The he-ha Workshop

The he-ha Workshop

we do everything from cooking to home repair and remodel. we even do hobbies too. how to instruct

Building Creative Great Modern Four Story Mud Villa House Design In The Forest 26/04/2022

Building Creative Great Modern Four Story Mud Villa House Design In The Forest Building Creative Great Modern Four Story Mud Villa House Design In The Forest

The First Meal 08/04/2022

the second episode of that oven

The First Meal Visit Our Website! ➧ ➧➧Help support the channel with Patreon ➧ ➧➧Facebook ➧

How To Build a HUMONGOUS Earthen Oven 08/04/2022

a huge colonial oven build

How To Build a HUMONGOUS Earthen Oven Visit Our Website! ➧ ➧➧Help support the channel with Patreon ➧ ➧➧Facebook ➧


this is cool history

Photos from The he-ha Workshop's post 03/04/2022

this started out as a few paper building kits i found on amazon, its between 'O' and 'S' scale. i assembled the kits first, built the portable foam base, then worked in 3 battery x-mass light kits from the Dollor Tree. after that i used the glow glue sticks mixed with regular to make the ice sicles and to glue it all together. the people are all a mix of 'O' and 'S' the snow is 20 mule borax, and i used glue dabbed on with spunge first then poured the wake snow on.
the cars are matchbox, ant the rose bushes are made from hair, when you colm your hair, wrap around your finger then spin tie in the middle, after that you glue, cut in half, trim the loops and glue in, its easy, think i should make a video soon to show how its done, and it makes the most realistic rose bushes.

and all the rocks are hand painted by glending paint


have something new to show you


Biden’s Virus madness

This madness is hitting us in 3 ways the 1st I will deal with last for This week has an evil twist to it thus far. As a new law has been proposed by the speaker of the house and the squad led by A.O.C that is nothing more than a mirror version of the one pushed by 5 democrat controlled states. Thus what one would expect a true N**i to propose and demand dune there of.

Again But be fore I get to that I have to ask, does the vaccine work? Ah yes this is item number 1 in our Fubar situation.

For According to those in government if you take the vaccine then you will never get sick with virus period. No matter what. However According to them only 1% of those vaccinated are sick with 99% un-vaccinated as well. But how true is that? When I look at the raw data, available to the public, thus the very reports sent in by the hospitals, they use to get these numbers they then tell you, those numbers look very much like an out right lie on the part of Biden and his Democrat party.

Let us define the word lie. When I look at the reports from 500 hospitals going into the government they say 99% of those infected and in the hospital over the virus are those who have had the Vaccine. Where only 1% just happens to be non vaccinated. On top of that they are reporting that 52% of all cases are illegal Immigrants. This means that half of all reported cases of this Virus is in fact people who have crossed the boarder, caught, and are being housed for free on your dime, and this includes free health care on your dime. So how does that effect you exactly?

What interests me is that they make up more than half of all cases. In fact only the states that chose not to lock down and so on, like those controlled by the Democrat party, are the recipients of 99.98721% of the illegal immigrants caught by the Biden administration and sent to live here on your dime. Of course this is by order of Biden himself. SO think about it, according to Biden and his democrat party, it’s the un-vaccinated that are the most at risk, when the data states that their statements are 100% lies.
Then there is the more horrible side to all of this, Is the Vaccine legal?
The answer is no. Why?
First off according to the law no president can use emergency powers to force an untested vaccine to be released. Its an impeachable offence by the way. Has the vaccine passed the 5 year study to prove it is safe? Has it passed the 10 year study plan? Has it passed the 5 year Side effect study as to see what all the effects are? The answer to all of this is NO.
Currently 1 in 10 will have a major life changing side effect. And these effects can take up to 10 years before they are visible enough to notice or no longer something you can ignore.

