Representative Paul Waggoner - Kansas 104th House District

Representative Paul Waggoner - Kansas 104th House District

Paul Waggoner, Kansas House of Representatives, District 104

Overturning of Roe v. Wade Has Saved More Than 30,000 Lives, Study Finds | National Review 24/11/2023

This is something that all Americans can be thankful for!! An underreported Thanksgiving day story that shows despite the abortion industries continued attack on the unborn, progress is still being made in saving lives and protecting life.

Overturning of Roe v. Wade Has Saved More Than 30,000 Lives, Study Finds | National Review ‘This represents the most profound transformation of the landscape of U.S. abortion access in 50 years,’ the report declared.

Photos from Representative Paul Waggoner - Kansas 104th House District's post 15/11/2023

Kansas citizens rallied tonight in support of saving the historic State Fair racetrack!. It was a large and passionate crowd at the 5 pm Encampment building meeting. 2 proposals for expanded racing were presented and the Fair board seemed to be listening and trying to digest the information. I met a lot of appreciative race fans who thanked me for sticking up for the track. I appreciated their encouragement but am now looking forward to next Tuesdays meeting at 5 pm (State Fair Offices) when the board starts to consider the proposals and what to do next. I hope race fans attend even if they are stuck watching from the hallway. I will definitely attend as we try and keep the pressure on the Fair board to do the right thing!


Banners like I have posted now encircle the state fairgrounds since September, proudly displayed by Hutchinson businesses and citizens that are dismayed by the reckless action of the Kansas State Fair board. The official hearing is Tuesday November 14 at 5 pm at the Encampment building at the Fairgrounds. I will be there!!
I am proud the Fair is located in my district and take a special interest in its affairs.
A few items of the discussion about the racetrack stand out to me:
1) The incredibly poor reasoning and financial "numbers" used to justify demolition of the track. I have seen the numbers used by Fair manager Brian Schulz to justify his attack on the track and I can say unequivocally he is using bogus numbers and irrational reasoning.
The Hutchinson Nationals races in July are one of the biggest events at the Fairgrounds and bring in positive cash flow to the Fair and to the Reno County economy. No serious business person would proceed down the path of track destruction if they took a clear look at the financials.
2) The other "reasons" given to justify track demolition (the numbers, the "lack of use", the "need for land") do not stand up to critical scrutiny. You see this in Topeka, where bureaucrats or agency heads often try to spin a tale to justify their actions. I would argue that the track demolition is a classic example of this mentality. Fair manager Schulz is never looking for how to utilize this wonderful asset and creatively look at ways to grow it; he seems content to shoot down (or block) any positive proposals for continued or growing race track usage! Many observers see that he is pushing an agenda rather than doing whats best for Kansas and the Fair.

Please come if you can!! If not make sure at least to email the State Fair at [email protected].
The Fair belongs to the people of Kansas, and is ran for the benefit of the people of Kansas. I am cautiously optimistic that the Fair board will justify that trust we have placed in them on Tuesday.
There are, as a backstop, multiple actions the Legislature can pursue in January to weigh in on this issue. I truly hope it does not become necessary for us to do so.

Hutchinson Fire Department, hospital raising funds for Infant Safety Box Project 13/11/2023

I was proud to support this bill when it was in the House last session. It is so encouraging to see the implementation of the Infant Safety Box strategy in Reno County. This news article does a great job of explaining the details of the project and how it helps. The original House bill was strongly supported by pro-life Representatives and eventually won broad support from both parties. These safety boxes provide a way for women who feel overwhelmed by the care of their newborn to safely turn over the child to child welfare authorities. Thankfully, this is an extremely rare situation but when it does happen a "safety box" can be a life saver for the newborn child. I know we are going to donate to this project and I encourage everyone who cares about life and providing options for tough situations to also contribute!

Hutchinson Fire Department, hospital raising funds for Infant Safety Box Project The Infant Safety Box Project will provide a safe and anonymous way for mothers or guardians to legally relinquish a child in Hutchinson.


