Working on My FitJess

Working on My FitJess

Hi, I'm Jessica. Join my journey toward rebooting my lifestyle of health.

Timeline photos 11/03/2021

changed the way I looked at working out at home. Before, I felt “alone.” Now, I have a community. 2020 taught me community is EVERYTHING. Isolated antelopes get eaten. But those that run in packs have safety in numbers.

Shoutout to for getting my days off to a great start and guiding me through rides and runs and walks. Together we are better. ❤️

Timeline photos 22/01/2021

Fashion 😍 Friday is here!! Have you checked out Savvi yet? I have TWO 25% off coupon codes I can share with you. Here’s what to do:

1. Go to thIs link —> (also linked in my IG bio)
2. Pick your fav items & put them in your cart.
3. DM me a screenshot of your cart. I’ll reply with a 25% off code to the FIRST TWO people!!

New items drop @ 1:30pm EST, so set an alarm!!

Photos from Working on My FitJess's post 21/01/2021

One of my biggest food struggles is pizza 🍕. I am constantly searching out options for those of us like me. I discovered at and I finally found a really great frozen pizza 🍕.

Check out my latest blog (link in bio) for more information and links to find their pizza near you!!

@ Ooltewah, Tennessee

Has There Ever Been a “Really Good” Frozen Pizza? 21/01/2021

Has There Ever Been a "Really Good" Frozen Pizza? - The answer is actually, YES! Read more to find out!

Has There Ever Been a “Really Good” Frozen Pizza? I know most of you remember the Totino’s Party Pizzas, and maybe you’ve had a Red Baron or two. I bet most of you jumped on the DiGiorno bandwagon, and you really can’t be team Di…


Looking for new atheleisure?! I found a really exciting new brand!! ⬇️⬇️⬇️

I’m really excited about a new atheleisure brand that I discovered through Instagram... I know it’s so hard to find high quality items (think Lululemon) in sizes for everyone!! Check Savvi out —>

And if you if you see what you like, I have discount codes I can share with the first 2 people who are interested in trying this brand out!

Drop a comment or DM me for more information!!


I’m really excited about a new atheleisure brand that I discovered through Instagram... I know it’s so hard to find high quality items (think Lululemon) in sizes for everyone!! Check Savvi out —>

And if you if you see what you like, I have discount codes I can share with the first 2 people who are interested in trying this brand out!

Drop a comment or DM me for more information!!

Timeline photos 19/01/2021

If you’ve ever faced a struggle after launching yourself into something new... this is for you. Some people will doubt you, some will tempt you, yet amazingly few people will cheer you on. This is me coming to be the one to cheer you on.

Keep going. ❤️

Check out the new blog.
Link in bio!!

The Courage to Keep Going 19/01/2021

The Courage to Keep Going - I don't know about you, but I have reached so many middle-of-Januarys, and things got hard.

The Courage to Keep Going I don’t know about you, but I have reached so many middle-of-Januarys, and things got hard. The resolutions that I had “tried” felt overwhelming, and when I didn’t see enoug…


If you liked the leggings that I shared earlier on my story, you can grab a pair for yourself — before they’re gone! 🛒 ➡️

I felt compelled to share this amazing brand I discovered, because so many of you are journeying along with me! Bonus: New items are launched every week 🗓 !!

Timeline photos 11/01/2021

And then there were ((over)) 100!! 🎉🎉🎉 I can’t even describe how thankful I am to have over 100 of you joining in my journey. From the blog views & follows to the kind messages & comments, this tribe of positivity and encouragement is something that means so much to me.

I am grateful for each of you. 👏🏻

Timeline photos 08/01/2021

I like to look at “self care” like this:

If you’ve flown on an airplane, the flight attendant will tell you before takeoff that if the plane looses cabin pressure (albeit unlikely) that oxygen masks will drop. Do you remember what they tell you next?? They tell you to put the mask on yourself before you help others.

😱 See, if you don’t take care of your mental health, your physical health and your emotional health, you can’t show up for other people at your best.