According to the law, any vaccine that has side effects below 1 in 10,000 is by law to be removed from the market and destroyed. According to the law the Vaccine KILLS 1 in 50 of those who have received it either direct or indirect, and as such must be removed and its use banned. The number the law states is safe is 1 death in 100,000 doses. And by the way it is against the LAW for you to sue the government, the doctors, the hospitals, the makers of the vaccine. So if the shot kills your loved one you will not nor will receive compensation. If you have a side effect there will be no action taken.

If the vaccine is safe then why would they through the last vaccine aid package make it illegal to sue for compensation for any damages the vaccine would do as such? If you take the flue shot and it gives you cancer you can sue and by law are to be compensated but why is this vaccine an exception to that?
And what about the masks? Imagine your standing in front of a chicken pen, and your looking at chicken wire of the fence, this wire represents the mask. Now imagine the common flue virus is a golf ball, and the current one is a pea. They look the same but the only difference is the size. Now toss the golf ball at the chicken wire say 500 times, and what happens every time? Simple the fence stops it from going through. Now toss 500 peas at the fence, and what happens, well the chickens get to eat peas for dinner.
Because the smallest holes in the mask is 3 times bigger than the virus. SO answer something, how exactly does the mask stop the virus? Why ask? Well 98.42% of those who are diagnosed with the virus, were doing the masks, the social distancing, and the vaccine. SO if these things really work, then we would never see those people in the hospital, but they do not work, and the proof is in the numbers. And the numbers do not lie. The masks, the social distancing, and the Vaccine does not work period.

The final Fubar is the Biggy. I warned you this was coming, and all of you laughed, looks like I get to point, laugh, and say “I told you so”.


Well right know 5 Democrat controlled states are now building detaining camps (concentration camps), they are now starting to arrest people for not having the vaccine. As well as seizing their property. They are to be detained until the epidemic is over and or they chose to take the shot. Thus, they are now forcing people at the point of a gun to take the Vaccine.
Biden has been demanding this authority from day one as Dictator (president). And now they are trying to pass it through congress.

Please keep In mind that if it passes and the numbers of Democrat vs Republican says it will most likely pass; it will mean that Biden will have the power to put any one his administration so chooses in prison with out due proses, in violation of the constitution, and it will not matter if they have had the vaccine or not. FOR Just the accusation that you do not have the vaccine is all it will take.

And on top of this he will have the power to seize property with out compensation. The last time the nation did this was in WW2.

The victims were Japanese Americans. But the way I am part Japanese. So I am very aware of this. And yes the U.S supreme court ruled later that that was unconstitutional and recommenced that FDR be impeached as such, but he died the day the impeachment was on its way to be voted on.

With in the last 12 months the U.S supreme court has sent 15 letters to the speaker of the house informing the House that Biden has committed 15 impeachable offences, they said 15 times he violated the constitution. Just a remainder that never happened under Trump.

one more thing. for those of you who call your self democrat, i have to ask, do you approve the idea of rounding people up and forcing them into concentration camps?
do you like the idea of the government forcing medical procedures on people against their will?
Do you support forcing people to things they do not want?
do you support taking away our 2nd amendment?
Do you think it is O.K for the government to put cameras in your home?
Do you think that Biden and his wife can make medical decisions better than you or your doctor with a single payer plan?
Do you think we should out law toilet paper and force people to spend $30,000 to put Japanese versions in that use 10 time the water?
Do you think all food, water ,electricity, and gasoline should be rationed like the law A.O.C proposed last year?
Do you think its acceptable for the government to take your property with out compensations?
if you agree to all that, the leaders of the party are pushing right now. Then you are a N**i, if you do not agree with these things the leaders of the party are pushing, then i have to ask one last question. Why are you a democrat?


I have a simple question, and a not so simple answer.
What is an assault weapon?

Congress and the Anti-gun lobby says its an AR-15. But how true is that?
Biden and his Democrat party have a bill in congress right now to do just that, out law assault weapons.

Or does it?

According to my Law/legal dictionary an assault weapon is: “any weapon used in the act of a crime.” So if I pick up a pill bottle and use it to assault you, then BY LAW that PILL BOTTLE by law is an ASSULT WEAPON. Its any thing used after the fact. What does after the fact mean, simple you pick up a pensile and through it at a mouse, you after seeing the mouse acted as to kill it and or do harm to it. And the writing tool was just a handy thing near to you as to use.

