Brittany Rainsdon - Author

Brittany Rainsdon - Author

Writer of speculative fiction stories and novels.

Photos from Brittany Rainsdon - Author's post 18/06/2023

Book signing was an absolute blast! Loved meeting new people, sharing stories, and talking about the contest. Lots of budding writers and artists in the area—and lots of love for speculative fiction :)

Award-winning Bettendorf author set for Davenport book signing 17/06/2023

Friends in the Quad cities should check this out tomorrow (Or even if you’re not in the Quad cities). I promise, it’ll be worth the trip ;)

Award-winning Bettendorf author set for Davenport book signing David Hankins of Bettendorf and Desmond Astaire of Marrquette Heights, Ill., winners in the International Writers of the Future Contest, will be featured at a book signing from noon until 3 p.m. Sa…

Blackfoot author wins 2nd place in international writing competition 16/06/2023

I had so much fun at this interview! Check it out…And come see me this Saturday at Barnes and Noble in Idaho Falls from 2-4.

Blackfoot author wins 2nd place in international writing competition Brittany Rainsdon walked to her seat in the back of her middle school band practice. She carried in one hand her music pages and her flute. In the other hand

Photos from Brittany Rainsdon - Author's post 08/08/2022

Well this was fun! While out with some of the kiddos for school shopping we also stopped by the local Barnes & Noble and saw these… so I signed a few copies. Yay!

Award winning authors to host book signing at Dolly's bookstore - TownLift, Park City News 27/07/2022

Looking forward to this tomorrow and meeting the incredibly talented ZT Bright 📚 📕 📖

Award winning authors to host book signing at Dolly's bookstore - TownLift, Park City News PARK CITY, Utah – This Thursday, July 28 at 7:00 p.m., a book signing at Dolly’s Bookstore will feature authors ZT Bright of North Salt Lake, Utah, and Brittany Rainsdon, […]


What?! Wow!!! I’m so thrilled my story made the finalist list for the Baen Fantasy Adventure Award!!! 🤯

Congratulations all!!! I see familiar names here and some very intriguing titles.


It’s here! You can finally get this anthology in paperback. It includes my sci-fi story, “The Last Dying Season” as well as many of my good friends’ stories. Yay! Hope you enjoy it ♥️ 📚

L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 38 Book Trailer 27/06/2022

Book goes live tomorrow!!!

L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 38 Book Trailer Get your copy at In the World of Science Fiction……this Anthology stands out for three reasons:The stories. The art. The extras. Wh...

Photos from Brittany Rainsdon - Author's post 10/06/2022

Something wonderful came in the mail…

Authors Services sent me a copy of the illustration for my story, “The Last Dying Season,” from Writers of the Future Volume 38!!! I think it’ll stay right next to the illustration of “Half-Breed” from Volume 37. They’re beautiful and I feel so lucky to have had art created for my stories 🥰

Two lovely pieces. My son approves!

Writers of the Future 2022 - Day 1 03/04/2022

Couldn’t make it to the event this year because of my brand-new baby, but I’ll be following along all week. Check out the faces of volume 38…

The workshop week includes interactive panels from luminaries in the field. They give story advice as well as professional. Then there’s the “24 hour story challenge.” Knowing about the challenge caused me great anxiety last year, but it turned out to be the best experience. I learned so much. 😊

This year there are so many friends to cheer and talented writers/artists to support. Follow along too. It’ll be epic 📕 🎨 ✏️

PS I can’t wait for the art reveal. I wonder what they’ve come up with for my story, “The Last Dying Season” 😊

I’m sure just like the rest of the workshop week, it’ll be magic 🪄

(Also, can we we take a moment and gawk at that cover art?! Squee!)

Hollywood welcomes the Writers & Illustrators of the Future! Here is Day One: the Writers of the Future winners have arrived and the workshop has started!

Tangent Online 2021 Recommended Reading List – Tangent Online 01/01/2022

This year has been frustrating and awesome and I feel like it’s flown by so fast!

Wulf Moon messaged me that BOTH of my stories published this year made tangent online’s recommended reading list. What?!? I ran online to check and…

🎨 “Perfectly Painted Lies” published by Deep Magic in Spring 2021, received a star ⭐️ in the short stories category.

🌳 “Half-Breed” published by Galaxy Press in Writers of the Future V37, received a star ⭐️ in the novelette category.

