The Giving Universe

The Giving Universe

A page dedicated to our amazing Giving Universe!

Florence Scovel Shinn - The Giving Universe 16/07/2024

Unlock the secrets of a fulfilled life with Florence Scovel Shinn, a New Thought pioneer whose teachings on positive thinking and affirmations have transformed countless lives. Dive into her captivating biography and discover how her timeless wisdom can empower you to shape your reality. Read now and start your journey to personal transformation!

Florence Scovel Shinn - The Giving Universe Discover the life, works, and enduring influence of Florence Scovel Shinn, a pioneering New Thought leader of timeless spiritual wisdom

The Giving Universe 22/06/2024

Take a look at my Blog Site!

The Giving Universe A blog for all things Law of Attraction, the Universe, collective conscious, infinite spirit, spiritual, zero point field, self help, positivity, manifesting.


On our way to the beautiful Emerald Isle for Kate’s birthday and the Bank Holiday weekend.


Love this……


“If you knew how little other people were thinking, you wouldn’t be concerned with what they’re thinking” - Earl Nightingale.


“Nearly all the great fortunes acquired by entrepreneurs arose because they had nothing to lose. Nobody had bothered to tell them that such a thing could not be done or would be likely to fail. Or if they had been told, then they weren’t listening. They were too busy proving those around them wrong.”


is holding on to what you have keeping you where you are?


Here’s a philosophy from the amazing motivational speaker Jim Rohn:

If you work hard at your job you’ll make a living.
If you work hard on yourself you’ll make a fortune.
- Jim Rohn

I loved this…


Good morning amazing world! Today I am travelling to my spiritual home - the beautiful Northern Ireland!


The key to happiness, in my experience, is to totally cut out all news media from your life. I did four years ago and I’ve never been happier 😁👍


I am only a prisoner if I allow my attitudes and beliefs to make me so..


Good morning from beautiful Northern Ireland! I know I post a lot of pictures from here, but it is a simply stunning place!


It’s our attitude at the beginning of a task which more than anything else will affect its successful outcome. - Earl Nightingale.


Nothing changes unless I change!


If I ever have a question, or problem, I just ask, write it down, and wait. The Universe never fails to provide an answer…

The Four Spiritual Laws Of Prosperity: A Simple Guide to Unlimited Abundance 21/12/2023

Edwene Gaines - The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity
An empowering message about the true meaning of prosperity-to help anyone achieve a life of material and spiritual abundance.
This really is a great book, I would highly recomment!

The Four Spiritual Laws Of Prosperity: A Simple Guide to Unlimited Abundance The Four Spiritual Laws Of Prosperity: A Simple Guide to Unlimited Abundance



Embrace the light, even on cloudy days. Positivity isn't about ignoring the shadows; it's about choosing to see the sun behind them. Keep shining, because the energy you put out is the warmth you get back. .com


Intuition is your silent guardian, a blend of subconscious insight and experience. Trusting it can lead to profound decisions. It's wisdom whispering, often right where logic ends. Listen to it.


I create my own perfect World, my own perfect Universe with my thoughts. I choose what enters my World and my Universe becauseI am the gatekeeper, the guardian of my perfect World. This is an undeniable fact.


I’m now also on Instagram!

The Giving Universe 19/10/2023

Check out my latest blog on - The Law of Attraction, the fourth in the series of the 12 Universal Laws.

The Giving Universe A blog for all things Law of Attraction, the Universe, collective conscious, infinite spirit, spiritual, zero point field, self help, positivity, manifesting.

The Enchanting Essence of Trees. - The Giving Universe 31/08/2023

My latest blog! The Enchanting essence of trees.
As a life long tree fanatic, I wanted to explore the spiritual side of trees. This is my first foray into the spirituality of trees. I will definitely publish another blog about trees!

The Enchanting Essence of Trees. - The Giving Universe The Enchanting Essence of Trees. Explore the mystical aura & significance of trees. Delve into their enchanting essence and deep importance.


I liked this…

The Ripple Effect of Kindness - The Giving Universe 28/08/2023

Follow the link for the full story….

The Ripple Effect of Kindness - The Giving Universe The Ripple Effect of Kindness: The Profound Positive Benefits of A Daily Act of Kindness on the Mind, Body and Soul.


Good morning beautiful world! Good morning beautiful people!

Living in the Now. - The Giving Universe 21/08/2023

Unlock a brighter life by embracing the present moment. Explore the benefits of mindful living and find joy in each passing second. Dive into our blog now!

Living in the Now. - The Giving Universe Unlock a brighter life by embracing the present moment. Explore the benefits of mindful living and find joy in each passing second.



We all need to have an idea, an anchor of a thought that brings clarity to us in our day to day lives. You know, that go to thought that puts everything into perspective. Well, here is mine:

I imagine that I am on my deathbed. There is very little time left for me in this mortal body. I use these last few minutes or hours to reflect on, and take stock of my life. It’s kind of like life flashing before your eyes, but more slowly, more introspectively.

I spent an awful lot of time at work, earning a crust, making sure we had ‘nice things’. I sacrificed a lot for these material trinkets, time with the ones I love, time doing what gave me joy, time just living and experiencing life. But what do they matter now? They don’t. Trinkets and glitter comes and it goes and I don’t even remember most of it, what a waste of time.

And then there are the mistakes, the things I have tried and failed at: Well, in the big scheme of the things, I learned valuable lessons from all of those mistakes and errors, I grew as a person. And, at least I experienced life in all of its colourfulness. What consequence are these failures now? None - I survived, I grew, I learned and I experienced. That’s it.

Then come the most troubling thoughts. They are the regrets and the ‘what if’s?’ The regret of NOT having done a thing, the ‘’WHAT IF’, I had done that thing, what COULD HAVE been. The agony of NOT doing, of NOT knowing, and of now having NO time, this is my greatest fear.

So I now always ask myself one question before I try anything, and that question is, “what’s the worst that could happen?”. If it is anything less than losing my life, seriously injuring myself, or endangering my family, I’ll give it a go. Because you see, I have realised that life is for living. And the only way of living, for me, is living regret free, and living free of the fear of regret.

“There is nothing sadder than a life filled with “what if’s”.
“Failures weigh ounces, regrets weigh tonnes”.


If you continue to wait for “the right time”, you will waste your entire life and nothing will happen.


The key to your happiness is to look at anything that may happen in your life as stepping stones to something far greater.