So an assault weapon can only exist during a crime and can be any thing. So if we out law a crime before it is committed, and was to out law an assault weapon, then logically we can out law at any time any item that has been used in the past to commit a crime. Like say a paper clip, a gasoline car, gun, stick, and the list goes on. So what those Democrats in congress are asking is the power to take over every aspect of your life and just out law anything they want with out recourse at any time.

So that beings me back to the law they want to pass, and I must ask what is in it?
Well for starters it is against the law to own a weapon of war like say a automatic gun, so that can’t be what it is they want. Its against the law for a felon to own a weapon, so that’s not it. And 99.54329% of all guns used to commit crimes and murder in the U.S were not legal weapons but street weapons. Guns smuggled in across the border with Mexico from other nations and sold on the street. So no crook wanting to murder or rob a store is going to be stupid enough to buy a registered gun legally that can be traced back to them. So obviously they do not want guns that are legal. So if you out law guns they the crooks will still have guns, but you the legal citizen will not.

The democrat party for years, has been attacking gun rights, and bills like this are a dime a dozen but this one is different. Never before in the last 100 years since the democrat party publically announce its intent to take away the 2nd amendment, has any law they have written read like this. It’s the reason they lost the house, the senate and we had a republican president in the 1920’s. so it is not like you can say you did not know.

What this bill will do on page 1,938 it states clearly that all shelled weapons shall be banned with out notice and that this right is given to the president. So what does it mean, oh! For you ‘Oh that won’t happen crowd’ you can read the law and see for your self just go to

What this means is that 99% of all legal weapons will be outlawed, to buy—own—and to sell. It also out laws the purchase and sale of ammo. And folks this does not surprise me, wile a Senator Biden wrote and proposed a law to out law the sell of guns and Ammo 17 times. You can see it for your self and read it with your own eyes just go to once you do that and read it thus I can say once again I told you so.

This is not some crazy rant, its real, and they are doing it, and if it passes the president will have the power to out law any weapon any time at his whim. To day its AR-15, tomorrow a marlin S20-30. By the way it’s the same type of gun, same rate of fire, it just looks so girly. With that pink stock. For those of you who are still on the SSFF band stand, answer this.


Remember an assault weapon ANY WEAPON used to commit a CRIME.. that means an assault weapon is: a car, a bicycle, a knife, a hammer, poison, and anything else even you bare hands; anything you can use to kill/main/harm another person.

ONE MORE THING… How can you out law all legal guns, but do nothing to stop the bad guys from getting them from across the open boarders???

Remember Biden has opened the boarders and is giving illegal immigrants that cross the boarder free $200,000 each, free car, free homes, free food stamps, free SSI, free health care, free electric/water, and YOU are the one paying the bill.

thank you for reading, and please, always ask questions, for only then may you find the answer.


we started posting on here what we are making so all of you can see them, and for those who have purchased your doll house or wand or staff from us, here is a record of it, for those who have purchased or sell to another let us know so we can keep track of it. thank you for your time


D.N.D info for #29 – 8” set duel wands Retail price 352.22
These was a nice set of dueling wands, until young Mr. Wheezily manage to damage them. But thankfully I was able to repair them. And now they are back in action. However after testing them I am wondering if I should ask Mr. Wheezily about having his son break more wands, as that I can repair. For some blasted reason that I do not understand they are now double the power they were before. My word what is this world coming to these days.
It will accumulate more gold/goods dropped per encounter by +5% for every spell successfully casted. It will accumulate a negative magic cost of –1% for every spell successfully casted. Range +150% over normal average cost +10% to use effectiveness +100% for it does not need an effect role. Last for each spell cast role a D-6 if it is an even number the damage caused will increase by 75% . If an odd number is rolled the damage will be reduced by –25%
We are doing something new so starting in 2022 every wand and staff made will be posted for reference so you can go to:


D.N.D info for #28 – 12.5” wand Retail price 252.22
Now this is a proper wand for a young school graduate. It can do any spell regardless what level with out recourse. It is a very reliable wand, with a nice appeal. So I wonder how it will look in your hand at your next school dueling club meeting.
It will accumulate more gold/goods dropped per encounter by +5% for every spell successfully casted. It will accumulate a negative magic cost of –2% for every spell successfully casted. All healing magic when successfully casted will be +50% more its results and with each successful casting will increase by 2% last this wand starts with a +50% more gold dropped in each encounter and will increase +5% for every encounter after that.
We are doing something new so starting in 2022 every wand and staff made will be posted for reference so you can go to:

Photos from The he-ha Workshop's post 10/01/2022

D.N.D info for #27 – 12.5” wand Retail price 352.22
A lovely Magic staff that has turned out to be quiet the surprise. I originally made it for an elf on an undisclosed journey to the north. And to my surprise he gave it to me upon return. Asking that I give it or sell it at a lower price to some one else.
It will accumulate more gold/goods dropped per encounter by +10% for every spell successfully casted. It will accumulate a negative magic cost of –5% for every spell successfully casted. However all dark magic will cost +5% more and all light magic will start off at –5% less. All healing magic when successfully casted will be heal +50% more and with each casting will increase by 2% last this staff starts with a +5% mote gold dropped in each encounter and will increase +5% for every encounter after that.
We are doing something new so starting in 2022 every wand and staff made will be posted for reference so you can go to:

Photos from The he-ha Workshop's post 10/01/2022

D.N.D info for #26 – 12.5” wand Retail price 152.22
Now this is a proper wand for a young school graduate. It can do any spell regardless what level with out recourse. It is a very reliable wand, with a nice appeal. So I wonder how it will look in your hand at your next school dueling club meeting.
It will accumulate more gold/goods dropped per encounter by +5% for every spell successfully casted. It will accumulate a negative magic cost of –1% for every spell successfully casted. However all dark magic will cost +5% more and all light magic will start off at –5% less.
We are doing something new so starting in 2022 every wand and staff made will be posted for reference so you can go to:

Photos from The he-ha Workshop's post 10/01/2022

D.N.D info for #25 – 16.5” wand Retail price 401.03
I am not sure if I should sell this. I was awaken just the other night and given this wand back. The main 109th battle group docked up with Lapita space station and of course the R.O.A. Battle ship Yamotto was up for some repairs, on the other side of our 2 star system they battle to take bake the old capitol of the R.O.A. had finally came to an end. Captain Hamatta himself handed me the wand, the very wand I had been forced to make, for the leader of the Communist rebellion. Thankfully by the grace of God our loyal constitutionalist Loyalist took the capital back, and she left the wand be hind in the retreat. So now I have all 3 of the sister wands, this one has a name its Fathom, Once in the hands of the Socialist leader Jades Snow. Through her It became a weapon of socialist oppression. And I must remind you that This is not for the faint of heart, this is not a beginner wand, nor a journeyman wand. Only a true master can yield this monster.
All Magic comes from GOD. The lord can give as well as take. And we with our free will can use it for good or evil. To that it is a choice. For it’s a tool. I am a true master and have been making wands for more than 35 years. And I am telling you the truth, and it does not matter if it is a club, knife, sword, cannon, gun, nor wand. It is a tool. And the people who use that tool are do so for good or evil. All of my wands are hand made, it takes 3 days from start to finish just to make 20 wands. This wand has 12 knots, and can do all three versions of what a coil wand can do. Yes it has been used by a woman to murder millions. And enslave others. But again it is a tool. Her action do not reflect that of the wand only her.
Yes You can store up to 9 spells plus pay the cost of a spell and keep in on the wands lips as to fire it with out warning or sound. Just aim. And squeeze the handle slightly. Yes It does kick like a .22 rifle or pistol. It’s both a cursing wand and a healing wand, all curses cost --95% less, all healing spells cost 75% less. Yes like its sister it has a 50% chance to turn a victim to stone regardless the spell you cast. Just role 2 D-6, if both are even numbers then your victim is turned to stone. However It only lasts for 12 rounds, and then the victim will have to role a D-6 twice to get the same number twice as to get out of the curse.
It can also remove curses of stone at a cost of 5% of magic energy for that round. Its also semi-auto you can release pre coiled spells one after another till used up. The range for all spells with this wand is 25% farther and more powerful than any other. There is a cost for you lose 0.5% of your health for ever spells you cast. Considering its It’s a whisper wand this is a small price to pay. So you do not have to wave it around with the right pattern in this case think the pattern aim the wand and say the words. That’s it.
If that is not enough it can steal health, at the start of a game role a D-12 to see how much energy you can steal for every spell cast at an enemy and this does not matter if your spell works or not. Every person in your group will gain that amount and the wand owner will gain half. For every person you cast to stone your group will gain +3% health. And it increases for each one to the end of each round. This is the kind of wand many dungeon masters usually have hidden in the game for you to find and use, just for that game. Considering who the last person to own the wand was. Well you might want to keep it the wands name under wraps. For this will be a wand that brings fear, regardless to whom you are. Most will fear the wand more than you think. So you need to be aware of this. Then again Having a murder weapon in ones home is not the kind of thing that most will think fondly there of.
To cast stone spell on animals of all kinds, just role a D-6. With a cost of 3 magic points each spell. Thus need to role an Even number. Sadly if you role an odd number there is some good news you don’t lose the magic points, instead they go to the victim and their magical yielder. Well I did not say to who the good news was for.
Other than animals You can turn to stone only 3 times (as well as attempts) for each possible victim. This includes Faun, a Phoenix (only lasts 3 rounds), and Centaur. However Elves, Smurfs, and Hobbits are ammonized but can be frozen by the spell instead, but can not take any damage for 2 rounds. For dwarfs, it cost 10% of their health and Armor combined in magic. But you have to role chance to get a yes or no. as for Humans and others creatures the cost in magic is 15% of the amount of health they have. Again role chance, so even is yes, and odd numbers are no. Of course you know Smurfs can cure those turned to stone, but only through the role of chance, even yes, and odd numbers are no.
For whom ever buys this wand, I pray you use it for good, if not, May God have mercy on your soul. And by the way Thank you.
We are doing something new so starting in 2022 every wand and staff made will be posted for reference so you can go to:

Photos from The he-ha Workshop's post 10/01/2022

D.N.D info for #23 – 17.5” wand Retail price 501.02
I am not sure if I should sell this. It is the most powerful wand I have ever made. And the scariest, its sister is the identical the wand Fathom, in the hands of the witch Jades Snow. And she does not know she grabbed the weakest of the 3 sisters. And just look what that one does. This is not for the faint of heart, this is not a beginner wand, nor a journeyman wand. Only a true master can yield this monster.
The Burnt Weevils eat at trees that have magic, the eat the magic. Thus for centuries they have been used for wands by the Atlantian’s. from the beginning. Those In other places do not use this wood, they choose instead to us the wood untouched by the creatures. They split it, carve it and insert things they think will give it power. All Magic comes from GOD, not a hair, or phoenix feather. The lord can give as well as take. Mark my word this is a wand that takes. The Weevils eat in a circular motion and using this wand will tend to make you light headed so be prepared. As such there is no need for such foolish Fubar that the others will sell you. I am a true master and have been making wands for more than 35 years. With these wands You have to carve the features out you see. These are hand made wands, it takes 3 days from start to finish just to make 20 wands.
As for The thing about knots in wands: You see those fools in Europe make their wands with the effort of a perfectionist in that not have knots in them. Here over the pond we know better. Properly tuned a knot acts like an electronic coil. Think of it as a repeating wand instead of a rifle. It acts in one of 3 ways it can take in and hold a small amount of the magic energy to flow through, building up a reserve of energy and at random double the range and power of the spell. The second kind can compose the spell, store it, then let it lose all at once giving a shot gun like recoil. But with better results. The 3rd kind is what my wife called the automatic kind, you can cast a few spells, (one per knot) and with out having to cast all over again thus you point and call out the number of the knot you put the spell in. and boom there it is.
This wand has 20 knots, and can do all three. You can store up to 10 spells plus pay the cost of a spell and keep in on the wands lips as to fire it with out warning or sound. Just aim. And squeeze the handle slightly. It does not kick nor recoil in any way. It’s a cursing wand, all curses cost --95% less, and it has a 50% chance to turn a victim to stone regardless the spell you cast. Just role 2 D-6, if both are even numbers then your victim is turned to stone. if only one is an even number your victim will be turned to stone for 3 rounds. It can remove curses of stone from folks who have turned to stone however at a cost of half your energy for that round. It can also let all 20 spells plus one you cast loose all at the same time, only one other wand I have made can do that. If this was a shot gun it would be a semi-auto nightmare. The range for all spells with this wand is twice any other, but there is a cost for you lose 1% of your health for ever 3 spells you cast. It also has a at the role of a D-6, role an even number and the spell is double the damage and range, role odd and it is reduced by 25%. It also will use double the cost of all light magic and half the cost of all dark magic. And that is its good side.
It’s a whisper wand too. With all the trimmings. If that is not enough it can steal health, at the start of a game role a D-12 to see how much energy you can steal for every spell cast at an enemy. Every person in your group will gain that amount and the wand owner will gain half. For every person you cast to stone your group will gain +1% health, and will increase their armor strength by +3%. This is the kind of wand many dungeon masters usually have hidden in the game for you to find and use, just for that game, if you can find it, so some may not be to happy to this in your hands.
To cast an animal of any kind into stone weather it is talking or not, just role a D-6. No cost needed, just role an Even, and their turned to stone. but, if you role odd and no. You can only do this twice to each possible victim. This includes Faun, flying horses, a Phoenix (only lasts 10 rounds), and Centaur. However Elves, Smurfs, and Hobbits are ammonized to the stone turning effects of the wand. For dwarfs, it cost 20% of their health and Armor combined in magic. Humans and others creatures the cost in magic is 25% of the amount of health they have. Smurfs can cure those turned to stone with their blood, this wand can freeze them in a spell, where no other wand can, but it cant turn them into stone.
For whom ever buys this wand, I pray you use it for good, if not, May God have mercy on your soul.
We are doing something new so starting in 2022 every wand and staff made will be posted for reference so you can go to:

Photos from The he-ha Workshop's post 10/01/2022

D.N.D info for #22 – 13” wand Retail price 211.07
Now this is a proper wand for a young school graduate. It can do any spell regardless what level with out recourse. It is a very reliable wand, with a nice appeal. So I wonder how it will look in your hand at your next school dueling club meeting.
It will accumulate more gold/goods dropped per encounter by +1% for every spell successfully casted. It will accumulate a negative magic cost of –1% for every spell successfully casted. However all dark magic will cost +10% more and all light magic will start off at –10% less.
We are doing something new so starting in 2022 every wand and staff made will be posted for reference so you can go to:

Photos from The he-ha Workshop's post 10/01/2022

D.N.D info for #21 – 12” wand Retail price 141.05
What a perfect school wand this is
It is a lovely little wand it does have that tiny little can’t lose it thing going on, however not sure how reliable it is on that, so you’ll have to role a D-6 to see how long it will take, If it lands on an even number than it will show up, if it is an odd number then wait next round. But it does work,
This is a high end wand with a nice look and well behaved for the most part, perfect for you’re little beginner, however this one has no limit on the level of spells it can cast, so the sky is the limit. It also has a built in blinder for some reason, not sure how I managed it, the cost in magic is 2 and you need to role a D-6, role an Odd number and it will blind all enemies for 6 seconds giving you just enough time to make a run for it. However if you role an even number only 2 of your opponents will be blinded for 6 hours. And the rest will be blinded for 6 seconds.