Their courage and their commitment will never be forgotten. On this Veterans Day, please join with me as we pause to honor their service and sacrifice.

Medicaid expansion is Laura Kelly's top priority. Can her sixth try pass the Legislature? 27/09/2023

Despite ANOTHER push by Gov. Kelly, Medicaid expansion is a totally dead issue in the Kansas legislature. When the voters first sent me to Topeka in 2019 you actually did have a (slim) majority in the House and Senate in favor of spending millions more on this program. i have always been against expansion on just general conservative small government grounds. But as I had time to read about the topic, to attend multiple seminars hosted by the (supposedly neutral but actually ME supportive) Kansas Health Institute, hearing the debate in committee and on the House floor, my position solidified.
Medicaid expansion is a totally unworthy governmental program, the arguments presented in it's favor ALL lack merit and are based on faulty/phony data or comparisons. Since 2019 the House has shifted a good 12-15 votes against expansion (to the eternal benefit of taxpayers everywhere) and this Topeka Capitol Journal article, though clearly slanted, is still a helpful summary of the political fight ahead.

Medicaid expansion is Laura Kelly's top priority. Can her sixth try pass the Legislature? Gov. Laura Kelly has embarked on a Medicaid expansion campaign, but Kansas Republican leadership is rejecting the governor's top priority for 2024.

Kansas State Fair wants to cut money-losing racetrack. Here's what could replace it. 29/08/2023

This Topeka Capitol-Journal article on the Kansas State Fair racetrack shows how the state fair manager is trying to spin the facts to support his "tear it all down" position.
In reality, I don't think the facts support him at all. We are just starting to scrutinize the Fair's financials and I know that will be a big topic later on. I was in Topeka last week and have already been talking to my colleagues and to the revisers about legislation that will push the Fair board to listen to the people and not continue down this path of racetrack destruction.
The coalition working to save our historic racetrack will be having a special meeting (open to everyone) on Wednesday September 6th at 7 pm at the Stringer auditorium at Hutchinson Community College! Discussion about the progress we have made in the last 6 weeks and about plans to make our voice heard during Fair week will be on the table. Please come and join this movement! Do your part for a victory for race fans, for Kansas taxpayers, and for common sense!

Kansas State Fair wants to cut money-losing racetrack. Here's what could replace it. The fair spends about $200,000 a year to bring in the stage, lights and sound systems. A permanent stage would reduce costs.

Standing room only crowd at Tuesday event to save track 07/08/2023

The State Fair boards plan to demolish the historic oval race track was a topic I literally heard about for the first time in July. No mention at all during the legislative session (when budget's are approved); nothing. The Fair itself is in the 104th House District and I grew up literally 2 blocks from the 19th and Plum Street gate.
This meeting (which was incredibly informing and energizing) last week was the impassioned cry of the racing community that has been fundamentally ignored during the entire process.
I genuinely salute William Nusser (a stock car racer and an accountant, go figure) and his team of volunteers.
They have garnered enough positive media attention that the State Fair board and Fair director Bryan Schulz have agreed to a meeting in late September to "discuss" the issue. Sadly, the Fair's statement seems to imply they "made their decision" in November and this meeting is nothing but window dressing for them to reveal their future plans for the space. We shall see.
I do know the Fair board is totally un-elected and has (I kid you not!!) no email addresses for citizens to comment to them about Fair issues/agendas! You lowly taxpayers have to make pains to attend one of their 6 bi-monthly meetings to be allocated 5 minutes to speak your piece. That's it. Can someone say out-of-touch and couldn't care less?
Well, the Fair trumpets the fact they are a "fee-funded" agency but the truth be told they have gotten millions ($15 million last year) for special projects and improvements from the state legislature.
Without the good will of the legislature the Fair board is cash-strapped and broke.
I have seen the "justification" the Fair gives for their actions and I just don't buy it. My analysis will wait for another day regarding the (phony) financial numbers the Fair is throwing out to the media. But I do hope Hutchinson voters are watching this situation. It's a real shame and it is what happens when a Topeka funded agency (with NO members who live in Reno County) make decisions that effect our town, people. and prospects.
You can learn more at their page "Chasing History Save Our "Famed Half Mile Oval" in Hutchinson" and you can sign the online petition at "Stop the Demolition of the Hutchinson Kansas Fairgrounds Historical Race-track".
Please help!! Your voice matters!!

