upset which won’t last long, then there is the message delivered to him and hopefully taken on board if done a couple of times.



In my 15 years of working in close connection with children and their families, I met some absolutely fabulous parents! It is hard to put in words their dedication and love for their little ones. I have learned so much from observing them and always supported their parenting approach.

Here are some observations and valuable lessons I learned:

πŸ€” There is no one approach that meets every child/ family needs and there is no "by the book" parenting.

πŸ€” Personally, I am a firm believer in principles, not rules. Rules are rigid and not all-encompassing. Parenting is not easy, it requires forethought, patience and adaptability.

πŸ€” Find your balance. As I said, there is no "one approach fits all" thing. There are valid, tested ideas in Baby Led/Attachment and Parent-Led/Brain-based parenting. Also, go beyond the message and ask yourself "Is this reliable information? What is the source?"

πŸ€” Your "gut feeling" or intuition is the process of drawing sudden impressions from your own storehouse of experiences, memories and impressions. YES, intuition is not some mysterious sixth feeling, therefore try to use your power of reason. Is more reliable than the Gut Feeling.

πŸ€” Be modest and not shy to ask for help. Today, life is more complex than it has ever been! You as a parent play a multitude of roles on a daily basis, it's absolutely normal to get stuck at some point! It REALLY is!


I’m bubbling over with excitement about launching my website soon! Together with , we've been working very hard for the past couple of months to put this together- we are nearly there! Here is a sneak-peak of what to expect!
What are you currently over-the-moon excited about?


Can you define sleep? πŸ€” It isn’t as easy as it is common!
Did you know that while your baby is asleep their baby brain is incredibly busy?