I am beside myself! -15994

Tangent Online 2021 Recommended Reading List – Tangent Online Tangent Online 2021 Recommended Reading List Friday, 31 December 2021 12:17 pmDecember 31, 2021 Posted byDave Truesdale Tangent Online 2021 Recommended Reading ListAs with previous years, this list is not meant as comprehensive, there being a number of items we didn’t see, especially at the novell...


That’s a pretty banner :)

How about that! Writers and Illustrators of the Future Volume just hit #1 in the Amazon SF Anthologies category.


Just finished with my first-ever TV interview with Local News 8, asking about my winning story in Writers of the Future Volume 37. Evan (who is running the story) said it’ll be on tonight! Wow! Hoping I was coherent ;)

Photos from Brittany Rainsdon - Author's post 01/11/2021

sent me some pictures of the week! How cool is this!!

Photos from Brittany Rainsdon - Author's post 23/10/2021

Just got back from the Writers and Illustrators of the Future event. Wow!!! What an evening! This was too cool ♥️


I fly to Hollywood on Saturday!!! Gahh!!!


Last chance for Volume 38. If you have a speculative fiction story, enter before midnight. You can’t win if you don’t enter 😉

OK, today's the day. Get your stories or your art submitted. Go to


Writers of the Future made a cool promotional video about volume 37. Can’t wait to see the artwork for the stories when those are revealed!

130. Brittany Rainsdon overcoming life issues to become an author 27/06/2021

I did a thing! My first podcast interview ❤️ 📚

Thanks for having me John and Writers and Illustrators of the Future! I had fun!

Have you heard '130. Brittany Rainsdon overcoming life issues to become an author' by Writers & Illustrators of the Future Podcast on SoundCloud?

130. Brittany Rainsdon overcoming life issues to become an author Brittany Rainsdon is a registered nurse, a young mother of four, and is working very hard at becoming a published author. She has won the Writers of the Future competition and is published in Deep Mag

Photos from Brittany Rainsdon - Author's post 11/06/2021

***Preorders are open! ***

Galaxy Press just revealed the cover last weekend for Writers of the Future Volume 37 and it is stunning!!! Wow!!! ✨ 🤩 ✨

This speculative fiction anthology contains my fantasy novelette entitled “Half-Breed” and I cannot wait to hold the physical book in my hands! Woo-hoo! ❤️ 📚


It came!

The Best of Deep Magic Volume 2 anthology is here! My words are in print and the book that holds them is in my hands. Gahhhh!!! What a feeling!!!

Check out this amazing author lineup: Jeanna Mason Stay, Author, Jeff Wheeler - author, Steve DeBois, KM Dailey, Alyssa Eckles, Charlie N. Holmberg, Larry Hinkle, Patrick Hurley, KD Julicher, Gerri Leen, Ken Liu, Wulf Moon, Brittany Rainsdon - Author, Anthony Ryan, Eric James Stone, Michael J Sullivan, Brendon Taylor, Christoph Weber, and Charity West

I am gobsmacked to be listed among these guys! What a gorgeous collection of stories! ❤️

The Best of Deep Magic: Anthology Two 24/05/2021

The Best of Deep Magic Volume 2 is here!

I'm so excited to be in this anthology. Check out that TOC! Jeff Wheeler, Charlie Holmberg, Ken Liu, Eric James Stone, and many more award-winning authors. AND I have several friends in there-- Charity West, Wulf Moon, Kate Julicher-- Gah! This is cool, guys! For clarity, the digital copy has been available a few days BUT, if you'd like a physical copy it just became available.

And you can order it here:

Happy reading (and writing!)

The Best of Deep Magic: Anthology Two The Best of Deep Magic: Anthology Two

When Belief Becomes Reality | Writers & Illustrators of the Future 14/05/2021

I wrote an article for the Writers of the Future blog. It’s about my journey with the contest and what I’ve learned from entering.

Happy writing everyone!

When Belief Becomes Reality | Writers & Illustrators of the Future One writer's journey from 10 year old dreamer to nurse to mother to author. When belief becomes reality - the power of positive influences.


It's official!

Congratulations to everyone who achieved honors! Actually, congratulations to all who entered, because writing a story and sending it in is an achievement too!!!