Standing room only crowd at Tuesday event to save track Rice Park Save Racetrack event 2023-Photo by Nick Gosnell-Photo was taken prior to the eve


I enjoyed my time at Open Door Health Services this morning. I was one of several volunteers participating in their Day of Service. Along with Open Door, Kansans for Life partnered with 19 additional pregnancy resource centers. Each Center provided opportunities for volunteers to assist with multiple service projects to help women in crisis pregnancy situations. I have been a long-term supporter for Open Door and salute them for their compassion for unborn children and their moms!.

On this Day of Service, we have a great group of volunteers helping us put together "swag bags" for our college campus outreach program. THANK YOU to this committed group who want to make an impact for LIFE.

Kansans for Life has partnered with 20 pregnancy resource centers across the state for the August 2nd Day of Service. If you are unable to volunteer today, please contact your local pregnancy resource center to see how else you might be able to help.


This morning I attended Representative Tracey Mann's Listening Tour in Haven. Always thankful for our elected officials who take the time to meet with their constituents and listen to their concerns and questions.

Kansas collected $874 million more in tax revenue than expected in fiscal year 2023 18/07/2023

This Hutchinson News article illuminates one of the real tragedies of the 2023 legislative session. Tax revenue in Kansas continue to outstrip state spending (despite that spending being at record levels BTW). In the last 12 months the state took in nearly $1,000,000,000 more from Kansas taxpayers than was needed to run the state government. And when the legislative majority passed a bill to reduce YOUR taxes by around $450 million a year and then a second bill that cut them another $80 million our "middle of the road" Governor went on a rant an said it was "irresponsible" and "Brownback 2.0". It boggles the mind that genuinely sensible tax reform (effecting property taxes, state taxes on social security, income taxes, food sales taxes and more) would not become law in Kansas! My House colleagues will work on this again in 2024 and I remain optimistic. Nonetheless, Kansas voters need to stay eternally vigilant on taxes and Topeka!

Kansas collected $874 million more in tax revenue than expected in fiscal year 2023 Kansas taxpayers paid $874 million more in taxes than projected in fiscal year 2023, which ended June 30, as politicians failed to agree on tax cuts.


It was great to see so many of you at this morning's Patriots Parade in Downtown Hutchinson. Wishing each of you a very Happy Independence Day!

Transgender Surgery Leaves People Lonelier, Depressed: Study by Transgender Surgery Dept. Chair 07/06/2023

This is a great European study on the effects of "gender reassignment" surgery. This topic was a big issue in Topeka this year and we were just 2 votes short of overriding Gov. Kelly's misguided veto of a ban on this practice for Kansans 17 and under. These same children can NOT get tattoos on their own but somehow the Kelly administration is okay with them permanently changing their bodies with surgery or drugs. What craziness!

Transgender Surgery Leaves People Lonelier, Depressed: Study by Transgender Surgery Dept. Chair The head of a facility that carries out so-called "gender-affirming care" has published a study confirming that transgender surgeries do not improve mental heal

Black lawmakers slam Dem gov for axing Underground Railroad project backed by Dem who defected on trans issue 25/05/2023

"Two Black Kansas lawmakers, one Democrat and one Republican, are taking aim at their state's Democratic governor after she torpedoed a project that would restore and develop a significant portion of the Underground Railroad.

Gov. Laura Kelly axed the project, which had been championed by Democratic state Rep. Marvin Robinson, after Robinson sided against the governor on key votes involving abortion and transgender athletes. Kelly used her veto to nix the project from the state budget."

This article clearly shows the games Laura Kelly and the Democrats play. Thankful for Representative Penn and Representative Robinson and their courage to stand up.

