Wawalcs ent

Wawalcs ent

hi ! wawalcs akan menjual pelbagai jenis snacks yg boleh juga dijadikan sebagai gift �


You Definitely Grew Up In Malaysia If You Played These 5 Games When You Were kid

1. Congkak

Hands up if you had that iconic colourful plastic set! The game would go on practically forever as you and your opponent took turns trying to get the most tokens in your rumah.

The most kan cheong moment was always the race at the start to determine who goes first and when you almost accidentally place a token into a lubang mati.

2. Batu seremban

There's always that one gang of girls who are super pro at batu seremban. They confirm each bring their own set that they sewed themselves to school everyday and will be gathered in one corner of the class throwing, flipping, and catching with ease.

The most menyusahkan and geram level is the one where you have to grab all the batu at once, flip them onto the back of your hand, then throw and catch them all again.

3. Baling selipar

This is probably the easiest, most no-effort-required game we ever played. All we had to do was stack up our slippers into a little teepee and try to knock them down with our remaining slippers. Our parents would always nag us for walking around barefoot while playing though.

4. Chup tiang

Every school has that one spot with rows of tiangs that are just perfect for playing this. No matter what time of the day you lalu there, whether it's before perhimpunan, during rehat, or after school is over, confirm got people running around claiming tiangs for themselves.

5. Pepsi cola

Somehow something as simple as standing in a circle and trying to step on each other's foot was so fun to us lol. In hindsight, this game is totally the reason why our white school shoes were always so dirty!


haii awakkk kat sana !! tak pernah lagi ke rasa biskut choc bear2 ni ? 😱 ruginya awakkkk

biskut bear2 ni sedap sangat tauuu dan yang penting halal ye😋😋

rasa coklat dia bukan biasa2 tauu 😍 tunggu apa lagi? jom lah beli dengan wawa 📲📲

How to save money in college, even though you're busy learning 12/12/2019

How to save money in college, even though you’re busy learning
Liz Knueven, Business Insider US

1. Set savings goals

Whether you’re saving for the down payment on a car, the first payment on your student loans, the deposit on an apartment, or you just want to have cash on hand for something else as you start your post-grad life, it’s helpful to have a goal in mind that you’re saving for.

Then, set specific, smaller goals to get there. Setting a savings goal for each month or semester will make your savings goal feel attainable.

Write down your end goal and your monthly savings goal, and put them somewhere you can see them. You’ll be far more motivated to save if you keep a goal in mind.

2. Open the right account to maximize your savings

There are plenty of college checking and savings accounts out there. But that doesn’t mean you’re limited to just those accounts. After all, they don’t offer much of a return in interest – the FDIC says that the average savings account interest rate is 0.09%.

What if you could get 26 times that amount of interest on your savings? You don’t need to be a math major to know that’s a better deal. A high-yield savings account will get you this type of interest.

more at https://www.businessinsider.my/how-to-save-money-in-college-guide/?r=US&IR=T

How to save money in college, even though you're busy learning To save money in college, keep your expenses low, automate your savings, and set savings goals for yourself.


💙💙Reasons why we should drink water 💙💙

Overall health

As stated above, we are made mainly of water. So where are we getting it from? Making sure we are well hydrated will make our whole system ready to take on any task we undertake.

Increase your energy levels

In general, dehydration leads to fatigue, which slowly eats away at your bodily functions you need to get through the day. The more water you drink, the more awake and alert you’ll feel.

Lessen the need for other calories

A useful trick I use with my clients is telling them to drink a glass of water before every meal so that your brain doesn’t confuse your thirst signals for hunger. It also fills your stomach up leading you to be less likely to consume so much food. It’s a great technique and works well with my clients.

Calories are finite so don’t drink them

I find that in this calorie dense modern world we lead its really easy to consume too much and put weight on, so one of my main rules is to never drink my calories. People have enough problems with eating too many calories without having to be drinking them, fizzy drinks, fruit juices and alcohol are laden with calories and we should generally use the rule- water only, unless I need a sports drink during sport or if I’m socialising drinking alcohol.