The 1st Qtr 2021 Writers of the Future Contest Winners have been announced. Congratulations to:
1st Place - Mike Jack Stoumbos from Washington,
2nd Place - Brittany Rainsdon from Idaho,
3rd Place - J.A. Becker from Australia
See all finalists and HMs at


⭐️ Incredibly, I have one last bit of writerly news⭐️

This morning I woke up to an email from the E-zine, Deep Magic, informing me that my story, "Perfectly Painted Lies” will be reprinted in their ‘Best Of’ anthology Volume 2! Wow! I am thrilled! This will be a paper printing, so friends who wanted a copy to hold—it’s coming out in about six months!!!

I love this magazine and I’m so excited to see who and which stories are in their lineup. I know it’s going to be good! ❤️

Photos from Brittany Rainsdon - Author's post 03/05/2021

***Guys, I know this sounds like an echo, but I promise, it’s not.***

I’ve been entering The Writers of the Future Contest for exactly four years. Sixteen entries. I’ve earned every certification—Even PUBLISHED FINALIST in Volume 37. (For clarity, I didn’t “WIN” Writers of the Future with that story, but I DID win a trip to Hollywood and professional payment for my story to appear in their award-winning anthology. Because I didn’t place, I could continue to enter until I won or pro’d out)

Just over a week ago, I received a phone call notifying me I made it to finalist for the FOURTH time. This made me a finalist in back-to-back quarters and I had all the jitters. I felt like I was holding my breath all week.

Yesterday I got the follow-up phone call with results and...




This is a high I’ll ride for a while. Winning means I get prize money, ANOTHER trip to Hollywood complete with workshop and gala, and payment for my story which will be included in a gorgeous anthology! Writers of the Future Volume 38! Back-to-Back anthologies. For the record, that has been done before, but rarely. Eric James Stone was a Published Finalist in Volume 20 and Winner in 21, and Ron Collins was a Published Finalist in Volume 14 and Winner in 15. I am happy to join such good company.

My husband, kids, and I went out to eat, and later shared glasses of sparkling apple cider. We thoroughly enjoyed the evening!

Guys, I can hardly believe it.

Two and a half years ago, my mentor, Wulf, told me to write “Belief Becomes Reality” on a sticky note and put it by my computer. There were many ups and downs since then. Many times I felt like I couldn’t make it or keep going. But positive influences in the form of thoughtful mentors, kind -but honest- critique groups, and good friends helped me stay on the path. Yesterday, I felt like that sticky note came true. Belief became reality. I’m astounded.

Whatever your dreams are, keep dreaming.

Whatever your trials, keep trying.

Surround yourself with good people.

And never quit!


*****Long post alert. If you want the short version, scroll down to where there are ALL CAPS******

As a kid, I devoured books. Things like Ender’s Game, A Wrinkle in Time, the Narnia series, and Harry Potter. They were magic. I wanted to make magic too. From elementary to high school, I’d stay up late writing stories and terrible poetry. I dreamed of writing novels…

I went to college. Became a registered nurse. Got married. Had kids. Time was always short and I never pursued those dreams. But every once in a while, the aspirations of my ten-year-old self bubbled up. I still wanted to be a writer. About five years ago I took the plunge.

I joined Facebook critique groups—thank you Cleverly and Inkstains. I learned to write, exchanged stories, and took a few classes about where to submit work. I discovered the Writers of the Future contest and found it is THE contest for new writers because it can launch their careers. I made a goal to enter. I wanted to win.

Four years ago, with bright eyes and all the hope in the world, I wrote my first short story. I took aim at the Writers of the Future target and… missed. Rejected.

I notched my arrow and tried again.

And again.

Some got closer. Nothing stuck.

I joined the Writers of the Future forum. One of the forumites, Dustin, challenged us to not miss a quarter. I was committed, but then I got pregnant. That was hard. During my last trimester (which lined up with the last quarter of that year) I ended up writing much of my entry in the hospital after giving birth. A few months later—and to my utter shock--the contest director called me and said that story had made finalist! I thought it must be a fluke. A week or so later, she called again to say I hadn’t won. But you know what? I felt exhilarated.

I wrote another story and made finalist the very next quarter!

I didn’t win.

But it felt a little less like a fluke.

Wulf Moon reached out to me, invited me and the rest of the forumites to be a part of his workshop called, “Super Secrets.” I had had a bit of an inside scoop before they became public, simply because Wulf had given me some assignments the previous quarter. He is a wonderful mentor and I am incredibly grateful for him. I know his secrets helped me make my second finalist (and continue to help me now).

I joined the workshop.