New blog post is up on this topic. It’s something that I am really passionate about. I hope you’ll give it a read. ❤️ Link in bio.

Put on the Oxygen Mask 08/01/2021

It seems that in today's world, people celebrate the "hustle." You see this everywhere. Social media is the greatest source causing us to glorify this lifestyle of "hustle." Bikini-clad women standing next to exotic cars are not going to convince me that if I just work a little harder, I can have what they have. This is a myth....

Put on the Oxygen Mask It seems that in today’s world, people celebrate the “hustle.” You see this everywhere. Social media is the greatest source causing us to glorify this lifestyle of “hustle.&…

Timeline photos 07/01/2021

“In a world full of hate, be a light.” -

Our country feels so broken. These people hate those people, and those people hate other people. It breaks my heart.

Love > Hate.

We have to remember that. ❤️ Praying that whatever darkness is creeping into your corner of the world will be illuminated by your light.

Timeline photos 06/01/2021

Whatever it is, do it. ❤️ New blog post is up!! Isn’t it time you let that dream start taking shape into reality?!?

Click the link in my bio to check it out!

Whatever it is, do it. 06/01/2021

There is something inside you that makes your heart leap. It could be a little tiny dream or a great big plan. Regardless, it is something that you want so badly that it hurts, but for one reason or another, you have neglected to do it. That is not coming from any level of judgement, but rather from a place of hope and encouragement....

Whatever it is, do it. There is something inside you that makes your heart leap. It could be a little tiny dream or a great big plan. Regardless, it is something that you want so badly that it hurts, but for one reason o…

Timeline photos 06/01/2021

Whatever it is you are dreaming of, now is the time. What are you waiting for??

Borrowed today’s little inspiration nugget from

Recipe Wins: Flatbread Pizza and Drop Biscuits 05/01/2021

New on the ... some recipes. 💙💙

Recipe Wins: Flatbread Pizza and Drop Biscuits I don’t know about you, but I am totally into carbs. I love breads and pastas and pizzas and french fries and crackers and chips and basically all salty carb-loaded snacks. I love them, and t…

Timeline photos 05/01/2021

🎉 50 🎉 FOLLOWERS already on Instagram!! Thank you SO MUCH for believing in my journey. I’m thrilled to share it with you. I hope you’ll share my page with your friends who might also want to join our growing tribe! 😘

Timeline photos 05/01/2021

New on the blog: a couple recipes wins from this past weekend: 2-ingredient drop biscuits & flatbread pizza. For my fam, these come in at only 1 point per biscuit & 6 points per whole pizza!! 🎉 Carb-lovers, you’re going to thank me later. Click the link in my bio to check it out!!


Recipe Wins: Flatbread Pizza and Drop Biscuits 05/01/2021

I don't know about you, but I am totally into carbs. I love breads and pastas and pizzas and french fries and crackers and chips and basically all salty carb-loaded snacks. I love them, and true love lasts a lifetime. So, I am not prepared to divorce these delicacies or even try out a short-term separation. You keto-champions, I applaud you....

Recipe Wins: Flatbread Pizza and Drop Biscuits I don’t know about you, but I am totally into carbs. I love breads and pastas and pizzas and french fries and crackers and chips and basically all salty carb-loaded snacks. I love them, and t…

Timeline photos 04/01/2021

It all starts with . I challenge you to start your Monday with a mindset check. Believe me, I KNOW some mornings don’t start off amazing. There’s a million and one ways that life happens, especially on a Monday.

Take a moment and breathe. You are doing better than you think you are. Give yourself grace & go be great!! You have everything on the inside of you to do what you set out to do! ❤️

Quote borrowed from

Photos from Working on My FitJess's post 02/01/2021

Tried 2 recipes today. Breakfast was grapes & homemade 2-ingredient drop biscuits {well, they were drop biscuits b/c the dough wouldn’t roll 😂} & lunch was a easy chia seed flatbread pizza & apple slices. I love creating née ways to eat foods I love {aka all the bread} without ALL the bread. I’ll put these up on the blog later this weekend! Keep your eyes out & you can always subscribe by visiting the link in my bio, so you always know when fresh posts drop!