Black lawmakers slam Dem gov for axing Underground Railroad project backed by Dem who defected on trans issue Kansas state Rep. Marvin Robinson is urging Democrat Gov. Laura Kelly to reverse course after she nixed funding to restore a portion of the Underground Railroad.


I've scheduled a couple of events this week for Buhler and Inman. Looking forward to providing an update on the 2023 legislative session as well as hearing your questions and concerns. Please join me this Friday, May 19 at either the Mustard Seed in Buhler at 8 a.m. or the Harvest Cafe in Inman at 9:30 a.m. Hope to see you there!

Photos from Representative Paul Waggoner - Kansas 104th House District's post 12/05/2023

Enjoyed my time in McPherson today. Had a great time walking in my first All Schools Day Parade followed by lunch with the McPherson County Republican Party. So thankful for their continued support. Great to hear from Senators Wilbourn and F**g, as well as the legendary common sense of my colleague Stephen Owen's of Hesston! I'm back in McPherson County next Friday morning at 9:30 at the Harvest Cafe in Inman for a 2023 legislative report to the voters! Thanks also to Lowell, Rita and Allie for their help today at the parade.

House Chamber Proceedings 4/28/2023 01/05/2023

This is an important post by Speaker Pro Tem Blake Carpenter. The end of session was marred by a totally reprehensible series of statements from the House floor by Rep. Carr of Wichita aimed at Rep Robinson of Kansas City. It involved slanderous attacks and racially hateful speech IMHO. Robinson is a socially conservative African American Democrat who upset the Topeka Democrat establishment by voting Yes to override Gov Kelly's vetoes on Women's Sports, Infants Born Alive Act, and multiple other bills. I am very thankful to Speaker Pro Tem Carpenter for posting the House videotape so you can see the crazy smears by Carr for yourselves. Check the timestamp from 10:37:26 up to 10:43:12 on the House YouTube recording to see the bulk of the attacks that impugn the motives of Robinson and then devolve into racial name-calling (neither of which are allowed under House rules).

House Chamber Proceedings 4/28/2023 Subscribe to See Your Government at Work—Live!Calendar


FINAL DAY OF 2023 SESSION- there has been a slower pace on Friday versus the rest of this week. Mainly due to waiting for various Committee reports to be finished. Thus far our main bills were a final reform on the juvenile Justice system in HB2021 and the K-12 Education funding bill in SB113. Both bills passed strongly.
We then turned to HB2285 which limits the power of county health officials and the secretary of KDHE. The bill passed the Senate 22-18 and narrowly passed the House 63-56. It's a mix of topics and the debate was pretty intense. I will vote for it but I think everyone knows Gov. Kelly will veto it (like she did a similar bill last year) and we will be back to square one.
We still have to consider the Omnibus budget and I expect this will become a late night before we are all done!


VETO OVERRIDE SESSION DAY 2- so this morning we started at 8:30 am and should be going all day.
The big news is SB180 Women's Bill of Rights passed into law as the House voted 84-40 to override the Governor!! The Senate overrode the Governor yesterday so this is a big win. It makes biological s*x determinative for state law.
Sadly HB2344 on child care regulations failed 81-42.
The bill was broadly supported by business and small government groups.
Finally this morning the Parents Bill of Rights HB2236 failed on a 78-45 final House vote.
We had a few more smaller Conference committee reports and the House adjourned around 3:30 pm. But multiple Committees (especially Appropriations and Education) are still working on the final version of their bills and will be meeting all afternoon and evening.


