Nails GR
👩🏻🦰Geanina Radu
⚜️Nails tehnician
⚜️UV Gel
🏠Southampton, UK IG: nailsgr.8
Marble effect ⚫️
Nail art is a vacation for plain nails⚫️
🔸Nothing improves your mood like a new manicure🔸
▪️Zebra design▪️
Super excited to announce I’m finalist in the uk hair &beauty awards 2023 for the title of “BEST GEL NAILS”
I’m super proud of myself and happy! 💅🏻💅🏻🎉🎉🎉🎉
⚜️La cat ar trebui sa vina clientele la intretinere?🤔
Unii spun: 3 saptamani, altii 4, altii pana incep sa iti cada unghiile... Dar oare cat sa fie?!?
⚜️Vreau sa incep prin a va spune ca toate gelurile si toate bazele rubber au o garantie de 21 de zile din momentul polimerizarii. In momentul in care il bagam in lampa, trece prin procesul de polimerizare, adica din lichid devine solid si in mod automat isi schimba structura. Cu fiecare zi trecuta, el devine din ce in ce mai casant, asadar nu mai are o asa buna rezistenta ca in prima zi.
⚜️In al doilea rand intretinerea trebuie facuta la timp deoarece apexul unghiei se modifica. In cuvinte simple, cel mai inalt punct al unghiei, cantitatea cea mai mare de gel, se va deplasa spre varf odata cu cresterea unghiei.
❔️Ce inseamna asta?
➡️Inseamna ca zona de stres incepe sa fie solicitata la orice mica presiune, lovitura, etc. Asadar:
👉Riscam sa avem exfolieri,
👉Riscam sa ni se rupa unghia,
👉Riscam sa avem crapaturi in punctele de stres/crestere ale unghiei,
👉Presiunea constanta pe varful liber al unghiei naturale duce la o crestere in jos a acesteia in timp.
✅️Asadar, ca o regula generala, intretinerea se face:
▫️La 21 de zile pentru unghiile standard,
▫️Unghii lungi: 2-3 saptamani,
▫️Unghii roase: 2 saptamani.
Text preluat ⚜️ What time should the customers be in for infills? 🤔
Some say three weeks, four others, before your nails start falling off... But how much is it?!
⚜️ I want to start by telling you that all gels and all rubber bases have a 21-day guarantee from the polymerization. The moment we put it in the lamp, it goes through the polymerisation process, which means of fluid becomes solid and automatically changes its structure. Every other day, he gets more and more sensitive, so he doesn't have such a good resistance as the first day.
⚜️ Secondly, infills must be made on time because the nail appex changes. In simple words, the highest point of the nail, the largest amount of gel will move towards the top with the increase of the nail.
❔️ What does that mean?
➡️ It means the stress zone is starting to be sensitive at any small pressure, blow, etc. So:
👉 We're risking our exfoliation,
👉 We're risking our nail breaking,
👉 We risk cracking at the stress/growth points of nail,
👉 The constant pressure on the nail's free tip leads to an increase down of it over time.
✅️ So, as a general rule, infill is done:
▫️ At 21 days for standard nails,
▫️ Long nails: 2 to 3 weeks,
▫️ Bitten nails: 2 weeks.
2nd Birthday GIVEAWAY! 🎂
- 2 sets of nails 💅
- £200 off of a nail course of your choice👩🎓
You can win for you and your friend the nails you dreamed of, which is a full set. 💅 The value limit is £50 per person. 🎉
OR You can win £200 off of a nail course of your choice with us, that you can use up until the 31st of December 2022. 🎁
When you tag your friend mention nails or course to enter for your choice.
-The giveaway runs from August 17th to 23rd 6pm. Draw on August 7pm
-People over the age of 18 can participate in the game.❗
- Facebook is not responsible for this promotion.❗
-The prize can be used for 30 days and can be picked up in person at the salon. ❗
- The name of the winner will be published on the page.❗
- Your prize cannot be exchanged for cash!
-Follow the page so you don't miss anything, tag your friend in the comments and share this post to enter the giveaway!
Good luck to everyone🎉
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⚜️French manicure ⚜️ .8
Alina Maria Butiseaca
⚜️WIN a FREE manicure⚜️ For a chance to win you have to:
1. Follow .8 2. Tag 2 friends in the post 3. Share the giveaway to your instagram Winner will be announced on 20 June 2022.
Opening Hours
Wednesday | 09:00 - 17:00 |
Thursday | 09:00 - 17:00 |
Friday | 13:45 - 19:30 |
Saturday | 09:00 - 19:30 |