💙 @ Ooltewah, Tennessee

Invite a friend 01/01/2021

Looking for accountability? I use WW to track my food, water, sleep & exercise.

Join me for a free month!!

Invite a friend *People following the WW plan can expect to lose 1-2 lbs/wk. Members lost weight on prior program and continued on myWW. ‡In 6-mo study, 88% of participants said myWW was an easier way to lose weight vs. when they tried on their own, funded by WW.

Timeline photos 01/01/2021

Happy New Year!! 🎊 I know many of us are focusing in on our health & fitness goals in 2021 and beyond. New on the blog today: a few of my fitness favorites. 🏃‍♀️🧘‍♀️ Check out some of my go-to items by and . Honorable mentions that couldn’t go unsaid: leggings from , & . Blog link in bio!!


Friday Fitness Favorites – 1/1/2021 01/01/2021

First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR! We did it! We made it through 2020! Let's just hope that the Mayans weren't dyslexic and get 2012 mistaken for 2021! Since, it is a "brand new start" today, I wanted to share a few of my fitness favorites with you. I know that this is usually "resolution" time or as I like to say, "goal-setting and strategy time." As you fill your online carts with goodies to support your goals, maybe these suggestions will help!...

Friday Fitness Favorites – 1/1/2021 First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR! We did it! We made it through 2020! Let’s just hope that the Mayans weren’t dyslexic and get 2012 mistaken for 2021! Since, it is a “brand new start&…

Timeline photos 31/12/2020

The final countdown for 2020 is here, and for most of us, it’s none too soon. New blog post is up & hot off the presses. Go to the link in my bio, & let me know what you think in the comments below! If you like it, give me a “subscribe.”

Happy New You & New Year!

The Final Countdown 31/12/2020

You may have immediately thought of the glam-metal song by Europe, or you may have no idea who Europe is (to which I will bestow this gloriousness upon you for making me feel old). You may also have immediately thought "thank the heavens that 2020 is in its final hours." Despite this year's general vibe of awfulness, I challenge you to take a few moments to reflect on what the challenges you faced this year taught you....

The Final Countdown You may have immediately thought of the glam-metal song by Europe, or you may have no idea who Europe is (to which I will bestow this gloriousness upon you for making me feel old). You may also hav…

Timeline photos 31/12/2020

Are you surviving or thriving? I’ve spent WAY too much time surviving - just defaulting into a schedule that was controlling me. Ugh, that feels icky to admit. You should make your schedule with intention, or your schedule will make you... tired, overwhelmed, sick, unhappy... insert whatever “yuckyism” you relate to. I’ve made myself a daily list of things that I know I must do to really THRIVE. I’ll post to my stories. For now, here’s an amazing easy 5 things to do to THRIVE by the incomparable . Don’t you think it’s time to stop just surviving and start living your best life?

Timeline photos 30/12/2020

Whatever it is you are striving for, don’t quit. Keep going!! Loved this post by . I think it speaks to you, no matter where you are in the journey. ❤️

Timeline photos 30/12/2020

If not now, THEN WHEN? One of the most simple and poignant questions I have ever processed. is a huge inspiration to me, and this question comes straight from “Girl, Stop Apologizing.” If you haven’t read it, run don’t walk to get a copy!! It’s one of my favs. 📖

Decision Point 30/12/2020

2020 has been more than chaotic. We have all been thrust into an alternate reality, some of us nearly completely separated from society. Our new community is across the distant expanse of Zoom® calls, while many of us silently cursed the creators of Common Core mathematics and poured a second glass of (insert your beverage of choice here) at 3pm, when virtual school sessions came to an end and the real work began....


Decision Point 2020 has been more than chaotic. We have all been thrust into an alternate reality, some of us nearly completely separated from society. Our new community is across the distant expanse of Zoom® cal…

Timeline photos 30/12/2020

Today is the start of something new. It’s a journey that got paused in the chaos of 2020. I invite you to join me. We all need community more than ever. Click the link in my bio to read my first blog post!!