VETO OVERRIDE DAY PART 2: After a 5-0 initial shutout of the Governor the House looks to show real unity in rebuking the Governor!
HB2094 won 84-40 after one vote flipped! Wow! The bill was simply requiring persons age 50-59 to at least look/train for work before they receive SNAP or childcare benefits. Currently everyone age 18-49 already must meet those requirements.
Now we are talking about Diversity, Equity and Inclusion statements being required for behaviorial science board approved employees. The is section 15-b of the budget, HB2184. Gov. Kelly line item vetoed section 15-b last week. She does finally win a veto on a 82-42 final vote.
Line item 39e is up dealing with to***co settlement funds and whether they can go for youth su***de prevention. We overrode the Governor 85-39.
Line item 42a, on supporting crisis pregnancy centers with a $2.0 million grant fund administered by the state treasurer passed 86-38 and thus we overrode Kelly once again! The debate was a bit nasty in that the Democrats repeated multiple falsehoods in trying to smear the work of what organizations like Open Doors Pregnancy Care center do across the state.
Votes went south on line item 115a on scholarship money in universities and line 115h on diversity, Equity and Inclusion statements to be hired at state universities. Common sense lost 76-48 on the first measure and 79-45 on the DEI issue. Incredibly sad day for Kansas colleges.
Just learned the Senate failed to override on SB209 on requiring all ballots to be in by election day on a 25-15 vote. Senate also failed on SB169 the flat tax bill. Ex-RINO (now Independent) Dennis Pyle voted NO and gave Kelly the victory on a 26-14 finale.


VETO OVERRIDE DAY IN THE HOUSE - at 1 pm the Kansas House gavelled in!! We have 15+ vetoes that will be debated and voted on. We have high hopes to at least win a victory for the people on the majority of these measures. It takes 84 votes in the House and 27 votes in the Senate to override.
The first bill up is HB2313 The Infant Born Alive Protection Act. The debate was short and sweet and we overrode the Governor 87-37!!
Next up is HB2325 on extending special Healthcare stabilization protection to maternity centers (but not to abortionists). Another victory on a 84-40 vote!!
Now we are on HB2264 which is the Abortion Pill reversal Notification act. We passed this in 2019 but Kelly vetoed it then. In 2023 however we overrode Kelly on a 84-40 vote!!
HB2350 on human smuggling is up next. Why Gov. Kelly vetoed a bill on stopping human trafficking is beyond me! Well apparently she thought it involves racial profiling. Reading the bill I think she is totally mistaken. And the House agreed on a 85-39 vote!
HB2138 on keeping schools from forcing girls to share rooms with boys (it has happened because the 2nd "girl" was really just a biological boy who "identified" as a girl) is now up. And once again the House overrides the Governor! The final vote is 85-39.
Amazing day! The House is 5-0 VS Governor Kelly. This must be a record! And it is only 2:15 pm! Wow!

Gov. Kelly awarded Reno County's Industrial Complex project $2 million 26/04/2023

This Hutchinson News article is a great writeup about a real win for Reno County. The Chamber, as the article notes, gave me a nice shout out for helping them overcome some unfortunate political hurdles here in Topeka.
I will say on my part I was very impressed with the Reno County Chambers economic development team (Debra Teufel and Lacie Janzen) as to their tenacity and professionalism in making the case for this project! They came across very well in multiple meetings at the Capitol and I can't thank them enough.
That being said, I have seen repeatedly how important it is for legislators to work at building bridges and earning the respect of one's colleagues and leadership. It helps build your own effectiveness and opens many doors. You don't win anyone's respect in Topeka (or anywhere for that matter) by being obstinate and difficult.
Political grant wins are always a team effort and it is a real honor to be a part of the team that made this win for Reno County happen. I am very excited for the future this project may bring!

Gov. Kelly awarded Reno County's Industrial Complex project $2 million Reno County to get $2 M in state aid for proposed industrial complex

Laura Kelly vetoes another anti-abortion bill with Kansas Republicans poised for overrides 24/04/2023