Detoxify the system

Water helps to keep everything moving, helps the lymphatic system to work, the blood system to work as well as the digestive tract and colon. If you’re dehydrated these systems can slow down and certain systems can come to a stop causing you to be sluggish, get ill and have low energy. So remembers you have water targets on a daily basis and start drinking. The Japanese do it and they’re not doing too bad health wise.

Water targets

A simple water consumption target equation I use the following method for my clients

1 kg of body mass x 0.035ml

So if you’re 100 kgs you should drink 3.5lts

If you’re 50 kgs you should drink 1.75 lts

Most people simply don’t drink enough to keep their systems hydrated. Make sure you’re getting your daily fix of the good stuff and feel the difference it makes to your vitality!

Ed Parker


3 Best Places to Visit in Malaysia😍

1. Gunung Mulu National Park
Famous for its extraordinary limestone karst formations and phenomenal cave systems, the Gunung Mulu National Park is one of the most awe-inspiring natural attractions in all of Southeast Asia. Located in Malaysian Borneo in the Sarawak State, this national park features some of the largest and longest cave systems in the world. Included in these is the world’s largest cave chamber, the Sarawak Chamber, which is estimated large enough to hold 40 Boeing 747 aircraft.

2. Langkawi
Located off Malaysia’s northwestern coast in the Andaman Sea, Langkawi is an archipelago of 99 islands boasting picturesque beaches, rainforest, mangroves and forest-clad mountains. In recent years, resorts, hotels, restaurants and other tourist facilities have developed in Langkawi, offering visitors the opportunity to experience the archipelago’s exceptional natural beauty.

3.10. Perhentian Islands
This collection of coral edged islands sits close to the border with Thailand and has long been a stopping point for traders between the two countries. The small archipelago is made up of two main islands; Perhentian Kecil (“Small”) and Perhentian Besar (“Large”). Kecil is popular with the younger backpacker crowd while Besar has slightly higher standards of accommodation and attracts families. The traffic-free islands provide the perfect spot for beach lovers to soak up the sun for a few days, but there’s also a whole host of adventurous activities to try out as well – from trekking in the jungle to snorkeling and scuba diving.


Hai awak semua!! Bosan ke tu asyik makan gula2 biasa je?? tak menarik? mahal ? jom lah try gula gula coklat luar biasa pulak 😋
Mari pakat ramai2 cuba coklat lep lep dari wawalicious ni ❤❤ wawa gerenti ni gula-gula paling comel and sedap yang korang jumpa tauu😍
Anda semua akan tergila gila kan gula-gula ni nanti 😍 RM2 je satu
nak beli? jom pm wawa 📞


5 Most Valuable Benefits Of Viral Marketing for Businesses

Viral marketing can be defined as the spreading or transfer of information about a brand or product in a short period of time among the mass media. It has worked very well for thousands of marketers and helped them in improving the growth of their business. And in current digital age as people are highly immune to social media that makes achieving it quite easy.

1. Lower Advertising Costs
It does not happen at the very beginning but with time it will surely cut down your advertising costs as you have already got enough exposure and buzz around the internet. Viral Marketing is indeed a best way to lower down your advertising costs as it is not expensive to launch but is very effective and fast in getting your message across your prospective buyers.

2. Remarkable growth
Success in business rarely happens quickly. Viral marketing is one of very few tactics that can create explosive growth in very little time. And once it hits people, it spreads very fast everywhere that positively affects your business’s sales and profit.

3. Builds more credibility
As more and more people in the entire network recommend and talk about your brand, your credibility is increased among your audience. The loud and remarkable buzz that is generated will surely help boost your product or service recognition. .Attention-getting videos on internet can be easily embedded into web pages, blog posts and social networking sites. Your business get better comments and higher traffic that works for your business on a positive note.

4. Better visibility
Viral marketing helps in creating better visibility for your business.
If you develop a good content marketing campaign that unleashes the interest (emotion) of your target audience, increased visibility will only lead to increased growth of your brand

5. Conversion
The combinations of different marketing strategies whose objectives are focused on achieving engagement with your audience have their most convincing proof of ability in increasing traffic. Viral marketing is one of the most important strategies to attract customers and raise awareness of your brand. The trust and transformation of prospective customer into potential customer of your company will come sometime later.