I kept taking aim at the Writers of the Future target. I wasn’t getting flat rejections anymore, but the arrows weren’t sticking either. The next year Wulf encouraged us to submit work to other markets in addition to Writers of the Future. I started strong…but then a health scare blew me out of the water. For about a month it felt like I was walking through water. For months, I couldn’t focus. I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t write. But by the end of each quarter, I stubbornly wrote something new, subbing even if I barely made it in. After a few procedures, (and a few bumps), things turned around and I started to feel myself again. I recommitted myself and started writing hard…

…Just in time for Covid to hit. Like everyone else with small children, I suddenly become a homeschool teacher (mad respect for those in education. You rock!). I struggled to write, but every quarter I still submitted something to the contest, even if I had to revise and resub something old.

I kept missing the mark.

It started to get to me.

But then friends started to reach out. “Do you have a story ready this quarter?” “Are you working on something? I’ll crit for you.” The Wulf pack I’d stepped away from during the health scare became even more invaluable (and remains so now). They breathed hope and life back into me. What a difference that made!

In-person learning began. I had more time, but I was rusty. I made semifinalist during Quarter Three. During Quarter Four, I made finalist again…And I lost by a hair. Fourth place. That was hard because I felt I’d given everything I had to that story. I didn’t know if I could ever top it, and if that didn’t win, I was beginning to doubt I ever could.

But a few weeks later Joni called again—which was strange because I hadn’t even subbed a story yet. Turns out the anthology was being compiled and even though I’d lost, they still wanted to publish my story and fly me out to Hollywood! I would go as a published finalist. What an honor! I was thrilled. A month and a half later, Deep Magic emailed me. They wanted to publish one of my stories! I was beside myself. My writing was feeling far from fluke-y now.

And last weekend I just got another phone call.



WHAT!? Perhaps fourth time’s a charm?

I am incredibly grateful for friends who lifted me up when I came close to quitting. They didn’t know the impact of their words and support, but I assure you, it changed my direction. I am so happy I continued to submit, even when I felt deflated and creatively empty. Because wow! As low as I felt then, this feels so high.

Results should come in the next few days and while I hope to win, I can look back now and see my results are not a fluke. I’m going to make it as a writer, even if this story doesn’t. How do I know?

Because I’ll get back up and try again.

And again.

And again.

Fingers crossed!

(PS Judging is blind. I can't answer any questions about my story until final results, but I still thought this was worth celebrating 🙂 )


This story is beautiful! Recommended on Tor’s reading list. Check it out ❤️

🍰 The Best Chocolate Cake has a Touch of Bitter by Alice Towey 🎂

This lovely story has Hogwarts vibes. But it's Beauxbatons and ... not everyone is excited to attend. But, what does one risk if they pick a different path?

Dive into this sneak peek!

MARIGOLD FOLDED HER arms and checked that she had all the ingredients on the counter: flour, sugar, butter, eggs, buttermilk, a basket of fresh berries, and lastly, the richest, darkest baking chocolate she could find.

That was everything. Good—she wouldn’t have to leave the house until the cake was finished and it was time for the midsummer feast. Marigold didn’t want to run into anyone who might ask her why she wasn’t at school for the entrance exams. And she certainly didn’t want to run into Juliet.

The thought of her best friend caused a physical pain—a tightening that started in Marigold’s stomach and spread through her body, tensing her shoulders and clenching her hands into fists. She remembered last night’s argument, and the fact that Juliet was almost certainly leaving town tonight, and she thought she might start crying again.

She shook her head and wiped nascent tears from her eyes. She had already spent half the night sobbing, and today she had work to do if she wanted to finish this cake in time. She tied her apron around her waist and reached for her measuring cups.

Grab this heartfelt, fast-paced, magical story, plus for more! >>

Must-Read Speculative Short Fiction: March 2021 13/04/2021

So this is cool! Congratulations Alice Towey for making Tor’s must-read list!!!!

Must-Read Speculative Short Fiction: March 2021 A new batch of awesome short speculative fiction coming your way! March delivered a ton of narratively innovative short stories, several of which earned a spot on this list. I also have for you tal…


*FB Live with Jeff Wheeler with a giveaway of Terry Brooks' "Small Magic" and tons of announcements!*

If you haven't checked out Deep Magic's latest news, listen to this. Great things are in the works!

And extra cool--Jeff mentions my story! WOWZA!
I'm so proud that Deep Magic is my first publishing credit. I hope some of you are able to pick up a copy of the Spring issue. It won't disappoint! :)