VETO SESSION IS UPON US ALL - with the official start being Wednesday April 26. The article above is from the Topeka Capitol-Journal and is worth reading despite the obvious left-leaning bias. Gov Kelly has vetoed around 10 regular bills and then made 15 line-item vetoes from the state budget. Kelly narrowly won re-election by running as a moderate, a person who will "meet you in the middle" on policy. Her vetoes show that she leans left to hard-left. 6 of the bills she vetoed dealt with pro-life bills, or various stripes, plus those that deal with biology and "gender identity". As in:
1) SB228 - requires our prisons to follow biology and keep male prisoners out of women's prisons
2) HB2138 - requires schools to not force young girls to share motel rooms on school trips with biological boys
3) SB180- Women's Bill of Rights - a clear statement that biology is what determines who qualifies as being a women and who has a right to women's private spaces
4) SB26 - Child Mutilation Prevention Act - prevents doctors from doing gender reassignment surgery on persons 17 and under. Also they are not allowed to use powerful drugs to stop or delay puberty. It is a strong bill but once someone is legally an adult they remain free to do what they want in this controversial area.
5) HB2264 - Abortion Reversal pill notice - this bill is merely a notification requirement in all Kansas abortion clinics. The 2-pill medication abortion method is only effective if you take both pills. This notice is aimed at women who took the 1st pill but are having second thoughts. Multiple doctors testified about how women can take a different type of pill and have a fair chance of saving their unborn baby. We passed this bill in 2019 and came 1 vote from overriding her veto then.
6) HB2313 Infant Born Alive Act - this bill strengthens a federal bill from 2002 that requires infants that survive a late-term abortion be given appropriate medical care.
In a normal world this is TOTALLY non-controversial but to the pro-abortion left this bill is despised and reviled.
I think most of these bills we can and will override the Governor! It takes everyone being healthy and showing up in Topeka plus real fortitude from 1-2 swing Democrats to help get us over the top. We need 84 votes in the House and 27 votes in the Senate to override.
The other bills are on various topics, including:
7) SB209 - Ballots required to be in by 7 pm Election Day - this is the rule most states red or blue follow. This was Kansas law until 2016 and we are merely returning to our prior system.
8) HB2344 - Child Care reform bill - reduces regulation on day care centers statewide. This topic is one we need to address and this bill is a good faith effort to reduce needless and counter-productive rules.
9) SB?? - Eddie Eagle gun safety bill. It allows the use of a widely used NRA child gun safety program (or any program based on it) to be used in K-12 public schools. You would think gun safety would be easy to sell, but since the "NRA" name is associated with it, the libs and the Governor went ballistic.
This bills (and I think 1-2 others that I just can't recall at this point) will be harder to win an override. But anything is possible so hand in there and pray for the best.
ON THE STATE BUDGET - Kelly's line-item vetoed multiple sensible measures including
- allotment for pro-life pregnancy care centers to help struggling moms
- a ban on state universities using ideologically driven "diversity, equity, and inclusion" statements to screen out and eliminate conservative candidates from being hired or receiving tenure. The DEI movement is a pox (and a fraud) and it's elimination from our state universities is a genuine conservative priority.
- transparency requirements for the selection of winning grant recipients for SPARK
and other special federal funding.
These 3 items I am very optimistic we will prevail on, but it will be close and it will be a battle.
We will have actual new bills be heard and passed this week as well. Particularly the K-12 Education budget and the final Omnibus bill. More to say on those topics later.

Laura Kelly vetoes another anti-abortion bill with Kansas Republicans poised for overrides Kansas Democratic Gov. Laura Kelly vetoed Republican anti-abortion bills, but the GOP-controlled Legislature could override her.


I always enjoy the opportunity to catch up with my friend, Andy Hooser. Last month I was interviewed on his program and though I would post a link for anyone who might have missed it.

Paul Waggoner.mp3


I will be participating in this month's Legislative Forum. Hope to see you there.

This Saturday we will hold the next Legislative Forum from 8:30am to 10am at the Hutchinson Community College Stringer Fine Arts Center, 600 E. 11th Avenue. The Reno County legislators invited to participate are Senator Mark Steffen, Representative Joe Seiwert, Representative Paul Waggoner, Representative Jason Probst, and Representative Michael Murphy. This event will also be live streamed on the Hutch Chamber page. Written questions will be accepted that morning. Questions may also be submitted in advance at


After a long night of legislative work in Topeka, I spent this afternoon taping an episode of Kansas Week. The episode will air tonight at 7:30 p.m. on PBS Channel 8. Hope you will take the time to watch.

