Siyad Arts

Siyad Arts

#SiyadArts #ArtSpeaks


First, he came for the Tigrayans and you did not speak up because you weren't a tigrayan

Then he came for the Amharas and you did not speak up because you werent Amharan.

Then he came for Somalis.....


Muse bihi should sleep with one eye open. Abiy is known for his cunningness, division, violence and expansion agenda.


Alshabaab terrorists cannot break president Hassan Sheikh Mohamud motivation to bring back on feet again no matter how hard they try.


The Green Legacy.


Battle for the port of Asseb!


Today, has a visionary & a competent president working from day one to bring back the excitement and deliver the much-needed reforms.
Reforms in the justice system, security agencies and financial sector have left an indelible mark in the hearts of people.


Ever since
came to power, offensive against terrorists has intensified, leaving them increasingly cornered and unable to regroup as an effective fighting force.


Farmaajo wants to lecture the world about respect to the opposition leaders, human rights and democracy.


Don't be fooled by the upcoming 'National Dialogue' PR stunt. It is the usual political gimmick by to hoodwink and the international partners.


15-05-2022: The surgical procedure led by president was difficult and delicate.


There will never be lasting peace and prosperity in without accountability and true justice.


Just like in region, Abiy regime indiscriminately fired on young children in a church in .


Farmaajo inflicted unspeakable cruelty on people in for courageously challenging impunity and bad governance.

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud govt must continue pursuing pathways for justice to these victims even if it is at the international level.


The Nobel peace prize winner has no vision for . He is just a master of double speak!


Abiy Ahmed, the pathological liar. He has mastered the art of deception.


Xinlabi, the biggest source of mined table salt in and an important source of income for Alshabaab terrorists has been liberated.


The Buffalo bureaucrat who pushed to the brink.


Unlike in under Idi Amin where there was freedom of speech and no guarantee of freedom after speech, in there is neither freedom of speech nor guaranteed freedom after speech.


President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud: "The war against Alshabaab terrorists continues; it will not stop; we will not return from where we are; we are moving forward. We are getting the final victory that we have been looking for.”


The 2019 Nobel Peace Prize winner conducted a bloody war against his own people in the region killing over 500,000 people.
Currently, he is indiscriminately killing people.


R**e, a perfect weapon of war in .
, ,


The final push to evict Alshabaab terrorists out of .


Abiy Ahmed created FANO militias, a parallel force beside ENDF for short term benefits.
He never had control over them which now comes back to haunt him.


Abiy reached out his hand, Afwerki grasped it and together they perpetrated .

Afwerki is today helping Fano militias in .

Abiy should have known that dictators start wars because they need external enemies to exert internal control over their people.


declares a state of emergency in the region following deadly clashes between ENDF and Fano militias.


Fano militias have taken control of Lalibela airport.
In other words, the chickens have come home to roost!


History written in blood will never be erased by fake nationalism, chauvinism and lies written in ink.
Farmaajo was the worst president ever had.
Never forget.


's military chief Birhanu Jula, the main architect & enabler of was today trapped in region for several hours after protests erupted near the venue he was attending a military function.

Blood will be on his hands forever.


ELECTION: The first step to topple the dictator.


Abiy explored 3 options to secure Assab port for :

1. By legal means
2. 30% of shares to (Give & take principle)
3. By force

The first 2 options collapsed prompting the butcher of start preparing for a new type of conflict in the region.
