Growthify Digital

Growthify Digital

Let's chat so I can help you generate leads for your business through social. Seriously. Interested to know more?

I am on a mission to help businesses grow by helping them bring leads through social media! I can do this firstly by, helping businesses understand their target consumers, focusing on their true needs, analyzing where we can find them, and then create targeted messages on social so attractive, that they are tempted to give you a call or land at your door! In the past 16 years of me working with se


Hey, !! If you focus all your efforts using the trinity, I can guarantee you, your efforts would fructify. The marketing trinity consists of your in the form of a product or service, the derived by the customer consuming your idea, and the that draws them in to consume and remember.

Though trinity may look like a simple and well-known fact, there is immense power when used and harnessed it during your marketing efforts. People like to buy products and essentially that means the that has the best messaging & Imagery to convey this emotion of benefit of your idea, stands a better chance to succeed.

For a , this framework would work as a guide for designing products or services, using the right channel, capturing the correct audience, and delivering the right message.

As a business owner, it's always important to ask yourself these questions:

Is my Idea providing a benefit that the consumer is happy to pay for?
If I am providing similar benefits as my competitor, what can I do to stir up emotions that will attract consumers to my Idea?
In what channels are my consumers most likely to hang out to find solutions to their problems?
What messaging and imagery can I deploy to best capture their attention?
Once I deliver the message and attract my audience, what infrastructure would I need to help them seamlessly make a decision?

Remember, consumers, buy from people they trust to solve their problems. Make sure all your business efforts have building as the core vision!



What many fail to realize is that marketing in the digital space requires a holistic approach, where your customer and you play the main characters while the role of marketer involves spinning the right story to your audienceπŸ˜€πŸ˜€!

My experience working as a digital marketer and campaign manager for various industries has helped me set a clear skeleton that more than often proves to frame a good marketing campaign for my clients at

This skeleton involves :

The company’s USP (products or service) message delivered to its well-framed TARGET AUDIENCE through the best CHANNEL (Google/Facebook/linked-in) that would reach your audience in the LEAST COST to create a LOYAL LIST of consumers ENGAGING with your LANDING PAGE thereby resulting in conversion and sales!.

Remember to beat competition Value is the Key! If your brand is able to sell value the right way consistently, sales would just follow!



To reach out to us for tips and advice on Digital Marketing, contact [email protected]. You can also check our work on


Running social media ads in this day and age can be an expensive affair. If not done right it can prove expensive and frustrating. Of the many I have met, many have run ad campaigns with either minimal or no result πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯. .What many fail to realize is that marketing in the digital space requires a holistic approach, where your customer and you play the main characters while the role of marketer involves spinning the right story to your audience πŸ˜€πŸ˜€!

Make Sure the following checklist is implemented before you run a campaign.

βœ… Have you set a clear objective? βœ… Have you created a customer avatar?βœ… Have you created a value proposition? βœ… Have you optimized your landing page to provide the best experience? βœ… Have you checked which channel would provide the best result? βœ… Have you created the right message for your audience? βœ… Have you set the right budget? βœ… Have you added analytics tools on your website? βœ… Have you set out campaign dates? βœ… Have you added pixels for re-marketing to your most interested audience? βœ… Have you used multiple social media avenues to foster organic growth?














Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00