🗣What current event is getting you talking?

Tune in at 7:30 p.m. TODAY as host Pilar Pedraza and her panel of experts break down the news that matters to you!

Panel includes:
- Councilman Brandon Johnson, City of Wichita- Government
-Dr. Neal Allen, Wichita State University
- Representative Paul Waggoner - Kansas 104th House District, City of Hutchinson - Government


GOOD FRIDAY IN TOPEKA means your up until 4:30 a.m. still voting on legislation. At least it does in 2023!!
We started at 10 am Thursday morning and have been going all day long. The bills have been varied some of them controversial but really no surprises. We passed a new budget (at about $9.5 billion), passed a fully-funded K-12 Education budget with some choice provisions, a new tax cut bill SB169, a bill to stop s*x reassignment surgery on kids 17 and under SB26, and other bills that either passed overwhelmingly or on a mostly 80-40-something party line vote.
I hope to detail more of the votes later, but suffice it to say this is a lot of overtime for $88 a day, but I signed up for this and thus no complaints.


VETO OVERRIDE DAY IN THE HOUSE AND SENATE!!!- the Kansas House is voting this morning on HB2238, the Fairness in Women's Sports Act. Gov Kelly and the Democrat left are zealous opponents of this simple bill which merely specifies that Women's sports are specifically for biological women. It does NOT discriminate it merely categorizes. Everyone can compete, everyone can play sports, this bill is only about keeping the categories fair. We need 84 votes to override the Governor and it looks doable! The debate will be somewhat lengthy but it will be worth it I believe!
The initial vote was 83-38, with 3 members absent. We are now in a "Call of the House". Rep Thomas appeared and we have a 84-38 vote!!! But the Democrats are keeping the tally open as they try and twist the arm of the 1 Democrat (Robinson of Kansas City) who is a Yes on the override. The Democrats fail as House Rule 2508-A allows the Speaker to close the vote. Great speeches by Rep Penn, Mason and Howerton. 3 Democrat women went ballistic when the final vote was announced. But the furor was short-lived.
Now the measure goes to the Senate where 27 votes are needed. Just got word the Kansas Senate voted 28-12 to override the Governor around 3 pm. Great day for common sense and for young Kansas women!!


FINAL VOTES IN THE HOUSE were tallied today and our conservative Republican majority shined through. HB2439 is a pro-life bill which requires notification that medication abortions can potentially be reversed (if action is taken before the second abortion pill is taken). The bill passed 85-39!!!
Gov Kelly vetoed this bill in 2019. But now we have a veto-proof majority!! This bill will become law.
SB180 The Women's Bill of Rights also passed strongly on a 83-41 vote. It makes biological s*x the prime indicator of s*x in Kansas statute. It rejects the identity politics fashionable on the left and allows common sense full range.
The tax cut bill HSubSB169 got a final 94-30 positive vote. It eliminates the state tax on food on July 1, Institutes a flat 5.25 income tax that saves everyone money, raises the exempt portion on state property taxes to $80,000, raises the single/family deduction on income taxes AND adjusts it for inflation, and finally extends to $100,000 the exemption on social security income.
And finally a 2nd Amendment bill HB2412 reducing the cost of conceal carry permits passed 91-33. All in all it was a good day for Kansas!!

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This is our electronic billboard campaign ad all across town at this point.  I love this graphic!  It so speaks to the d...
Thank you Representative Susan Humphries for your support and endorsement!  #WomenforWaggoner
Lots of my colleagues want to respond to the political attacks concerning my record and character.  I am grateful to wor...
As the November 8 voting deadline approaches, desperate campaigns will resort to "politics as usual."  I am thankful for...
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Enjoyed my time canvassing across the 104th District today.  Looking forward to visiting with many of you soon.
Does Becker really vote with the Republican Party?