Hai awak semua!! Bosan ke tu asyik makan biskut kosong je?? jom lah try biskut luar biasa pulak 😋
Mari pakat ramai2 cuba biskut choc bear2 dari wawalicious ni 🍫🐻
wawa pasti anda semua akan tergila gila kan biskut ni nanti 😍
nak beli? jom pm wawa 📞


selamat pagi semua ! cakap banyak pun tak elok jadi tunggu apa lagi? customer ramai in love dengan biskut choc bear2 wawalicious ni🐻 😎 mari lah beli 😍 sekarang tengah penghabisan stok harga mur mur je 🙌


Assalamualaikum dan selamat malam semua !! korang masa kanak2 mesti s**a makan gula gula kan? 😍 tipu lah kalau tak hahaha wawa pun s**a sangat pelbagai jenis gula gula tau.chewing gum, gummy bear dan macam2 lah hihi

haa siapa yang taktahu lagi, wawalcs coklat lep lep tauu sedap sangat korang!! ramai customer s**a sangat and dia comel sangat ❤ rugi tau kalau tak cuba!

Jadi tunggu apa lagi ? mari lah coklat lep lep dengan wawa! mur mur aje 🙉


wowwwwww tunggu apa lagi..mari lahh beli biskut choc bear2 dengan wawa 🍫🍫🐻🐻 cepat cepat jangan lambat lambat


How To Love Yourself And Be Confident With These 15 Self Love Tips 11/12/2019

How To Love Yourself And Be Confident With These 5 Self-Love Tips

1. Have Fun By Yourself
It’s always good to have a few days set by for yourself, that is just for you to do something fun. In doing this you can learn to enjoy your own company, and most likely feel more confident doing it on your own.

This could be, going to the cinema, going on a date with yourself or finding new things to try.

2. Travel Once A Year
This may be completely out of your comfort zone, but that is a good thing! If you can travel on your own, this will be a great self-love experience. You will be learning new things not only about yourself but also another culture. This also helps to bring you out of your normal routine.

3. Forgive Yourself For Your Mistakes
Reflecting on your mistakes can help you to forgive and forget. If you can look back at some poor choices you may have made, and forgive yourself, you can start to move on and forget about the past. Loving yourself despite any mistakes you made in the past is great for your self-worth.

4. Surprise Yourself
Try things out of your control, and say yes to things you would not normally say yes to. This will also help you with getting to know yourself. You may find out that you enjoy things you never realized or tried before. Try and get out of your comfort zone and see what happens (it will most likely be positive!).

5. Make A Vision Board
Visualizing your goals is a good way to feel motivated and excited about your future. You can focus on your dreams and start to love your life and yourself.

If you are unsure of how to make a vision board, take a look at our guide on how to visualize.

more on http://www.thelawofattraction.com/love-yourself/

How To Love Yourself And Be Confident With These 15 Self Love Tips Get to know yourself with these 15 self-love tips! Discover how to love yourself and be confident in your own body. Click here now!


Assalamualaikum dan selamat pagi semua !! korang masa kanak2 mesti s**a makan biskut kan? 😍 wawa pun s**a sangat pelbagai jenis biskut tau..biskut jacob, biskut coklat dan macam2 lah hihi

haa siapa yang taktahu lagi, wawalcs ada jual biskut coklat bear2 tau 🐻🐻 sedap sangat korang!! ramai customer s**a sangat ❤ rugi tau kalau tak cuba

Jadi tunggu apa lagi ? mari lah grab biskut choc bear2 dengan wawa! mur mur aje 🙉


3 Cara Praktikal Mengurangkan Stress dan Tekanan Dengan Berkesan
Oleh Muhamad Naim

1. Mengurangkan Stress dengan Bersenam.

Saya selalu berlari dan berjoging. Ia satu aktiviti kegemaran bagi saya.

Dengan berjoging, ia akan membantu mengurangkan stress saya dengan banyak cara.

Bukan sahaja melepaskan endorfin dan membantu melancarkan peredaran darah, malah memberi saya ruang untuk berfikir dan mencari ilham.
Oleh itu amalkan bersenam, sekurang-kurangnya sekali dalam seminggu.

