Wilson_zaizai gaming

Wilson_zaizai gaming

Hello guys, I might be doing several types of gaming stream or will upload it in order to let more people knows what kind and what types of gaming nowadays.

Mine Youtube id: Wilson仔仔

Elden Ring 15/08/2022


Elden Ring Finally get to try this game😘😘

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Ps5 Part 13 01/09/2021


Final Fantasy 7 Remake Ps5 Part 13 I am replaying this ff7r once again using Ps5 console. This playthrough including all the side quests and also main mission s. Let us continue to dive in thi...

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Ps5 Part 12 01/09/2021


Final Fantasy 7 Remake Ps5 Part 12 I am replaying this ff7r once again using Ps5 console. This playthrough including all the side quests and also main mission s. Let us continue to dive in thi...

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Ps5 Part 11 01/09/2021


Final Fantasy 7 Remake Ps5 Part 11 I am replaying this ff7r once again using Ps5 console. This playthrough including all the side quests and also main mission s. Let us continue to dive in thi...

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Ps5 Part 10 01/09/2021


Final Fantasy 7 Remake Ps5 Part 10 I am replaying this ff7r once again using Ps5 console. This playthrough including all the side quests and also main mission s. Let us continue to dive in thi...

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Ps5 Part 9 01/09/2021


Final Fantasy 7 Remake Ps5 Part 9 I am replaying this ff7r once again using Ps5 console. This playthrough including all the side quests and also main mission s. Let us continue to dive in thi...

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Ps5 Part 8 01/09/2021


Final Fantasy 7 Remake Ps5 Part 8 I am replaying this ff7r once again using Ps5 console. This playthrough including all the side quests and also main mission s. Let us continue to dive in thi...

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Ps5 Part 7 01/09/2021


Final Fantasy 7 Remake Ps5 Part 7 I am replaying this ff7r once again using Ps5 console. This playthrough including all the side quests and also main mission s. Let us continue to dive in thi...

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Ps5 Part 6 01/09/2021


Final Fantasy 7 Remake Ps5 Part 6 I am replaying this ff7r once again using Ps5 console. This playthrough including all the side quests and also main mission s. Let us continue to dive in thi...

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Ps5 Part 5 01/09/2021


Final Fantasy 7 Remake Ps5 Part 5 I am replaying this ff7r once again using Ps5 console. This playthrough including all the side quests and also main mission s. Let us continue to dive in thi...


Hey guys, tonight let us continue to dive in the story of the ff7r ya😊😘😘. I'm very sorry for those I didn't reply because I just realised that I'm muted mine mic🙏🙏🙏😅😅😅. So tonight I won't make a same mistake again and see you guys tonight at 8pm or 9pm ya😊😊🙏😘😘

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Ps5 Part 4 15/08/2021

Hey guys, I just started the live ya. Do follow me in my YouTube channel for more amazing gameplay😍😘😘
Let us continue to dive in the ff7r amazing stories😘😘🤗🤗🤗🤗

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Ps5 Part 4 I am replaying this ff7r once again using Ps5 console. This playthrough including all the side quests and also main mission s. Let us continue to dive in thi...


Hello guys, stay tuned for tonight final fantasy 7 remake ps5 version live gameplay at around 8pm or 9pm ya, for those who have played and for those who not yet played do follow me and subscribe for more coming gameplay on my YouTube channel ya😘👏👏


Final Fantasy 7 Remake Ps5 Part 3 13/08/2021


我在這次的直播沒有說話是因為我沒開到麥克風😂 所以就只有遊戲的聲音罷了😂 不過這樣也就可以好好的投入遊戲裡的每個劇情了😁

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Ps5 Part 3 I am replaying this ff7r once again using Ps5 console. This playthrough including all the side quests and also main mission s. Hope you guys like it.

Wilson仔仔 - YouTube 13/08/2021


Hello guys, this is mine Youtube channel and I will be doing gaming stream every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at around 8pm to 9pm. Do come in and support me by subscribing me and on that ding d**g bell in order not to miss out any of my interesting gaming stream and gaming videos ya🥰😘

Wilson仔仔 - YouTube 小弟是剛新開始的遊戲博主 歡迎來支持一下小弟喲😁 歡迎各位朋友們來subscribe我也幫忙我分享出去讓更多人知道喲😁 小弟會經常直播玩遊戲 直播時間都會在晚上8點到9點之間開始😁


大家好呀 今晚我會在我的youtube頻道直播玩遊戲唷😁 直播時間大概會在星期一,三,五和六😁 還沒點讚的還沒點關注的 快快來點一點也幫忙我分享出去唷😁 感謝大家