2. Mengurangkan Stress dengan Tidur.

Tidur yang cukup dan pada waktu yang tetap akan memainkan peranan yang penting dalam mengimbangi emosi kita dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

Tidur yang cukup akan mengecas bateri (tenaga) kita sepenuhnya dan mengekalkan kestabilan emosi kita, menjadikan kita seorang yang optimis dan membuatkan kita segar selepas kita mendapat tidur yang cukup.

Saya mencadangkan anda supaya mengamalkan tidur seketika diwaktu siang. Take a nap. Dalam Islam, tidur ini juga dikenali sebagai tidur Qailullah.

Tidur ini tidak lama, hanya sekitar 15-30 minit sahaja.

Mengikut kajian, 1 minit Qailulah kualitinya bersamaan dengan 45 minit waktu tidur kita di waktu malam.

Jadi, cukup sekadar dapat 15 minit Qailulah, ia mampu mengembalikan banyak tenaga kepada badan kita.

Tidur sebentar diwaktu siang mampu mengelakkan kita daripada stress, keletihan dan burn out.

Ia seumpama system reboot, ia melepaskan tekanan dan menyediakan tubuh kita agar segar kembali.

Selain itu, tidur sebentar diwaktu siang akan meningkatkan produktiviti kita.

Kajian yang dilakukan oleh pengkaji dari Harvard University mendapati, tidur siang sebentar selama 30 minit, meningkatkan prestasi para pekerja, mengembalikan produktiviti mereka seperti waktu diawal pagi (permulaan kerja)

3. Bersiar-bersiar & Merenung Ciptaan Allah. Kita pasti bersyukur

Melangkahlah keluar rumah, hidup udara sedalamnya, dan lihatlah langit.
Nikmatilah bagaimana waktu matahari tenggelam.

Pasti anda terpaku dan kagum dengam keindahan lukisan Allah.

InsyaaAllah perkara ini akan lebih membuatkan kita mengingati Allah, kagum terhadap kekuasaanNya.

Dan kita akan berasa bersyukur terhadap segala nikmat yang telah dilimpahkan.

Lama-kelamaan, rasa bersyukur dan takjub terhadap nikmat Allah ini akan membawa pergi rasa stress kita secara perlahan-lahan, jauh dari kepala kita.


psttttt YES ! harga murah2 kita nak bagi ni..stay tune guys ❤


haiii selamat petang semua!! jom tambah ilmu kita tentang coklat 🍫🍫🐻🐻

Photos from Wawalcs ent's post 16/11/2019

Hai Selamat Malam Semua!!! kali ni wawalcs keluarkan biskut bear shooo shedapp tauu yalls dalam ada coklat 😍 kalau nak boleh pm ❤


psstttttt nak tahu tak? something new is coming so stay tune guys ❤🐻

Photos from Wawalcs ent's post 12/11/2019

yayyyyy more feedback choc lep lep 💖💖

Photos from Wawalcs ent's post 11/11/2019

salam dan selamat malam semua! yayyyyyy fresh feedback dari customers yg beli choc lep lep dari wawalicious 😍😍

Photos from Resepi.My's post 03/11/2019

em so shedapp kalau dpt kuih2 ni petang mcm ni 😍😍

Photos from Wawalcs ent's post 03/11/2019

yayyyy thankyouu adik adik grab choc lep lep dengan sis 😍😍 rm2 je satu 🙈

Photos from Resepi.My's post 29/10/2019

Assalamualaikum dan selamat pagi semua !


apa lagiii mehh grab choc lep lep dari wawa 💘💘


haiii choc lep lep cod available area bp eah!! 😍😍


first rounddd !! choc lep lep ❤ shedappp tak tipuu
jomm grabb


haii korang selalu kalau tengah kerja atau dalam class mesti selalu rasa macam ni kan? sebab i pon sama 😂 tak sempat makan? tiada snek? malas nak keluar pergi kedai? don't worry guys wawalcs will bring something delicious for you soon! stay tuned! ❤


coming soon guys!!
